Computational Methods in Applied Sciences I University of Wyoming MA 5310 Spring, 2013 Professor Craig C. Douglas Course Description: First semester of a three-semester computational methods series. Review of basics (round off errors and matrix algebra review), finite differences and Taylor expansions, solution of linear systems of equations (Gaussian elimination variations (tridiagonal, general, and sparse matrices), iterative methods (relaxation and conjugate gradient methods), and overdetermined systems (least squares)), nonlinear equations (root finding of functions), interpolation and approximation (polynomial, Lagrange, Hermite, piecewise polynomial, Chebyshev, tensor product methods, and least squares fit), numerical integration (traditional quadrature rules and automatic quadrature rules), and one other topic (simple optimization methods, Monte-Carlo, etc.). (3 hours) Prerequisites: Math 3310 and COSC 1010. Identical to COSC 5310, CHE 5140, ME 5140, and CE 5140. Suggestion: Get a Calculus for a single variable textbook and reread it. Textbook: George Em Karniadakis and Robert M. Kirby II, Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: A Seamless Approach to Parallel Algorithms and Their Implementation, Cambridge University Press, 2003. 2 Preface: Outline of Course Errors In pure mathematics, a+b is well defined and exact. In computing, a and b might not even be representable in Floating Point numbers (e.g., 3 is not representable in IEEE floating point and is only approximately 3), which is a finite subset of the Reals. In addition, a+b is subject to roundoff errors, a concept unknown in the Reals. We will study computational and numerical errors in this unit. See Chapter 2. C++ and parallel communications If you do not know simple C++, then you will learn enough to get by in this class. While you will be using MPI (message passing interface), you will be taught how to use another set of routines that will hide MPI from you. The advantages of hiding MPI will be given during the lectures. MPI has an 3 enormous number of routines and great functionality. In fact, its vastness is also a disadvantage for newcomers to parallel computing on cluster machines. See Appendix A and a web link. Solution of linear systems of equations Ax=b We will first review matrix and vector algebra. Then we will study a variety of direct methods (ones with a predictable number of steps) based on Gaussian elimination. Then we will study a collection of iterative methods (ones with a possibly unpredictable number of steps) based on splitting methods. Then we will study Krylov space methods, which are a hybrid of the direct and iterative paradigms. Finally we will study methods for sparse matrices (ones that are almost all zero). See Chapters 2, 7, and 9. 4 Solution of nonlinear equations We will develop methods for finding specific values of one variable functions using root finding and fixed point methods. See Chapters 3 and 4. Interpolation and approximation Given {f(x0), f(x1), …, f(xN+1)}, what is f(x), x0xxN+1 and xi<xi+1? See Chapter 3. Numerical integration and differentiation Suppose I give you an impossible to integrate (formally) function f(x) and a domain of integration. How do you approximate the integral? Numerical integration, using quadrature rules, turns out to be relatively simple. 5 Alternately, given a reasonable function g(x), how do I takes its derivative using just a computer? This turns out to be relatively difficult in comparison to integration. Surprisingly, from a numerical viewpoint, it is the exact opposite of what freshman calculus students determine in terms of hardness. Finally, we will look at simple finite difference methods for approximating ordinary differential equations. See Chapters 4, 5, and 6. Specialized topic(s) If there is sufficient time at the end of the course, one or more other topics will be covered, possibly by the graduate students in the class. 