NOTE: corrected Questions are in Red Color Questions: Microsoft

NOTE: corrected Questions are in Red Color
1- Microsoft Office word
Full featured word processing program that allows you to create professional-looking
2- The main elements of the Word toolbar include
The Ribbon, Mini tool bar, and Office Button.
3- Insertion point
Blinking vertical bar that indicates where text graphics and other items will be inserted.
4- The scroll box on the vertical scroll bar indicates the
Current relative location of the document portion displayed in the window.
5- You use a(n) _____ to display different portions of a document in the document window
Scroll bar
6- The ____ is the control center in Word
7- Each ____ on the Ribbon surrounds a collection of groups, and each group contains related
8- The ____ tab contains the more frequently used commands.
9- a(n) ____ is a set of choices, often graphical, arranged in a grid or in a list
10- a(n) _____ is an on-screen note that provides the name of the command, available keyboard
shortcut(s), a description of the command, and sometimes instructions for how to obtain help
about the command.
Enhanced ScreenTip
11- A _____ is a window that can remain open and visible while you work in the document.
Task Pane
12- The ____ toolbar contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document
13- The _____ provides easy access to frequently used commands.
Quick Access Toolbar
14- The _____ shown in Figure 1-3 is a central location for managing and sharing documents.
Office button
15- When you click the _____ command on the Office Button menu shown in Figure 1-3, Word
displays a dialog box with additional options.
16- When you click the _____ command on the Office Button menu shown in Figure 1-3, Word
displays a submenu.
17- Pressing the _____ key on the keyboard displays a Key Tip badge as shown in Figure 1-4.
18- To select a command using the keyboard, press its displayed code letter, or ____, as shown in
Figure 1-4.
19- To enter a blank line into a document, press the ____ key without typing any text on the line.
20- When Word flags a possible spelling or grammar error, it also changes the Spelling and
Grammar Check icon
Red Check Mark
21- The paragraph mark (¶) is a formatting mark that indicates where the _____ was pressed.
22- Press the ENTER key in all of the following circumstances except _____.
In response to word dialog boxes
23- _____ is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols
appear on the screen and in print.
Character Formatting
24- The _____, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special
25- On most computers, the default font size in Word is ____.
26- A _____ consists of a group of frequently used styles formatted so they look pleasing when used
Style Set
27- Which of the following colors suggests neutrality?
28- The small squares and circles around a selected graphic are called ____ handles.
29- To move left one word with the keyboard, press ____.
CTRL + Left arrow
30- To move to the beginning of a line with the keyboard, press ____.
31- To move to the end of the document, press the _____ key(s).
32- ____ are words or phrases that describe a document.
33- ____ is another Question for document properties.
34- To save an existing document with a different file name, use _____.
The Save as button on the Standard toolbar
35- Word displays, by default, the ____ most recently opened document file names in its Recent
Documents list.
36- _____ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted from a document and must
be inserted later.
37- Which is true of insert mode?
It moves all characters to the right of the typed character one
38- To erase a character to the right of the insertion point, press the _____ key.
39- To delete a character in a document, click next to the character and then press the ____ key to
erase to the left of the insertion point.
40- The _____ on the right side of the menu bar lets users type free-form questions, such as how do
I save, or Questions, such as copy, and Word responds by displaying a list of topics related to
the word or phrase entered.
Type words to search for text box
41- When typing, the insertion point moves to the left, and when the end of a line is reached, it
moves downward to the next line
False. The insertion point moves to the right
42- The mouse pointer becomes different shapes depending on the task being performed in Word
and the pointer’s location on the screen
43- Enhanced ScreenTips as shown in Figure 1-2 are more detailed than a typical ScreenTip,
which usually only displays the name of the command.
44- To remove the Key Tip badges shown in Figure 1-4, press the ESC key until all the badges
45- If Word finds a potential error in a document, a red or green wavy underline flags the
46- A raised dot (·) shows where the ENTER key was pressed.
False. It shows where there is a space
47- Each time the ENTER key is pressed, Word creates a new paragraph.
48- Word wrap forces you to stop typing words and press the ENTER key at the end of each line.
false it is done for you
49- As you enter text in the Word document window, you must press the ENTER key when the
insertion point reaches the right margin.
False. You do not have to, it is done for you
50- A document may wordwrap differently depending on the type of printer being used.
51- If the computer is turned off or electrical power is lost, the document remains stored in the
computer’s memory.
False. Only if you saved it before the power went out
52- Paragraph formatting requires the paragraph to be selected prior to formatting.
53- A single point is about 1/12 of an inch in height.
False (1/72)
54- Word provides an Undo button that can be used to cancel the most recent command or action.
55- In addition to the basic solid underline, Word has many decorative underlines that are
available through the Underline gallery.
56- Either the mouse or the keyboard can be used to scroll to a different location in a document.
57- When using the keyboard to scroll, the insertion point remains stable
False. It moves with it
58- Although text cannot be seen once it scrolls off the screen, it remains in the document
59- A selected graphic can be resized using the Shape Height and Shape Width text boxes in the
Size group on the Format tab in the Picture Tools tab
60- After a document is saved the first time, Word automatically assigns a different file name each
time it is saved subsequently
False. It just overwrites with the same file name
61- If you want to print multiple copies of a document, display the Print dialog box by clicking the
Print button on the Standard toolbar.
