ATTENDANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE WEBCAST TRAINING MARCH 20, 2008 School Operations is dedicated to improving student achievement through the collaboration of the various sites under our umbrella. Agenda • • • • • • Overview of Student Attendance Policy Attendance Review Committee Responsibilities Risk Factors Associated with Poor Attendance Strategies for Increasing Attendance What Works Attendance Tools – – – • • • • • 2 Principal Viewer of the Electronic Gradebook Instructional Planning System (IPS) Student Portfolio Other Monitoring Reports Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) Best Practices Other Resources Attendance Review District Support Contacts ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW • The attendance policies are designed with the expectancies that: - School attendance will be taken daily. - Attendance will be monitored with early intervention applied - Students will be present at school each and every day - Students will attend class(es) as scheduled - Students will arrive at school and class(es) on time - Students will demonstrate appropriate behavior and a -readiness to lean - The school will provide a rigorous course of study Board Rule – 6Gx13-5A-1.041 Student Attendance Reporting Procedures Grades PK-12 Handbook 2007-08 3 ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW (cont.) • • • Official Daily School Attendance (ODSA) must be taken daily and reported daily. The reporting of attendance comes from the Electronic Gradebook. Principals are reminded that attendance will be taken within the first hour of the instructional day. Elementary Schools – Period HR K-8 Centers - PK (pre-kindergarten), HR Period (PK-5) 00 Period (advisement 6-8) Middle Schools – 00 Period (advisement) (period 07 Mac School) Senior High - Period 01 for straight schedules - Periods 01 and 02 for block schedules (odd/even split with periods 1,3,5 and 2, 4, 6) Schools must create master schedules accordingly to avoid attendance reporting problems and corrections. 4 ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW (cont.) • Absences will initially be recorded as unexcused in the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS). The status of the absence will be changed, if appropriate, based on the reason provided for the absence. Documentation must be provided within three (3) days upon the return of the child to school. • Absences that are initially recorded as unexcused, if appropriate, must be changed manually in the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS) from unexcused to excused. 5 ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW (cont.) • A student accumulating ten (10) or more unexcused absences in an annual course or five (5) or more unexcused absences in a semester course will have quarterly, semester and final grade(s) withheld pending an administrative screening and completion of assigned interventions by the Attendance Review Committee (ARC). • Grades will be reflected in ISIS and on report cards as “NG – Grades withheld due to unresolved attendance” until attendance review committee activities are completed. 6 ATTENDANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE • The objective of the ARC is to intervene early and review the circumstances surrounding student absences. • The ARC is to be comprised of a minimum of a student services representative and an administrator. • The ARC must convene a minimum of six (6) designated times a year • The ARC is charged with the responsibility of prescribing activities designed to mitigate the loss of instructional time and establish a time for completion. • The ARC has the authority to temporarily withhold grades. • The ARC has the authority to recommend the release of grades. 7 Risk Factors Government Assistance Substance Abuse Child Abuse & Neglect/ Abandonment Domestic Violence Multiple Siblings POOR ATTENDANCE Mental Illness Parent Unemployed Single Mother 8 Criminal Background Parent is a Dropout Strategies for Increasing Attendance Sound and reasonable attendance policies with consequences for missing school. Early interventions, especially with elementary students and their families. Targeted interventions for students with chronic attendance problems, such as truancy reduction programs—both school and community based. School-wide attendance incentives. 9 Strategies for Increasing Attendance (cont.) Strategies to increase engagement and personalization with students and families that can affect attendance rates: family involvement, culturally responsive culture, smaller learning community structures, mentoring, advisory programs, maximization and focus on learning time, and service learning 10 What Works • Provide a continuum of supports to students, including meaningful incentives and consequences. Supports should include: – academic (e.g., tutoring, after-school programs, creating smaller learning communities), – behavioral (e.g., school connections, i.e, mentoring, group or individual counseling), family, and – health (e.g., drug and alcohol rehabilitation). • Meaningful incentives should be long, not short-term, and consequences should not be punitive, but serve to keep students in, not push them out (e.g., in-school suspensions rather than out-ofschool suspensions). 11 What Works (cont.) • Involve families in all program planning and implementation. There must be mutual trust and communication for families and schools to work together to solve problems. • Collaborate with local law enforcement, community organizations, mentoring programs, and social services. • Ensure building-level support and commitment to keeping children in the educational mainstream. 