Hoy es martes 15 de diciembre de 2015. Agenda del día/7º grado A

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Hoy es lunes 14 de diciembre de 2015.
Agenda del día/7º grado
A. El ensayo persuasivo → Presentation by Ruth Luman: Modesto
Junior College
Hoy aprenderemos cómo escribir una composición persuasiva para el
examen “AP Spanish Language and Culture”.
Hoy es martes 15 de diciembre de 2015.
Agenda del día/7º grado
A. Ejemplo del ensayo persuasivo → “Against Plastic Surgery”
Hoy vas a traducir el ensayo “Against Plastic Surgery”. Trabajarás con
uno de tus compañeros. Si hay alguna palabra que no comprendan,
pueden usar su traductor.
A persuasive essay is an essay used to convince a reader about a particular idea
or focus, usually one that you believe in. Your persuasive essay could be based
on anything about which you have an opinion. Whether you're arguing against
the death penalty for school or petitioning for a raise from your boss, the
persuasive essay is a skill that everyone should know.
Against Plastic Surgery
It is not a secret that the standards of beauty nowadays are rather strict and demanding. No
matter what numerous combatants against discrimination say, appearances that match the
existing beauty remains one of the crucial characteristics of a modern individual. People who
are discontent with their appearances have different ways of improving the way they look,
such as makeup, clothes, or just being in harmony with themselves. However, there is a more
radical alternative, which is effective in terms of changing the way a person looks like, but is
highly debated and should be abstained from in the majority of cases: plastic surgery.
The foremost reason for not getting plastic surgery is that this procedure can become highly
addictive (Huffington Post). Although a person might think that they would just do a single
improvement, the temptation to keep “adjusting” one’s appearance can become
overwhelming and lead to unpredictable and often sad results. The best examples for this are
women like Cindy Jackson (who got 55 plastic surgeries, which is a world record), or Jocelyn
Wildenstein, who is rumored to have spent about 4 million dollars on plastic surgeries. The
“before and after” photos of her can be found online easily, so you can make your
conclusions looking at the results of the numerous plastic surgeries she has undergone. Janice
Dickinson, Michael Jackson, Courtney Love, and other famous personalities who had
undergone plastic surgeries can also be a good example of why this kind of surgery should be
abstained from.
Plastic surgery does not solve the main problem of a person who decides to undergo it, which
is being discontent with his or her appearance. Such a person should rather focus on solving
their inner problems, pay more attention to what is going on within themselves rather than
on the surface of their bodies (MindBodyGreen). In the case of an aging person, it might be
the fear of death or the feeling that they do not have a young appearance anymore that
causes a wish to change one’s appearance. If a person is obese, they should consider
changing their diet and lifestyle, rather than doing a liposuction. There is also a serious
psychological disorder called dysmorphophobia – the major symptom is being severely
unsatisfied with one’s appearance, body parts, or body as a whole. Anyways, visiting a
psychologist or a psychotherapist could be more useful and satisfying than having your face
It is important to remember that plastic surgery is something that remains with you forever
(dbreath.com). You cannot return to your natural look if you feel discontent with the surgery.
You will have to do another surgery to look similar to your original self, or try to improve on
your previous plastic surgery. Moreover, if you try to keep up with fashion trends, you will
lose the race, because trends change, and your appearance remains. What is natural is almost
always better than artificial, and deep inside you will know that the way you used to look
before the surgery was better.
It is necessary to distinguish between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. In case of
accidents, when a person’s appearance is ruined, reconstructive surgery is indeed necessary
and helpful.
Plastic surgery in its cosmetic aspect should be abstained from. Changing and improving one’s
appearance can become addictive, so a person might feel a constant desire to complete
surgeries; also, this desire is usually caused by issues with well-being, which a psychologist
could help out with better than a surgeon. You cannot undo plastic surgery, so once you
undergo it, you will have to live with it forever. Be yourself, and see the beauty that you hold
Shah, Yagana. “4 Good Reasons To Never Get Plastic Surgery.” The Huffington Post.
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 07 Aug. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
“Why You Should Say NO To Plastic Surgery & Botox.” MindBodyGreen. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
“The Top 5 Reasons You Should NOT Have Plastic Surgery.” The Top 5 Reasons You Should NOT Have
Plastic Surgery. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014
Hoy es miércoles 16 de diciembre de 2015.
Agenda del día/7º grado
A. Ejemplo del ensayo persuasivo → “Why I am Against School
Hoy vas a traducir el ensayo “Why I am Against School Uniforms”.
Trabajarás con uno de tus compañeros. Si hay alguna palabra que no
comprendan, pueden usar su traductor.
