Subject: Social Studies 8 Outcome: IN8.1 Investigate the meaning of

Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: IN8.1 Investigate the meaning of culture and the origins of Canadian cultural diversity.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
With assistance I can create an
inventory of cultural elements
held in common by people
around the world including the
FNM peoples of Canada.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I can create a defintion of culture
using my inventory of cultural
elements held in common by
people around the world
including the FNM peoples of
I can investigate how groups
keep their cultural identity and to
recognize the shared
characteristics of the FNM
peoples of Canada.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can use my understanding of
culture to examine the extent to
which groups have maintained
their cultural identity and to
analyze the shared
characteristics of the FNM
peoples of Canada.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Create an inventory of cultural elements people throughout the world have in common, regardless of where they live.
Formulate a definition of culture from responses to the question, “What is culture?”
Examine the extent to which cultural groups are able to retain their cultural identity in Canada, with reference to elements
of culture, including kinship patterns, artistic patterns, religious patterns, education patterns, recreational and play
Analyze shared characteristics among First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultures in Canada.
Investigate why First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities strive to preserve and revitalize their languages, and determine the
consequences of the disappearance of cultures and languages.
Describe the purposes and results of heritage languages and bilingualism policies in Canada and Saskatchewan.
Identify questions and issues of importance to Francophone people in Canada and Saskatchewan and assess the impact of language
and education laws on the Francophone community.
Analyze the impact of language and education laws on minority groups in Canada.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies IN 8.2
Outcome: Appraise the influence of immigration as a factor in Canadian cultural diversity.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
I can create a list of reasons for
people choosing Canada as a
home and with assistance create
a timeline of when they
immigrated to Western Canada.
I can create a timeline of
immigration patterns in Western
Canada and explain why people
choose Canada as a home.
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I can appraise the impact of
Canadian immigration policy on
immigration patterns and
Canadian cultural diversity.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can assess the fairness of
Canada’s immigration policies
and their impact on Canadian
cultural diversity.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Research reasons for diverse peoples choosing Canada as a home.
Construct a timeline of the historical immigration patterns in Western Canada.
Investigate the evolution of Canada’s immigration policy and assess the impact on historic and contemporary immigration
Assess the fairness of Canada’s current immigration policy by conducting an inquiry to determine if the ancestor of a student or a
community member would be admitted to Canada by today’s criteria.
Assess the benefits and challenges of the multicultural policy in Canada.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: DR8.1 Develop an understanding of the significance of land on the evolution of Canadian
Beginning – 1
I need help.
I can illustrate a map to identify
and define the different
designated lands. With
assistance I can explain the
impact of the land on Canadian
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
I can find and list different uses
of land in Canada and understand
their importance in the Canadian
economy. I recognize that FNM
and Western European people
have a different view of the land.
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I understand the impact of land
on the identity of FNM peoples
and can analyze the difference
between these beliefs and the
Western European notions of
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can speculate on how different
concepts of land and a variety of
economic land uses have
impacted the Canadian identity.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Examine the influence of the land on the Canadian personality depicted in literary texts, songs, media presentations, visual art and
dance, sport and recreation.
Analyze the relationship between the traditional Aboriginal concept of land and the contemporary Western European
notion of land through the centuries.
Illustrate on a map various designated lands in Canada and explain such designations.
Investigate the importance of the land in the Canadian economy, and speculate about the impact on the identity of
Investigate the impact of land on the identity of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: DR8.2 Describe the influence of the treaty relationship on Canadian identity.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
I am aware that treaty
relationships play an important
part in Canadian identity. With
assistance I can describe that
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I understand that TLE is an
ongoing process and that there
are still unfulfilled aspects of the
treaty process.
I can describe the TLE process in
Canada and the benefits of
treaties to all Canadians.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Describe the influence of varying views of the land in motivating the treaty relationship.
Explore unfulfilled aspects of Treaty in Canada.
Explore the Treaty Land Entitlement process in Canada.
Relate land claims and fishing and hunting rights to treaty provisions.
Represent the benefits of the treaties for all Canadians.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can characterize how my
Canadian identity is based on
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: DR8.3 Assess how historical events in Canada have affected the present Canadian
Beginning – 1
I need help.