6 1. Errors 1. Initial errors a. Inaccurate representation of constants (, e, etc.) b. Inaccurate measurement of data c. Overly simplistic model 2. Truncation a. From approximate mathematical techniques, e.g., ex = 1 + x + x2/2 + … + xn/n! + … e = 1 + + … + k/k! + E 3. Rounding a. From finite number of digits stored in some base b. Chopping and symmetric rounding Error types 1-2 are problem dependent whereas error type 3 is machine dependent. 7 Floating Point Arithmetic We can represent a real number x by x (0 a1 a2 ... am )bc , where 0aib, and m, b, and cM are machine dependent with common bases b of 2, 10, and 16. IEEE 755 (circa 1985) floating point standard (all of ~6 pages): Feature Bits total Sign bits Mantissa bits Exponent bits Exponent Range Decimal digits Single precision Double precision 32 64 1 1 23 52 8 11 [-44.85,38.53] [-323.3,308.3] 7 16 8 Conversion between bases is simple for integers, but is really tricky for real numbers. For example, given r base 10, its equivalent in base 16 is (r )10 (r )16 is derived by computing 0160 + 1161 + 2162 + … + 116-1 + 216-2 + … Integers are relatively easy to convert. Real numbers are quite tricky, however. Consider r1 = 1/10: 16 r 1 = 1.6 = 1 + 2/16 + 3/162 + … 16 r 2 = 9.6 = 2 + 3/16 + 4/162 + … Hence, (.1)10 (.199999)16 a number with m digits in one base may not have terminal representation in another base. It is not just irrationals that are a problem (e.g., consider (3.0)10 (3.0)2 ). 9 Consider r = .115 if b = 10 and m = 2, then r = .11 chopping r = .12 symmetric rounding (r+.5bc-m-1 and then chop) Most computers chop instead of round off. IEEE compliant CPUs can do both and there may be a system call to switch, which is usually not user accessible. Note: When the rounding changes, almost all nontrivial codes break. Warning: On all common computers, none of the standard arithmetic operators are associative. When dealing with multiple chained operations, none you would expect are commutative, either, thanks to round off properties. (What a deal!) Let’s take a look, one operator at a time. 10 Let e( x) x x in the arithmetic operations that follow in the remainder of this section. Addition: x y ( x e(x)) ( y e( y)) (x y) (e(x) e( y)) . x y ____ is fun to construct an example. x y In addition, x y can overflow (rounds off to or underflow (rounds off to zero) even though the number in infinite precision is neither. Overflow is a major error, but underflow usually is not a big deal. Warning: The people who defined IEEE arithmetic assumed that 0 is a signed number, thus violating a basic mathematical definition of the number system. Hence, on IEEE compliant CPUs, there is both +0 and -0 (but no signless 0), which are different numbers in floating point. This seriously disrupts 11 comparisons with 0. The programming fix is to compare abs(expression) with 0, which is computationally ridiculous and inefficient. Decimal shifting can lead to errors. Example: Consider b = 10 and m = 4. Then given x1 0.5055104 and x2 ...x11 0.4000100 we have x1 x2 0.50554104 0.5055104 x1. Even worse, (...( x1 x2 ) x3) ...) x11) x1 , but (...( x11 x10) x9) ...) x1) 0.5059104 . Rule of thumb: Sort the numbers by positive, negative, and zero values based on their absolute values. Add them up in ascending order inside each category. Then combine the numbers. 12 Subtraction: x y (x e(x)) ( y e( y)) (x y) (e(x) e( y)) . If x and y are close there is a loss of significant digits. Multiplication: x y x y xe( y) ye(x) . Note that the e(x)e(y) term is not present above. Why? 13 Division: x x e( x) 1 x e( x) xe( y) y y 1 e( y)/ y y y y2 where we used 1 1 r r 2 r3 ... 1 r Note that when y is sufficiently close to 0, it is utterly and completely disastrous in terms of rounding error. 