Job Analysis and Descriptions

Job Analysis &
Descriptions, Job
Evaluation & Grades
Incorporated with
Change Management &
10th – 13th March 2015 @ Sunbird Mount Soche
Hotel , Blantyre, Malawi
This program is
accredited with 6
CPD HR points by
Organisational Capability
Phone: (+27) 011 609 9897
Fax:(+27) 011 609 1373
In partnership with the SA Board for
People Practices (SABPP), the HR
learning & Quality Assurance (LQA)
Body in South Africa.
PENIEL is an accredited, cost competitive and leading training and education provider. We are a BBBEE Level 1
contributor and are registered with the SABPP as a provider of Education and Training for the delivery of the learning
Our approach and related experience places us in an ideal position to respond to clients needs. At PENIEL, we assist
individuals and organisations achieve their goals by enhancing their management, leadership and entrepreneurial
potential. We approach education holistically - intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. With over 1,000 conferences and
workshops, from over 500 of the most reputable local and international organisations, PENIEL is one of the fastest
growing education and training organization in South Africa. This has been possible only through our absolute
commitment to excellence and the highest standards of quality and service delivery to our clients, staff and all
stakeholders over the past five years.
Course Objective
The aim of Job Analysis & Description, Job Evaluation & Grades is to provide a sound knowledge of job evaluation
skills and an understanding of how job evaluation fits into the broader context of human resources management, and to
provide practical skills in the application of job evaluation systems. Most employers want to ensure that they can
“attract, retain and motivate” the best employees and teams, and this four-day course will cover the key areas in job
evaluation tools and techniques and best-practice processes for evaluating jobs and placing them accurately into your
overall grade structure. This course will explore the different types of job evaluation systems that are used today and
give you a detailed familiarization with the concept of job evaluation and an appreciation of the most commonly used
best-practice approaches (such as Paterson grading system, TASK, Mercer, Towers-Watson, etc.). You will gain handson practice in evaluating jobs. This course is suitable for both HR generalists and remuneration specialists, and the aim
of this four-day course is to enable you to get a better understanding of how to evaluate jobs, and how to design a grade
structure that will help you to attract, motivate and retain employees. The course is also suitable for managers from HR,
finance, administration and line managers interested in job design and job evaluation and grading.
The aim of Change Management and Leadership is to provide a sound knowledge of the concepts and theories of
change management and tips/tools on how you can lead a successful and rewarding organizational change initiative.
The guide focuses on two streams; the “process” or change model, and the “transition” or emotional impact when
embarking on a change effort.
As leaders of change you have a critical role to play in ensuring that the change effort is successful. As Peniel, our
facilitator will provide guidance and support to you and your team in understanding the change process. Our
Organizational & Employee Effectiveness course will provide the diagnostics tools, programs, consultation and advice
that you’ll need.
PENIEL has therefore expressed interest to run the Masterclass in Malawi due to our extensive capacity building
experience gained from offering training and education solutions to various institutions in the Public and Private Sector.
At PENIEL, we pride ourselves on our flexibility in responding speedily to specific Clients’ needs and customising
programmes accordingly. The main focus of our training and development programmes is encapsulated in our purpose
of ‘human development’. As such we invest in research and development in these areas which we believe puts us at the
forefront of human talent nurturing.
Job Analysis and Descriptions
Course Overview
Establishing and managing a framework for job analysis, and understanding all the roles in an organisation, and describing those
roles through either job profiles or job descriptions are some of the critical cornerstones of any HR department. It is crucial to
design and define the right job roles that support the organisation’s goals and business objectives. The purpose of job analysis is
to establish and document what the role of a job is within an organisation, typically through gathering data on that job and then
summarising that data in a job description. Job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and
requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.
Case Methodology
You will be provided with the information about the key tools for performing job analysis, developing and writing job descriptions
and job profiles. You will have an opportunity to test various ideas and to establish what may work for you. You will be given
access to various tools and techniques, as well as information on the latest trends and developments of best-practice. This course
will involve working in teams on practical case studies to gain detailed hands-on experience using the various tools and
techniques for job analysis that will be discussed throughout the course.
Case Studies
This course is designed to be of high practical value to delegates. It will include case studies designed around various companies
based Overseas and Malawi.
Course Outline
Understanding The Main Components Of Job Analysis
Establishing A Job Analysis Framework
• What is job analysis, the purpose of job analysis and the
different methodologies?
