Digestive Writing Rubric - Kenwood Academy High School

Once Upon a Stomach…
Using your knowledge of the digestive system, write a short story about your favorite meal—but this meal must contains
carbs, proteins, and lipids. You CANNOT say what the favorite meal is, but instead must describe it in terms of the food
nutrients that it contains and how the favorite meal would be digested. Try to be creative, but be accurate!
- Explain how the favorite meal passes through the digestive system. What is the function of each of these
organs? If the meal does not encounter the organ, then why do we need it?
- Explain what happens to the carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in your favorite meal, and where it happens.
- Explain which part of the meal would test positive for each nutrient—be sure to explain what the indicator is
and what the negative and positive test color of the indicator is.
- Utilize all the vocabulary words
At the end of your story, reveal the favorite meal you described! Read your story to your friends and family to see if they
can guess the meal correctly.
Vocabulary words:
Digestive organs (mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum, anus), mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, peristalsis, ingestion, digestion, secretion, absorption,
excretion, bacteria, enzymes (amylase, pepsin, trypsin, protease, lipase), substrate, products, optimal, nutrient indicator
(benedict’s solution, lugol’s iodine, biuret solution, and brown paper bag).
*This is a formative assessment, please make sure you complete this on time and you attach the rubric (no rubric, -5)*
*For five points of Summative Assessment Extra Credit you can make your story into a children’s book and add four
pictures (favorite food, digestive system organs, lock-and-key enzyme model, and nutrient indicators)*
Once Upon a Stomach…
Using your knowledge of the digestive system, write a short story about your favorite meal—but this meal must contains
carbs, proteins, and lipids. You CANNOT say what the favorite meal is, but instead must describe it in terms of the food
nutrients that it contains and how the favorite meal would be digested. Try to be creative, but be accurate!
- Explain how the favorite meal passes through the digestive system. What is the function of each of these
organs? If the meal does not encounter the organ, then why do we need it?
- Explain what happens to the carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in your favorite meal, and where it happens.
- Explain which part of the meal would test positive for each nutrient—be sure to explain what the indicator is
and what the negative and positive test color of the indicator is.
- Utilize all the vocabulary words
At the end of your story, reveal the favorite meal you described! Read your story to your friends and family to see if they
can guess the meal correctly.
Vocabulary words:
Digestive organs (mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum, anus), mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, peristalsis, ingestion, digestion, secretion, absorption,
excretion, bacteria, enzymes (amylase, pepsin, trypsin, protease, lipase), substrate, products, optimal, nutrient indicator
(benedict’s solution, lugol’s iodine, biuret solution, and brown paper bag).
*This is a formative assessment, please make sure you complete this on time and you attach the rubric (no rubric, -5)*
*For five points of Summative Assessment Extra Credit you can make your story into a children’s book and add four
pictures (favorite food, digestive system organs, lock-and-key enzyme model, and nutrient indicators)*
Digestive Organs:
What is the function of
the digestive organs?
Where does the food
Digestive Enzymes:
Which part of the meal
is chemically digested by
which enzyme, and
Nutrient Indicators:
Which nutrient indicator
would be used? What is
the negative color?
Positive color?
Name: ________________________________________
The story uses all
The story uses at least
The story uses eight to
seventeen of the
half (nine) of the
four of the vocabulary
vocabulary words
vocabulary words
The passage of the meal The passage of the
The passage of the meal
through the digestive
meal through the
through the digestive
system is chronologically digestive system is
system is flawed, and
described and the
there are multiple flaws in
vocabulary words are
described, but there
the description of the
incorporated correctly
are errors in the
functions of each of the
into the function of each description of the
of the digestive organs.
organs’ function.
The story accurately
The story accurately
The story accurately
describes which enzyme describes which
describes most of the
digests which part of the enzymes are used, and enzymes used, but not
meal and where the
most of where the
where the chemical
chemical digestion
chemical digestion
digestion occurs.
The story accurately
The story accurately
The story accurately
describes which food
describes information
describes information for
indicators are used and
for three of the four
two of the four food
the negative and
food indicators.
positive test color of the
Story is creative,
Story is organized and
Story is easy to
organized, and easy to
easy to understand,
understand, but not
but not creative.
Name: ________________________________________
Digestive Organs:
What is the function of
the digestive organs?
Where does the food
Digestive Enzymes:
Which part of the meal
is chemically digested by
which enzyme, and
Nutrient Indicators:
Which nutrient indicator
would be used? What is
the negative color?
Positive color?
The story uses all
seventeen of the
vocabulary words
The passage of the meal
through the digestive
system is chronologically
described and the
vocabulary words are
incorporated correctly
into the function of each
of the digestive organs.
The story accurately
describes which enzyme
digests which part of the
meal and where the
chemical digestion
The story accurately
describes which food
indicators are used and
the negative and
positive test color of the
Story is creative,
organized, and easy to
/ 100
The story utilizes less
than four vocab words
The story attempts to
describe the anatomy
and physiology of the
digestive organs but the
description is highly
The story incorrectly
describes most of the
enzymes used and
where most of the
chemical digestion
The story accurately
describes information
for one of the four food
The story is not easy to
understand or
/ 100
The story uses at least
half (nine) of the
vocabulary words
The passage of the
meal through the
digestive system is
described, but there
are errors in the
description of the
organs’ function.
The story accurately
describes which
enzymes are used, and
most of where the
chemical digestion
The story accurately
describes information
for three of the four
food indicators.
The story uses eight to
four of the vocabulary
The passage of the meal
through the digestive
system is flawed, and
there are multiple flaws in
the description of the
functions of each of the
The story utilizes less
than four vocab words
The story accurately
describes most of the
enzymes used, but not
where the chemical
digestion occurs.
The story accurately
describes information for
two of the four food
The story incorrectly
describes most of the
enzymes used and
where most of the
chemical digestion
The story accurately
describes information
for one of the four food
Story is organized and
easy to understand,
but not creative.
Story is easy to
understand, but not
The story is not easy to
understand or
The story attempts to
describe the anatomy
and physiology of the
digestive organs but the
description is highly