Lecture 1 Java Programming Arne Kutzner Hanyang University / Seoul Korea Literature Walter Savitch Absolute Java (4th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2003 Java Programming L1.2 Contact • Contact data: – E-Mail – Phone – Office kutzner@hanyang.ac.kr 2220 2397 Room 77-714 • Slides of the course are available for download at itbe.hanyang.ac.kr Java Programming L1.3 Prof. Dr. Arne Kutzner / Weekly Schedule 2014.1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 9:00 – 10:30 Concepts of Prg. Lang. 10:30-11:45 10:30 – 12:00 Concepts of Prg. Lang. 10:30-11:45 12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 15:00 OO(Java)– Programming 13:00-14:15 C– Programming 13:00-14:45 C– Programming 14:30-16:15 15:00 – 16:30 16:30 – 18:00 OO(Java) – Programming 16:30-17:45 Java Programming L1.4 Goals • Introduction to Java and the basic concepts behind Java – Understanding of the notions Object, Class and Inheritance – Training of basic Java-programming-skills as preparation for later project work / term project – Basic knowledge about algorithms and programming techniques Java Programming L1.5 Week Provisional Schedule 2 Compilation and Execution of JAVA-programs 3 Primitive Data Types and Operator Precedence etc. 4 Control Statements, Methods (Functions), Recursion 5 Objects and Classes 6 Inheritance and Class Hierarchies (Object class) 7 Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding, Type Casting 8 Midterm Examination 9 Arrays, Linear Search versus Binary Search 10 Strings, StringBuffer Class, Character Encodings 11 Exception Handling, final clause 12 Input/Output, Streams, Random File I/O, Object Serialization 13 Multithreading, Thread Synchronization 14 Introduction to GUI-Programming in JAVA 15 Final Examination Java Programming L1.6 Structure of the Course • Lecture – At home students should repeat the stuff of every class by studying the proposed pages in the textbook in combination with the given slides • Homework Assignments – Homework is for the preparation of midterm and final examination Java Programming L1.7 Composition of Final Grade / Computation of max. reachable points Midterm Examination 30 % Final Examination 40 % Homework Reports 20 % 10 % Attendance Java Programming L1.8 Grading Rules / Grade Computation limitations with respect to numbers of participants Grade A at least 85% of max. reachable points required max 40 % max 80% Grade B at least 70% of max. reachable points required Grade C at least 55% of max. reachable points required Java Programming min 20 % L1.9 New Attendance Management • Attendance check will be at beginning of class. • Latecomers can request an attendance code for delayed registration. – The code has to be mailed together with name and student-number to the TA. Java Programming L1.10 Some Remarks … • Java is (like C#) a very important Programming Language (Environment) in the context of E-Business / E-Commerce applications • nowadays in the context of many jobs it is expected that you have at least some basic knowledge about Java/C# • English is an important communication Medium in today's global world. Try to improve your English skills by active listening. Java Programming L1.11 Some final words ... How to become a proper Student ? Java Programming L1.12 please . . . Java Programming L1.13 come „on time“ ! Java Programming L1.14