UNIT-1: Basics of OOP

Year & Sem/Section: II-II SEM A&B
UNIT-1: Basics of OOP
1. Explain the importance of Object Oriented paradigm.
2. Describe the components of object oriented world.
3. Write short notes on:
(a). Classes and instances
(b). Method binding.
4. Explain the Abstraction mechanisms supported by Object Oriented paradigm.
5. Explain: (a) Dynamic binding
(b) Message passing.
6. Write the difference between Data abstraction and data encapsulation
7. Explain about Inheritance and polymorphism
UNIT-2: Java Basics
1. Distinguish the following terms.
(a) Objects and classes.
(b) Data abstraction and Data encapsulation.
2. Explain different abstraction mechanisms possible in object oriented programming.
3. Distinguish the following terms.
(a) Inheritance and Polymorphism. (b) Dynamic binding and message passing.
4. What does tostring () method returns? How is it handled in Java? Explain with an
5. How many Data types are in java? Explain with ranges.
6. (a) Write a Java program that implements Linear Search?
(b) What does System.out.println in Java?
7. What does tostring() method returns? How is it handled in Java? Explain with an
UNIT-3: Inheritance
1. What is an abstract class? What is its importance? How is it designed in java?
2. How the keyword ‘final’ can be used to prevent Overriding? Explain with an example
3. What is the mechanism by which a call to an overridden method is resolved at Runtime?
Explain with an example.
4. What are the types of inheritances in java? Explain each of them in detail.
5. Explain in detail about benefits of inheritance and costs of inheritance
6. How the keyword ‘Super’ can be used explain with example.
7. (a) Discuss about Hybrid Inheritance with a suitable example.
(b) Discuss about Hierarchical Inheritance with a suitable example.
8. (a) Explain about final classes, final methods and final variables?
(b) Explain about the abstract class with example program?
UNIT-4: Packages and Interfaces
1.Define Package. What are the Packages provided by java API? Explain.
2.Write Java code to obtain Date and Time.
3.Explain Buffered Reader and BufferedWriter classes from I package with an example.
4.Explain FileInputStream and FileOutputStream with an example for each.
5. How to set CLASSPATH. Explain in detail?
6. Define interface.How to implement & extending interfaces in java.
7. Difference b/w classes and interfaces?
8. Write a sample program to illustrate packages.
UNIT-5: Exception handling and multithreading
1. (a) What is a thread? Explain the concept of a Multithread Programming.
(b) Describe the life cycle of a thread?
2. In JAVA, is exception handling implicit or explicit or both. Explain with the help of
example java programs.
3. What are Checked Exceptions and Unchecked Exceptions? Explain some of These
exceptions with an example and also give the differences between them.
4. List & explain the various methods defined by the thread class with examples of each?
5. What is an Exception? Explain the usage of try, catch, throw, throws and finally keywords
with example.
6. (a). Explain thread life cycle
(b). Define synchronizing thread and daemon threads.
7. (a) Give the Class hierarchy in Java related to exception handling. Briefly explain each class.
(b) What is the necessity of exception handling? Explain exception handling taking “divide-byzero” as an example.
8. (a) Explain how threads with different priorities execute in environment which supports
priorities and which doesn’t support priorities.
(b) what are the functions available in java related to priority.
UNIT-6: Applets
1. (a). What is an Applet?Explain the types of applets
(b). creating applets with example.
2. Explain the differences b/w the applets and application Programs.
3. Explain the life cycle of an applet.
4. (a).Write short notes on passing parameters to applets
(b).Describe Applet to Applet communication and secure applet
UNIT-7: Event Handling
1. (a) Explain the reason of creating a subclass of Frame is preferred over creating an
instance of Frame when creating a window.
(b) Explain the steps in creating a subclass of frame with the help of examples.
2. Describe the ActionEvent, the AdjustmentEvent, the ComponentEvent and the
ContainerEvent classes along with their methods and constructors.
3. Define Abstract class and Interface and what is the difference between them explain
with suitable examples.
4. Briefly explain the following terms:
(a) Component. (b) Container. (c) Panel. (d) Window.
5. Write a stand-alone AWT based application which creates a frame window that responds
to mouse clicks and key strokes.
6. (a) What are the advantages of Layout managers? Why Java prefers Layout managers
instead of fixing the component by x & y Coordinates? What are the different Layout
managers AWT supports?
(b) What is preferred size of a component and how it is related to the LayoutManagers.
7. (a) In what way JList differ from JComboBox?
(b) JList does not support scrolling. Why? How this can be remedied? Explain with an
8. What are various JFC containers? List them according to their functionality. Explain each
of them with examples.
What are the methods supported by the following interfaces. Explain each of them
(a) ActionListener interface
(b) MouseMotionListener interface
(c) TextListener interface.
9. How will you create check boxes and Choice boxes? Explain the steps in detail.
UNIT-8: Swings
1. Define swing? And what are the limitations of AWT?
2. Explain the MVC architecture.
3. Explain trees and tables.
4. What are various JFC containers? List them according to their functionality. Explain each of
them with examples.
5.(a) In what way JList differ from JComboBox?
(b) JList does not support scrolling. Why? How this can be remedied? Explain with an
6. Explain the steps involved in creating JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JButton, JLabel
7. Differentiate following with suitable examples:
(a) Frame, JFrame
(b) Applet, JApplet
(c) Menu, Jmenu