FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ADDENDUM TO THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS MR NG CHEE MENG ACTING MINISTER FOR EDUCATION (SCHOOLS) MR ONG YE KUNG ACTING MINISTER FOR EDUCATION (HIGHER EDUCATION AND SKILLS) 1 We mould the future of Singapore, and aim to bring out the best in every child. We seek to nurture them into upright, confident, knowledgeable and skilful young adults, equipped with a strong, lifelong curiosity and passion for learning. Passion for Learning 2 Together with parents and our partners in the community, we will build on our efforts to bring out the best in every child, regardless of his or her starting point. We will guide, inspire and support every child to nurture a love for learning and pursue a meaningful and purposeful life through a student-centric, values-driven education. A Holistic Education to Develop the Strengths and Interests of Every Child 3 We will provide wider exposure and opportunities for students to discover and build on their interests and talents in a range of areas, and develop important life skills from a young age. At the same time, we will continue various efforts to reduce excessive focus on academic results, so that learning is more enjoyable, examinations are not overly perceived to be high-stake endeavours, and students have more time and space to pursue a broader range of interests, sustain their curiosity, cultivate an innovative spirit, and pursue a well-rounded education. 4 In the pre-school sector, we will continue to develop, refine and share with the wider sector quality kindergarten curriculum and age-appropriate teaching and learning resources. 5 We will strengthen programmes in primary schools to help students discover their strengths and interests in areas such as arts, music and sports. A stronger emphasis will be placed on outdoor education, to build up ruggedness and resilience in our students. 6 We will create a diverse landscape of secondary schools with distinctive programmes in various domains and applied learning opportunities, to provide more options for students to develop their interests in their chosen field. 7 The delivery of 21st Century Competencies will be strengthened in the Junior College (JC) curriculum to better prepare JC graduates for further learning and to develop individuals with sound character, resilience and humility to serve and lead the community. 1 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION An Inclusive System that Provides Opportunities for All 8 Beyond imbuing values and imparting knowledge and skills, education is a critical leveller of societal gaps, so that no child gets left behind. We will continue to strengthen our school-based levelling-up programmes to support academically weaker students, and provide financial support for students from financially challenged families to cope with the costs of education. We will also expand Student Care Centres to provide an after-school environment conducive to learning for more students from a less advantaged background. 9 We will step up efforts to support children with special educational needs through school-based programmes, specialised services, special education schools, and programmes in collaboration with employers to smoothen transition from school to work. 10 The use of Information and Communications Technology resources will be deepened to better achieve our desired education outcomes. Through providing access to quality MOE-developed or curated online resources, students can learn anytime, anywhere, at their own pace and in collaboration with their peers. 11 Our educators are instrumental in educating our next generation. We will enrich pedagogical skills and content mastery of teachers by strengthening teacher training and ongoing professional development, so that they can better impart 21 st Century Competencies and sound values like respect, responsibility, integrity, care, resilience, and harmony, which remain core to our desired outcomes of education. Diverse Aspirations, Multiple Pathways 12 Young people have diverse aspirations and desire to contribute to society, nation, and mankind in a variety of ways. We have established Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Centres, with a structured ECG curriculum, and deployed ECG Counsellors to secondary schools, JCs, ITE, and polytechnics. They interact with students and help them better understand their strengths, and uncover their passions and aspirations for the future. 13 We will support students by developing multiple pathways, spanning diverse fields from science and technology to social services, creative arts and hospitality, at the post-secondary and tertiary levels to develop their knowledge and skills in their areas of interest. Whatever the pathway chosen, our students will learn the latest knowledge and skills, and build a strong foundation for continual learning throughout their lives. This is the best way to prepare them for the future. 14 ITE, through its three comprehensive campuses, will continue to develop useful hands-on and industry-relevant skills for our young. Polytechnics will continue to provide high quality, practice-based education in a dynamic and progressive education environment. We will focus on learning not just in school, but also in the workplace. Accordingly, we will place greater emphasis on industry attachments, as well as other learning formats such as the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme – a modern apprenticeship programme. 