• Job analysis interview methods and interview outcomes
• What aspects of a job are analysed
• Frequently used terms and definitions
• What is a job analysis framework?
• Step-by-step guide to building a job analysis
framework and quick reference guide
• Tips for conducting a productive meeting on job
Using Job Analysis To Understand Job Roles And
Step-By-Step Guide to Developing Job
Introduction, and the importance of mission and vision
Organisation structures and the building blocks of job descriptions
The four main principles of job analysis
How to analyse the job role and job accountabilities
What are the different outputs of job analysis?
Formats of “role summary”, “accountability statement”, “job
description” and “job profile”
Linking Job Analysis to Performance Management
Setting goals and objectives
Understanding KRAs and KPIs
Linking accountabilities to performance objectives
Objectives that are SMART
Using Job Profiles in Other Areas of HR
• Linkage of job analysis to grade structures and remuneration
• Other uses of job profiles (such as recruitment, training, succession
• planning, organisational design and development)
• Current best-practice process for writing job
descriptions Involve your employees Format of a job
description and the order of writing a job description
• Describing accountabilities and knowing how to identify
the key accountabilities
• Quality check on job descriptions
Linking Job Analysis to Competency Libraries
• What is a competency and why use competencies?
• How many competencies are relevant and how to
select the key competencies
• Illustrative summary of competencies and a
competency library
How to Communicate Results of Job Analysis to Employees
Purpose of job descriptions Communications with the employee
Performance management and objective setting
Importance of job descriptions and job analysis in performance
Job Evaluation and Grades
Course Overview
A fundamental component of reward management and HR is a grade and salary structure, and these are often taken for granted.
Rather than make changes, HR and reward professionals try to fit the ever changing needs of their employees into a grade
system that may not have been reviewed for many years. In an increasingly competitive environment, when you want to attract
and retain the best individual employees and high-performers, having an effective and fair job evaluation and grading system is
crucial to underpin best-practice reward policies and deliver pay-for-performance
Course Methodology
You will be provided with the information you need to establish a job evaluation system and make changes to your grading
structure. You will have an opportunity to test various ideas and to establish what may work for you. This course will involve
working in teams on practical case studies to gain detailed hands-on experience of evaluating jobs using the various tools and
techniques that will be discussed throughout the course.
Course Outline
• Role of grading and salary structures in compensation and reward
• How grading and salary structures have developed.
The Role of Job Evaluation
Determining comparative job size and internal relativities
Understanding jobs and how to effectively place jobs in the correct grade hierarchy
The common golden rules of all job evaluation systems
Understanding the step approach to job size (single-step or double-step or broad-banded)’
Commonly Used Best-Practice Proprietary Systems of Job Evaluation
Overview of the “Hay Group Guide Chart and Profile Method of Job Evaluation”
Overview of the “Mercer International Position Evaluation “IPE Methodology)”
Overview of the “Towers-Watson Global Grades”
Summary of other commonly used job evaluation systems and different methods
Comparisons across different job evaluation systems
Determining Grades and Overall Grading Structure
Establishing a grading structure to fit organizational requirements
Grades based upon job evaluation methods
Determining how many grades and setting grade breaks
Defining a grade and the different spread of grades (single-step, double-step, broad-band)
The pros and cons of broad-banding in different organizational cultures
Benchmarking and designing a grade structure compared to other Companies
Latest trends on job family grade structures and skills-based grading.
Job Evaluation Processes
Placing jobs appropriately in the hierarchical grading structure
Traditional committees and job evaluation panels
Hub-and-spoke method centered around HR
Universal job evaluation questionnaires and Computer Aided Job Evaluation (CAJE).
Implementing a New Job Evaluation System and Grading Structures
The role of management in implementation and the role of HR and reward experts
Guidance on making changes that ensures successful implementation
Communicating the grade structures to employees
Changing existing grade structures and transition methods
Measuring success and ongoing review processes
Preventing grade drift
Managing and Maintaining Grading Structures
Designing salary ranges and pays differentials between grades
Managing development of employees and “X-1” principle
Managing progression within a grade structure
Managing promotions and upgrades through a grade structure
Coping with employees who reach the maximum of their grade pay-scale.
