English Class Rules and Procedures

English Class Guidelines and
This includes
• Absolutely NO talking while I am talking
• Respecting others in class
• Please no smart comments during class on
what we are studying, what is said, etc., and
please no talking back; please answer with
“yes,” and see me after class with a problem
You will receive ONE warning before a referral
• 10 passes for the entire semester
• Must give me a pass to go to the restroom or locker
(includes getting water or tissue)
• No pass = no leaving the room
• Limit = two passes per week
• For each pass left at the end of the semester, you will
receive one point added to a test grade (10 possible
• Bring all materials/assignments to class everyday
(books, pencils, pens, etc.)
• Do NOT leave them in here
• Leaving books in locker = a pass to borrow one from
Ms. Pournelle if she has any in the room
• Leaving assignments in locker = a pass to retrieve
• A book cover for textbooks would be NICE
Materials (continued)
• Borrow from a friend
Make-Up Work
• YOU must make up work within 3 days of excused absences
• Unexcused absences = 0; only 7 parent notes allowed and then
assignments will count as 0s
• More than 10 unexcused absences = you cannot get your driver’s license
• Quizzes and tests will more than likely have to be made up after school
• Ask a group member about handouts, and see the “Make-Up Work
Station” in my room as well
• Check your period’s envelope for any handouts you missed (YOU MAY
• SIGN UP with me to make up tests/quizzes after school! During one-act
season (August, September, and October), you will need to come on
Fridays or during another period of the day; talk to me to set this up
during these months.
• Find a reliable friend you can count on for notes
• I WILL NOT ASK YOU for work. Go to a group member FIRST; you may
come to me with additional questions.
Class Discussion
• Raise your hand and be acknowledged before
• Show respect for others’ opinions
Starting Class
• Tardy = Not in the class room BEFORE the bell
• 3 tardies = write-up
• Bell = NO TALKING, in seats, copying and
completing warm-up (either model sentence,
Power Writing, OR Journal)
Exemption Policies at VHS
• If you have missed more than 3 days, you cannot
• If you have more than 3 tardies, you cannot exempt.
• To exempt, you must meet the absence and tardy
requirements and have at least a 75.
• You cannot exempt the same exam both semesters.
• EOCTs (Georgia Milestones) cannot be exempted.
• If your class has a Milestone, you will still have some
sort of comprehensive test during final exam days.
Warm-Up: Model Sentences
• Keep in Model Sentences section of your notebooks to keep
with you
• When the bell rings, you must write the following on your
Model Sentence page:
– The DATE
– The sentence
• Follow directions for that day (you will have the same
sentence all week)
• Model Sentences will be timed
• I will regularly check for completion/effort and will take up
some weeks for a grade.
Power Writing
• Power Writing will be kept in a section of your notebook that you keep
with you
• There will not be a Power Writing every day, but if there is, the topic will
be on the board and will usually deal with the literature we are reading.
• Power Writings will be timed.
• At the end of the time, you will count your words; the goal is to increase
your word count each time we complete a Power Writing.
• Power Writing will be taken up at the end of the semester for a QUIZ
• Power Writing must include the following:
– The date (these will be checked and graded by date, so PLEASE
include that!)
– A full paragraph
– The number of words written at the end of each paragraph.
Anchor Journals
• Anchor Journals will be kept in a separate section of your
• You will receive a list of topics and will work on these
throughout the entire semester.
• An “anchor activity” is any activity that you work on when
finished with the day’s class work (you should never have
time to just sit).
• You will choose 60-75 journals from the Anchor Journal list
(you will receive the specific number of journals you must
choose when you receive the list).
• You will write a FULL paragraph (at least 4-5 sentences) on
each topic.
• Your Anchor Journal will be taken up at the end of the
semester for a TEST GRADE (date to be announced).
• MOST homework will be READING outside of class.
• I will assign pages or chapters to read, and you will have a
READING CHECK the next day as a homework grade.