2 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION 15 We will increase cohort participation rates for publicly-funded university places from 32% today to 40% by 2020. Our university offerings are expanding. Aside from quality offerings in traditional fields, there are many more possibilities in the universities to cater to individuals of varying strengths and interests. NUS has the NUS Overseas Colleges to nurture entrepreneurs; Yale-NUS’ Liberal Arts Programmes cater to students with broad thirst for knowledge; NTU and SUTD are developing new generations of engineers through their Renaissance Engineering and innovation and design-centric programmes respectively; SMU offers many double major programmes and is strengthening its emphasis on inter-disciplinary learning; and SIT and UniSIM will launch more applied degree programmes, with a strong nexus with industry, to develop talent with specialised skills and an ability to innovate. 16 We will continue to ensure strong regulation for the private education space, to ensure that students are protected and both institutions and courses meet or exceed minimum quality standards. 17 Very importantly, our young must leave the education system with the desire and curiosity to continue to learn and hone their skills throughout their lifetimes. The objective is to not to chase for more and higher qualifications, but to achieve mastery in everything we do. As a society, economy and nation, we need to recognise and celebrate different forms of successes, and embrace a culture of lifelong learning. 18 To achieve this, enabling a better matching of interest and course of study will be key to achieving higher levels of engagement and a passion to deepen one’s learning and skills. Institutes of higher learning will increasingly expand the use of holistic selection practices to assess students based on attributes beyond academic scores. 19 Whatever highest qualification a student leaves the education system with, we want him or her to continue the journey of education through his or her lifetime – learn the latest technology and thinking, practise his or her trade to perfection, plug into and acquire auxiliary know-how. We will increase the number of part-time programmes and skills-based modular courses at the post-secondary education institutions to facilitate this lifelong learning process. The enhanced ECG, individual learning portfolios, and enablers such as the SkillsFuture Credit will better empower individuals to take charge of their own skills improvement journey. 20 To make the learning experience seamless, lifelong learning will be overseen by MOE. This entire effort – to discover passions, provide possibilities for a range of pursuits, nurture curiosity, and learn for a lifetime to achieve mastery – is SkillsFuture. With a strong foundation of skills, expertise, and an ability to learn and re-learn, we can innovate and adapt to changes much better, both as individuals and as a social and economic collective. Strengthen Partnerships 21 Education is a partnership, between teachers, lecturers, students, parents, counsellors, schools, institutions, employers, and communities. We will continue to 3 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION strengthen these partnerships, so that this is a lifelong journey we share to nurture our young and mould the future of Singapore. *** 4 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION MINISTRY OF MANPOWER ADDENDUM TO THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS MR LIM SWEE SAY MINISTER FOR MANPOWER 1 MOM seeks to help Singaporeans take on good jobs, build fulfilling careers, enjoy sustained increases in real incomes and have a more secure retirement. In doing so, we support the goal of building a nation of opportunity and a society that cares for its people. 2 Singapore is at a turning point. We have a more educated generation with diverse aspirations and needs. We have an ageing population with baby boomers retiring in increasing numbers over the next decade. We face a volatile global economy, keener competition, and faster technological change. 3 To sustain a nation of opportunity, we need to transit from a manpower-led to a manpower-lean economy. Even as we reap the benefits of growth, we must be inclusive in our approach so as to build a society that cares. A Nation of Opportunity 4 MOM will work closely with the other government agencies and our tripartite partners to strengthen the Singaporean core in the workforce and ensure Singaporeans of all ages have fair opportunities for leadership development and growth. Strengthen the Singaporean Core 5 To strengthen the Singaporean core in the workforce, we need to speed up our economic restructuring efforts and create more higher-quality jobs to which Singaporeans aspire. Companies need to embrace productivity and innovation, and reduce reliance on low-skilled foreign manpower. MOM will help companies become more manpower-lean, and strengthen their Singaporean core in all major sectors of the economy. We will support employers to re-design jobs, processes, and workplaces to fully tap on the experience and contributions of all workers, especially our mature workers. Fair Opportunities for Leadership Development and Growth 6 To maximise their full potential, we will enable Singaporeans of all ages to pursue good jobs and build fulfilling careers. As the economy restructures, we will help Singaporeans, especially those in mid-careers, to adapt and remain employable. We will enhance our employment support to prepare our workers and minimise potential jobs-skills mismatch. 5 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION 7 We will work to ensure that Singaporean workers are fairly considered by employers when hiring, and have fair opportunities for leadership development and growth at all levels. A Society that Cares for its People 8 Quality growth should lead to better jobs and higher incomes for all. We will seek to achieve this through the three Ps – Protection, Progression, and Pride. 