Chapter 11: Advertising and the Commercial Culture Some guiding questions How did advertising develop? How did advertising help transform America into a consumer society? What are some persuasive advertising techniques? What is the role of advertising in a democratic society? ADVERTISING IS PERVASIVE Has American life become too commercialized? What do you think? What has been the CULTURAL and SOCIAL IMPACT of advertising on 20th-century American society? Social and Cultural Transformations Shift from agrarian, small-town life to urban, consumer-driven lives Associated with capitalist economic system Both creates and satisfies our desires and needs as consumers Undergirds all our mass media industries “Ads are the economic glue that holds the media together.” How did it come to be this way? Was it inevitable? How does advertising affect our lives? EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN ADVERTISING First advertising agencies Trademarks and packaging Patent medicines and department stores Large manufacturers Advertising and Social Change How did advertising contribute to major social changes in America? Advertising’s role in social change Influenced shift to consumer-driven society Promoted technological advances Encouraged economic growth by increasing sales Recognized women as primary decision-makers about consuming EARLY REGULATION OF ADVERTISING Better Business Bureau (1913) Audit Bureau of Circulation (1914) Federal Trade Commission (1914) American Association of Advertising Agencies (1917) AMERICAN ADVERTISING TODAY Early ads were slogan-driven, oriented around words. Today, there is an increasing influence of visual design. What advertisements do you feel are memorable and effective? THE MEGA-AGENCY IN ADVERTISING Worldwide regional offices Provide advertising and PR services Often have radio and TV production studios What are some concerns about the power of megaagencies? STRUCTURE OF AD AGENCIES MARKET RESEARCH CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT MEDIA SELECTION ACCOUNT SERVICES Market Research Demographics Psychographics Values and Lifestyles (VALS) CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ADS Ads as a commercial art form Writers and artists Scripts, storyboards, graphics, music, images PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES in ADVERTISIN G CONVENTIONAL PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES Famous-person testimonial Plain-folks pitch Snob-appeal approach Bandwagon effect Hidden-fear appeal Irritation advertising THE ASSOCIATION PRINCIPLE To associate a product with a cultural value or image that has a positive connotation Opposite principle: the DISSOCIATION strategy MYTH ANALYSIS Myth analysis provides insights into how ads “tell stories” that are important to our society. Common mythical elements Ads as mini-Narratives, with characters, settings and plots. Plots involve Conflict between characters or social values. Conflicts are negotiated or Resolved by using or purchasing the advertised product. COMMERCIAL SPEECH AND THE REGULATION OF ADVERTISING Does the First Amendment apply to commercial speech -- that is, any print or broadcast expression for which a fee is charged? CRITICAL ISSUES IN ADVERTISING Children and Advertising Advertising in Schools Health and Advertising Do You think there should be regulations placed on advertising? Who regulates or monitors advertising? Who protects the consumer? State and federal legislation Oversight “watchdog” agencies Professional organizations ADVERTISING AND THE INTERNET Banner ads Paid positive reviews, weighted search engine results Affiliate referrals (links) Direct marketing based upon personal data collected on web sites ADVERTISING AND DEMOCRACY What are some major issues in political advertising? What role does, and should, advertising play in a democratic society?