Name: Science Per: ______ Date: Pearson Chapter 4.2, 5.2 and 5.3

Name: ________________________________________
Science Per: ________
Date: _________________
Pearson Chapter 4.2, 5.2 and 5.3
Lesson 4.2: __________________________________
What is the Moon Like?
The moon is ___________ and ________________ and has an _____________________________.
Compared to Earth, the moon is ___________ and has ____________________________________
Surface features: include ________________, _______________, and ________________________.
Maria: ___________________________________________________________ formed from
____________________________________________________________ years ago.
Craters: ___________________________ caused by _________________________________.
Highlands: ____________________ that appear light-colored, cover ____________________
Size and Density: Moon is about _____ the size of Earth’s diameter. But it is much less ___________.
Moon’s gravity is about _______ that of Earth. The moon’s gravity is too weak to hold on to gases, so
it has no atmosphere.
Temperature: Because the moon has __________________________, there is a big difference between
the hottest and coldest temperatures on the moon. (An atmosphere would block some of the sun’s
radiation during the day and trap it at night.) On the moon it can be __________ in direct sunlight and
____________ at night.
Water: There is a small amount of water found ____________________________________________.
Origin of the moon: Most accepted theory of how the moon formed is the ______________________.
1. About ______ billion years ago a _________________________________________________.
2. Material from __________________ and ___________________________ was ___________
________________________________, forming a ______________.
3. __________________ caused this material to clump together to form ____________________.
Complete the “Compare and Contrast” exercise on page 144.
Complete the “Apply it!” exercise on page 145.
Complete the “Assess Your Understanding” exercise including the “got it?” on page 145.
Complete the “Review and Assessment” questions #4-6 on page 175.
Lesson 5.2: _________________________________
What Causes the Moon’s Phases?
The moon does not shine with its own light; it ___________________________________________.
The different shapes of the moon you see from Earth are called _______________. Phases are caused
by ____________________________________________________.
Motions of the moon: The moon moves through space in _______ ways. The moon _______________
________________________ and also ___________________________________. The moon rotates
_____________________________ in the same time that it takes to ___________________________
________________. So, a “day” and a “year” are the same on the moon, and the same as a “month” on
Earth. Because of this, the ____________ side of the moon, the “_____________” always faces Earth.
The “________________” of the moon always faces ____________ from Earth.
Complete “The Moon’s Motion” exercise on page 191.
Phases of the moon: __________________________________________________________________
cause the phases of the moon. _____________ of the moon is always in ______________ (and half
always in shadow), but it is not always the same half. The part that is in daylight depends on _______
__________________________. The phase of the moon you see depends on ____________________
___________________________________. During the new moon phase, ____________ of the side of
the moon that is lit faces the Earth. As the moon revolves around Earth, you see _________________
____________. During the full moon phase, ________ of the lit side of the moon faces Earth. Then
you see _____________________ of the lit side until the new moon phase happens about _________
__________ after the previous one.
Draw each phase of the moon: Shade the part of the moon that is NOT lit (the part you DON’T see).
new moon
waning crescent
waxing crescent
third quarter
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
full moon
Complete the “Moon Phases” exercise on page 192.
Complete the “Assess your Understanding” including the “got it?” on page 192.
What are Eclipses?
The moon’s orbit around Earth is slightly ______________ with respect to Earth’s orbit around the
sun. Most of the time, the moon travels _______________________ Earth’s orbit. But sometimes the
Earth, moon, and sun _______________. An ___________________ can happen during this time. An
eclipse happens when ________________________________________________________________
There are _______ types of eclipses: _______________ and _______________.
Solar eclipses: Occurs when ___________________________________________________________
___________________, blocking ________________________. The moon’s _____________ hits the
Earth. This can only happen during the __________________ phase.
The very darkest part of the moon’s shadow is the _________________. Within the umbra, the
sun’s light is __________________________________. People within the umbra experience a
____________________. The sky grows ___________ and you can see ____________ and the
sun’s _________________.
The part of the shadow that is less dark than the umbra is called the _____________________.
This larger part of the shadow is experienced as a ____________________________________.
The sky does not get as dark.
Complete the “Solar Eclipse” exercise on page 193.
Lunar eclipses: A lunar eclipse occurs at __________________ when Earth is __________________
_________________________________. _______________ blocks sunlight from reaching the moon.
A lunar eclipse has an _______________ and a _______________. A total lunar eclipse happens when
______________________________________ and can be seen from __________________________
_________________________________. This is a larger area than can view a solar eclipse, so you are
_____________________ to see a lunar eclipse. A partial lunar eclipse happens when the moon passes
Complete the “Relate Text and Visuals” exercise on page 194.
Complete the “Lunar Eclipse” exercise on page 194.
Complete the “Seasons and Shadows” exercise on page 195.
Complete the “Assess your Understanding” including the “got it?” on page 195.
Complete the “Review and Assessment” questions #7-12 on page 201.
Lesson 5.3: _______________________
What Causes Tides?
Tides are __________________________________________________________________________.
The water rises for about ______ hours and then falls for about _______ hours.
The Tide Cycle: The force of gravity _______________________________ (including the ________
_____________________________) ______________ each other. Tides are caused mainly by _____
At any time on Earth, there are ________ places with high tides and _______ places with low tides.
As Earth rotates, one high tide occurs on the side of Earth that ________________________.
The moon’s gravity pulls more strongly on ________________________________________
_________________ than on the Earth itself. This difference causes _____________________
on the side of Earth closest to the moon. This bulge causes the __________________.
The second high tide occurs on the side of Earth __________________________. The moon’s
gravity pulls more weakly on _________________________________ than on the Earth itself.
Since Earth is pulled more strongly, the water is __________________. Water flows _______
________________________, causing a second ___________________.
Halfway between the high tides, water flows toward the high tides, causing ___________________.
Complete the “Tides” exercise on page 197.
The sun’s role: Even though the sun is far from Earth, its _________________ is strong enough to
affect the _________________ of the tides.
During new and full moon phases, the sun, the moon, and the Earth are __________________.
The gravity of the sun and the moon pull _____________________________. Their combined
forces produce a tide with a great difference between consecutive high and low tides (very
high, high tides, and very low, low tides) called a ____________________.
During first and third quarter moon phases, the line between Earth and the sun is a __________
_____________ to the line between Earth and the moon. The sun’s pull works _____________
the moon’s pull. This produces a ______________________ with little difference between high
and low tide (a low, high tide and a high, low tide).
Complete the “Infer” exercise on page 198. Complete the “apply it!” exercise, #1,3,4 on page 199.
Complete the “Assess your Understanding” including the “got it?” on page 199. Complete the “Review and
Assessment” questions #13-17 on page 202. Complete the “Florida Benchmarks Review” #1-6 on page 203. This
will be graded for accuracy and given its own grade.