62- To quit Word, click the Restore button on the right side of the title bar.
False. You press the X or can do File/Exit
63- Word inserts text to the right of the insertion point
False. to the left
64- In Word, the default typing mode is overtype mode
65- When used properly, the Word Knowledgebase system can increase productivity and reduce
frustrations by minimizing the time spent learning how to use Word.
66- A minimized window fills the entire screen. _________________________
False. Maximized
67- The default view in Word is Web view. _________________________
Print layout
68- The Ribbon tab currently displayed is called the _________________________
Active tab.
69- Some buttons and boxes have arrows that, when clicked, display a gallery as shown in Figure
1-1. _________________________
70- When you point to a command on the Ribbon, all or part of the command glows in shades of
yellow and orange, and an Enhanced ScreenTip appears on the screen, as shown in Figure 1-2.
71- Using Word, you easily can change the ____ of text
Shape, Color, Size
72- The status bar presents information about ____.
The Status of certain commands
73- Commands on the Ribbon include ____.
Buttons, boxes, galleries
74- Initially, the Quick Access Toolbar contains the ____ commands.
Save, undo and redo
75- ____ is a command on the Office Button menu
76- You view a portion of the document on the screen through a(n) _________________________.
77- The _________________________ is a blinking vertical bar that indicates where text, graphics,
and other items will be inserted
Insertion point
78- The left edge of the _________________________ shows the current page followed by the total
number of pages in the document, the number of words in the document, and a button to check
spelling and grammar.
Status Bar
79- Most galleries support _________________________, as shown in Figure 1-1, which is a feature
that allows you to point to a gallery choice and see its effect in the document — without
actually selecting the choice.
80- Word displays _________________________ tabs when you perform certain tasks or work with
objects such as pictures or tables.
81- When you begin typing text, the _________________________ appears on the status bar with
animated pencil writing on paper that indicates Word is checking for spelling and grammar
82- A(n) _________________________ is a character that Word displays on the screen but is not
visible on a printed document
Paragraph mark or formatting mark or nonprinting character
83- A saved document is referred to as a(n) _________________________.
84- A(n) _________________________ is a specific location on a storage medium
85- _________________________ is the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph.
86- _________________________ is the process of changing the way characters appear on the
screen and in print.
Character formatting
87- In Word, the _________________________ font is Calibri
88- As more lines of text are typed than Word can display in the document window, Word
_________________________ the top or bottom portion of the document off the screen.
89- A selected graphic, as shown in Figure 1-5, appears surrounded by a(n)
_________________________, which has small squares and circles around its edges.
Selection triangle
90- _________________________ includes both enlarging and reducing the size of a graphic as
shown in Figure 1-5.
91- A printed version of a document is called a(n) _________________________.
Hard Copy
92- In _________________________, as a character is typed Word inserts the character and moves
all the characters to the right of the typed character one position to the right.
Insertion mode
93- The default typing mode in Word is _________________________ mode.
94- At any time while using Word, answers to questions can be obtained by using
Word help
95- When used properly, the _________________________ system can increase productivity and
reduce frustrations by minimizing the time spent learning how to use Word
96- Discuss what Microsoft Office Word 2007 is, including a description of its features and
capabilities, new and preexisting
Microsoft Office Word 2007 is a program that lets you put information on documents to create
professional looking documents
97- Discuss fonts, font sizes, styles, and themes in Word. Include descriptions of Word’s
capabilities and Answers of all relevant Questions, including Normal style
Word can customize everything that has to do with Font, Font sizes, styles, themes, and colors
of the text. As long as you know how to work all the toolbars and buttons then you can make
anything you can possibly think of.
98- By formatting the characters and paragraphs in a document, you can improve its overall
appearance. List the formatting suggestions to consider when designing a flyer
When making a Flyer, you have to keep in mind if it will bring people’s attention to it and it is
interesting to look at. At the same time it also has to be readable. It has to be correct and
formatted the right way. You can underline text to emphasize certain words and change the
colors to make things stand out more than the rest.
99- Sara anticipates that she will be working on her projects on both a computer in her office and
on a computer she has at home, and she would like the capability to move projects back and
forth easily between the two machines. What is your recommendation
I think Sara should get the USB flash drive; it is small and can make transferring things easy
100Every time Sara tries to save one of the files associated with her project, it is rejected as
an invalid file name. Which of the following could be the name of the file that is giving her
trouble: Sarah or
sara:h or sara_h
A. you cannot save a file with the character of “:”
101Which of the following changes you make to your text is an example of paragraph
centering all of the paragraphs
102About 1/72 of one inch in height.
103The default font in Word
104A group of frequently used styles formatted so they look pleasing when used together.
A style set
105Identifies 12 complementary colors for text, background, accents, and links.
Color scheme
106A dot or other symbol positioned at the beginning of a paragraph
107The default style in Word.
108A set of unified formats for fonts, colors, and graphics
109Defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special characters.
110A named group of formatting characteristics.