English 9 Vocabulary Lesson 21 Words from Spanish Vocabulary List 1) Aficionado 6) Hacienda 2) Bonanza 7) Junta 3) Bravado 8) Peccadillo 4) Embargo 9) Peon 5) Flotilla 10)Renegade Aficionado (noun) a) A fan; an enthusiastic admirer EX. Melanie is an aficionado of the sport of water polo and enjoys cheering for her favorite team. Bonanza (noun) a) b) A source of wealth or luck A rich mine EX. The hit play was a box-office bonanza that made its author and producers rich. Bravado (noun) a) False bravery; swaggering courage EX. Simon was merely displaying bravado in challenging the champion to a game. Embargo (noun; verb) a) b) c) A government order preventing or prohibiting trade with a given nation A prohibition To impose an embargo upon EX. The American embargo against importing Cuban sugar is long-standing. Flotilla (noun) a) b) A small fleet A small group resembling a small fleet of ships EX. The flotilla of Christopher Columbus included the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. Hacienda (noun) a) b) A large estate, ranch, or plantation The main house of such an estate EX. The Gutierrezes are very wealthy and easily maintain a large hacienda near Cuernavaca. Junta (noun) a) A group of rulers, particularly one seizing power after the overthrow of a government EX. After years of careful planning, the junta seized power and ruled for many years. Peccadillo (noun) a) A small fault or transgression EX. “I don’t criticize his peccadillos because my own faults are enormous,” Larry admitted. Peon (noun) a) An unskilled laborer; a farm worker EX. For very little money, peons were expected to work long hours in the hot sun. Renegade (noun) a) A traitor or outlaw; a rebel EX. The Whigs considered Lord Cavendish a renegade for voting with the Tories.