Skills and Technical Training Chapter 9 HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 1 Emerging Needs in the Workplace Skilled workers Professional employees Problem solving Decision making Team members Interpersonal skills HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 2 Three Categories of Skills Training Basic skills/literacy education Technical training Upgrading reading, writing and arithmetic Upgrading a wide range of skills Interpersonal skills training Communication and teamwork HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 3 The Skills Gap The difference between the skill requirements of available jobs and the skills possessed by job applicants. Some people think that the skills gap is perpetuated by four-year, “liberal arts” education. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 4 Factors Affecting Skills Gap Declining skill levels of many high school and college graduates. Growing number of minority and nonEnglish speaking immigrant workers. Increased sophistication of jobs. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 5 Basic Skills/Literacy Programs Prose literacy Document literacy Ability to understand and use information from texts. Ability to locate and use information contained in non-textual materials. Qualitative literacy Ability to apply arithmetic operations. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 6 In-House Literacy Programs If schools don’t do it, companies must. Two characteristics are common: Aptitude tests Small-group or one-on-one tutoring HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 7 Problems with Basic Skills Training Programs HRD professionals think the lack of literacy is a problem that affects many people. Management tends to think that lack of literacy is a problem, but affects only a few people. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 8 Federal Support for Basic Skills Training 1983–2000: Job Training and Partnership Act (JTPA) Provided funding to private training institutes and industry. Problems included fraud and too focused on a narrow population. One of 150 Federal programs that cost a lot of money and produced little. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 9 Federal Support for Basic Skills Training - 2 2000–present: Workforce Investment Act Consolidated more than 70 existing programs. Gave greater control at the local level. Gave greater accountability to training providers. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 10 Technical Training Programs Apprenticeship training Computer training Skills/knowledge training Safety training Quality training HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 11 Apprenticeship Training Provide skills to meet continually changing job requirements. Regulated by Bureau of Apprenticeship Training in the U.S. Dept. of Labor. Most require: 2000 hours of OJT 144 hours of classroom training Though there may be a lot more hours… HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 12 Major Concerns Learning based on time requirements rather than competency. Programs isolated from other programs. Concentrated in blue-collar occupations. Little concern for post-apprenticeship period. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 13 School–to–Work Programs Vary according to states. Combines middle school, high school, and technical/vocational schools. Provides: Trained labor pool Better public image Potential eligibility for tax credits HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 14 Computer Training Introductory Focuses on basic tasks Overcomes fear of computers Applications Specific software used by company Provided “as needed” for position HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 15 Computer Training Issues Self-Efficacy Cognitive Playfulness Individual’s belief that he/she can successfully perform the task. Spontaneity, imagination and exploratory approach brought to learning. Training Format HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 16 Technical/Skills Training Most are specific to job, process, or equipment. Can be general, such as new policies and procedures on waste disposal. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 17 Different Levels of Skills Training Entry-level Basic skills and procedures Advanced Training Update employee skills Specific skills improvement New equipment/procedure training HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 18 Safety Training Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Establishes safety standards Conduct safety inspections Grant safety variances as appropriate Cite violations HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 19 Safety Metrics Lost Work Day Index National average is 3.0 days/100 employees/year OSHA Recordable Rate Lost Time Rate HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 20 Hazardous Communication Standards Written policy needed Use OSHA posters Material safety data sheets (MSDS) MSDS notebooks available to all Hazardous material labels Train all employees in hazardous materials Prepare safety manual HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 21 Safety Program Needs Top management support and reinforcement Employee involvement Regular and recurrent safety training Effective safety monitoring HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 22 Safety Training Needs for Production Workers Recognizing, avoiding and preventing unsafe conditions. How to use/handle dangerous machinery, tools, and substances. Use of protective clothing, systems, and devices. Controlling hazards of any type. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 23 Using Computers for OSHA Training “OSHA clearly states that while…CBT can be a valuable tool… its use alone does not meet the intent of most OSHA training requirements. …employees require… access to a qualified trainer.” (p. 335) HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 24 Quality Training QUALITY: Providing the product the customer needs when s/he needs it, at a cost the customer thinks is reasonable. Need to provide a continuous quality improvement program. Employees need to know basic statistics to implement most quality improvement programs. