William Shakespeare The Main Characters Othello: a black army general in the service of the Duke of Venice Desdemona: Othello's wife, daughter of Brabantio Iago: Othello's ensign (standard-bearer) thought to be a friend of Othello's Emilia: Iago's wife, companion to Desdemona Cassio: Othello's lieutenant Bianca: in love with Cassio Brabantio: A Venetian senator, father of Desdemona Roderigo: A Venetian gentleman, in love with Desdemona Symbolic Geography Turkey (Turks/Moors) Un-Christian – “infidels” Tricky (war tactics) – seen as sneaky Barbarous, monstrous – use of power without morality Source of disorder and destructiveness Venice Idealized city Christian stronghold Wealth, trade, political cunning, good government, achievement of social harmony through law Cyprus Border land between Venice and Turkey Outpost – not strongly defended Island nation – isolated by a stormy sea Passions are closer to the surface Map Venice Elizabethans saw the Italians as wicked, murderous, and of loose morals. To portray wickedness - playwrights often created Italian characters causing problems in England, or set the plays in Italy Venetian women were rumored to be very beautiful, and very interested in making love Venetian men were considered hot-tempered, aggressive, and easily jealous Iago is a Spanish name (Italian form is Giacomo) Most evil character gets a Spanish name (probably because Spain was England's worst enemy) True evil, according to the Elizabethans, came from Spain Themes Jealousy Jealousy can be fueled by mere circumstantial evidence and can destroy lives. Iago uses jealousy against Othello yet jealousy is likely the source of Iago's hatred in the first place Takes many forms- from sexual suspicion to professional competition Always destructive Race Othello is one of the first black heroes in English literature Military general -risen to a position of power and influence Status as a black-skinned foreigner in Venice marks him as an outside and exposes him to some pretty overt racism In Shakespeare's England, black people were considered exotic rarities They were commonly feared as dangerous, threatening figures, sexually unrestrained and primitive On stage, black people were often stereotyped as villains Gender Themes Antagonistic view Unmarried women are regarded as their fathers' property Most male characters assume that all Venetian women are inherently promiscuous, which explains why female sexuality is a huge threat to men in the play. Sex Impossible to discuss gender and sexuality without considering race several characters in the play, including Othello, believe that black men sexually contaminate white women, which may partially explain why Othello sees his wife as soiled Common 16th Century anxieties about miscegenation (interracial sex and marriage) Possible for Iago to so easily manipulate Othello into believing his wife is having an affair Portrayal of homoerotic desire a factor in Iago's plot to destroy Othello and Desdemona Marriage Themes Portrayal is bleak Desdemona's father sees her elopement as a kind of theft of his personal property Desdemona and Emilia both unfairly accused of infidelity Manipulation Iago – literature’s most impressive master of deception Plots with consummate sophistication- carefully manipulating Othello Understanding of the human psyche is phenomenal Ability to orchestrate a complicated interweaving of pre-planned scenarios Iago's deception is potent because of his patience, his cleverness, and what seems to be his intrinsic love of elegant manipulation Appearance and reality Iago fools everyone in the play into believing he's honest Warfare Themes Protagonist is a military general- war is always hovering in the background Only actual battle the play promises is avoided, thanks to bad weather The real battleground is the mind Many critics read it as an extended war allegory; Possible to see Iago's machinations as the strategic planning of a general, individual victories as minor battles, and the three resulting deaths the casualties of psychological combat Also - relationship between masculine identity, war, and sexuality Hate Villain is motivated by a hatred that seems to elude any reasonable definition Iago's hatred seems out of proportion with the reasons he gives for it Iago's loathing has been famously called a "motiveless malignancy" that redefines our understanding of hatred, making it seem a self-propelling passion rather than the consequence of any particular action. Identity Themes Factors that play an important role in the formations of one's identity – race, gender, social status, family relationships, military service, etc. How an individual's sense of identity shapes his or her actions Other/Outsider Hero is an outsider - one who doesn't quite belong in the society in which he lives Stands apart from the beginning From another race and another country Symbols/Motifs and Imagery Keep on the look out for the use of these symbols/motifs and the imagery: Handkerchief The word “honest” or “honesty” War Gardens Willow trees Animals Candle Lit Terms Double Entendre: a figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is devised to be understood in either of two ways Example: "for the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon" – Romeo and Juliet Pun: a play on words Example: “Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man” – Romeo and Juliet Allusion: a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place, or event, or to another literary work or passage Example: “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?” - Macbeth Metaphor: a word or expression that in literal usage denotes one kind of thing is applied to a distinctly different kind of thing, without asserting a comparison Example: “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? /Thou art more lovely and more temperate” – Sonnet 18 Simile: a comparison between two distinctly different things explicitly indicated by the words “like” or “as” Example: Pity is “like a naked newborn babe.” - Macbeth Synecdoche (sin-eck-doe-key): a part of something used to signify the whole Example: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!” – Julius Caesar More Lit Terms Metonymy: the literal term for one thing applied to another with which it has become closely associated because of a recurrent relation in common experience Example: “the crown” = a king Personification: either an inanimate object of an abstract concept is spoken of as though it were endowed with life or with human attributes or feelings Example: “The gray-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night” – Romeo and Juliet Antithesis: contrary ideas expressed in a balanced sentence Example: “My only love sprung from my only hate” – Romeo and Juliet Oxymoron: a paradoxical utterance that conjoins two terms in that in ordinary usage are contraries Example: “Parting is such sweet sorrow” – Romeo and Juliet Paradox: a statement which seems on its face to be logically contradictory or absurd, yet turns out to be interpretable in a way that makes sense Example: “One fire burns out another’s burning, / One pain is lessen’d by another’s anguish.” – Romeo and Juliet