I can list different world conflicts
in which Canada played a role
and name historical Canadian
events. With assistance I can
explain how these events have
affected Canadian identity.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
I understand Canada played a
role in world conflicts since the
20th century and I can identify
historical Canadian events.
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I can assess the impact of
I can select and support which
Canada’s role in world conflicts
events have had the greatest
and Canadian historical events on impact on our Canadian identity.
our present identity.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Describe Canada’s role in world conflicts since the beginning of the 20th century.
Assess the impact of a variety of important historical events in shaping the Canadian identity.
Examine the influence of American mass media and popular culture on the Canadian way of life.
Analyze the similarities and differences in the values, beliefs, and ways of life of Canadians and Americans.
Compare the perspectives taken in cases of injustice in Canadian history.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: PA8.1 Contemplate the implications of Canadian citizenship on the life of Canadians.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can identify some basic rights
and responsibilities of a Canadian
citizen. With assistance, I can
explain how citizenship has
changed over time.
I can articulate the personal
implications of Charter Rights. I
can report on how citizenship has
changed over time.
I can articulate and assess the
personal implications of
citizenship rights in Canada. I
can illustrate how the rights and
responsibilities and access to
Canadian citizenship has changed
over time.
I can contrast personal
implications of rights with those
of other groups in Canadian
Society. I can predict how the
development of rules for
citizenship has impacted various
groups in Canadian society.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Trace the changes in how citizenship has occurred for Canadians over time, including current categories of citizenship.
Analyze the contribution of two historical events in the evolution of Canadian citizenship to the nature of citizenship in Canada today.
Investigate the effects of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on individuals and groups.
Investigate the provisions of the Indian Act, and its affects on people of Aboriginal ancestory.
Compare and evaluate the citizenship processes in place for a person born in Canada and a person entering the country.
Examine the personal implications of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: PA8.2 Examine the role of power and authority in the application of diverse decisionmaking processes in a variety of contexts.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
I can identify different decision
making systems. With help, I can
explain significant differences
between majority-rule and
consensus decision making
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
I can identify and explain the
major features of different
decision making systems. I can
articulate differences between
majority-rule and decision
making systems.
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can assess the merits of
different decision making
systems and determine contexts
in which each would be effective.
I can compare and contrast FNM
decision making systems with
those of the Canadian Parliament.
I can extend my understanding of
decision making systems in
Canada to formulate contexts in
which majority-rule and
consensus decision making
systems would be most effective.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Contribute to classroom decision making by using the majority-rule model and the consensus model.
Formulate contexts in which the majority-rule model and the consensus model would be effective.
Investigate and describe the consensus decision-making model employed in traditional Aboriginal communities or jurisdictions.
Describe traditional First Nations, Inuit, and Métis models of governance and selection of leaders.
Compare the structure of leadership and decision-making process in an Aboriginal community to that of the parliamentary
system in Canada.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: PA8.3 Present the evolution of a piece of legislation, from its first conception to its
Beginning – 1
I need help.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
I can list the steps a piece of
legislation goes through before it
can become law. With assistance
I can explain the role of
important participants in this
I can describe the various steps
to making a law, including how
bills are first formulated. I can
articulate the role of different
parliamentary participants in this
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I can compare the role of
developing new school policies
with those of making laws in
Parliament. I can relate the
significance of different
participants in the lawmaking
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can construct a plan to
introduce a new student policy,
assess its merits, and how I could
work with the school to put it
into action. I can model my plan
on the parliamentary process for
making laws.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Report to the class on the evolution of a rule or a policy presently used in an area of the school.
Formulate a plan for the recommendation of a new policy for the student body, including the issue requiring resolution,
identification of the policy options providing resolution, explanation of how the proposed options might resolve the issue, and
recording the process of the selection of the recommended option.
Describe the catalyst for a law recently enacted, tracing the need and process for enacting the new law.
Represent the roles and responsibilities of various players in executive government, including the Prime Minister, the House of
Commons, the Senate, and the Governor-General.
Outline the processes of a bill becoming law.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: PA8.4 Assess the impact of citizens’ willingness and ability to actively engage in the
Canadian political processes.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
With assistance, I can identify
reasons why people choose to
participate in the political
process in Canada.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can establish reasons why
Canadians choose to get involved
in politics. I can also describe
obstacles and opportunities to
I can compare the reasons for
political involvement and apathy
amongst Canadians. I can
propose avenues for citizens to
participate positively in the
Canadian Political process.
