cold war power point

Arms Race: 1945- 1952
US created the Atomic
bomb “Manhattan
Project” Los Alamos
Laboratory in New
◦ Robert Oppenheimer lead
First time and Last time
used in war. Ending WWII
against the Japanese
 Hiroshima Aug 6th 1945
90K killed
 Nagasaki Aug 9th 1945
60K killed
new military strategy
to be used in war.
Truman felt this
weapon was too
powerful for military
◦ Use of an atomic bomb
was to be made by
Us felt the soviets
would not develop
weapon till mid to
late 1950’s
1949 Soviets detonate first Atomic bomb
RDS-1 (JOE- 1) August 29th 1949
◦ Much of the technology was from spies in the
US program
◦ Immediate effect escalation in an arms race
and loss of the US monopoly
◦ Rise of the US red scare
US had stated development of Hbomb prior to 1949
Edward Teller chief designer- first
detonation 1952
◦ H- Bomb uses Hydrogen fusion in the
detonation of Uranium Fission
Soviets developed a Hydrogen bomb
in 1955
Hydrogen bombs were more
powerful and destructive than
When did the US and the USSR develop their
first atomic and Hydrogen bombs?
a single soviet attack on an
American Ally
◦ result many attacks on the soviet
union with the use of Nuclear
◦ This policy cause more hesitance
of soviet forces pushing into W
◦ There was also a US fear of a
Missile gap
Missile Gap- was coined to give a perceived soviet
advantage in # of Nuclear weapons and their
◦ Truth was the US had the upper hand in total weapons
◦ US had an advantage in having bases close to the USSR
(Turkey& Germany)
◦ Used to increase anti-soviet sentiment
What was Eisenhower's Defensive Policy?
Discuss with your partner one advantage and
one disadvantage of this Policy.
After WWII Germans had V-2
Both US and USSR worked
from this to improve rocket
Soviets working closely with
Sputnik (Space Program)
developed first medium
range ICBMs 1957.
ICBM’s Intercontinental Ballistics Missiles
◦ Immediate goals was to equip with Nuclear
◦ Were only defensive as they had a limited range.
Cuban Missile Crisis showed flaw in Massive
◦ Policy would result in: MAD- Mutually assured Destruction
3 stages of Military Response
◦ 1. Direct Defense: standard
military use if soviets attack US or
an Ally
◦ 2. Deliberate Escalation : IF NATO
Forces are taken over use of
Small Nuclear weapons in combat
◦ 3. General Nuclear: all out
Nuclear War if there is a Nuclear
What was JFK’s policy called?
Discuss positives and negatives of this policy.
 10/4/57: First artificial
 5/5/61U.S. launches
satellite, Sputnik I,
first American
 4/12/61: Yuri Gagarin
astronaut, into space,
completes the first
 2/20/62 John Glenn
manned space flight,
becomes first American
 3/18/65: Cosmonaut
to orbit Earth,
Aleksei Leonov takes
 1/20/69: Man walks on
man's first space walk
the moon
1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty- No Testing in
Atmosphere, Underwater, or Space(US, UK,USSR)
1968 Non-Proliforation Treaty Non Nuclear
states can not posses or create Nuclear Weapons
◦ Goal of Disarmament
◦ (India, Israel, Pakistan against and did not sign)
Soviet ABM- Anti
Ballistics Missile
(nuclear tipped)
◦ Goal of shooting
down US – ICBM’s
targeting Moscow
Successful tests of
these weapons
1970’s US starts
MIRV missile
program. One
missile with
multiple nuclear
warheads to hit
SALT I 1969-72 Under (US)Nixon and
 talks about the limitations and control of Nuclear
weapons between the US and USSR
 No new missile launch sites
 Must dismantle ICBM’s before creating New Nuclear
◦ Created Anti ballistic Missile Treaty 1972- Limit # of
Stop the creation of New Nuclear
Reduce the # of existing Nuclear
Never ratified by the US Senate
due to Soviet invasion of the
Afghanistan in Dec of 1979
Both sides followed guidelines
until 1986 when Reagan cancelled
List 3 steps taken to limit Nuclear weapons.
