Closing Remarks

6th China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium
May 16-20, 2006, Shanghai
Subjects: A. Dripline Nuclei
B. Nuclear Astrophysics
C. Super-Heavy Elements
D. Hyper Nuclei
E. High Spin States
F. Nuclear Structure
G. Heavy Ion Reaction
H. Instrumentations,
Applications, Accelerator projects
I. Hadron Physics and QGP 7+3
5 days, 64 talks + discussion session
I have participated all the Japan-China symposiums except the first one.
1. 2nd China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium on Recent Topics of
Nuclear Physics, Beijing (China),
August 29 ~ September 2, 1994.
Talk:“ Study of Nuclear Structure and Collisions with Antisymmetrized
Molecular Dynamics “.
2. 3rd Japan-China Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium, Sendai and Niigata
July 24 ~ 29, 1997.
Organizing Comm..
3. 4th China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium, Lanzhou (China),
July 31 ~ August 2, 2000.
Organizing Comm.,
Talk:“ Clustering in Neutron-Rich Nuclei ”。
4. 5th Japan-China Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium, Fukuoka (Japan),
March 7~10 , 2004.
Organizing Comm., Session-Chair.
Chinese talkers in middle generation (30’s and 40’s) have increased
in number.
10 years ago, Profs. Yu-Gang Ma and Jie Meng were really young , and
Prof. Bao-An Li was working hard in US as a postdoc. Almost no people older
than them up to 50’s.
Now, professors in the same generation as Prof. Ma are leading the
nuclear physics communinity of China, and the activity of it is now
supported by many young scientists.
Maybe, the number of talks this time is the largest in this series of symposia.
This time the symposium is for 5 days, one day longer than previous ones.
It is partly due to the inclusion of the new subject ‘quark hadron physics ‘,
but mainly it reflects the increased young activities mainly in the Chinese
The umbalance of the number of talkers from China and Japan for the
same subject does not necessarily reflect the umbalance of the number of
the actual scientists for that subject. This problem has been present
from early time but for me it seems to be reduced this time.
My talk is not a summary talk of the 64 talks given here.
My talk is to give a concluding ramarks and so my stress may be larger on
some selected number of talks,
but it does not mean that the others are not worth mentioning with stress.
A. Dripline Nuclei
A. Ozawa :
‘reaction cross sections of unstable nuclei’
matter distribution: neutron halo and skin
14-19C, 14Be and 14,15B at RIBLL (IMP)
strong collaboration with China
T. Nakamura: ‘invariant-mass spectroscopy of neutron halo nuclei’
11Li = 9Li + di-neutron
resolution of discrepancies among three Lab.’s.
di-neutron condensation ? HFB
K. Matsuta :
‘nuclear moments of mirror pairs’
large isoscalar <σ> for T=3/2 (9C, 9Li)
no theory reproduced it
μ, β-ft value → <Sp>, <Sn>, <lp>, <ln>
Kun Wang : 23Al and neighboring nuclei (RIKEN)
σR and momentum distribution dominant d-wave
Cui-E Wu :
Dang-Yang Pang :
1n, 2n, 3n removal σ (RIKEN)
9Be(6He, 9Be)6He
5/2 ?
component >> shell model
Experimental data
by Nakamura
K.Hagino and H.Sagawa,
Phys.Rev.C 72, 044321
HFB calculation
M.Matsuo et al.
Shu-Wei Xu :
near proton dripline in rare-earth region,
βdelayed p-decay
Fu-Rong Xu : Skyrme HF for N=7 isotones → large deformation
9He deformed ?
Variety of studies for dripline nuclei
σR , removal σ
breakup reactions
magnetic moments
dilute nuclear matter as halo and skin
strongly correlated structures ?