Change Management and Leadership
This Masterclass is designed to provide delegates with a conceptual framework addressing the strategic importance of managing
change and leadership in various NGO sector, private and government organizations. Uncertainty, complexity and rapidly
changing organizational environments create the necessity for organizations to respond to and effectively deal with turbulence and
instability. The capability of an organization's human resources to adapt to such conditions, adopt and successfully use new
practices, technologies and develop ways of performing organizational tasks is vital to proactive and sustainable human service
organizations. Managing change and Leadership are essential to these processes. Organisational change is ineffective without
strong leadership. Managing change requires an unwavering commitment from the CEO, top management or change leader.
This comprehensive Masterclass will focus on addressing the change leadership/change management issues associated with
delivering successful continuous improvement transformation. The Masterclass purpose is to provide delegates with additional
insight, tools, and techniques that can enhance the implementation of their programmes.
The Masterclass aims to:
• explore leadership roles required in the changing context
• realign and recalibrate self with new knowledge, concepts, and tools The
workshop will provide a platform for key role-holders to reflect upon the new
directions, action, choices, and strategies for implementation.
The Masterclass will use a mix of pedagogical tools:
• Case studies
• Role plays
• Presentations and lecture discussions
• Participants’ presentations
Change Management & Leadership
INTRODUCTION ______ ____________________________________________________________ 1
WHAT IS CHANGE MANAGEMENT? _______________________________________________________ 2
CHANGE STARTS WITH A VISION ________________________________________________________ 3
 Characteristics of an Effective Vision:
 What about a Strategy?
COMMON OBSTACLES TO CHANGE __________________________________________________4
WHY DO CHANGE EFFORTS FAIL? ___________________________________________________ 6
Eight Errors Common to Organizational Change Efforts and Their Consequences __________ 7
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CHANGE _________________________________________8
WHERE TO START? _______________________________________________________________ 9
CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODEL ___________________________________________________ 10
EIGHT STEPS TO EFFECTIVE CHANGE MANAGEMENT ___________________________________ 11
 Step one: Increase Urgency
 Step two: Build the Guiding Team
 Step three: Get the Vision Right
 Step four: Communicate for Buy-In
 Step five: Empower Action
 Step six: Create Short –Term Wins
 Step seven: Don’t Let Up
 Step eight: Make Change Stick
COMMUNICATION STRATEGY______________________________________________________ 12
 Building a Strategy
 Involving Key Stakeholders in Communications Efforts
 Determining Message Content
 Identifying Most Effective Communication Channels
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Channels
 Ensuring Follow-Up
MANAGING THE EMOTIONS IN CHANGE _____________________________________________ 13
 Bridges’ Three Phases of Transitions
 Phase 1: Ending, Losing, Letting Go
 Phase 2: The Neutral Zone
 Phase 3: The New Beginning
 Additional Tips to Addressing Resistance
TEAM CHARTER GUIDELINES/CHECK LIST ___________________________________________ 14
CHANGE ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING TEMPLATE ____________________________________ 15
COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY TEMPLATE ___________________________________________ 16
COMMUNICATIONS TIPS: _________________________________________________________ 17
MANAGER’S CHECKLIST FOR COMMUNICATING CHANGE _______________________________ 18
Facilitator Profile
Job Analysis and Descriptions, Job
Evaluation and Grades- Expert
 Chartered Human Resource Practitioner
 Registered Industrial Psychologist
 A globally well-known specialist in the topic of “Human Resource,
Management Consulting and Leadership”
Dr.Mario Denton MBA; M.Econ; PhD Also registered Industrial Psychologist
Has 17 years’ experience in human resources management in the corporate world, started with SANLAM and moved on to METROPOLITAN LIFE in Organisational
Development and end this phase as Group Manager: Human Resources PROTEA ASSURANCE
From 1997-2007 teaching in Organization Behaviour and also International Human Resource Management, People and Change Management, High Impact Leadership,
Management Consulting, Emotional Intelligence, Executive Coaching at the University of Stellenbosch, Graduate School of Business.