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 25 Total Quality Management Fundamental Skills: Employees must be able to work in teams. Employees must be able to collect, analyze and evaluate quantitative data. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 26 Two Phases for Quality Training Quality Awareness: Training managers in concept of quality improvement In-depth Training: Process skills Work coordination, problem solving, conflict resolution Quality skills Techniques and tools to improve quality HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 27 Seven Basic Quality Tools (Table 9-7) Process Flow Analysis Cause-and-Effect Diagram Run Chart Statistical Process Control (SPC) Scattergram Histogram Pareto Chart HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 28 Statistical Process Control (SPC) Most processes demonstrate variation in output. Important to determine if variation is normal or abnormal. Focuses on identifying and correcting abnormal variations. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 29 Needs for Quality Training Must be comprehensive. Include both process and quality skills Needs continual and positive follow-up. Training is not enough! You need management commitment, employee involvement, rewards, and integrated performance evaluation. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 30 Reasons for Poor Transfer to the Workplace Resistance to change Unclear objectives Few rewards to use new skills HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 31 Quality Training and ISO 9000 International quality standards Three phases Document writing Implementation Includes company-wide training Systems effectiveness assessment HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 32 ISO 9000 Training Requirements Training needs identification process Training documentation Ready for inspection every 6-12 months HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 33 Interpersonal Skills Training Skills needed to work with other people: Communication Customer relations Selling Teamwork HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 34 Most Common Interpersonal Skills Training Team building Listening skills Delegation skills HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 35 Why Interpersonal Skills Training is Needed Increased use of team-based approach to accomplishing work. Entrants into workforce lack needed skills. High school, college and graduate-level Increasingly multicultural workplace. Global economy HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 36 Sales Training Goals: Build customer loyalty Improve long-term customer relations Provide product information Build trust Solve customer problems HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 37 Customer Relations/Service Training Introduce customer service training throughout organization. Train front-line personnel in interpersonal skills and operational practices. Train service managers in coaching and enforcing service standards. Provide incentives. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 38 Team Building/Training Increased use of teams as basic organizational element. Two sets of team-related skills: Task Skills – skills needed for accomplishing a team’s work objectives. Process Skills – how to work in a team and maintain team relationships. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 39 Types of Team-Based Training Approaches (Table 9-8) Quality Circle Cross-Functional Semi-Autonomous Self-Managed Self-Designed HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 40 Four Models of Team Building (Table 9-9) Goal Setting Interpersonal Relationships Problem Solving Role Clarification HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 41 Role of Labor Unions in Training Joint Training Programs Most common are safety and health, job skills, communication skills, and displaced worker assistance. Many other programs are job- and company-specific. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 42 Professional Development and Education Earning and maintaining licensure and certification in a field of work. Periodic need for continuing education. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 43 Providers of Continuing Education Colleges and universities Professional Associations Company-sponsored continuing education efforts HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 44 Colleges and Universities Substantive expertise available. Courses might be tailored to job/profession. Organizations can choose instructors. College credit may be earned. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 45 Professional Associations Conferences, workshops, meetings Journals, magazines, newsletters Pre-certification and post-certification workshops HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 46 Company-Sponsored Continuing Education Corporate universities. Programs are organization specific. Staff can be in-house, out-of-house and retirees. Can incorporate latest technology into training. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 47 HRD’s Roles in Continuing Education (CE) Enabler – foster effective distribution of CE throughout organization. Resource Provider – tuition aid, compensation for travel expenses, professional fees. Monitor – Assess CE to ensure professional development process is working as desired. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 48 Summary Need for skilled workers is increasing. Entry-level personnel need basic and literacy training. Global economy and multicultural issues need to be addressed. Professional growth must be supported. Need to be proactive in the face of changing technology. HRD3eCH9 Contributed by Wells Doty, Ed.D. Clemson Univ. 49