14 2. An introduction to C++ and parallel computing basics See the C++ Primer at A parallel computing communications interface (parlib) is available from or with documentation available from 15 Assume there are p processors numbered from 0 to p-1 and labeled Pi. The communication between the processors uses one or more high speed and bandwidth switches. In the old days, various topologies were used, none of which scaled to more than a modest number of processors. The Internet model saved parallel computing. Today parallel computers come in several flavors (hybrids, too): Small shared memory (SMPs) Small clusters of PCs Blade servers (in one or more racks) Forests of racks GRID or Cloud computing Google operates the world’s largest Cloud/GRID system. The Top 500 list provides an ongoing list of the fastest computers willing to be measured. It is not a comprehensive list and Google, Yahoo!, and many governments and companies do not participate. 16 Data needs to be distributed sensibly among the p processors. Where the data needs to be can change, depending on the operation, and communication is usual. Algorithms that essentially never need to communicate are known as embarrassingly parallel. These algorithms scale wonderfully and are frequently used as examples of how well so and so’s parallel system scales. Most applications are not in this category, unfortunately. To do parallel programming, you need only a few functions to get by: Initialize the environment and find out processor numbers i. Finalize or end parallel processing on one or all processors. Send data to one, a set, or all processors. Receive data from one, a set, or all processors. Cooperative operations on all processors (e.g., sum of a distributed vector). 17 Everything else is a bonus. Almost all of MPI is designed for compiler writers and operating systems developers. Only a small subset is expected to be used by regular people. 18 3. Solution of Linear Systems of Equations 3a. Matrix Algebra Review Let R rij be mn and S sij be np. Then T RS tij is mp with tij k 1rik skj . n SR exists if and only if m=p and SRRS normally. Q= qij R S rij sij exists if and only if R and S have the same dimensions. Transpose: for R rij , RT r ji . 19 Inner product: for x,y n-vectors, (x,y) = xTy and (Ax,y) = (Ax)Ty. Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (an aside) for i = 1,M do for j = 1,M do for k = 1,M do A(i,j) = B(i,k)*C(k,j) or the blocked form for i = 1,M, step by s, do for j = 1,M, step by s, do for k = 1,M step by s do for l = i, i + s –1 do for m = j, j + s –1 do for n = k, k+s-1 do A(l,m) = B(l,n)*C(n,m) 20 If you pick the block size right, the blocked algorithm runs 2X+ faster than the standard algorithm. Why does the blocked form work so much better? If you pick s correctly, the blocks fit in cache and only have to be moved into cache once with double usage. Arithmetic is no longer the limiting factor in run times for numerical algorithms. Memory cache misses control the run times and are notoriously hard to model or repeat in successive runs. An even better way of multiplying matrices is a Strassen style algorithm (the Winograd variant is the fastest in practical usage). A good implementation is the GEMMW code (see 21 Continuing basic definitions… If x ( xi ) is an n-vector (i.e., a n1 matrix), then diag ( x) x 1 x2 n . x Let ei be a n-vector with all zeroes except the ith component, which is 1. Then I = [ e1, e2, …, en ] is the nn identity matrix. Further, if A is nn, then IA=AI=A. 22 The nn matrix A is said to be nonsingular if ! x such that Ax=b, b. Tests for nonsingularity: Let 0n be the zero vector of length n. A is nonsingular if and only if 0n is the only solution of Ax=0n. A is nonsingular if and only if det(A)0. Lemma: ! A-1 such that A-1A=AA-1=I if and only if A is nonsingular. Proof: Suppose C such that CA-1, but CA=AC=I. Then C=IC=(A-1A)C=A-1(AC)=A-1I=A-1. 