Ronald Reagan 1983 developed SDI(Strategic
Defense Initiative)
◦ Called Star Wars
◦ Plan would be a system to shoot down incoming Soviet
Missiles with(
 Lasers & particles beams from land Air and space)
◦ Problem technology was not ready
Most real increase in weapons technology in the
1980’s stealth air craft.
Gorbachev reached out to the US for Nuclear
Disarmament in 1987
◦ Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty
INF Treaty 1987 Treaty Between US and USSR
On the elimination of their IntermediateRange And Shorter-Range Missiles
START Treaty 1991(Strategic Arms
Reductions Treaty) Signed with Pres. Bush
Chinese Civil War
Kuomintang or Guomintang Nationalist vs
CCP Communist
1927-1937 Initial Civil War
1937-1945 Stop to fight the Japanese
1946-1949 Communist Victory
 Mao Zedong- Red
 Rural areas Northern
 -USSR SUPPORTspread com
 -Rural and poor
◦ Promise land for all
 Jiang Kai-Shek
 Control Cities in
southern China
 -USA SUPPORTcapitalism
Wealthy supported
1.Republic of China (Nationalist)- moves to
Island of Taiwan
-US support
2.Peoples Republic of China (communist) 1949 lead by Mao Zedong
◦ Create alliance with USSR
◦ China expands-1950’s China takes Tibet,
Mongolia, parts of India
Who were the Leaders of each side of the
Discuss with a neighbor:
China split into 2 nations who supported each
nations and why?
1950- did not allow China in to the UN
1950 Mao Sought alliance With USSR
◦ Also a Marxist-Leninist Communist nation
1950 Signed Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
and Alliance
◦ Soviets got access to Northern territories
◦ China would get Soviet Aid to modernize
Mao Respected Stalin and saw him as the Leader
of the Communist World
◦ Great respect for his actions in turning the USSR from an
agricultural nation to a World Power
Korean War- Supporting NK
◦ China sent aid and 300k troops
◦ USSR sent military aid and MIG fighter pilots
Nikita Khrushchev takes power
 China no longer respects Soviet
Communist under Khrushchev
◦ Khrushchev set forth an era of De-Stalinization
 Undoing actions of Stalin and revealing truths
 Mao began to resent this attitude
Write an example of Chinese Soviet
Discuss why do you think Sino Soviet
relations Changed under Khrushchev?
USSR- Khrushchev
“peaceful coexistence”
with the Capitalist West
Denounced MarxistLeninist view of global
Soviet Unwilling to fund
nuclear research.
USSR Denounced China
for 1962 Sino-Indian war
wanted no part of
interacting with capitalist
Was in Favor of Spreading
China wanted to develop
nuclear weapons
China denounced USSR for
backing down I in Cuban
Missile Crisis
Both Sides amass troops and weapons along Ussuri
River and along their Northern Border
Small moments of fighting but never war
This made the split between the Chinese and the
USSR clear
◦ US uses this to increase relations with China
Peace was restored and official borders were set.
Write three points where the Soviets and
Chinese differed?
1. Collectivization
-1950’s- gave land to
peasants live and work on
 Wealthy had land taken
 Private companies were
taken in by gov
Commune’s -large community farms produce
more Food & goods for all
◦ Farms failed useless goods & Less Food
◦ Caused Famine in China
Hold peasants and Workers as heroes of
Attack the privileged (educated, bosses,
Red Guard were the Police of this Policy
Attacks hurt country factories, farms,
business slowed.
Purged Chinese government of any dissenters
◦ Including any who supported Soviet Views
Became more isolated and worsened Soviet
Program shut down 1970’s
Write Each of the programs Mao enacted.
Discuss problems of each of them
1989, Mikhail Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping meet
in Beijing.
1. Soviet Union stop supporting Vietnam's
occupation of Cambodia.
2. Soviet Union to withdraw its troops from
3. Soviets remove of troops on the SovietChinese border.
◦ China recognized the 3,110-mile border
4.Ended debate over orthodox communism
since neither was a purely Communist
Improved both nations international standing
and allowed start economic reforms
Early Tension
1949-Mao’s Communist Victory
◦ Chinese took any American properties in China
US side With Republic of China(Taiwan) and as
legitimate Chinese
US block China entry in UN and imposed embargo.