di-neutron cluster : not ordinary cluster,
existent by Borromean effect
very fragile cluster
BCS-BEC cross-over
B. Nuclear Astrophysics
S. Kubono :
‘experimental study of stellar reactions at CNS’
review talk direct approach with low-energy RIB to stellar reactions
SHARAQ PA CRIB ( review od CNS by Kubono and Shimoura )
K. Sumiyoshi :
‘core-collapse supernovae, neutron stars, black holes,
and unstable nuclei’
from nuclear structure to macroscopic astrophysics
EOS table constrained by unstable nuclear data
K=281, Asym=36.9
H. Utsunomiya : ‘photo-nuclear reactions in astrophysics’
35 n-deficient nuclei from 74Se to 196Hg ← photonuclear reaction
photodisintegration cross section measurement at AIST
K. Sagara :
‘direct measurement of 12C+4He →16O+γ’
10 year preparation with Kyushu Univ. tandem
threshold cluster states
Bing Guo :
neutron ANC from (d, p) → proton ANC → (p, γ)
direct measurement of 11C(p,γ )12N at TRIUMF
Nuclear physics → astrophysics
cross section measurements and calculations
calculations are also very elaborate and need new ideas
for nuclear structure and reaction calculations
EOS table : constrained by nuclear data including unstable nuclei
density-dependence of symmetry energy from nucleus-nucleus collisions
Astrophysics → nuclear physics famous example : Hoyle state in 12C
( Bose condensation of 3 α)
Clustering in dilute nuclear matter
1. Di-neutron condensation in neutron skin/halo of neutron-rich nuclei
2. αcluster condensation in near-proton-dripline nuclei ?
α cluster condensation in neutron-richer nuclei ?
Gas-like states formed
by clusters
100 MeV
nucleon gas
α condensed state
(Hoyle state)
10 MeV
0 MeV
ground state
Bose condensation
into lowest orbit
Y. Funaki,
A. Tohsaki,
H. Horiuchi,
P. Schuck,
G. Roepke
C. Super-Heavy Elements
K. Morimoto: ‘synthesis of the heaviest elements at RIKEN’
celebrated discovery of A = 113, 2 events until now, ~30 fb
GARIS(gas-filled recoil separator)
prospect : 283114 - 290117
Y. Nagame:
‘chemical and nuclear studies of the heaviest elements at JAEA’
relativistic effects may cause drastic change of electron configuration
chemistry on ‘atom-at-a-time’ basis
studies of Rf(Z=104)
future study of Db in collaboration with IMP
Hu-Shan Xu : Heavy element study at IMP, status and prospects
265Bh, 259Db were synthesized
future collaborations with RIKEN, GSI, Dubna
Zhi Qin : ‘preparation of gas-chemistry of Dubnium at IMP’
discussion of 259Db and 265Bh produced at IMP rotatory multi-detector arrays
Feng-Shou Zhang : ImQMD for synthesis of superheavy nuclei
shell correction (deformed two-center shell model) , surface energy
48Ca+208Pb, 238U
O+O, Ca+Ca
Zhong-Zhou Ren : ‘structure and decay of superheavy nuclei’
shape coexistence superdeformation
( deformed ) density-dependent cluster model of α-decay
D. Hyper Nuclei
( Strangeness Nuclear Physics )
E. Hiyama : ‘S=-2 hypernuclei’
3-body and 4-body studies
α+ x +Λ+Λ ; x = n, p, d, t, 3He ΛΛforce ←ΛΛ6He
NNΞ, NNΞΞ, αΞN, ααtΞ are possible to be bound
M. Iwasaki : ‘Kaonic atoms and nuclei’ Λ(1405)=K- + p (Akaishi-Yamazaki)
strange tribaryon S0(3115)T=1
( K- 4He )atomic → S0(3115) + p
search for isospin partner
high density nuclei
H.I. collisions
E. High Spin States
E. Ideguchi : ‘high spin states with stable and unstable nuclear beams’
various excitation modes of Z ~ 50
high spin states of 197I
deformed structure at high-spin states in 48Ca and 50Ti
M. Matsuzaki : ‘wobbling motion of superdeformed nuclei’
1-phonon and 2-phon excitations of the wobbling motion were observed
RPA study of wobbling mode quasi-particle alignment effect for rotation
Sheng-Jiang Zhu : high-spin states in 136,137La, 148Ce, 105Mo
CIAE : La N=79,80 weak collectivity
Lawrence-Berkeley : Ce (octupole def.) Mo (1- and 2-phonon states of γvib.)