23 Diagonal matrices: D a 0 b 0 c d . . Triangular matrices: upper U x x x x , strictly upper U 0 x x x x x x 0 x x x x 0 x x 0 , strictly lower L . lower L x 0 x x x 0 x x x x x 0 x x x x x x x 0 24 3b. Gaussian elimination Solve Ux=b, U upper triangular, real, and nonsingular: xn abn and xn1 a 1 n1,n1 nn If we define n a x 0, in ij j (bn1 an1,n xn ) then the formal algorithm is n xi (aii )1(bi ji1aij x j ) , i=n,n-1, …, 1. Solve Lx=b, L lower triangular, real, and nonsingular similarly. Operation count: O(n2) multiplies 25 Tridiagonal Systems Only three diagonals nonzero around main diagonal: a11x1 a12 x2 a21x1 a22 x2 a23x3 b1 b2 an,n1xn1 ann xn bn Eliminate xi from (i+1)-st equations sequentially to get x1 p1x2 q1 x2 p2 x3 q2 xn qn where 26 a p1 a12 b q1 a 1 ai,i1 pi a p a ii i,i1 i1 bi ai,i1qi1 qi a p a ii i,i1 i1 11 11 Operation count: 5n-4 multiplies Parallel tridiagonal solvers Parallel tridiagonal solvers come in several flavors, all of which are extremely complicated. In the past I have confused entire classes at this point with one such definition. I refer interested readers to the textbook and its associated software. Parallel or simple cyclic reduction are my favorite algorithms to parallelize or vectorize tridiagonal solvers. 27 General Matrix A (nonsingular), solve Ax = f by Gaussian elimination Produce A(k), f(k), k=1,…n, where A(1)=A and f(1)=f and for k=2, 3, …, n, aij(k ) f i(k ) aij(k 1) aij(k 1) 0 ai(,kk1)1 ak(k1,1)k 1 ak(k1,1)j i k 1 i k , j k 1 i k, j k f i(k 1) i k 1 ai(,kk1)1 (k 1) ( k 1) fi (k 1) f k 1 ak 1,k 1 28 ik The 22 block form of A(k) is (k ) A(k ) U ( k ) A . ( k ) 0 A Theorem 3.1: Let A be such that Gaussian elimination yields nonzero diagonal (k ) , k=1, 2, …, n. Then A is nonsingular and elements akk (1) (1)a(2) det A a11 22 (n) . ann Also, A(n) U is upper triangular and A has the factorization (2) LU A , where L (mik ) is lower triangular with elements 29 0 for i k mik 1 ik aik(k ) ik ( k ) akk The vector g f (n) L1 f . (3) Proof: Note that once (2) is proven, det( A) det(L)det(U ) det(U ) , so (1) follows. Now we prove (2). Set LU (cij ) . Then (since L and U are triangular and A(k) is satisfied for k=n) n min(i, j) cij k 1mik akj(n) k 1 30 mik akj(k ) . From the definitions of aij(k ) and mik we get mi,k 1ak(k1.1)j aij(k 1) aij(k ) for 2 k i, k j and recall that aij(1) aij . Thus, if ij, then i1 i1 cij k 1mik akj(k ) aij(i) k 1 aijk aij(k 1) aij(i) aij . When i>j, aij( j1) 0 (2). Finally, we prove (3). Let h Lg . So, i i hi k 1mik gk k 1mik f k(k ) . From the definitions of f i(k ), mik , and f i(1) f i , 31 mik f k(k ) f i(k ) f i(k 1) hi f i . L nonsingular completes the proof of (3). QED Examples: 4 6 1 1 1 0 0 4 6 4 6 1 A A(1) 8 10 3 , A(2) 0 2 1 , A(3) 0 2 1 U and L 2 1 0 12 48 2 0 66 15 0 0 38 3 33 1 and 4 6 1 4 6 1 1 0 0 A A(1) 8 10 3 , A(2) 0 2 1 U and L 2 1 0 . 8 12 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 32 The correct way to solve Ax=f is to compute L and U first, then solve Ly f , Ux y. Generalized Gaussian elimination 1. Order of elimination arbitrary. 2. Set A(1) A, and f (1) f . 3. Select an arbitrary ai(1),j 0 as the first pivot element. We can eliminate x j 1 1 from all but the i1-st equation. The multipliers are mk , j ak(1), j / ai(1) ,j . 1 4. The reduced system is now A(2) x f (2) . 5. Select another pivot ai(2),j 0 and repeat the elimination. 1 1 1 2 2 (2) 0, r, s , then the remaining equations are degenerate and we halt. 6. If ars 33 Theorem 3.2: Let A have rank r. Then we can find a sequence of distinct row and column indices (i1,j1), (i2,j2), …, (ir,jr) such that corresponding pivot elements in A(1), A(2), …, A(r) are nonzero and aij(r ) 0 if i i1,i2, ,ir . Define permutation matrices (whose columns are unit vectors) (i ) (i ) ( j1) ( j2) ,e , P e 1 ,e 2 , ,e(ir ), ,e(in ) and Q e ,e( jr ), ,e( jn ) , where {ik} and {jk} are permutations of {1,2,…,n}. Then By=g (where B PT AQ, y QT x, and g PT f ) is equivalent to Ax=f and can be reduced to triangular form by Gaussian elimination with the natural ordering. Proof: Generalized Gaussian elimination alters A A(1) by forming linear combinations of the rows. Thus, whenever no nonzero pivot can be found, the remaining rows were linearly dependent on the preceding rows. Permutations P 34 and Q rearrange equations and unknowns such that bvv ai , j , v 1,2, , n . By v v the first half of the theorem, the reduced B(r) is triangular since all rows r+1, …, n vanish. QED Operation Counts To compute aij(k ) : (n-k+1)2 + (n-k+1) (do quotients only once) To compute f i(k ) : (n-k+1) n n Recall that k 1k n(n 1) and k 1k 2 n(n 1)(2n 1) . Hence, there are 2 6 n(n2 1) multiplies to triangularize A and n(n1) multiplies to modify f. 2 3 Using the Ly=f and Ux=y approach, computing xi requires (n-i) multiplies plus 1 divide. Hence, only n(n1) multiplies are required to solve the 2 triangular systems. 