软件的内核: ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― STEP: 关于该文件格式的介绍: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10303-21#DATA_section Open tool: http://www.steptools.com/ STEP File Browser http://www.steptools.com/support/stdev_docs/devtools/devtools-20.html C++Library: NIST STEP Class Library http://www.mel.nist.gov/msidstaff/sauder/SCL.htm ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Parasolids: ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ACIS: ACIS Tutorials http://doc.spatial.com/r19/index.php/Tutorial:ACIS_Tutorials_%28Model_Topology%29 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― IGES: 介绍:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IGES 资料:IGES File Transfer:http://www.pro-des.com/iges.htm ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― STL (stereo-lithography): ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― CATIA :: based on proprietary kernel; ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SOlidWorks:: based on Parasolid kernel; ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Neutral (中立的,中性的) IGES and STEP are use only in case where data confidentiality becomes the most important issue. ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 专业从事 CAD 文件转换的公司: _____________________________________________________________________________ http://www.cadverter.com/ CADverter -Online CAD Data Translation Services: More than 100 data translation applications are available. These include translation services for ACIS, CADDS, CATIA V4/V5, ICEM SURF, I-DEAS, JT VisMockUP, Mechanical Desktop, Parasolid, ProductView, Pro/ENGINEER, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and NX. Capvidia: http://www.capvidia.be/ FormatWorks and 3D TransVidia FormatWorks Ultimate FormatWorks Ultimate is the latest Capvidia product designed for companies who need to improve existing SolidWorks translation capabilities and get access to unsupported CAD formats like native CATIA V5 and V4. We offer unlimited access to all Capvidia's translators for import and for export. Supported Data Formats Import Export CATIA V4 (.model, .exp) CATIA V4 (.model, .exp) CATIA V5 (.CATPart, CATProduct) up to R18 CATIA V5 (.CATPart, CATProduct) up to R18 Unigraphics(.prt) Parasolid Pro/E ACIS Parasolid STEP ACIS IGES 5.x - 6.x Inventor VDA-FS STEP AutoForm IGES 5.x - 6.x STL VDA-FS VRML Afm AutoForm STL VRML PolyTrans http://www.okino.com/conv/filefrmt.htm Gibbs CAM CAD http://www.gibbscam.com/ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Acc-u-Trans CSI http://www.translationtech.com/index.asp 软件介绍: Model Press:http://www.modelpress.com/ http://www.internetadsales.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1568 Parasolid 各种转换 plug-in: http://www.ugs.com.cn/products/open/index.aspx CAD 软件的比较: Comparison of CAD editors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_CAD_software#cite_note-BRL-SR-121-9 开源的 CAD Edit: BRL-CAD http://brlcad.org/ ACIS 的一些研究: 基于 ACIS 的三维实体造型模块的设计与实现; http://www.soft6.com/tech/5/54445.html 基于 ACIS 平台开发三维变量化特征造型系统的关键技术研究 http://www.spatial.com.cn/products/3D%20ACIS%20Modeler.html 3D ACIS Modeler ACIS - - HOOPS —— 一套小型的 CAD 内核系统 http://www.mulog.org/mulog/article.asp?id=575 ACIS 主页 http://www.spatial.com/ 机械设计的论坛,比较有名。 http://www.mcadforums.com/forums/ Autodesk to shape ACIS kernel http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-83043634.html Inventor is built on a "modified" ACIS geometry kernel. Autodesk froze the technology on ACIS V7 and purchased it from Dassault Systems (owners of Solid Workds - who uses the Parasolid kernel from UGS). Autodesk then developed their geometry kernel called "shape manager" which they use in Inventor. Solid Edge is a UGS product which utilizes the Parasolid geometry kernel, which is technology they own and has been around for more than 30 years. As far as functinonal differences, Solid Edge is more robust, providing what I believe is the best large assembly capablities, as well as drafting and sheet metal that are superior to both Solid Works and Inventor. Ranked by sales, SolidWorks is probably number one, Inventor number two and Solid Edge number 3. I like to refer to Solid Edge as the best kept secret in the business. Inventor has some nice "add ons" (rendering, piping), but if you benchmark the products, Solid Edge will out perform both Works and Inventor. SolidWorks and Inventor have, to date, been much better at marketing than Solid Edge has. Autodesk has a large installed base to market to and SolidWorks funnels many dollars into the marketing campaign. Perception sells, even if there are better products available. "If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door--but only if they know you have a better mousetrap." --Dennis Pence, Mechanical Design Business Manager, A+ Integrated Solutions, Inc., Addison TX OpenCasCade , ACIS 和 Parasolid 三个 3D CAD modeling 之间的比较 1)ACIS 是用 C++语言编写的,由于没有基于 ACIS 的高中端 CAD 软件开发出来,ACIS 的 维护和提供实时的技术支持看起来要比 Parasolid 差点。总言之,ACIS 的稳定性较差,但容易 上手,适用于学校里的研究工作或做个 DEMO 版演示软件; 2)OpenCasCade 是个免费包,适用于市场份额不大的软件开发。比如 CMM 测量软件,CMM 软件一年销售几千套已经是非常好的业绩了。OpenCasCade 用于学习研究还是不错的,算法都 看得到,不过这是需要良好的数学(比如:高等几何)功底的。 3)Parasolid 包里的复杂的曲面造型功能看起来 UGS 公司有所保留,不过,UGS 最近被西门子 收购,纯粹的软件行业看起来比较脆弱,前几年的网络泡沫,现在看起来软件泡沫也不远了。 4)商用软件开发选择 Solid Modeler,关键还是看 API 的技术支持的好坏吧!ACIS 和 Parasolid 价格差不多,还是选择 Parasolid 稳妥点。 OpenCasCade: http://www.opencascade.org/getocc/download/loadocc/