Sheng-Yu Zhu : g-factor of high-spin states of 83Y (Z=39, N=44)
proton g9/2 alignment followed by neutron g9/2 alignment
F. Nuclear Structure
S. Shimoura : ‘spectroscopy with RI’
various experimental techniques of direct reactions developed for RIB
several examples such as 12Be(α,α’)
SHARAQ: high resolution for example 3,4n, 6,7H
A. Tamii :
‘spin-flip excitations with (p, p’) at 0 degree ’
Review of RCNP activities very high resolution
K. Sekiguchi : ‘three-nucleon force’
in ab-initio structure calculations, 3N force is very important
spin observables
H. Toki :
‘chiral mean-field model for finite nuclei’
chiral symmetry, role of pion, parity-charge-violated mean field
T. Nakatsukasa : ‘nuclear dynamics with time-dependent description’
novel approach to nuclear structure and reaction
Y. Utsuno :
‘large-scale shell model calculation’
disappearance of magic number, correlation energy+narrowing shell gap,
monopole interaction due to tensor force
Zhong-Yu Ma : ‘giant and pygmy resonances’
RMF, RRPA, proper treatment of resonant continuum,
incompressibility and symmetry energy
You-Bao Wang : βdecay of n-rich 114-118Pd , 116-120Cd
shape-transition region
5 levels of 3-phonon states in Cd isotopes
Jin-Dong Bao : friction effect on neutron emission in fission
Langevin equation for fission
Yu-Min Zhao : ‘shell model with random interactions’
regularities by random interactions,
spin zero dominance in ground states, collectivity
Jie Meng : ‘time-odd triaxial relativistic mean field’
light odd-mass nuclei near double closed shell μmoments
Shan-Gui Zhou : deformed HFB for exotic nuclei
Woods-Saxon base
G. Heavy Ion Reaction
K. Hagino : ‘large-angle quasi elastic’
fusion barrier distribution: Dfus(E)= d2(Eσfus)/dE2
quasi-elastic barrier distribution: Dqe(E)= –d(σqe(E, π)/σR(E, π))/dE
Dqe(E) is suitable for unstable nuclei
Zu-Hua Liu : exp. study of Dfus(E), Del(E) and Dqe(E)
Legnaro : 48Ca (32S) + 90,96Zr
CIAE : 6,7Li + 208Pb
Bao-An Li : ‘from earth to heaven’
EOS of n-rich matter, density deoendence of symmetry energy
isospin and momentum dependent transport eq.
masses and radii of netron stars are studied by using heavy-ion collision
data analyses
Zhu-Xia Li : ‘elliptic flow of H and He at medium high energies’
ImQMD05, excitation function of elliptic flow, soft EOS
Yu-Gang Ma : ‘coalescence and scaling of elliptic flow’
anisotropic flows of clusters
isospin-dependent QMD 86Kr + 124Sn
nucleon-number scaling for anisotropic flow and momentum-space density
can be understood by coalescence mechanism
Jian-Song Wang : size, temperature, and n/p ratio of initial interaction zone
are derived from detected neutron and charged particle multiplicities
measure of impact parameters and number of participant nucleons
H. Instrumentations, Applications, Accelerator Projects
M. Wada : ‘slow RI beam at RIKEN RIBF’
SLOWRI universal slow RIB facility
S. Jeong :
‘diffusion exp. with short-lived radiotracer 8Li’
TRIAC ( RI accelerator complex at JAEA )
H. Sakurai : ‘physics opportunities at RIKEN RIBF’
review (RIBF) Phase-I, Phase-II (SHARAQ, SAMURAI, SLOWRI, ...... )
T. Nagae :
‘physics programs at J-PARC’
review (J-PARC) strangeness nucl. Phys. (S=-1, -2 hyper nuclei)
T. Hotta :
‘laser electron photon exp. at SPring-8’
review (LEPS) pentaquark Θ+
CLAS(Jlab) vs LEPS
LEPS2 ( new beam line project )
Jin-Gen Chen/
Wang Xu :
‘status report on SLEGS’ early stage of construction
SLEGS ( Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source )
Xin Dong : ‘time of flight detector for RHIC/STAR’
Guo-Qing Xiao : ‘status of CSR and RIB lines’ IMP CSR (cooling storage ring)
CSRm: 2.8 GeV (p), 1.1 GeV/A (12C), 520 MeV/A ( U72+ )
Zhi-Gang Xiao : ‘programs at HIRFL-CSRm’
internal and external target exp. Hplus ( hadron quark physics )
Wei-Ping Liu : ‘physics programs at CIAE’
nuclear astrophysics,
BRIF project proton cyclotron, ISOL, superconducting LINAC
I. Hadron Physics and QGP
A. Hosaka : ‘photo productions of baryon resonances and pentaquarks’
γ+ N → K + Y , Y = Λ(1520) or pentaquark(Θ+)
difference between LEPS and Jlab exp. conditions
Y. Miake :
‘azimuthal anisotropy and QGP’
early stage of collisions
T. Hirano :
‘perfect fluidity of QGP ?’
azimuthal anisotropy (elliptic flow) , is perfect fluidity discovered or not ?
