
Running head: GRADING RUBRIC
Grading Rubric
N 549 Qualitative Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Ashley Jarrell, RN, BSN, BA
Duke University School of Nursing
The course for the following rubric will be based on a fictional senior level advanced medicalsurgical course for a standard baccalaureate nursing program. The overall objective for this time
frame is for students to build upon their critical thinking skills and their assessment/actions in
patients who are critically ill.
This 3 hour time frame will be done during regular class time in lieu of lecture the day following
the first unit exam. It is the hopes that this qualitative strategy-focused class will show the
instructor where students are progressing in terms of critical thinking and assessments, and give
students the opportunity to do the same.
This project will be done in groups of 3-4 in a class size of 15.
Instructions and
answering questions
1.Connect concepts of
an unstable patient
2. To improve on
critical thinking skills
3. Take elements from
a case study to think
broadly and then
narrow focus to
pertinent assessment
4. To collaborate with
15 minutes
A case study that
45 minutes
details a scenario of an
unstable med-surg
patient. Will include
vitals, lab work, a
narrative, trends in
data, and assessment
information. The
diagnosis not listed,
and is asking students
to ‘diagnose’ based on
case study’s info via a
concept map.
A concept map.
Students will use the
case study to form a
concept map to
connect critical points
to ultimately form a
diagnosis. This
strategy forces
students to break
down patient
assessment data from
the case study and
place them into a
concept map. Students
will collaborate
1.Collaborate with
2.To discuss and
explain the case
study/concept map
with others
3.To collaborate and
discuss ideas among
peer groups
The groups of 3-4 will
pair up with a
neighboring group to
discuss their work and
progress. Then, the 2
groups will informally
present to class their
diagnosis, rationales,
and a brief overview
of their concept map
30 minutes
together to form one
concept map. The end
goal of this strategy is
effective group work
and critical thinking
Evaluation will be
based on their ability
to work as a group
(observation) and by
having them discuss
their rationale (done in
next strategy).
Students could grade
their group members
for participation as a
form of evaluation.
Turn to neighbor This
strategy will help
promote collaboration
among groups and
help differing groups
to share ideas and
thought processes. By
standing up in front of
class, students are
being evaluated on
their ability to defend
their rational/ explain
their thought
processes. This will
hopefully encourage
critical thinking
development and
positive group
Students won’t be
graded on accuracy,
but on ability to
explain their thought
process and having
actually done
1. To take case study
and concept map
material and apply
learning to a
simulation exercise
2.To simulate the
environment of a
deteriorating patient
3.To prompt students
to use their critical
thinking to apply
appropriate nursing
interventions to care
for a critically ill
4. To work as a group
to achieve the goals
listed above
5. To assess their own
performance in
Lab instructor will
have students in lab
using Sim-man. The
Sim-man will show
signs and symptoms of
the patient detailed in
their case study. In
their original groups
of 3-4, students will
assess the patient and
come up with nursing
interventions to help
“save” the patient.
After the scenario has
ended students and the
instructor will debrief
to discuss the outcome
1.To reflect upon the
day’s events by stating
areas for improvement
and areas of strength
Students will journal
in notebook on their
perception of the
activities. What went
well? What didn’t?
What could I have
done better? What did
I learn?
1 hour
Each group will spend
20 minutes with Simman and 20 minutes in
debriefing. There are 2
Sim-mans in the lab
with 2 faculty
members and 2 grad
students. The groups
will alternate being
with Sim-man then
going to debriefing.
Faculty members will
run Sim-man and the
grad students will help
in debriefing.
In the lag time
between group
rotations (1 20min
‘break’ per group)
students will be
permitted to take a
30 minutes
Simulation. The
simulation experience
will help students
apply their case study
work to a real time
with Sim-man.
Students can apply
their knowledge to
form nursing
interventions and work
as a team to assess and
‘treat’ the patient. This
activity will hopefully
closely mirror a reallife scenario where
students can apply
didactic material to a
clinical situation with
appropriate nursing
Evaluation will be
based on presence or
absence of
Journaling. Will be
graded based on
completion. Goal is
for students to think
back on day’s events
to analyze what was
good and what wasn’t
and what was learned.
As in real life of
nurses, situations
don’t go as plannedidea is to train students
to reflect upon actions
as in this exercise so
they can apply it to
their nursing career.