35 3 Lemma: n mn2 n operations are required to solve m systems Ax( j) f ( j) , 3 3 j=1, …, m by Gaussian elimination. Note: To compute A-1 requires n3 operations. In general, n2 operations are required to compute A-1f(j). Thus, to solve m systems requires mn2 operations. Hence, n3+mn2 operations are necessary to solve m systems. Thus, it is always more efficient to use Gaussian elimination instead of computing the inverse! We can always compute A-1 by solving Axi=ei, i=1,2,…,n and then the xi’s are the columns of A-1. Theorem 3.3: If A is nonsingular, P such that PA=LU is possible and P is only a permutation of the rows. In fact, P may be found such that lkk lik for i>k, k=1,2,…,n-1. 36 Theorem 3.4: Suppose A is symmetric. If A=LU is possible, then the choice of lkk=ukklik=uki. Hence, U=LT. Variants of Gaussian elimination LDU factorization: L and U are strictly lower and upper triangular and D is diagonal. Cholesky: A=AT, so factor A=LLT. 0 1 is symmetric, but cannot be factored into LU form. Fun example: A 1 0 Definition: A is positive definite if xT Ax 0, xT x 0 . Theorem 3.5 (Cholesky Method): Let A be symmetric, positive definite. Then A can be factored in the form A=LLT. 37 Operation counts: 3 To find L and g=L-1f is n n2 n operations + n 's . 6 6 2 To find U is n n operations. 2 3 Total is n 3 n2 n operations + n 's operations. 6 2 3 38 Parallel LU Decomposition There are 6 convenient ways of writing the factorization step of the nn A in LU decomposition (see textbook). The two most common ways are as follows: kij loop: A by row (daxpy) for k = 1, n − 1 for i = k + 1, n lik = aik /akk for j = k + 1, n aij = aij − likakj endfor endfor endfor kji loop: A by column (daxpy) for k = 1, n − 1 for p = k + 1, n lpk = apk /akk endfor for j = k + 1, n for i = k + 1, n aij = aij − likakj endfor endfor endfor 39 Definition: A daxpy is a double precision vector update of the form x x y , where x, y n and . saxpy’s are single precision vector updates defined similarly. Four styles of axpy’s (real and complex, single and double precision) are included in the BLAS (basic linear algebra subroutines) that are the basis for most high performance computing linear algebra and partial differential equation libraries. 40 It is frequently convenient to store A by rows in the computer. Suppose there are n processors Pi, with one row of A stored on each Pi. Using the kji access method, the factorization algorithm is for i = 1, n-1 Send aii to processors Pk, k=i+1,…, n In parallel on each processor Pk, k=i+1,…, n, do the daxpy update to row k endfor Note that in step i, after Pi sends aii to other processors that the first i processors are idle for the rest of the calculation. This is highly inefficient if this is the only thing the parallel computer is doing. A column oriented version is very similar. 41 We can overlap communication with computing to hide some of the expenses of communication. This still does not address the processor dropout issue. We can do a lot better yet. Improvements to aid parallel efficiency: 1. Store multiple rows (columns) on a processor. This assumes that there are p processors and that p n . While helpful to have mod(n,p)=0, it is unnecessary (it just complicates the implementation slightly). 2. Store multiple blocks of rows (columns) on a processor. 3. Store either 1 or 2 using a cyclic scheme (e.g., store rows 1 and 3 on P1 and rows 2 and 4 on P2 when p=2 and n=4). Improvement 3, while extremely nasty to program (and already has been as part of Scalapack so you do not have to reinvent the wheel if you choose not to) leads to the best use of all of the processors. No processor drops out. Figuring out how to get the right part of A to the right processors is lots of fun, too, but is also provided in the BLACS, which are required by Scalapack. 