◦ US allies did the same
Creation of nuclear weapons 1964
Korean War-China
entered in support of
NK after US troops
amass near Chinese
Border(Yalu River)
Vietnam War
◦ 1960’sChina sent
thousands of troops,
advisors, and weapons
to support NV.
Sino-Soviet Border Fight 1969
◦ Both US and China saw need to work together
against USSR
◦ Potential trade partners
 huge market for US goods?
List 2 examples of conflicts we had with the
Discuss: In your opinion which nations has
benefited more from trade between them ?
(China or the US)
1971 Table Tennis World Championships(Japan)
◦ American Players received an invitations to play in China
◦ First Americans invited to China since 1949
◦ Henry Kissinger made the trip, secretively.
 (National Security advisor later Sec State)
Began easing of tensions and set up an official
Trip by Nixon
◦ 1972 Chinese players toured the US
Great step in relieving Cold War
Helped normalize US China
Put pressure on the USSR to
continue with Détente
US allied nations agreed with this
◦ Many of them had already set up
diplomatic relations with China
Lead to creation of a Liaison office
in China to work on diplomatic
◦ (Not an Embassy)
While Nixon in China goals of both Nations
 Both nations work to normalize relations
 Better for both nations if they work together
 No single nations
should control Asia
 “One China Policy”
there is only 1 china
both PRC and Taiwan are part of it.
 Nothing was official
Two ways Nixon’s visit to China improved the
situation between the 2 nations?
Gang of Four- Communist
politicians had control of China
with high influence on Mao.
◦ Behind Cultural Revolution
They were brought down after
Mao Death
Deng Xiaoping (Vice
Premiere)Takes control of
◦ Would be more open with both US
and Soviet Relations
1978 US announces Diplomatic Relations with
◦ Republic of China(Taiwan) angered
1979 Joint Communiqué PRC was deemed the
official China
◦ Deng Xiaoping Met with Jimmy Carter 1979
1980’s communications and trade increased
◦ Trade became beneficial for China with use of low
wage factory work.
1980- US sale of Military supplies to Taiwan
◦ Caused tension but was resolved
 US would reduce arms sales
1989 Tiananmen Square Protest Crackdown
Issues with Human Rights Violations
Discuss with a neighbor what key
achievements should Deng Xiaoping be
remembered for?
Inspired by soviet bloc democratic
In May Students, workers, and
teachers protested in the
◦ Demanded democratic freedoms
◦ During Gorbechev Visit.
Gov Forces asked protesters to
June 4th Army troops and tanks
began to shoot into the crowd
◦ later organizers were arrested
Discuss with a neighbor_
What do you think Chinese Kids in China are
taught about Tiananmen square?
United States and Europe ostracized China
back in 1989.
◦ Some economic sanctions
◦ Reduction in weapons sales
USSR Gorbachev Did not react negatively
◦ used the situation to strengthen relations with
◦ helped rearm the Chinese army
 by 1989 tension between nations was over
Stalin Expands the
Soviet Union
 Hungary,
East Germany,
Romania ,
Bulgaria, and
 Had control
because of troop
placement after
One party rule-Eliminated all political parties
except for Communist Party
Nationalization- Had major companies with
control of natural resources turned over to
government control.
Five Year plans- Plans in the Soviet union to
meet industrial or Agricultural goals
◦ These were implemented in Bloc nations to help repay
the soviets for their liberation of the Nazi’s
Censorship- Control the press to limit what is
seen, heard, and said
Religious suppression- Goal of communism is
◦ Religion was not outlawed but limited. Could not interfere
with communist ideals
◦ Centers of worship had to be state approved
 Many were closed and leaders arrested
Political purges- Eliminated all those who were
anti-communist or anti-soviet
◦ Leaders left favor soviet intervention
Cominform- Communist information Bureau
Which programs do you feel were most
effective in controlling the people in
communist bloc nations.
Albania set up a Stalinist-type
dictatorial regime that was NOT a
Soviet satellite
◦ (allied w. Communist China)
Yugoslavia, Josip Broz (Tito,) was
leader of Communist resistance to
created a Communist govt. that
was NOT a Soviet satellite.
◦ He ruled until death in 1980.
Expelled out of the group on
communist government
(Cominform) by Stalin
◦ different foreign policy and
economic policy
◦ accepted Marshall plan aid.