• These CANNOT be made up. If you do not read and don’t
know the answers, the grade stands.
• Any homework assignment that we go over in class the day
it’s due CANNOT be made up.
• Any assignment that we do not go over (essays, etc.), you will
be allowed ONE day to turn it in late for a 75. Indian Café this
year will be given on an individual basis by each teacher.
• For major assignments (essays, projects, etc.), you will be
allowed ONE day to turn them in late. Points for promptness
will be deducted on the rubric.
• Complete an assignment I have for you on the board, or. .
• READ!!!!
• READ!!!
• READ!!!
• I NEVER want to see you sitting at your desk doing
nothing, putting your head down, OR working on any
work (reading, homework, etc.) from any other class (I
• If you don’t have an assignment, ALWAYS get out a book
of your own, or GO GET A BOOK OR FROM THE SHELF!
Class Participation Grades
• Each Monday, you will start with a 100 for the week in Power School
(grade book) for class participation.
• Each day you will get to keep 20 points, and your 100 will become
permanent on Friday if you participate in class every day.
• You will receive deductions to your 100 for the following:
– Not paying attention or not knowing where we are when Ms. Pournelle calls
on you
– Putting your head down in class or sleeping in class
– Consistently not having materials (pencils, books, study guides, worksheets,
– Not having attempted your warm-up when Ms. Pournelle comes around to
check (Model Sentences, Power Writing, Journals)
– Not helping your group when we are working together
– Not fully participating in PALS reading when assigned
– Not completing silent reading assignments and reading guides
– Not working on your Anchor Journal or any other assigned Anchor Activity if
you finish early
– Texting or looking at your phone during class
– Reading/working on something not pertaining to this class
– Any other lack of participation that Ms. Pournelle sees
Ms. Pournelle does not want to see…
• Cell phones, text messaging, iPods, CD players, ear buds (even in
ALL) etc. (School policy: Cell phones will be taken up if they are
seen IN CLASS.
– 1ST offense = taken for the day
– 2nd offense and above = taken for a week (You may use them before and
after school, at lunch, and between classes!)
Students out of dress code = trip to the office/referral
Food, drink, or gum in class
Applying make-up in class, brushing hair, looking in compacts, etc.
Completing work, reading textbooks, etc. from OTHER classes.
The work will be taken up.
CHEATING (punishable by a zero and/or an immediate write-up) –
no mercy
Getting out of desks without permission (Please stay seated until
the bell rings.)
Packing up before given permission
Spraying cologne, perfume, or ANY scented spray/lotion!!!!
• All grades are out of 100 points
– Class work, homework, and participation = 22%
– Quizzes, minor essays, and minor projects = 23%
– Tests, major essays, major projects,
Recitations, research = 35%
- Final Exam/Milestones
= 20%
Groups will…
be set for the 1st 9 weeks (maybe longer)
work together in class on some assignments
Work on some projects
Compete for points with review games
Sticky-Note Bonuses!
• I often award sticky-note bonuses. These can be
given out for winning a group competition,
listening, following instructions, participating in
class, etc.
• If you receive a sticky-note bonus, I will specify if
it can be used on a test grade or a quiz grade; you
can save it and stick it on whatever test or quiz
you want throughout the semester (these cannot
be used on essays).
Test Re-dos
• I will allow you to re-do one test per semester.
• You must choose whether or not you want to
re-do the test within five days of me returning
your grade to you.
• Once those five days pass, you cannot re-do
the test, and once you re-do a test, you
cannot re-do another one. Choose wisely!
• This applies to tests only, not quizzes.
Remind 101
• Don’t depend on it!!
• I will use it sometimes, not all the time!
• All parents and students, send a text to this
number: 912-386-0383
• 10th grade: type @vhs10 as the text and send
• 9th grade honors: type @vhs9 as the text and
send it
As a review, remember that . . .