Why I am Against School Uniforms
One of the most significant issues for modern schools is the question of students’
appearance. Whereas children would most likely enjoy dressing the way they want, teachers
and education authorities would tend towards seeing students wearing standardized
uniforms. There are many opponents and proponents of an obligatory enabling of school
uniforms, both coming up with reasonable arguments in favor of their claims. However, to
my mind, students should not be forced to wear uniforms, as it can negatively affect their
Wearing school uniforms is a significant obstacle for a child’s self-expression. It is not a secret
that children are much more artistic than many adults; besides, in high school, teenagers
often experience an increased need to be unique and special. The clothes one wears is one of
the most available means of self-expression, and school uniforms do not allow students to
demonstrate their individuality. Research shows that students who were forced to wear
school uniforms were more likely to use makeup earlier than their peers, and later, to use
more extreme accessories to alter their fashion (short skirts, mohawks, piercing, and so on)
Another serious reason not to make students wear uniforms is when children look different
and express different outlooks, it encourages them to be tolerant to those who differ from
them, and to accept alternative lifestyles (Examiner.com). This is especially important
considering one country can be inhabited by the representatives of different cultures,
religions, and so on. Therefore, allowing students to dress according to their liking will
encourage them to tolerate and accept people of other cultural, social, and religious groups.
At the same time, a forced introduction of school uniforms results in a loss of diversity and a
lack of tolerance towards strangers and people who are different from the majority.
The last but not the least argument refers solely to the financial aspect of the issue. After the
economic crisis of 2008, many people around the world including the United States started to
experience difficulties with their financial condition. School uniforms may cost significant
sums of money, so some parents cannot afford to buy the required clothes for their children.
On the other hand, not enabling obligatory school uniforms allows parents with lower
incomes to be satisfied about their children’s appearance (Examiner.com).
The use of school uniforms is a poignant subject in debate circles. Introducing obligatory
school uniforms will have several negative consequences. In particular, school uniforms
interfere with children’s self-expression; create obstacles for cultivating tolerance and
acceptance towards people of other lifestyles and outlooks; in addition, school uniforms may
be rather expensive for some people, considering the economic crisis of 2008.
“What Are the Pros and Cons of School Uniforms?” WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.
“The Pros and Cons of Kids Wearing Uniforms in School.” Examiner.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.
Hoy es jueves 17 de diciembre de 2015.
Agenda del día/7º grado
A. Ejemplo del ensayo persuasivo → “Why Instagram is Not So Bad”
Hoy vas a traducir el ensayo “Why Instagram is Not So Bad”.
Trabajarás con uno de tus compañeros. Si hay alguna palabra que no
comprendan, pueden usar su traductor.
Why Instagram is Not So Bad
In a world where digital products have more and more effect on people’s daily lives, certain software
or media products inevitably become the center of the public’s attention. Moreover, they become a
part of an individual’s lifestyle. Along with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which already are daily
companions for millions of people, there is one more application which causes debates and conflicting
assessments – Instagram. Though it has many opponents, Instagram is in fact a useful program
helping people develop their creativity and learn about culture.
As with any other digital product, Instagram can be used totally ineptly. Billions of boring and similar
selfies, kittens, flowers, “Converse” sneakers, and food photos have become the subject for ridicule.
However, what Instagram critics miss is its usage among a vast population of creative people.
For instance, many famous photographers, whose talent is undisputed, use Instagram to share their
photos taken on their phones. Such photographers as Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci), Cory Richards
(@coryrichards), Michael O’Neal (@moneal), Jimmy Chin (@jimmy_chin) are real professionals. Just
for instance, Jimmy Chin and Cory Richards are photographers for National Geographic. And there are
many more professional photographers on Instagram. Basically, this means any person possessing a
smartphone can follow their accounts, and receive daily portions of high quality images. It is like a
first-hand workshop, direct lessons on photography, and denying this advantage of Instagram is not
One of the biggest pluses of Instagram is its mobility. In the 21st century, a smartphone is a thing
almost nobody leaves at his or her home. Considering nearly every smartphone has a camera, every
time one walks around the city, one has a tool to capture the most interesting and inspiring moments,
and what is more important, receive momentary feedback. “Likes” are not a truly adequate
assessment of your creativity, but if you are followed by famous (or simply talented) photographers,
and they like your photos, it can be a hint you are moving in the right direction.
Instagram has its own advantages not only for creative people, but also for businesses. In fact, it is a
great platform for what is called visual marketing, when you have an ability to introduce your
products to potential customers directly (i.e. visually) in the most attractive way. One can form a
whole feed of marketing images, encouraging interaction and purchasing (MaximizeSocialBusiness). In
addition, promoting accounts in instagram is not difficult, so gaining a number of followers and
potential customers is not a big deal.
Instagram is not all about advantages, though. There are many people who post mediocre, or even
bad photos, hoping to get more likes; obsession with shooting selfies has officially become a
psychological disorder (CE), and the amount of people with bad taste in photography can be
depressing. However, if used responsibly and with a purpose, Instagram can be a useful tool.
Regardless of its disadvantages, Instagram remains a useful and fun tool for both amateur and
professional photographers. It allows common people to follow famous photographers and learn from
their works. It also allows users to receive feedback about their creativity. In addition, Instagram can
be an effective media platform for businesses, allowing companies to use so-called visual marketing
to engage customers.
Herman, Jenn. “The Benefits of Using Instagram for Business.” Maximize Social Business. N.p., 28 Oct.
2013. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.
Martino, Joe. “Scientists Link Selfies To Narcissism, Addiction & Mental Illness.” CollectiveEvolution.
N.p., 07 Apr. 2014. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.
Hoy es viernes 18 de diciembre de 2015.
Agenda del día/7º grado
NOTA: Los estudiantes del no tendrán clase hoy porque saldremos
temprano de la escuela.