12 Attendance Tools 13 Principal Viewer of the Electronic Gradebook The following functions and reports are designed to assist in the monitoring and reconciliation process As appropriate, the principal may authorize the access to other administrators and staff 14 Skipped Classes Report 15 • Compares 2 classes • Absent vs. Present • Good start to look for discrepancies • Reconcile them in Daily Reason and ISIS Attendance List 16 • Identifies students based on various attendance criteria. • Best to search 1 hour (period) at a time. • Ameliorates the group creation process. Daily Student Attendance Report by Period 17 • Compares Daily Reason to Class Attendance. • Look for students marked Absent in DR but Present or Tardy in other classes. Daily Student Attendance Report by Period Student was marked as ABSENT in Daily Reason (and therefore ISIS), but was recorded as TARDY in a class later in the day. 18 Attendance Tracking 19 • Tracks teachers who have taken or not taken attendance • Adds validity to the previously mentioned reports Attendance Tracking 20 Instructional Planning System (IPS) 21 22 23 • Scroll down the page and click on COGNOS in the bottom right 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Common Attendance Interventions 40 41 Student Portfolio • 2-3 page student summary of critical indicators including: – Student Demographics – Attendance Information – Home Language Information – Latest FCAT and NRT Scores – Special Programs – Current and Last Three Years Grades – Prior School Information • Accessible through COGNOS reports (portfolio folder or certain reports such as attendance and suspensions) 42 43 44 School Operations is dedicated to improving student achievement through the collaboration of the various sites under our umbrella. 46 47 SSW Student Background Screening (FM-7075) 48 OTHER REPORTS NG Report – Grades withheld due to unresolved absences COGNOS COGNOS CONNECT PRINCIPALS REPORTS FOR SCHOOL PRINCIPALS SCHOOL ACADEMIC PROGRESS ACADEMIC GRADE MONITORING REPORT SCHOOL LOCATION GRADING PERIOD SELECT NG ON-LINE REPORT SYSTEM IN ISIS Grade Audit Report Grade Proof List 49 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) • Who needs to be involved in the ARC meeting? – The team needs to be comprised of at least an administrator and a student services team member, although each school may include additional faculty members. • What other members of the school’s faculty or community stakeholders could be involved in an ARC meeting? – The school’s athletic director, school resource officer (SRO), teacher, FDCF, local law enforcement, probation officer, school nurse, or staff that might have information related to the student’s absences and/or could be part of the intervention plan. 50 FAQ’s (cont.) • Can a school release one of the unexcused absences as resolved, and maintain the other unexcused absences as unresolved? – Yes, each absence is independent of the other absences. • In a block schedule school, will students who accrue 10 or more unexcused absences by only missing one particular block be penalized for all classes? – Yes, students who accrue 10 or more unexcused absences will receive NG’s for all of their classes regardless of which series of classes they were absent from. 51 FAQ’s (cont.) • Can a school resolve absences at the end of the year in order to release the grades and allow the school’s No Credit (NC) policies to apply? – Yes, schools can release all of the grades by resolving them and allowing the NC procedure to take place. • How are NG’s calculated into a Grade Point Average (GPA)? – As with F’s, NG’s and NC’s count as an attempt but have no point value. 52 FAQ’s (cont.) • Do schools need to meet every time a student reaches 5 unexcused absences? – No, the ARC team needs to meet a minimum of 6 times throughout the school year. • What is the role of student services staff on the ARC? – To be able to assist in the assessment of the issues contributing to the student absences, collaborate with additional school and/or community stakeholders in the development of student interventions aimed at getting the child to attend school regularly. 53 FAQ’s (cont.) • Are the interventions developed specifically for the student or can they also require parental involvement? – • What if you have a parent that does not attend the scheduled ARC for their child? – 54 The interventions are for the student but can require parental involvement. Interventions that incorporate a parental involvement component are more likely to be successful since they will be reinforced both at school and at home. If the parent does not attend the meeting, the meeting process should still be followed; however, a school social worker could be asked to conduct a home visit for the purposes of interviewing the parent and completing a School Social Worker Truancy Screening. FAQ’s (cont.) • How could service data generated by ARC intervention be utilized to improve the school’s overall attendance? – The ARC would need to meet to review student trends related to attendance issues and utilize pertinent data to plan school-wide presentations aimed at improving attendance (e.g., competitions and incentive programs). • How do we ensure that once unexcused absences are resolved, that grades are reconciled with EGB and ISIS? – All schools must have a process in place to transmit changes in grade status to the authorized data entry designee once prescribed interventions or activities have been completed. 