42 Now that we know how to factor A = LU in parallel, we need to know how to do back substitution in parallel. This is a classic divide and conquer algorithm leading to an operation count that cannot be realized on a known computer (why?). We can write the lower triangular matrix L in block form as L1 0 L , L2 L3 where L1 and L2 are also lower triangular. If L is of order 2k, some k>0, then no special cases arise in continuing to factor the Li’s. In fact, we can prove that L1 L1 1 L1L2 L1 3 1 1 3 0 L , which is also known as a Schur complement. Recursion solves the problem. 43 Norms Definition: A vector norm : n satisfies for any x xi y n , 1. x 0, x n and x 0 if and only if x1 x2 2. x x , , x n 3. x y x y , x, y n In particular, n x 1 i1 xi . x p n x i1 i 1/ p p , p 1. x max x1 , x2 , , xn . Example: x 4, 2, 5 , x 1 6 5, x 2 5, x 4 . 44 xn 0 . n and any Definition: A matrix norm : nn satisfies for any A aij B nn , 1. A 0 and A 0 if and only if i, j, aij 0. nn 2. A A 3. A B A B 4. AB A B In particular, n A max i1 aij , which is the maximum absolute column sum. 1 1 jn A n max j1 aij , which is the maximum absolute row sum. 1in A E n i1 1/2 n a2 , j 1 ij which is the Euclidean matrix norm. A max Au u 1 45 and any Examples: 1 2 3 1. A 9 1 2 , A 11, A 12, A 11 1 2 E 1 2 4 2. Let In nn . Then In In 1, but In n . 1 2 E Condition number of a matrix Definition: cond(A)= A A1 . Facts (compatible norms): Ax A x 1, Ax A 1 1 46 x , Ax A 2 E x 2. Theorem 3.6: Suppose we have an approximate solution of Ax=b by some x , where b 0 and A nn is nonsingular. Then for any compatible matrix and vector norms, 1 Ax b b Ax b x x , where cond( A) . x b Proof: (rhs) x x A1r , where r Ax b is the residual. Thus, x x A1 r A1 Ax b Since Ax=b, A b b and A / b x 1 . Thus, x x / x A1 Ax b A / b . (lhs) Note that since A 0 , Ax b r Ax Ax A x x or x x Ax b / b . 47 Further, x A1b x A1 b or x 1 A1 b Combining the two inequalities gives us the lhs. 1 . QED Theorem 3.7: Suppose x and x satisfy Ax f and ( A A)( x x) f f , where x and x are perturbations. Let A be nonsingular and A be so small that 1 A A1 . Then for cond(A) we have x x 1 A / A f f A A . Note: Theorem 3.7 implies that when x is small, small relative changes in f and A cause small changes in x. 48 Iterative Improvement 1. Solve Ax=f to an approximation x (all single precision). 2. Calculate r Ax f using double the precision of the data. 3. Solve Ae=r to an approximation e (single precision). 4. Set x ' x e (single precision x ) and repeat steps 2-4 with x x ' . Normally the solution method is a variant of Gaussian elimination. Note that r Ax f A(x x) Ae . Since we cannot solve Ax=f exactly, we probably cannot solve Ae=r exactly, either. Fact: If 1st x ' has q digits correct. Then the 2nd x ' will have 2q digits correct (assuming that 2q is less than the number of digits representable on your computer) and the nth x ' will have nq digits correct (under a similar assumption as before). Parallelization is straightforward: Use a parallel Gaussian elimination code and parallelize the residual calculation based on where the data resides. 49 3c. Iterative Methods 3c (i) Splitting or Relaxation Methods Let A=ST, where S is nonsingular. Then Ax b Sx Tx b . Then the iterative procedure is defined by x0 given Sxk 1 Txk b, k 1 To be useful requires that 1. xk 1 is easy to compute. 2. xk x in a reasonable amount of time. 50 Example: Let A=D-L-U, where D is diagonal and L and U are strictly lower and upper triangular, respectively. Then a. S=D and T=L+U: both are easy to compute, but many iterations are required in practice. b. S=A and T=0: S is hard to compute, but only 1 iteration is required. Let ek x xk . Then Sek 1 Tek or ek (S 1T )k e0 , which proves the following: Theorem 3.8: The iterative procedure converges or diverges at the rate of S 1T . 