looking for leaders who can meet today's challenge of globalization

2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
LEADERS 5112014
Dr. Faith M. Pereira
Professor Emeritus
Management & Marketing
Dowling College
This paper will be based mainly on the Empirical Data collected over the years spent on
my Education: obtaining degrees in Science: [Medical Microbiology &Chemistry:
B.S.(Honors), M.S. (Research) & Doctorate]: St. Xavier’s College, Bombay University,
India, and in Business: [International Business: Management & Marketing: Executive
MBA & Doctorate: D.P.S.], Pace University, New York, together with decades of
Tertiary Teaching, including inter alia, Involvement as an Advisor of Business Students
at the Graduate and Undergraduate levels. Also as the Academic Chairof the School of
Business (>7 years), and Chair of the Academic Standards Committee (4 years) at
Dowling College.And also at Briarcliffe College, Long Island, New York, (for over two
decades); and also a Member of its Board of Trustees (for over two decades), and a
Participant at Global Conferences (for 15 years). Earlier as a teenager, and years later too:
as the Academic Advisor to local students in my Community in Bombay, India; and now,
as a Scholarship Judge of the International Honor Society, Delta Mu Delta, for students
of Business Administration. I am also the Faculty Advisor of the Dowling College
Chapter, Delta Pi (for three decades).
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
Decades ago a college education was the prerogative of the elite of society. On
graduation, a position of leadership was a foregone conclusion, and the individual was
given the expected position of a leader in society. That position could be in any sphere:
be it education, business, politics or a special place in society. One did not have to look
for a leader; the candidates were few and the choice was easy.
As time went by, those who belonged to the upper levels of society, sent their children,
mainly the boys, for a higher education in the local High Schools and Colleges. On
graduation these young men were considered to be the leaders of society. They held
leadership positions locally and in the Government. Some were educators, and some
turned to the world of Business. To select the best of the few, was no difficult task.
Looking for leaders then, may have been quite easy.
Years later, young women were also among the educated few; but most of them took to
teaching in the local schools. A very small number of them were selected to be
Administrators in Education. Even fewer majored in Science in College, and took up
some of the few Technical positions available. Later, a few of them rose to be Scientific
Administrators. However the salaries that the women received, was almost always less
than that of their male counterparts, with similar backgrounds, and perhaps, with even
lower grades. At this stage, almost all the selected leaders were men. The family status
may have helped in their selection.
Later still, more individuals were educated; but the leadership positions were based on
the Quality of the Education and the background of the individual. A very much smaller
number of women succeeded in being selected, based mainly on their very high
Academic Grades, and at times, their family background may have been a consideration
in the selection of the leaders.
For a rather long period of time, Academic Grades were the criteria used to select leaders;
but now, times are changing. People believe that a College Education is a Ticket to
Success. Enrollment in a College is believed to be the only way to a successful future.
The best students decide to enroll in expensive Private Colleges, making sure of their
chance to succeed. But soon the enrollment in Colleges increased. As a result the number
of College Graduates increased by leaps and bounds; but the Qualitywas not the same.
Looking for Leaders now becomes a rather difficult task. The number of Faculty needed
for the increasing number of students, increased too. It is easy to see now, that the
number of the selected Faculty did not quite Fit the Bill.
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
Lacking the education: a Major in the Disciplineassigned to teach, and also, the expected
education level. At times, Faculty selection was based solely on Family or Business
connections. Looking for a Leader now, is indeed an extremely difficult task. To add to
all these problems, the Economy has taken a bad turn; so the best qualified students rush
to the much less expensive State and City Colleges, leaving the average and below
average students to register in the expensive Private Colleges. Those students are
compelled to take on additional jobs to help pay for the expensive Private College tuition.
As a result they have no time for class preparation and homework. They are tired and lost
in class, and have no idea of what is being discussed in class. This results in total
dissatisfaction, and it gives us no opportunity of selecting a leader from this group.
