St Columban’s College Arts Department ‘Creating Excellence’ TASK YEAR 11 DRAMA 4 TASK 4 – EXTENDED RESPONSE (WRITTEN) Physical Theatre encompasses a whole range of theatre genres: from circus and mime through to dance and Asian Theatre. Physical Theatre is focused on the body as the main source of expression. It is one of the most versatile forms of theatre for it transcends the language barrier to use the more universal language of the body. Physical Theatre Pre-text and Performance This term you have been introduced to the universal language of Physical Theatre, experimenting with Ann Bogart’s Viewpoints to shape dramatic action and analyse dramatic meaning. After viewing the CiRCA performance The Space Between, editors from the online theatre publication Australian Stage have approached you to write an analytical essay that closely examines the performance. Your task is to evaluate the influence Anne Bogart might have had on director Yaron Lifschitz in creating The Space Between. You will need to analyse the performance holistically but should select three specific scenes/moments to justify your position. In your response you will need to reflect on: your interpretation of the performance, using these ideas to support your deconstruction of chosen scenes/moments Bogart’s style (the Viewpoints) and how this is evident in the piece. Refer to: how the Viewpoints have been exploited in the scenes/moments chosen how they communicate complex narratives through the “universal language of the body” selected elements of drama and skills of performance appropriate to the chosen scenes/moments Within your analytical essay you must analyse and evaluate the production, building a clear thesis that states your position and examines some or a combination of the following dramatic languages: Elements of drama: Skills of performance: Conventions of form and style: Role, relationship, situation, tension, space, place, time, movement, language, contrast, mood, focus and symbol. Critiquing acting, direction, design, voice and movement. Physical Theatre – Time: duration, kinesthetic response, repetition and tempo. Space: architecture, spatial relationships and topography. Body: shape and gesture. CONDITIONS At least two weeks preparation time in and outside of class time Teacher consultation and feedback on two drafts during preparation time. Draft submitted with final response LENGTH 800 - 1000 words UNIT 3 – HIGH VOLTAGE ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER 4: RESPONDING Extended response (written) RESPONDING STANDARD A STANDARD B STANDARD C STANDARD D STANDARD E The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following characteristics: The student work has the following characteristics: discriminating analysis of use of the dramatic languages to facilitate dramatic action and meaning informed analysis of use of the dramatic languages to facilitate dramatic action and meaning analysis of use of the dramatic languages to facilitate dramatic action and meaning partial analysis of use of the dramatic languages in dramatic action and meaning explanation of aspects of the dramatic languages used in dramatic action perceptive and thorough evaluation with discriminating supporting evidence of effectiveness of the dramatic action in communicating meaning to audiences informed evaluation with convincing supporting evidence of effectiveness of the dramatic action in communicating meaning to audiences evaluation with supporting evidence of effectiveness of the dramatic action in communicating meaning to audiences partial evaluation with evidence of how dramatic action communicates aspects of meaning to audiences explanation of aspects of the dramatic action discerning synthesis of positions about dramatic action and meaning through use of relevant language conventions and drama terminology. effective synthesis of positions about dramatic action and meaning through use of relevant language conventions and drama terminology. synthesis of positions about dramatic action and meaning through use of language conventions and drama terminology. communication of positions about aspects of dramatic action and meaning through use of basic language conventions and drama terminology. communication of opinions using basic language conventions. 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