RResponse # 4 - WordPress.com

Sable Stewart
English 85
Cindy Chavez
12 October 2014
Readers Response # 4
Flower says in closing the gap between him and the reader is “to gauge the distance between
the two of you.” How a writer determines a readers “personal or professional needs is to adapt to the
reader on their level. For example, it states in the reading “if you ask a friend majoring in biology how to
keep your fish tank from clouding, you expect a friend to adapt his or her knowledge and tell you exactly
how to solve your problem. “ Which this statement is true for writers who want to determine a readers
personal or professional needs, they must adapt to their reader and understand them from their
Knowledge is having facts, information, and skill acquired by a person through experience or
education. Attitude; a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. It is important for
the writers to understand the difference between having knowledge and attitude because you can have
knowledge but not have the greatest attitude just as you can have the right attitude but don’t obtain the
proper knowledge because of your attitude.
Flower made a lot of points that many college students can relate to about the way we think
and the things we know already. Flower uses language and examples to show her understanding to the
audience when she stated,”…good writers do more than simply express their meaning; they pinpoint the
critical differences between themselves and their reader and design their writing to reduce those
differences.” Flower has that sensitivity to want to reduce the differences between her and the writer.
Words come to have association when there is meaning behind it, when we actually have
experienced a place or thing which relates to the word. We get attached to a place or an object when
we spend time and experience it. We create some sense of value to this place or thing in our lives. Such
as words like home, anger, royalty, welfare, politician, strawberry shortcake these are all “words” we
can associate with and in some way shape or form we can relate to these things. All words that have
created meaning to certain things in our lives, we relate to.
Flower believes what makes a “good college paper” is it doesn’t just hash facts; it demonstrates
what your reader, as a teacher, needs to know- that you are learning the thinking skills his or her course
is trying to teach.” I agree that to have a good college paper it needs to include what your instructor has
taught you to show that you understand what you were taught and by that it gives your instructor the
conformation that you are grasping what he or she is teaching you in class.