51 Named relaxation (or splitting) methods: 1. S D, T L U (Jacobi): requires 2 vectors for xk and xk+1, which is somewhat unnatural, but parallelizes trivially and scales well. 2. S D L, T U (Gauss-Seidel or Gau-Seidel in German): requires only 1 vector for xk. The method was unknown to Gauss, but known to Seidel. 3. S 1D L, T 1 D U : a. (1,2) (Successive Over Relaxation, or SOR) b. (0,1) (Successive Under Relaxation, or SUR) c. 1 is just Gauss-Seidel 2 1 2 0 0 1 , and S 1T 1 , whereas Example: A , SJ , TJ J J 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 1, , and S 1 T , SGS T GS GS 4 1 2 GS 0 0 which implies that 1 Gauss-Seidel iteration equals 2 Jacobi iterations. 52 Special Matrix Example Let Afd 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 be tridiagonal. 1 For this matrix, let S J1TJ and SSOR . The optimal is such that T , SOR, 53 2 1 2 2 , which is part of Young’s thesis (1950), but correctly proven by Varga later. We can show that 2 2 1 1 2 makes as small as possible. Aside: If =1, then 2 or . Hence, Gauss-Seidel is twice as fast as Jacobi (in either convergence or divergence). If Afd Facts: let h 1 . n 1 cos( h) Jacobi 2 cos2 ( h) Gauss-Seidel 1 sin( h) SOR-optimal 1 sin( h) nn , Example: n=21 and h=1/22. Then 0.99, 2 0.98, 0.75 30 Jacobis equals 1 SOR with the optimal ! Take n=1000 and h=1/1001. Then ~1275 Jacobis equals 1 SOR with the optimal !! 54 There are many other splitting methods, including Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) methods (1950’s) and a cottage industry of splitting methods developed in the U.S.S.R. (1960’s). There are some interesting parallelization methods based on ADI and properties of tridiagonal matrices to make ADI-like methods have similar convergence properties of ADI. Parallelization of the Iterative Procedure For Jacobi, parallelization is utterly trivial: 1. Split up the unknowns onto processors. 2. Each processor updates all of its unknowns. 3. Each processor sends its unknowns to processors that need the updated information. 4. Continue iterating until done. 55 Common fallacies: When an element of the solution vector xk has a small enough elementwise residual, stop updating the element. This leads to utterly wrong solutions since the residuals are affected by updates of neighbors after the element stops being updated. Keep computing and use the last known update from neighboring processors. This leads to chattering and no element-wise convergence. Asynchronous algorithms exist, but eliminate the chattering through extra calculations. Parallel Gauss-Seidel and SOR are much, much harder. In fact, by and large, they do not exist. Googling efforts leads to an interesting set of papers that approximately parallelize Gauss-Seidel for a set of matrices with a very well known structures only. Even then, the algorithms are extremely complex. 56 Parallel Block-Jacobi is commonly used instead as an approximation. The matrix A is divided up into a number of blocks. Each block is assigned to a processor. Inside of each block, Jacobi is performed some number of iterations. Data is exchanged between processors and the iteration continues. See the book (absolutely shameless plug), C. C. Douglas, G. Haase, and U. Langer, A Tutorial on Elliptic PDE Solvers and Their Parallelization, SIAM Books, Philadelphia, 2003 for how to do parallelization of iterative methods for matrices that commonly occur when solving partial differential equations (what else would you ever want to solve anyway???). 