Peng-Fei Zhuang : strongly coupled quark-meson-diquark plasma
Jin-Hui Chen :
Φ-meson and strange quark dynamics
Lie-Wen Chen : dynamical quark-coalescence for Φand Ω production at RHIC
Fan Wang : lattice study of QCD vacuum
Guo-Liang Ma : azimuthal correlation of hadrons in partonic transport model
Bing-Song Zou :
pentaquark components in baryons
Qun Wang : neutrino emission in color superconducting quark matter
Wei-Zhou Jiang : magnetic susceptibility of collapsed stars in hadron and quak
We heard in many talks about strong collaborations of Japan and China scientists:
for example
exp.: RIKEN and IMP
theor. Shen-EOS
China-Japan symposium series have contributed to it largely
We also heard about some future possible collaborations of China and Japan
for example
in both nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry sides
We had a discussion session nicely chaired by Toki-san about the China-Japan
Sakurai-san, Ye-san, and Ren-san gave us nice review of the present situation of
China-Japan collaborations up to now and also future possible collaborations.
Q1 Research collaboration with Chinese researchers for last 5 years?
collaboration budget
proton resonance scattering
total reaction cross section
nuclear theory
Jpn.Gov. (students)
南海大-RCNP Jpn. Grad-in-Aid
Hokkaido through IAEA
CIAE-Tsukuba Tsukuba-Univ.
MEXT Atomic E.
nuclear data group
science on short lived isotopes
RIB physics
Q2 Accept Chinese post-doctoral fellows for last 5 years?
number of fellows
MEXT Atomic-E.
Proposed Experimental Collaboration
from China Side
Cooperation on facility development
Possible participation of experiments with Big-RIPS
and CSR complex
Possible participation of experiment with RIPS
Possible participation of experiments with CRIB
Possible cooperation on the research for superheavy nuclei
Possible cooperation on Photonuclear physics
Possible cooperation on detection technology
Summary (1)
China side: we had good collaboration.
Possible work for future collaboration:
Visits among physicists with common interests
Participations of related conferences in Japan
Theoretical work for experiments in Japan
• Support each other on researches (Referee…)
• I, as a referee of international journal,
suggested the citation of Japanese’s article.
What we have to do
China-Japan symposium
China Nuclear Physics summer school existing
CNS summer school
JPS meeting ( then CPS meeting )
lets start now
Council for collaboration
Big machines in Japan (RIBF, J-PARC) and in China
(Lanzhou, Beijing, Shanghai) are now with world-leading
Roles of China and Japan in the international community
of nuclear physics have now become very large, which implies
the collaboration of two neighboring countries in asia has
become far more important than before.
( like collaborations among European countries )
We can expect that the collaborations are with researches of
world-leading level which are conducted by young scientists.
張 若虚 ( 660?-720? 初唐)
春江の潮水 海に連なって平らかに
海上の明月 潮と共に生ず
灔灔として波に随うこと 千万里
何処の春江か 月明無からん
人生 代々 窮まり已むことなく
江月 年々 ただ相い似たり
知らず 江月 何人をか待つ
ただ見る 長江 流水を送るを
For us at this symposium, these sound like to imply as follows:
Successive young generations never cease to progress
While nature looks to be ever similar
But nature always sends to us its deep contents
And waits for young people to elucidate them
Yangtze River
near Shanghai
in spring evening
with flowers and
to Chinese organizers:
Prof. Yu-Gang Ma
and other executive committee members
and also many young people who even met
the Japanese participants at the airport.
and also to Japanese coordinator
Prof. A. Ozawa
and also to the hospitality of Chinese friends
Special thanks go to
Prof. Xiangzhou Cai
Mr. Kun Wang
Ms. Jing Dai
Many students & staffs in our group:
J. H. Chen. J. G. Chen, G.L. Ma,
S. Zhang, X.H. Shi, T. Z. Yan,
E. J. Ma, D. X. Niu, C. Zhong,
J.L. Long, W. Guo, W. D. Tian et