Earth, Moon, Sun Study Guide: Key Concepts & Definitions

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Earth, Moon, Sun Study Guide KEY
Words to Define
Gravity- the attractive force between objects; its strength depends on their masses and the distance between them.
Rotation- the spinning motion of a planet on its axis.
Revolution-the movement of an object around another object. Ex. The Earth’s revolution around the sun is one year.
Eclipse-happens when the moon’s shadow hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon
Solar Eclipse- when the moon passes directly in between the Earth and sun (new moon)
Lunar Eclipse- When Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon, turning it a yellow/ orange or fainter color
Tide- the difference in how much the moon’s gravity pulls on different parts of the Earth, affecting the water levels
Spring Tide- a tide with the greatest difference between consecutive low and high tides
Neap Tide-A tide with the least difference between consecutive low and high tides
Umbra- the darkest part of a shadow. Part of an eclipse’s shadow
Penumbra- the lighter part of a shadow. Part of an eclipse’s shadow.
Concepts to Know
How long is a day?____24 hours________
How long is a month? __29.5 days__________ (page 77 in notebook)
How often do we experience spring tides? ___2 times a month______
How often do we experience neap tides?__2 times a month ________
5. What are the eight phases of the moon? List them in the boxes below (page 77 in notebook)
New moon
Full Moon
3rd quarter
6.List and describe 4 features or characteristics of the moon. (80 and quiz)
- Marias- dark flat areas caused by ancient lava flows
- Highlands- high mountainous areas
- Craters- impacts caused by meteors
- extremes of temperature, doesn’t create its own light, fainter than the sun, Earth only has one moon, causes tides,
changes phase because of its revolution around the Earth
7.Draw a Solar Eclipse (Be sure to label the sun, moon, earth) (82)
8.Draw a Lunar Eclipse (Be sure to label the sun, moon, earth) (82)
9.What causes tides? (2 factors)
1. Gravitational pull of the Sun
2. Gravitational pull of the Moon
10.Draw a spring tide?
11.Draw a neap tide?
Look above
12.During what moon phases do spring tides occur? __new__________________________ and
13.How many tides occur in a 24 hour period?
___2__________ high tide
________2___ low tide
14.How many hours are between high and low tides? __6.25____
15.How long does the Earth take to complete one rotation on its axis?_____24 hours/ 1 day_________
16.How long does the Earth take to complete one revolution around the sun?_______365 days/1 year____________
17.What are topographic maps?
Topographic maps are 2D representations of 3D landforms/landscapes
18.What is the scale of this map?
19.What do lines close together on a topographic map mean?
Steeper terrain (land)
20.What do lines far apart on a topographic map mean?
More gradual or sloping land