Mark Boule - Electrical and Computer Engineering

MBSat Satisfiability Program and Heuristics
Brief Overview
VLSI Testing 304-649B
Marc Boulé
April 2001
McGill University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
1) Introduction
The proposed project is the creation of a search based
satisfiability solver. Different variable-assignment heuristics will
be implemented and evaluated.
Satisfiability: “identification of circuit input assignments that
satisfy some circuit property” [1].
Time complexity: NP-Complete, therefore believed to requires at
least exponential time to compute . SAT is important for circuit
verification: an efficient algorithm is beneficial.
O (c )
2) Applications of SAT Solvers:
- logic verification;
- path sensitization for test pattern generation;
- path sensitization for timing analysis;
- path sensitization for delay fault testing.
3) Specifications
- input provided in CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form);
- multiple clauses ( )( )( )( )…;
- multiple literals (L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 …) (nSAT);
- output all or at-least-one satisfying vector;
- uses backtracking to prune useless portions of search tree;
- different heuristics can be selected in the user interface;
- ability to stop the program during execution.
4) Benchmarks
The SAT Solver will be tested with many different circuits in
order to:
- verify correct operation of the solver;
- evaluate the performance of each heuristic in order to
determine which one is the best.
The benchmarks consist of combinatorial circuits from the
DIMACS Challenge Benchmarks [5] (Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science ) as well as
some small test circuits.
5) Example case
With the following CNF expression [4], the solver should output
the following vector: A=0, B=1, C=0, D=1.
C1 =
( A + B + C ) ( A + B + C ) ( A + B + C )
( A + C + D ) ( A + C + D ) ( A + C + D )
( B + C + D ) ( B + C + D )
MBSAT(C1) = { A=0, B=1, C=0, D=1 }
6) How to use a SAT Solver
The program will try to find one(all) PI assignment(s) so that the
CNF expression evaluates to 1. What if the desired operation is
for the circuit output to be evaluated to 1?
Ex: not gate (show all satisfying vectors).
C2 = ( A + B ) (A + B )
MBSAT(C2) = { A=1, B=0 }  { A=0, B=1 } . However the
condition A=1 produces a 0 output. The circuit was not satisfied
C3 = ( A + B ) ( A + B ) ( B )
MBSAT(C3) = { A=0, B=1 }. Correct result.
7) Description of heuristics
The next variable to be assigned a logical value is
Heuristic A: selected at random from all the unassigned
Heuristic B: the unassigned variable that shows up in the greatest
number of clauses.
Heuristic C: an unassigned variable from the narrowest clause.
The narrowest clause is the one with the least number of
unassigned variables.
Heuristic D: determined by a combination of heuristics B and C.
If a clause exists with only one unassigned literal, that variable is
chosen. Otherwise, the procedure from heuristic B is used.
8) MBSat algorithm
Procedure MBSat()
If a clause from  is 0, return unsatisfiable
If all clauses from  are 1, return satisfiable
Select next unassigned variable depending on
the selected heuristic
If MBSat( | selected_variable = true) is
satisfiable, return satisfiable
Else return MBSat( | selected_variable = false)
Note:  is the clause database.
9) Results
The following table shows the average number of search nodes
needed to satisfy five different circuits.
Circuits have between 35 to 43 variables and 40 to 77 clauses.
Search nodes (avg.)
Heuristic A
>120 000 000
Heuristic B
6 323 612
Heuristic C
324 438
Heuristic D
3 509 402
10) Conclusion
Four heuristics were compared and evaluated: heuristic C seems
to be the best one. The MBSat program successfully reported
satisfiability of all circuits (except for timeout in heuristic A).
However, MBSat is too slow to be of practical use for now…
11) Future Work and Improvements
- Caching solutions to be reused in other portions of search;
- Conflict analysis and implication database;
- Stronger preprocessing phase.
12) References
[1] J.P.M. Silva, Search Algorithms for Satisfiability Problems in
Combinational Switching Circuits, Ph.D. thesis, University of
Michigan, 1995.
[2] Z. Zilic, VLSI Testing: ATPG By Satisfiability, Course
handouts, McGill University, 2001.
[3] J.P.M. Silva and K.A. Sakallah, GRASP-A New Search
Algorithm for Satisfiability, University of Michigan, 1996.
[4] J.P.M. Silva, Boolean Satisfiability Algorithms and
Applications in Electronic Design, Tutorial, presented at the
Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), July 2000.
[5] Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science, “DIMACS Challenge Benchmarks”, /pub/challenge/sat/benchmarks/cnf/.