55 FAQ’s (cont.) • Can grades be programmatically transferred to ISIS once the unexcused absences are resolved in the Attendance Intervention Program? – No. Grades will have to be manually entered into ISIS. All schools must establish a process for the ARC to transmit recommended release of grades and authorization for data entry into ISIS. Note – The principal must approve input into ISIS. • Will parents be able to view grades earned by students from the Parent Information Viewer (PIV)? – Yes. The report card will reflect “NG’ for students with 5 unexcused absences for a semester course and 10 unexcused absences for an annual course. A disclaimer has been added that indicates student grades may be withheld due to unexcused absences. 56 FAQ’s (cont.) • Once unexcused absences have been resolved, does the “NG” reappear in the following grading periods. – No. After absences are noted in the Instructional Planning Tool as “resolved” the attendance intervention starts at zero again. • When a student transfers from another school, which school is responsible for resolution of unexcused absences? – Receiving school. The receiving school should have a conference with student and parent. Establish an “Attendance Contract” at the point of registration and treat as an ARC, and as appropriate, resolve absences. 57 BEST PRACTICES Combine the Attendance Review Committee (ARC) and the Truancy Child Study Teams (TCST) when conducting meetings. All relevant paperwork is brought to meetings such as COGNOS and Instructional Planning System attendance reports. Request that a School Social Worker Truancy Screening Form be completed. Run a period by period attendance discrepancy reports from the electronic gradebook to identify and update students who are present, but missed homeroom for daily attendance. 58 BEST PRACTICES (cont.) Include any other support personnel that are deemed appropriate in the ARC/TCST process such as the cafeteria manager, athletic coaches, school social worker, community involvement specialist, athletic director, activities director, and/or team leader(s). Establish a set schedule of meeting dates and times for ARC/TCST committee meetings either weekly, bimonthly or monthly, but must be completed prior to the end of each grading period. Prepare all documentation prior to the actual meeting, the attendance intervention letter automatically inputs all the directory information. 59 BEST PRACTICES (cont.) Motivate students to come to school through school-wide recognition activities. Involve the community and ask for donations. Ensure that parents receive letters as soon as 3 absences (certified mail) occur. Involve the Community Involvement Specialist and/or School Social Worker. 60 BEST PRACTICES (cont.) Conduct periodic meetings with students that have poor attendance, include the TRUST Specialist/Guidance Counselor and/or Occupational/Career Specialist. Create an attendance contract with meeting dates, goals and objectives. Designate or assign personnel to call parents daily for ARC/TCST concerns. Personal contact really works. Monitor the attendance bulletin and stress the importance of good attendance. 61 BEST PRACTICES (cont.) Schools should prioritize students for ARC reviews initially based on number of absences, risk factors, graduation/promotion requirements/activities. Schools should prioritize students for ARC reviews initially based on number of absences, risk factors, graduation/promotion requirements/activities. 62 OTHER RESOURCES Attendance Review Committee Toolkit • • • • • • • • 63 Attendance Review Committee (ARC) Training PowerPoint (includes Best Practices & FAQ’s) Handbooks and User Guides Superintendent’s Attendance Letters Superintendent’s Notification to Parents/New Board Policy Attendance Review Committee Notification Letters to Parents Automated Connect-ED Sample Scripts (for 3, 5, 8, 10 unexcused and 5 consecutive student absences) Attendance and ARC Related Weekly Briefings There are additional categories that will be added to the Attendance Review Committee “Toolkit” as the materials are developed including: Frequently Asked Questions, Best Practices and Contact Numbers. ATTENDANCE REVIEW DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTACTS Louis J. Algaze Principal Hialeah Gardens Senior High Linda Amica-Roberts Principal Coconut Palm K- Academy 64 ATTENDANCE REVIEW DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTACTS continued Edward Bernard Director, Technology Solutions Manuel Garcia Principal G. Holmes Braddock 65 ATTENDANCE REVIEW DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTACTS continued Faye Lamonte Haynes Executive Director, School Operations Arnold Montgomery Principal Andover Middle School 66 ATTENDANCE REVIEW DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTACTS continued Daniel Ore Director, School Social Work Jorge Rivas Staff Specialist 67 ATTENDANCE REVIEW DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTACTS continued Yvette Senior-Stewart Attendance Services Coordinator Michael Slakman School Application Support Analyst 68 ATTENDANCE REVIEW DISTRICT SUPPORT CONTACTS continued Mary Snipes Administrative Director Attendance Services Felix Zabala Assistant Principal G. Holmes Braddock 69 Mark Zaher Director, Juvenile Justice Technical Assistance Support Services 305-995-3705 Option Zero 70 Discussion 71