9 Protection. We have enhanced the Employment Act to protect more workers and extended the Industrial Relations Act to cover more Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs). We will raise the re-employment age from 65 to 67 by 2017. We will also expand our suite of dispute management services for workers and employers. We will step up efforts with our tripartite partners to enhance Workplace Safety and Health. We will strive for a culture of prevention to safeguard the well-being of our workers in safer workplaces. We will also enhance protection of injured workers to facilitate their return to work. 10 Progression. The tripartite partners are developing Sectoral Manpower Plans to help create diverse career pathways for Singaporeans to fulfil their aspirations, while meeting the manpower needs of industry. We will pay special attention and care to the older and lower-wage workers, by helping them achieve higher wages through better skills and improved productivity. 11 Pride. We want all workers to take pride in their work and all employers to value their workers. We will work with tripartite partners to promote progressive HR practices, invest in human capital and create workplaces where workers in all jobs are respected and valued. Retirement Adequacy 12 We want Singaporeans to have greater peace of mind in retirement. We will continue to enhance the flexibility and adequacy of the CPF system while ensuring its long-term sustainability. We have accepted several recommendations from the CPF Advisory Panel which aimed to improve the CPF system. The Panel comprised experts and community leaders and took into consideration feedback from citizens. We will work towards the smooth implementation of these recommendations. 13 For elderly Singaporeans who have lesser means in their retirement years, we will implement the Silver Support Scheme to provide quarterly cash supplements. Achieving Good Jobs “For You” and Inclusive Growth “With You” 14 We can only achieve and sustain better jobs, higher incomes and financial security for all if employers, unions, workers, government agencies, and the community at large work in unity. Together, we can instil pride and confidence in cocreating our desired future of a better workforce and progressive workplaces for Singaporeans and Singapore. *** 6 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY ADDENDUM TO THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS MR LIM HNG KIANG MINISTER FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY (TRADE) MR S ISWARAN MINISTER FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY (INDUSTRY) 1 MTI aims to achieve sustainable economic growth so as to create good jobs for Singaporeans. Opportunities for Quality Growth 2 The confluence of a slower than expected recovery of the G3 economies and the moderation of growth in China have resulted in weaker global economic growth. Against this backdrop, there are pockets of opportunities that Singapore can continue to exploit. The ASEAN economies are expected to continue to grow, driven by a rising growing middle class. 3 To position Singapore for the future, we must persevere with restructuring to enhance our companies’ capabilities and our people’s skills. At the same time, developing growth clusters will keep Singapore resilient amidst slower global economic growth and create good jobs that provide opportunities for Singaporeans. Developing Growth Clusters 4 In the Advanced Manufacturing cluster, existing capabilities will be enhanced to expand into new types of high-value manufacturing. Our investments in technology like 3D printing and robotics will help grow competitive niche segments. 5 We will also develop industries around Smart & Sustainable Urban Solutions. As cities urbanise in Asia, there are many opportunities to commercialise innovative urban solutions developed in Singapore, which can be scaled and exported overseas. 6 The Logistics & Aerospace industries will support growing trade within and out of Asia. Deepening specialised logistics capabilities will help keep Singapore wellconnected and maintain our position as one of the leading air and sea ports in Asia. 7 The biomedical sciences cluster, which comprises global market leaders in medical technology and pharmaceuticals, is vital for Singapore to tap on emerging opportunities in Applied Health Sciences. MTI will support companies in this sector to meet the needs of a rapidly ageing population in Asia, as well as to target emerging segments, for instance in geriatrics and preventive care. 8 To sustain these growth clusters, industrial and energy infrastructure will be enhanced, along with Singapore’s status as a vibrant global city. This will ensure that Singapore remains attractive to investors, companies, talent and visitors. 7 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION Enhancing Capabilities and Competitiveness 9 Investment in research and development (R&D) is a key enabler in our plans to develop the identified growth clusters. Under the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2020 plans, MTI will partner the National Research Foundation (NRF) to leverage R&D to support innovation-led growth for our enterprises. This will involve promoting collaboration between companies, research institutes and start-ups, and also enhancing access to technology for small local companies. 10 For start-ups, we will continue to foster an attractive environment for entrepreneurial talent to thrive in Singapore, and facilitate their expansion overseas. We will deepen our partnership with Trade Associations and Chambers (TACs) to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to restructure and raise productivity. Growing Beyond Singapore 11 Beyond developing a strong business ecosystem in Singapore, expanding market access overseas will create opportunities for our companies and for Singaporeans. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), ASEAN Economic Community, and our expanding network of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) will mean lower tariffs, improved market access and greater transparency for companies. MTI will also support companies in developing capabilities to internationalise through the expanded Enterprise Development Fund. Equipping Singaporeans for Jobs of the Future 12 Singaporeans will need deep skills to access good jobs and remain relevant as technology changes the nature of work. To equip Singaporeans at all career stages for jobs of the future, MTI will partner MOM, MOE, industry players and unions in SkillsFuture initiatives. 