Presented People Management practices 44 times consecutively to MBA students without being absent for even one day and trained around 3000 participants in Emotional
Academic project manager and coordinator for 22 international groups doing their international electives at the USB
The area of Advanced Leadership, Making Human Capital the differentiating factor Facilitating perpetual and complex change for REIMS France (11 times), University of
Antwerpen,, University of Cape Town, Dortmund and Leipzig HHL Germany (8 times) Aarhus Denmark, Graz, Austria, Maastricht, University of Indonesia, University of
Central Oklahoma and the University of Cuttington Liberia., Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Bangalore Management Academy in Bangalore and
Poddar/Wellingker College in India, Leipzig, Mauritius, Marseilles
International papers and conferences in London, Amsterdam, Oxford, Antwerp. Geneva Switzerland, Australia, Shanghai and published nine books, six international
articles, two case studies and a chapter in a book, has successfully being the study leader/supervisor for 160 completed MBA research projects
Part-time lecturer with Department of Industrial Psychology & People Management Faculty of Management, University of Johannesburg, HHL Leipzig Germany for Master
and MBA students and Euromed
Strong Message Business Consultancy: I am a very experienced business consultant both in private and public sector and recognised impact player in organizational
effectiveness and renewal and have been involved in several major strategic and corporate initiatives. Have done business consultancy for organisations including but not
limited to Sanlam, Santam, First National Bank, Eben Donges Hospital, Oceana, Department of Health Overberg Region, Western Cape Department of Education, SCIR,
APL Cartons, Cape Union Mart, Desmond Tutu TB Centre, Consol Glass, SPAR, Barloworld. XSTRATA, Tiger Brands, SA Navy, Nedcor, Old Mutual, FNB, DE Beers,
Government, Kumba, Clickatell, Coca Cola Sabco, Karsten Boerderye, Water and Sanitation of City of Western Cape.
Have done training in Cairo, Egypt, being trained as a Character First Consultant in Oklahoma and have done this training in Namibia, Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, Malawi,
done a presentation on the 29th FCCI Marketplace conference in Denver, USA, train 400 students including executive students in Kumasi Ghana, talking to the Crown Board
in Nigeria, attending a strategic thinking session in Toronto, Canada and FCCI conference in Naples, Florida, Haggai Advanced Leadership Programme, Maui, Hawaii,
trained as a Faculty member in Singapore for the Haggai Institute, lecturing in Maui on personal leadership and goal setting 3 times
Closing comments
My passion is people and the energy potential they have.
We look forward to taking you through our very stimulating and dynamic programmes, as well as discussing your needs in the areas of People and Change Management.
Let’s make People Management the differentiating factor in our organisations.
Job Analysis and Descriptions, Job
Evaluation and Grades, Change Management
& Leadership.
Registration Form, Malawi 17th - 20th March
Cost Per Delegate: ( $ 1,100 USD )
Company Details
Company Name
Company Vat Registration Number
Business Postal Address
Tel or Mobile
Number Fax
Purchase Order
Delegate Details
Delegate Name
Bank Details
Account Name: Peniel Conferencing &Management
Bank: Standard Bank
Account No: 220837503
Branch: Greenstone
Code: 016342
Swift Code : SBZAZAJJ
Application for registration and acceptance of terms and conditions.
I acknowledge that I have read, understood and accept the
programme and Terms and Conditions (including Payment Terms) and
hereby apply for registration on behalf of myself (if a single delegate)
or on behalf of the under mentioned organisation which I am duly
authorised to represent.
Price per delegate = $ 1,100 USD
(Includes course material, CDs, workbooks,
beverages , luncheons, and Accredited Certificates
with 6 CPD Points .
Number Of Delegates:
(Price per delegate) = $
Job Title
(Total Amount)
1. Payment Terms On the return of the registration form, full payment must be made within 21 working days of the signed Registration Form. Payment must be received prior to the conference date. Peniel consulting reserves the right to refuse entry into the
conference should full payment not have been received prior to this date.
2. Cancellations, No shows & Substitutions: Cancellations received in writing 7 days prior to the event being held carry a 50% cancellation fee. Should cancellations be received between 6 days and the date of the event, the full conference fee is payable and non –
refundable. Non- payment or non-attendance does not constitute cancellation. No show will be charged the full registration fee. Cash alternatives will not be offered, however, substitutes at no extra charge are welcome.
3. Alterations to advertised package: Peniel Consulting reserves the right to alter this programme without notice or penalty and in such situations no refunds or part – refunds or alternative offer will be made. Should Peniel Consulting permanently cancel an event,
for any reason whatsoever, the Client shall be provided a credit note of the equivalent amount paid towards the cancelled event. In the case of a postponed or cancelled event, a credit note will be issued for future training.
4. Copyright: All intellectual property rights in the materials distributed by Peniel Consulting in connection with this event are expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication or distribution is prohibited.
The signatory must be authorised to sign on behalf of the company. I
acknowledge that I have read and understood all of the Payment Methods, Policies and Terms & conditions.
Please Return by email to:
Att: Mr. Kuvi Kamboyi