I can evaluate personal barriers
to participation and formulate a
plan to actively participate in the
political process one of the
following levels: local, provincial,
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Present the reasons community members have chosen to run for office or to accept a leadership appointment.
Describe examples of legislation or policy at a variety of governance levels, which were initiated, modified, or rejected as a result of
public pressure.
Review the website of a provincial or federal political party, and propose and justify a redesign of the website in order to engage
adolescents in political activity.
Investigate the political involvement of community members, including why people choose to vote or not vote, and why people
choose to join or not join a political party.
Articulate the reasons a person would get involved in the Canadian political system and the possible actions, which might be taken.
Analyze the obstacles to political involvement.
Propose avenues for people to individually and collectively influence the Canadian political system.
Speculate about the characteristics of the school or community environment without the involvement of people in its leadership and
decision-making processes.
Research and report on the consequences of the non-engagement in the electoral process.
Construct an action plan for his or her personal involvement in the Canadian political system.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: RW8.1 Analyze the social and environmental consequences of living in the Canadian
mixed market economy based on consumerism.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
With assistance I can identify the
purpose and characteristics of
public and private enterprise.
I can identify the purpose and
characteristics of public and
private enterprise. I can classify
the producers of good and
services in the local economy as
belonging to the public or private
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I can classify the positive and
negative social and
environmental consequences for
family, school, and community in
the Canadian mixed market
economy. I can recognize the
impact of living situations in
which the assets are individually
or communally owned.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can evaluate the impact of the
mixed-market economy on the
Canadian environment both
socially and physically. I can
compare and contrast the
characteristics of a mixed market
economy from the point of view
of the producer, the consumer
and the government.
Investigate the goods and services produced in the local economy and the consumers of those goods and services.
Categorize the producers of goods and services in the local economy as belonging to the public or private sector, and define
the differences of the two groupings.
Identify the purpose and characteristics of:
o public enterprise
o private enterprise.
Represent the characteristics of a mixed market economy including the roles of the producer, consumer, and government.
Illustrate the elements of a mixed market economy present in the lives of students.
Appraise the role of advertising in the mixed market economy.
Determine the positive and negative social and environmental consequences for family, school, and community in the Canadian mixed
market economy.
Recognize the impact of living in situations in which assets are collectively or communally owned.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: RW8.2 Assess the implications of personal consumer choices.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
I can identify locally produced
goods and with assistance I can
identify fair-trade products
available in local businesses.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can chart the advantages of
buying locally, buying fair-trade
products, and buying massproduced products. I can create a
definition of responsible
I can assess the effects of
excessive consumption in
personal, community, and
national context. I can create a
list of strategic actions leading to
responsible consumerism.
I can appraise the ways in which
purchasing patterns affect the
local community. I can compare
and contrast the impact of
excessive consumerism and
responsible consumerism in a
personal, communal and national
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Determine the effects on the local community of the purchasing patterns of its members.
Create a catalogue of locally-produced products and of fair-trade products available in local businesses.
Assess the advantages and disadvantages of buying locally, buying fair-trade products, and buying mass-produced products.
Illustrate the effects of excessive consumption in personal, community, and national contexts.
Propose a definition of responsible consumerism, and publish a list of strategic actions leading to responsible consumerism.
Represent a personal change related to responsible consumption integrated into personal life.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8
Subject: Social Studies 8
Outcome: RW8.3 Critique the approaches of Canada and Canadians to environmental stewardship
and sustainability.
Beginning – 1
I need help.
With assistance I can identify
environmental challenges that
affect Canadians.
Approaching – 2
I have a basic
I can describe and represent
different approaches to
environmental stewardship
found in Canada.
Proficiency – 3
My work consistently
meets expectations.
I can correlate personal
behaviours with other
approaches to stewardship and
sustainability in Canada.
Mastery – 4
I have a deeper
I can critique the merits of
different approaches to
stewardship and sustainability in
Canada. I can connect them to
my personal actions to protect
the environment.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.
Represent on a timeline the evolution of Canadian policy on global environmental issues, including historical First Nations approaches to
environmental stewardship.
Outline the issues involved in finding solutions to an environmental challenge.
Tell the story of changes made in his or her behaviour to protect the environment.
Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 8