Short Story Info

Short Story Unit
English 9
The stories we will be reading are:
A Sound of Thunder (38-51)
The Most Dangerous Game (60-80)
Daughter of Invention (86-96)
The Gift of Magi (102-108)
The Necklace (224-233)
The Cask of Amontillado (372-379)
The Scarlet Ibis (462-475)
 I can find and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of the reading
 I can draw inferences about the story based on what I read and my own, personal
 I can determine the theme of the text but studying the details in the story
 I can analyze how characters develop over the course of the story
 I can use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words
 I can recognize literary devices in the story
 I can identify the point of view and/or cultural experience
 I can organize my writing in a clear manner, using specific evidence from the text to
support my ideas
 Work collaboratively with your group to read, annotate, discuss, and understand the
 Complete the work that is assigned to you
Grade Breakdown:
 10% Group Evaluation (Did fair share of the work)
 10% Teacher Evaluation (Stayed on task, read, completed the work, participated in
group discussion)
 30% Roles/Work (Accuracy, Quality, Complete)
 50% Test (Over all the short stories and vocabulary)
1) Literary Extraordinaire – completes the packet for the story, addressing the literary
devices and story elements from class notes.
2) Information Seeker – completes the tasks related to the story.
3) Word Wizard – finds at least 5 vocabulary words unknown to them or their group
 FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS FOR FULL CREDIT: write the vocabulary word,
then write the full sentence the word was used in during the short story, and
then using context clues, define the word and explain why you think it means
that. Looking it up in the dictionary results in a zero.
 Example: melancholy (vocab word)
After his mom died he was melancholy for at least three months (short
story sentence)
We believe the word melancholy means extreme sadness because that is
a typical emotion to have when someone close to you dies (context clue
4) Crafty Connector – connects the story to personal lives/experiences, to the world (news,
events happening, etc.), and to other texts (short stories, poems, novels, etc.). You must
have at least two connections for each (self, world, text).
5) Artful Adventurer – illustrates the story in a creative way, relating to the theme, plot,
characters, and so forth. This could be a drawing, a collage, a poster, etc. Simply drawing
in pencil on a piece of notebook paper will not get you credit. You must put thought and
effort into this. Be creative, be colorful!
**You will switch roles for every story!
**If your group has less than 5 people in it, you will need to assign someone more than one
role. This should change for each story, meaning no one person is taking on two roles for every
Journal Writing:
Every student will keep a journal for this unit. This will go under your writing section of your
notebook. As you begin each story, you will write at least ½ a page addressing the essential
question to the story.
 You are responsible for keeping up with the reading and the assignments. What you do
not finish in class will be for homework. Follow the schedule. If there are any changes to
the schedule, I will let you know!
 Although the stories can be found online, if you need to take a book home to finish for
homework, you must sign one out with Ms. Spector!
 There will be a final test at the end of the unit! We will also do some creative writing!
 If you are absent, look online and read the story to prepare to catch up the following
day. If you are constantly absent, you will be working independently! Remember
unexcused absences and tardies (or skipping) results in a zero for work missed and no
 If you know ahead of time you’ll be absent, ask Ms. Spector and your group what
assignment you need to complete.
 If there are behavior issues, not working at all, or other concerns, you will be working
independently = 5 roles, 7 stories = 35 assignments! WORK WELL AND WISELY!
 Ms. Spector has the right to switch groups or have you work independently!
 Your options:
o Print out handouts to complete and turn in
o Type up answers on the computer and email/share to Ms. Spector
o Write on a piece of paper and turn in (LABEL CAREFULLY)