Ecology Unit 135 Points Objectives: How How How How ***Make sure to give thorough and thoughtful responses for these questions*** do limiting factors affect population growth? does energy flow through ecosystems? do nutrients cycle through ecosystems? are organisms interdependent? Level C: Classwork and Homework Points Earned: ______/70 Possible Earned 20 10 8 Required Biology Final Exam Review Packet Listen and participate in all lectures-Submit Notes **Write out and answer all objective questions Section 1: Choose a minimum of TWO of the following Ecology Definitions Marine Food Web Food Webs and Energy Pyramids Communities Coloring Sheet Section 2: Choose a minimum of TWO of the following Rabbit Graphing Limiting Factors Ecology Review Practice Packet Section 3: Choose a minimum of TWO of the following Invasive Species Case Study Cycles and Succession Review Article Review Carbon Footprint Assignment Due 3/9-3/11 3/9 3/9 Level B: Labs Points Earned: _______/35 Due Possible Earned 15 2/23-25 10 2/26-27 5 3/6 Required Food Web Project Isle Royale Lab Pollution Graph 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/26 5 5 5 5 3/2 3/2 3/2 5 5 10 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 5 5 4 3 Optional Lab-Pick One of the Following Recycling City Global Warming Web Lab 3/9 3/9 Level A: Assessment 5 5 Points Earned: ________/30 DUE POSSIBLE EARNED 30 3/10 Ecology Unit Quiz Grades: 0-80 = F, 81-94 = D, 95-107 = C, 108-121= B, 122-135 = A (Ranges are given-pluses and minuses will follow the class grading scale) *You may choose to do up to 10 points of extra assignments for extra credit towards your overall grade. (Choose from Level C) Vocabulary: Producer Consumer Decomposer Abiotic Factors Biotic Factors Limiting Factors Carrying Capacity Ecosystems Exponential/Logistic Growth Population Density Succession Food Chain Food Web Ecological Pyramids ** Must be completed in order to receive credit for this unit Carbon Cycle Water Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorous Cycle Total: ________________/135 points