Private Colleges are tuition-driven. They are desperate for students, just to fill and run
their classes. As a result they make the worst Academic decision: Lowering the Admission
Academic Standards. This is a sure way to commit Academic Suicide. A much better way
could be by Offering Assistantships or Scholarships for achieving and maintaining really
Great Grades, and by reducing or even cancelling the tuitionincentive for falling Grades,
even in the economic environment of the day.Involved and enthusiastic financiers like
Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet, will be happy to help really hardworkingstudents, with the threat of cancellation of all funds, if the grades dropped even
once. There are indeed other ways to fill classrooms with really good, hard-working
students. Lowering the Admission Academic Standards is certainly not one way.
Looking for students to fill classrooms is a problem experienced mainly in western
countries wherein low birth rates have been experienced over the years. Other countries
seem to have no admission problems. Raising Admission Academic Standards helps
those Colleges and Universities attract the better students. Looking for leaders there will
be an easier task.
1. LEADERSHIP: The 21st Century with all its advances in technology and challenges
resulting mainly from globalization, is more than a decade old today. So isn’t it
surprising that we are still looking for leaders? No, it is certainly no surprise at all. We
are all aware that they were looking for leaders in the early Biblical days. He came and
lived in their midst, but they failed to recognize Him. They did their best to try and get rid
of Him. He was not at all what they expected. What they were looking for, was a Leader
who was a successful warrior, a financial genius, one who was a King, with a powerful
Kingdom, with servants and slaves to satisfy hisevery command.
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
Yes, He was, and is, our one true Leader, who has stood the test of time. His physical
death occurred thousands of years ago; and yet, He is more alive today; very popular
everywhere. True it is, there have been long lists of leaders who satisfy most of those
qualities, but where are they now? They have all died natural deaths, and are almost
erased from our memories. And so we are still looking for leaders with those special
qualities – often referred to as je ne sais quoi– but I’ll know it when I see it. That one
Leader is the one we must all try to emulate, in as many ways as we can; as we are mere
mortals with finite reaches.
The Leaders of the past, were mainly men; with name recognition. They stand out as
shining stars, appreciated especially by those who received the Scholarships and Awards
from the Foundations that these leaders set up for the benefit of achievers who are less
fortunate financially. Most popular for us, are the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie
Foundations. People then were classified into the groups; theirs was referred to as the
Upper-Upper Class in Society. The old money that people in this category enjoyed,
resulted in excluding major philanthropists of today. (Bill Gates Sr.& Jr.andMelinda);
and Warren Buffet. These have been included in the next category; Lower-Upper Class.
Those included in the first category have beenTask-Oriented: Theory X Management
modus operandi. Those listed in this second category, aremore People-Oriented: Theory
Y+These additions (at times referred to as Rensis Likert’s Systems: 111 & 1V, Robert
Blake & Jane Mouton’s 9:9 Leaders, Organic Concerned Managers, using the sometimes
popular Six Sigma or Reorganization or Continuous Improvement techniques for “better”
results) to the conventional Theory Y. This is what we need today; as we deal with
people with specific skills and wants, based on individual academic and technical
backgrounds. Decades ago, Theory Y, all by itself, was sufficient to encourage people to
enhance their performance at work. Integrity was their way of life. There was no thought
of the Monday or Friday car. Every product produced, was perfect. Quality Control, an
FDA requirement, was mainly used for the production of Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals.
The ambience at work made things easier for all involved. Respect for superiors and for
subordinates too, was common practice; as was dedication to duty and Company; and
also, concern for colleagues. It will not be easy to bring back those Good Old Days; but
with enhanced education, technological advances and improved working conditions, we
can, and must increase our production output. With no rejects, in shorter time intervals,
making things easier for all involved. A leader today will have to take on several roles:
that of parent, friend, confidant, and be a really good listener and advisor; one who plans
to help subordinates grow, by giving them gradually increasing responsibility, with the
authority to help them make decisions with confidence.
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
2. EDUCATION: Most people believe that when one graduates with a degree, one has
an education. This is not true at all; for even thermometers and barometers have degrees.
Our Graduation Ceremony is referred to as a Commencement ceremony. Doesn’t that say
something to us? It is certainly not the Finale! Our education has to be revived and
refreshed on a regular basis, to assure us that we are keeping up with the issues of the
day, especially those concerning our community, our country and the world in which we
live. It would certainly help if, after graduation, we acquired a taste for some disciplines
of which we have no previous knowledge. No benefit can equal that of broadening our
depth and scope of knowledge.