 This helped in protecting him from
Soviet invasion
Set up the Non-Aligned
More open form of Communism
Left-What benefits does being not aligned
Right-What are draw backs of being non
Massive emigration out of E. Germany
Government factories increased work demand but
not wage
Strikes and protest erupted throughout E. Germany
German Government brought in the Soviet army to
Reestablish order.
Khrushchev's Policy
 De-Stalinization
 Peaceful Coexistence
 Opened the door for Eastern bloc nations to
seek a less soviet model of Gov.
Workers began going on strike at a Gov steel
Protesting Began by workers in late June 1956
demanding better pay and angered by soviet
Soviet General fired into the crowds ending
the protest
◦ Workers revolt not anti-communist
How were the causes of the Polish and E
German uprisings similar?
Why is this hypocritical for a Communist
Protest failed but resulted in a less soviet Polish
Some Differences in Poland
◦ Collectivization's cancelled peasants could own land
◦ They made an Agreement with Catholic Church
 Only independent Church Eastern bloc
◦ Higher degree of freedom by the people
Soviet hostility & Soviet economic
exploitation made E. Europeans upset
Unrest in Hungary, combined w.
economic difficulties led to calls for
Imre Nagy declared Hungary an
independent nation in 1956 and
promised free elections.
◦ Ending Communist ties with the USSR
Soviet army attacked capital of
Budapest, re-established control and
executed Nagy.
 Czechoslovakia,
In Czechoslovakia, Antonin Novotny (“Little
Stalin”) = disliked by his own party &
especially among writers.
Caused an uprising
Novotny resigned, so
Alexander Dubcek was
elected leader & introduced
democratic reforms
(“socialism with a human
Social euphoria of the Czech people(They
were all happy)
Soviet army invaded Czechoslovakia,
crushed reform movement and replaced
Dubcek w. Gustav Husak.
Last attempt to push soviet influence out of
Eastern Europe until the mid 1980’s
détente setback when S. U. invaded
Afghanistan in 1979.
Soviets wanted a pro-Soviet regime but U. S.
viewed as Soviet expansionism.
◦ protest, Pres. Jimmy Carter cancelled US
participation in the 1980 Olympic Games in
placed an embargo on shipment of grain to S. U.
Reagan called the USSR an “evil empire.”
Reagan began military buildup, starting a new
arms race.
◦ military aid to rebels in Afghanistan.
By 1980, S. U. was facing serious problems of:
poor economy,
Last Soviet troops leave in 1989
What lessons should the US have learned
about arming other nations?
Reformers within Communist party
“perestroika” (restructuring Soviet
economy with free enterprise)
“glasnost”(“openness” within S. U. and
with rest of world.)
new Soviet parliament w. elected
members, the Congress of People’s
List all the key soviet leaders from WWII to the
fall of the USSR.
E. Germany leader, Erich
Honecker refused to remove
East Germans either fled the
country or protested.
◦ Honecker step down.
new govt. opened the wall on
1989 to allow travel freely
between E and W
Germany reunited 1990,
◦ Berlin again as its capital.
-Poland – Under banner of Solidarity ended
Leader was Lech Walesa
Hungary - ended communism open elections
Czechoslovakia-1989 end Com and Separate
1992-Czech Republic & Slovakia
Alexander Dubcek as its leader
Germany Reunited- by 1990
1989 Berlin wall fall combining of E & W Berlin,
In 1987, Gorbachev & Reagan agreement on t
I.N.F. (Intermediate Nuclear Forces) Treaty
◦ first treaty to actually reduce # of nuclear weapons
between superpowers.
1990, Gorbachev - non-communist parties
could organize.
March, 1990 Gorbachev became the Soviet
Union’s first president
nationalist movements emerged
in 15 republics of the U.S.S.R.
hard-line Communists worried,
who attempted a coup in Aug. of
1991 and had Gorbachev
coup failed when Boris Yeltsin,
president of the Russian Republic
and Russian Citizens resisted
communist rebels
Discuss three reasons why Gorbechev was such
an important leader.
Soviet Union ceased to exist as of Dec, 1991.
Gorbachev resigned power to Yeltsin.
15 republics became independent nations,
Yeltsin became first freely elected, noncommunist leader of Russia,
◦ committed to creating a prosperous Capitalist
democratic nation