Revision -04 24/11/2011 a) Explain, using examples, how hard and soft technologies might be applied to this business. Technology – both physical and information – has dramatically changed how work is accomplished in every industry. Technology is the enabler that makes today’s service and manufacturing systems operate productively and meet customer needs better than ever. Understanding technology in operations is critical for several reasons: 1. Everything that is done in business depends on some type of technology. 2. Technology is evolving at an extremely rapid pace. We can categorize technology into two basic groups: a. Hard Technology b. Soft Technology • Hard Technologies – these are equipment & devices used in the creation & delivery of goods and services, e.g. manufacturing machine For example computers, computer chips & microprocessors, satellites, sensors, robots, bar-code scanners. For my business as airplane engine manufacturer, I will have to consider the following factors. • Important to select the right technology for the job • Efficient operations require careful planning of machines & people in the layout of the operations • People must be trained to use technology correctly • Performance should be continually monitored and improved where possible • Scheduling should be designed to meet customer deadlines • Quality must be ensured • Use of CIM, CAD/CAM, etc • Soft Technologies – these provide data to facilitate the creation & delivery of goods and services, e.g. computerized information systems For example Internet, computer software and information systems. For my business as an airplane engine manufacturer, I will be considering the following factors. • Service technologies often use the Internet • E-services create & deliver: time, place, information, entertainment & exchange value to customers and/or support the sale of goods • Use of business intelligence, data warehousing & data mining • Use of CRM • What are the problems that an operational manager face while taking decisions on technology? Text book - page 223 paragraph 2,3 New reference Book - page 163 paragraph 2 New reference book - page 191 Assess, the impact of technology in value chains. New reference Book - 169,170, 171,172 ( only pick up the important points) Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using technology in this business. Use examples to illustrate your answer Benefits • • • • • Improves productivity Enhances quality Increases flexibility Reduces response times Frees people from boring & dangerous jobs (Link to the example) Drawbacks • Damage to reputation through technology failures • How to design effective facilities for customers to return goods or terminate services • Protecting customer privacy & financial details • Information overload • Security of data • Continually having to learn new technologies to keep pace with developments Reference page 184, 185 new reference book Impacts of Technology on people. Page 187 new reference book. Different stages of technology development and adoption. Page 188, 189 new reference book. Explain the material processing technologies in detail Text Book – page 224, 225 Explain information – processing technology. Text Book - page 226, 227 Detail Customer –processing technologies. Text Book - page 234, 235, 236 From your knowledge of Product/Process Design… Discuss the steps involved in designing the layout for the house design. (2011 September) To get the final design of a product or service, the design activity must pass through several key stages. This is the same case for designing the layout for a house. The design stages are as follows: • Concept generation – initial ideas for layout of whole house within the “grounds” of the site, e.g. bungalow, 2 storey, 3 storey, etc. ( from customer, staff,from competitor) • Screening – reducing ideas to one selected final choice • Preliminary design – initial design of the actual house • Evaluation and Improvement – more detailed design and consideration of options and impact on the operation • Prototyping and final design – confirming the final design of the whole house and determining the layout of individual elements and rooms, etc. Draw the diagram shown in Text Book page 124 Please refer page 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,129,133,136 Remember if situation or example is a different one, just refer the explanations given for each stage, so that you will have more to write. Another example! December 2010 A new golf course complex has been approved for construction near to you. You have been called in as a consultant specialist in Business Operations to advise the owners of the complex on some aspects of the development. It is envisaged the complex will consist of a: • 18 Hole Golf Course • Practice Driving Range • “The 19th Hole” Bar and Restaurant • Golf Shop • Gym and Fitness Suite Note – you do not need to know anything about golf to answer the following questions, you just need to know about business operations! From your knowledge of Product/Process Design: Discuss the steps involved in designing the layout for the Practice Driving Range To get the final design of a product or service, the design activity must pass through several key stages. This is the same case for designing the layout for a practice driving range. • concept generation – initial ideas for layout of whole Driving Range within the complex . Can collect ideas from customers, staff, other golf courses e.t.c • Screening – reducing ideas to one selected final choice • Preliminary design – initial design of the actual driving range • Evaluation and Improvement – more detailed design and consideration of options and impact on the operation • Prototyping and final design – confirming the final design of the driving range facility and determining the layout of individual elements . Remember 1. Never, never make mistake it as a layout question! 2. Start with the same way that did. 3. Detail every step in minimum 2 sentences How? Go through the references in the text book, where everything is detailed. 