13 Employers are also a vital part of the SkillsFuture journey. MTI will continue to support the development of sectoral manpower plans to support industry growth and productivity efforts in key sectors. SkillsFuture Mentors will also help guide SMEs as they upgrade their training and development capabilities. 14 Our efforts to prepare Singaporeans for the future represent a commitment to bring both our economy and our people forward together into a better future. *** 8 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE (MONETARY AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE) ADDENDUM TO THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS MR THARMAN SHANMUGARATNAM DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND MINISTER-IN-CHARGE OF THE MONETARY AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE 1 MAS will provide an effective anchor for economic and financial stability during a period of global and regional uncertainties. 2 We will also actively promote innovations in finance. Technology will challenge many existing players, but is a major opportunity for our financial centre. We will work with the industry to use technology to increase efficiency and lower costs of payments, enable financial institutions to expand their reach abroad as well as better manage risks, and provide benefit to customers including ordinary savers. 3 Our core MAS policies should not change fundamentally. Our monetary policy decisions recognise that inflation is low today, but is likely to rise over the mediumterm amidst a tight labour market. They aim to secure price stability during a period of transition when cost pressures are still significant, and while the economy moves gradually towards productivity-led growth. Financial sector supervision, the other major prong of MAS policies, will remain focused on pre-empting systemic risks to the financial system, promoting the safety and soundness of our financial institutions, and ensuring well-functioning financial markets. 4 MAS will also work with the industry to deepen our capital markets and the foreign exchange and derivatives markets; strengthen the asset management and insurance industries; and build a vibrant RMB ecosystem. We will regulate unconventional collective investment schemes to ensure consumers’ interests are adequately safeguarded, while there will be wider bond and equity investment choices for retail investors. Promoting Economic Stability 5 The Singapore economy is experiencing modest growth, against the backdrop of uneven global economic health and ongoing restructuring of the domestic economy. The divergence in monetary policies in the advanced economies, volatile capital flows, and financial vulnerabilities in some emerging economies also pose new risks for the global system. 6 MAS’ monetary policy of a gradual appreciation of the nominal effective exchange rate of the Singapore Dollar since 2010 has brought inflationary pressures under control. In 2015, MAS eased monetary policy in a calibrated manner, in line with the softening of inflation and growth. MAS will continue to focus monetary policy on minimising overall economic volatility, while ensuring price stability in the coming years. 9 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION Ensuring a Robust and Resilient Financial Sector 7 Since the global financial crisis, MAS has strengthened the regulatory framework for banks and insurance companies. Capital and liquidity standards have been enhanced. Last year, MAS introduced a framework to strengthen the ability of domestic systemically-important banks to withstand shocks. MAS is reviewing the capital framework for insurance companies to make it more risk-sensitive. We are also collaborating with the industry and other public agencies to strengthen the cyber resilience of the financial sector. 8 To strengthen Singapore’s securities markets, MAS and SGX have been working to implement reforms such as a minimum trading price for shares, short position reporting, and collateralised trading. To make OTC derivatives markets safer, MAS will implement central clearing and reporting of trades as appropriate. 9 The financial sector is a critical gatekeeper in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. MAS has kept our rules in line with international standards and will continue to ensure that financial institutions have strong safeguards against illicit funds. 10 In recent years, we have stepped up efforts to empower Singaporeans to better manage their finances and safeguard their interests. MAS has expanded the suite of savings and investment options for retail investors by: (i) improving the availability of corporate bonds for stable, long-term returns; (ii) enhancing access to exchange-traded funds for diversified equity returns; and (iii) introducing the Singapore Savings Bonds for flexible risk-free returns. MAS will also regulate precious metals buy-back arrangements and collectively-managed investment schemes, to better safeguard consumers’ interests when investing in such products. We are also reviewing the use of a complexity-risk ratings framework for investment products, to facilitate sound financial decision making. Fostering a Dynamic Financial Centre: Innovation and Jobs 11 We are building a vibrant financial innovation ecosystem in Singapore. We will actively collaborate with the industry to make swift, simple and secure digital payments available to all individuals and businesses, encourage financial institutions to set up innovation laboratories in Singapore to test-bed solutions, and provide a conducive regulatory environment for such innovation. MAS has also committed $225 million over the next five years to support initiatives under the Financial Sector Technology and Innovation scheme. 