For starters, we must first select a School, College and University with a reputation of
high Academic Standards, well-trained Faculty and the reputation that will make us
proud to be Alumni of that Institution in the years ahead. It will certainly help to make an
observation over time, of the quality of students graduating from the Institution. Often
our selection is based on the satisfaction and selection of our Parents and Relatives, with
the Institution they attended.
Getting a degree is indeed something of which we can be proud. But do we remember
what we learned for the degree? What about our study habits? Did we have the proverbial
last minute studying that made us forget most of the subject matter at the time of the
examination, or a few days later, resulting in a Grade that is far below our expectations?
The competition we will most certainly face, particularly at the time of a job search, and
even later, looking for an initial position or a promotion at a later date. These times of
global involvement, will demand a really good Grade and adequate knowledge to
underscoretheimportance and depth of our knowledge. Have we planned for our future at
the very beginning? Have we selected subjects and majors that suit our innate abilities, or
those we can eventually master, realizing them to be essential today? Or are we prepared
to accept whatever comes our way? Certainly a really Good Grade and the right choice of
subjects are essential. But that is not all. Can we say that having a Good Grade in the
carefully selected subjects, we are also Management Material? Will we be able to step in
as and when the occasion arises? That will involve much more.
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
“Good Manners” is essential at this point. Any good book on Good Manners will help.
What about respect? For our Superiors at work, the Elders in our Family and
Community? And above all, respect for ourselves; so that we will never say or do
anything of which we will be ashamed or embarrassed at a later date. Has our education
made us more marketable, even in this global Environment? Has it improved our
communication skills? Has it helped us to understand people from other cultures? Has it
helped us to avoid every type of prejudice that exists today? Are we Socially
Responsible? Positive answers to these questions will indicate that we are on the right
3. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: With reference to Education to prepare us to meet
the challenges of today, we must consider International issues. The English language is
indeed the language of Higher Education, for ease of communication internationally. At
the start it must be mentioned that very few individuals will admit to inability in
understanding and speaking in English. They will readily admit to their inability to
understand or speak in other languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese or
Portuguese, to name a few. [Personal experiences are many]. All forms of
communication: Speaking, Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Listening and Body
Language are essential. Surprisingly, the unspoken word, Body Language is often
referred to as being more vocal than the spoken word. It is believed to be unplanned and
natural to most people; and as a result, more than is intended. All forms of
communication: speaking, reading, writing, comprehension, listening and body language
are essential. Surprisingly, the unspoken word, Body Language, is often referred to as
being more vocal than the spoken word. It is believed to be unplanned and natural to
most people, and as a result, reveals more than is intended.
Unlike most languages, in which rules and exclusive vocabulary are extremely important,
the English language has accepted words from other languages. (Latin, French, Hindi,
and rather recently, technical terms and even some slang expressions). They result in
enriching the English language. People used to languages that depend on rules, using a
different script, find it very difficult to write in the English language. When they realize
the importance of the use of the definite article, they start using it indiscriminately;
especially before the names of people. Regular usage and reading are ways to help them
improve. They have little or no problem speaking; but their major problems are Spelling
and Grammar. One wonders how after spending years in High School and College, they
still have problems in Spelling and Grammar!
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
Good Communication skills are absolutely essential in Management. No one can imagine
what a person is thinking, if he/she does not communicate clearly, leaving no room for
ambiguity or misunderstanding. We can easily understand the difficulties experienced by
people who hail from different countries, who do not speak English; but perhaps learn it
as a Second Language, But what excuse can our local people have; if the only language
they know, is English? leaving no room for ambiguity or misunderstanding. Good
Communication skills are absolutely essential in our personal dealings with family and
friends, so too at work and play.
Unfortunately, it has been noted that the persons who are in dire need of Good Listening
Skills, to understand their subordinates, their wants and needs: Managers at all levels
have the least success with regard to their Listening Skills. Regular practice, listening to
little children, will help them.
