Specialized Business Information Systems: AI, ES, VR, and Other

Specialized Business
Information Systems
Chapter 11
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
An Overview of Artificial
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
The Nature of Intelligence
• Learn from experience & apply the knowledge
• Handle complex situations
• Solve problems when important information is
• Determine what is important
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
The Nature of Intelligence
React quickly & correctly to new situations
Understand visual images
Process & manipulate symbols
Be creative & imaginative
Use heuristics
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
The Difference Between Natural and
Artificial Intelligence
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
The Major Branches of Artificial
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
An Overview of Expert
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Characteristics of an Expert System
Can explain their reasoning or suggested decisions
Can display “intelligent” behavior
Can draw conclusions from complex relationships
Can provide portable knowledge
Can deal with uncertainty
Not widely used or tested
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Characteristics of an Expert System
Limited to relatively narrow problems
Cannot readily deal with “mixed” knowledge
Possibility of error
Cannot refine its own knowledge
May have high development costs
Raise legal and ethical concerns
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Capabilities of an Expert Systems
Strategic goal setting
Quality control and monitoring
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Capabilities of Expert Systems
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
When to Use Expert Systems
High payoff
Preserve scarce expertise
Distribute expertise
Provide more consistency than humans
Faster solutions than humans
Training expertise
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Components of an Expert System
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Knowledge Base
Assembling human experts
The use of fuzzy logic
The use of rules
The use of cases
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Knowledge Base
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Inference Engine
• Backward chaining
• Forward chaining
• Comparison of backward and forward
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
The Use of Rules
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
The Knowledge Acquisition Facility
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Components of an Expert System
• The explanation facility
• The knowledge acquisition facility
• The user interface
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Expert Systems Development
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Participants in Developing and Using
Expert Systems
• Domain expert
• Knowledge engineer
• Knowledge user
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Participants in Developing and Using
Expert Systems
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Domain Experts
Recognize the real problem
Develop a general framework for problem solving
Formulate theories about the situation
Develop and use general rules to solve a problem
Know when to break the rules or general principles
Solve problems quickly and efficiently
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Expert Systems Development Tools and
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Expert Systems Development Tools and
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Expert Systems Development
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Applications of Expert Systems and
Artificial Intelligence
Credit granting and loan analysis
Stock picking
Catching cheats and terrorists
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Applications of Expert System and
Artificial Intelligence
Information management and retrieval
Virus detection
Hospitals and medical facilities
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Virtual Reality
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Virtual Reality
• Enables one or more users to move and react in a
computer-simulated environment
• Immersive virtual reality - user becomes fully
immersed in an artificial, three-dimensional world that is
completely generated by a computer
• Virtual reality system - enables one or more users to
move and react in a computer-simulated environment
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Interface Devices
Head-mounted display (HMD)
Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor (BOOM)
Haptic interface
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Forms of Virtual Reality
• Mouse-controlled navigation
• Stereo projection systems
• Stereo viewing from the monitor via stereo
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Useful Applications
• Medicine – used to link stroke patients to
physical therapists
• Education and training – used by military for
aircraft maintenance
• Entertainment
– Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Useful Applications
• Real Estate Marketing and Tourism
– Used to increase real estate sales
– Virtual reality tour of the White House
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Other Specialized Systems
• Segway Personal Transporter
• Adaptive brain interface technology
• Personal awareness assistant (PAA)
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
• Artificial intelligence - used to describe computers with ability to
mimic or duplicate functions of the human brain
• Intelligent behavior - includes the ability to learn from experience
• Expert systems - can explain their reasoning (or suggested
decisions) and display intelligent behavior
• Virtual reality systems - enables one or more users to move and
react in a computer-simulated environment
• Special-purpose systems - assist organizations and individuals in
new and exciting ways. For example, Segway
Principles of Information Systems,
Sixth Edition