4. Draw the diagram as you did before. The impact of strategic performance objectives on process design objectives and performance Page 91 – Text Book & table 4.1 Discuss the issues that manufacturers face with respect to environmental quality. What techniques and approaches can help? Reference Text book – 92 Reference book – 216 Main techniques is PLA, DFE, ISO 14000 What factors do you think influence the way in which building materials are manufactured or processed? Apply business operations management theory to your answer and clearly state any assumptions you make. September 2011 This is a general question making you a bit lost or confused. So remember to note the way the question is framed and follow the way I answered here. Draw the diagram page 90 Text Book Decisions taken during the design of a product or service will have an impact on the decisions taken during the design of the process which produces those products or services and vice versa. • Impact on customer – can encourage customer to use a product if the product offered and the method by which it is offered appeals to them and is perceived as fit for purpose. • Impact on operation – the operation needs to know what the customer wants and has to be confident that it can deliver it e.g. has the resources to do so. Can allow company to differentiate itself and remain competitive in the market (might be developed around performance objectives). Thus visible building products have to be aesthetically pleasing to the final customer, whereas unseen or “invisible” products do not. All products need to be “effective” in the eyes of the builder, i.e. able to meet the needs of the construction, offer confidence in the product, and for external products, be suitable for use in all weather conditions. The process design decisions are again affected by few points as below. All companies or firms manufacture or process according to : 1. Customer orders 2. Demand 3. Anticipation Manufacturing systems often use make-to-order, assemble- to-order, and make –to-stock . What factors do you think influence the way in which golfing products are manufactured or processed? Apply business operations management theory to your answer and clearly state any assumptions you make. ( same type of question December 2010) Draw the diagram • Decisions taken during the design of a product or service will have an impact on the decisions taken during the design of the process which produces those products or services and vice versa. • impact on customer – can encourage customer to use a product if the product offered and the method by which it is offered appeals to them and is perceived as fit for purpose. • impact on operation – the operation needs to know what the customer wants and has to be confident that it can deliver it e.g. has the resources to do so. Can allow company to differentiate itself and remain competitive in the market (might be developed around performance objectives). • Thus golfing products have to be aesthetically pleasing to the golfer, comfortable to use and “effective” in the eyes of the golfer, i.e. able to meet the needs of the golfer, offer confidence in the product, and be suitable for use in all weather conditions. Process types text book – 94 onwards Remember we have: Process design Product/service design Job/work design Job design and work organization From your knowledge of work organisation and job design … • Design a job role for the manager of the hotel Licensed Bar. (june2011) Job design involves determining the specific job tasks and responsibilities, the work environment, and the methods by which the tasks will be carried out to meet the goals of operations. While designing the job role for a manager in the hotel bar, we have to meet two broad objectives. 1. Meet firms( organization’s) competitive priorities – cost, efficiency, flexibility, quality e.t.c 2. Make sure the job is safe, satisfying and motivating for the worker. To design the layout of the licensed bar. To determine stock type to be held and stock levels for each stock item. To maintain the bar stock levels appropriately. To serve customers . To supervise other staff . Advise customers on purchases. Train other staff. Possible to manage the “cellar” as well, change beer barrels, etc. • Reference New reference book – page 333, 334, 335 • Text book – 254, 255,…….. What are the key decisions to be made relating to the design of this job role and work organisation in the hotel licensed bar? For designing this job, we have to consider the 6 elements of job design. Refer text book page 255 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • How will the licensed bar be organised? How many staff will be needed at any time? What is the best method of performing each job? Need to identify the key job roles and the tasks associated with each of the job roles. What are the environmental conditions to be considered for each job and how will these affect each employee? What technologies (if any) are going to be used by colleagues and how are people going to interact with these technologies. What about training? What tasks will be allocated to each colleague Employ behavioural approach to encourage commitment: o Job flexibility; o Job rotation; o Job enlargement; o Job enrichment; Empowerment – team building, multi-skilling From your knowledge of work organisation and job role design : Design a job role for the manager of the Golf Shop. Follow the previous method that I used • To design the layout of the golf shop • To determine stock type to be held and stock levels for each stock item • To serve customers • To supervise other staff • Advise customers on purchases • Train other staff What are the key decisions to be made relating to the design of this job role and work organisation in the shop? Follow the same method • • • • • • • • • • • •How will the store be organized? •How many people will be needed? •What is the best method of performing each job? •Need to identify the key job roles and the tasks associated with each of the job roles. •What are the environmental conditions to be considered for each job and how will these affect each employee •What technologies are going to be used by colleagues and how are people going to interact with these technologies. What about training? •What tasks will be allocated to each colleague •Employ behavioural approach to encourage commitment: -Job flexibility; - Job rotation; - Job enlargement; - Job enrichment; Empowerment – team building, multi-skilling. What actions could Murano take to try to reduce staff absence and turnover? Give reasons for your answer. (2009 september) • This question focuses on both job design and work organisation. • • • • • • • • • • • The question should lead students to motivational theory/ the behaviourist approach to job design. See Slack et al chp 9. Award appropriate marks: • For outlining what the problems are with the current arrangements • For outlining the basis of the behaviourist approach, fulfilment of needs, increased motivation, personal development etc. • For stating why they have opted for the approach and linking to the example. • For explaining and applying behaviourist techniques such as job design, job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, empowerment to the example and for explaining how and why the technique could lead to lower staff turnover (for example, job rotation leads to wider skill set, more interesting, reduces boredom, improves motivation and personal fulfilment). Importance of strategic planning in operations . Page 130, 131 (new reference book) What type of operations strategy might a company like HP have? Page 133