With Writing Skills: There is only one way to improve them: by constantly writing.
Unfortunately people with good writing skills, are the ones who write regularly. We note
that those who really need to improve their writing skills, tend to avoid every opportunity
to write. As a result, they just can’t improve their writing skills. It can be said that most
Managerial (and other) Problems can be solved easily by improving their
communications at all levels. Communications are absolutely essential for all Managerial
and other activities. Also essential are certain additional issues: Be Fair, Flexible, at the
start. Be FIRM at first, and relax later; and have FAITH in your people, Communicate
BAD news personally and immediately-so it is not heard before you communicate it.
GOOD news is always welcome and may be delayed, based on the time situation.
Learning to speak in the language of the subordinates, and the people in general, will
certainly be a great asset. Everyone involved will be more at ease at all times, especially
at the time when a dialog is in progress; and more so, when instructions and new technics
are involved, and discussed for clarifying certain specific issues. Good communication
skills are always an asset that will be a great help to us in the home, in personal
relationships with family members, friends, and also at work: dealing with co-workers,
subordinates and also our competitors.
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
4. OURCHANGING VALUES and IDEALS: Made in the U.S.A. These are very
special words that have always been very dear to us. We, and millions all over the world,
have always been so proud to realize that that our products stood for the pride that U.S.
workers have had in their jobs and the products we make. Millions of people who
purchased them, were always very pleased with their purchases; they constantly came
back for more. Products produced elsewhere were considered to be of inferior quality.
Several other countries shared our belief. But times have changed, and so have we, as we
now have opened our doors wide to accept and purchase products made in Second and
Third world countries. Lower prices seem to have become the deciding factor at the time
of purchase; even at the sacrifice of Quality; the state of the global economy being the
deciding factor. American pride in the products produced has been displaced. People now
seem to work just for their salary; replacing their belief in Corporate pride. We can see
that Corporate Greed is the cancer that has spread among even senior Managers, even at
the expense of their subordinates, leading to increasing financial disparity in the work
place. This has taken on a global dimension, defying the laws of fairness and Good
Management Practice. It is time we make every effort to fight this disease that is
destroying even our hitherto good leaders. Putting back the clock and the calendar will
not be easy; but as Americans, we never give up.
5. The GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT of the 21st CENTURY:Globalization has
introduced us to the vast markets of many countries in the world, and has brought down
the prices of regular and rare commodities. One would expect the leaders of today to
spring up spontaneously, and in sync with the increased demands and challenges of every
age and each generation. However, there are many factors that have an impact on the
supply of each new generation of talented leaders.
Our high standard of living has resulted in our high salaries, way in excess of our
competitors. In an attempt to improve the financial situation of our country, are we
prepared to accept lower salaries for the greater good? It appears we must, if we want to
be #1once again. Our competitors are global; they hail from different countries, bringing
with them strengths in varied aspects of cultures: in technology and in different education
fields. In an attempt to match and beat them, we must work harder to meet the Asian
markets with their low wages that result in making their products more attractive because
of their low prices. This is the challenge we face; so, as in the past, as Americans, we will
and must once again, rise to the occasion and win!
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK
2014 Cambridge Conference Business & Economics
ISBN : 9780974211428
We have had, and continue to have, excellent examples to emulate in our great country, and
around us.All we have to do, is read their biographies and select those specific aspects of
their strengths that we believe we can follow. We can then create a new personal character
that can be considered as the resultant component of what we believe to be the best that will
suit us. This will put an end to our search. Now, why would we be looking for leaders, with
all the wonderful examples before us?
To name a very limited list:
Christ Himself was, is and always will be the best leader.
Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr. are next.
Bill Gates Sr., Jr., and Melinda, and Warren Buffet come next.Followed by Former
Presidents Clinton and Carter, Oprah Winfrey, Aaron Feuerstein, George Clooney and his
Father, Bono, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Ted Turner and the young Pakistani School girl,
This is indeed an incomplete and on –going list indicating that we have the information
necessary. All we have to do, is study the facts about these special people, and make our
plans to emulate them in our own ways. So now, why should we be looking for leaders?
July 1-2, 2014
Cambridge, UK