12 Technology will open up new opportunities and change the nature of jobs in finance. Financial institutions will also face challenge from new players who are out to disintermediate them. MAS will work actively with the industry to maximise the potential of technology, and will make full use of SkillsFuture to deepen skills, at all levels of the financial sector workforce. We will also ensure a strong Singapore core in the financial sector. We will work closely with financial institutions to provide Singaporeans with more opportunities to gain cross-functional and overseas exposure, and to develop leaders with capabilities to take on responsibilities in Asia and beyond. 10 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION *** 11 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE (NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION) ADDENDUM TO THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS MR TEO CHEE HEAN DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER AND CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION Research, Innovation, Enterprise: Creating Value, Good Jobs and Better Lives 1 Singapore’s research, innovation and enterprise efforts will play a key role in our future economy and in enabling Singapore to be a Smart Nation. NRF partners scientists, technologists, innovators, entrepreneurs, companies, and government agencies to transform our economy and society through knowledge and technology. We seek to grow more innovative Singapore-based companies, create more good jobs for Singaporeans, and improve the lives of Singaporeans. Building on a Firm Foundation 2 Singapore has achieved a good standing internationally in research and development (R&D). Our universities and research institutes conduct high quality R&D that creates economic and societal value for Singapore and Singaporeans. Many international partners have set up R&D centres in Singapore. We have catalysed new economic activity through strategic research programmes in sectors such as Marine & Offshore, Satellite, and Cybersecurity, which have attracted active participation from the industries. More companies are investing in corporate laboratories in our universities and research institutes. We have a vibrant and growing ecosystem of startups, venture capitalists, incubators, and accelerators, leveraging Singapore’s strengths as a financial centre and a trusted location to protect intellectual property. The growing number of successful companies based in Singapore or founded by Singaporeans, built from knowledge and technology created in Singapore, spur young Singaporeans to take up careers built around science and technology. Sustaining our Investments to Seize Economic Opportunities and Improve the Lives of Singaporeans 3 The Government will sustain our commitment to research, innovation and enterprise. We will set aside $19 billion for the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2020 Plan for 2016-2020. We will continue to invest in research but sharpen our focus on how we create and capture value from our R&D investments. We will grow our capabilities in research translation, innovation, and facilitating start-ups, so that scientific breakthroughs improve our lives. We will support industries to get better at investing in new ideas, and facilitate the flow-through of researchers into industries. 4 Our investments will be focused in domains where Singapore has a strong competitive edge, and where research and innovation can be applied to our economic and social needs. We will work with our companies to grow industry R&D capabilities and nurture innovative enterprises, to strengthen economic competitiveness, and 12 FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION create value and good jobs for Singaporeans. We will build stronger linkages across the value chain in our research, innovation and enterprise eco-system – scientists, technologists, innovators, entrepreneurs, venture funds, Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and home-grown companies – to bring technology from our laboratories into our industries and grow stronger industry clusters. These efforts will be aligned with the work of the Committee on the Future Economy. 5 Singapore must also leverage technology to seize new opportunities, become a Smart Nation, and overcome our challenges. Deployment of technologies to make our lives better, solve problems and address our needs is important to realise the benefits of our scientific enterprise, and grow our companies’ capacity for innovation. We will build up capabilities of our government agencies to lead in the use of new technologies and collaborate with companies to pilot and test-bed innovative solutions. The Government will also organise stakeholders across the national landscape and facilitate appropriate policies and regulations to enable new industries to grow. 6 We will upskill Singaporeans to play a central role in our research, innovation and enterprise efforts, while continuing to partner with and learn from the global community. In line with SkillsFuture, we will involve industries in providing postgraduate research training for Singaporeans, through new programmes such as Engineering Doctorates and by expanding EDB’s Industrial Postgraduate Programme. We will facilitate industry internships for our postgraduate research students to deepen skills and expand career choices. A Brighter Future Together through Research, Innovation and Enterprise 7 In a competitive world changing rapidly with technological advances, our research, innovation, and enterprise efforts will be crucial to bringing Singapore and Singaporeans forward in the next stage of our development. We must continue to invest in science and technology to support growth and innovation, and exploit new knowledge to diversify and create new industries, so that Singapore continues to thrive as an island of opportunity where Singaporeans progress together. *** 13