57 3c (ii) Krylov Space Methods Conjugate Gradients Let A be symmetric, positive definite, i.e., A=AT and ( Ax, x) x 2 , where 0 . The conjugate gradient iteration method for the solution of Ax+b=0 is defined as follows with r=r(x)=Ax+b: x0 arbitrary r0=Ax0+b w0=r0 (approximate solution) (approximate residual) (search direction) 58 For k 0,1, xk 1 xk k wk , k rk 1 rk k Awk wk 1 rk 1 k wk , (rk , wk ) (wk , Awk ) (rk 1, Awk ) k (wk , Awk ) Lemma CG1: If Q( x(t)) 1 ( x(t), Ax(t)) (b, x(t)) and x(t ) xk twk , then k is 2 chosen to minimize Q( x(t )) as a function of t. Proof: Expand x(t) and use inner product linearity: Q(x(t)) = = 1 ( x tw , Ax tAw ) (b, x tw ) k k k k k 2 k 1 ( x , Ax ) 2t( x , Aw ) t 2(w , Aw ) (b, x ) t(b, w ) k k k k k k 2 k k 59 d Q(x(t)) = dt ( xk , Awk ) t (wk , Awk ) (b, wk ) d Q(x( )) = k dt = = = ( xk , Awk ) k (wk , Awk ) (b, wk ) ( xk , Awk ) (rk , wk ) (b, wk ) ( Axk b rk , wk ) 0 since Axk rk = = = = = A( xk 1 k 1wk 1) (rk 1 k 1Awk 1) Axk 1 rk 1 Ax0 r0 b 60 2 Note that d 2 Q(x(k ))=(wk ,Awk )>0 if wk >0 . dt Lemma CG2: The parameter k is chosen so that (wk 1, Awk ) 0 . Lemma CG3: For 0 q k , 1. (rk 1, wq ) 0 2. (rk 1, rq ) 0 3. (wk 1, Awq ) 0 Lemma CG4: k (rk 1, rk 1) . (rk 1, Ark ) Lemma CG5: k (rk 1, rk 1) (rk , rk ) 61 Theorem 3.9: (CG): Let A N N be symmetric, positive definite. Then the CG iteration converges to the exact solution of Ax+b=0 in not more than N iterations. Preconditioning We seek a matrix M (or a set of matrices) to use in solving M 1Ax M 1b 0 such that (M 1A) ( A) M is easy to use when solving My=z. M and A have similar properties (e.g., symmetry and positive definiteness) Reducing the condition number reduces the number of iterations necessary to achieve an adequate convergence factor. 62 Thereom 3.10: In finite arithmetic, the preconditioned conjugate gradient method converges at the rate based on the largest and smallest eigenvalues of M 1A, x xk x x0 2 2 2 2 (M 1A) k 2 (M 1A) 1 , where 2 (M 1A) max . min 2 (M 1A) 1 Proof: See Golub and Van Loan or many other numerical linear algebra books. What are some common preconditioners? Identity!!! Main diagonal (the easiest to implement in parallel and very hard to beat) Jacobi Gauss-Seidel Tchebyshev 63 Incomplete LU, known as ILU (or modified ILU) Most of these do not work straight out of the box since symmetry may be required. How do we symmetrize Jacobi or a SOR-like iteration? Do two iterations: once in the order specified and once in the opposite order. So, if the order is natural, i.e., 1N, then the opposite is N1. There are a few papers that show how to do two way iterations for less than the cost of two matrix-vector multiplies (which is the effective cost of the solves). Preconditioned conjugate gradients x0 arbitrary r0=Ax0+b Mr0 r0 w0 r0 (approximate solution) (approximate residual) (search direction) 64 followed by for k 0,1, until (rk 1, rk 1) (r0, r0) and (rk 1, rk 1) (r0, r0) for a given : xk 1 xk k wk , k (rk , rk ) (wk , Awk ) k (rk 1, rk ) (rk , rk ) rk 1 rk k Awk Mrk 1 rk 1 wk 1 rk 1 k wk , 65 3d. Sparse Matrix Methods We want to solve Ax=b, where A is large, sparse, and NN. By sparse, A is nearly all zeroes. Consider the tridiagonal matrix, A[1,2, 1]. If N=10,000, then A is sparse, but if N=4 it is not sparse. Typical sparse matrices are not just banded or diagonal matrices. The nonzero pattern may appear to be random at first glance. There are a small number of common storage schemes so that (almost) no zeroes are stored for A, ideally storing only NZ(A) = number of nonzeroes in A: Diagonal (or band) Profile Row or column (and several variants) Any of the above for blocks The schemes all work in parallel, too, for the local parts of A. Sparse matrices arise in a very large percentage of problems on large parallel computers. 66 Compressed row storage scheme (Yale Sparse Matrix Package format) 3 vectors: IA, JA, and AM. Length N+1 NZ(A) NZ(A) Description IA(j) = index in AM of 1st nonzero in row j JA(j) = column of jth element in AM AM(j) = aik, for some row i and k=JA(j) Row j is stored in AM (IA( j): IA( j 1) 1) . The order in the row may be arbitrary or ordered such that JA( j) JA( j 1) within a row. Sometimes the diagonal entry for a row comes first, then the rest of the row is ordered. The compressed column storage scheme is defined similarly. 67 Modified compressed row storage scheme (new Yale Sparse Matrix Package format) 2 vectors: IJA, AM, each of length NZ(A)+N+1. Assume A = D + L + U, where D is diagonal and L and U are strictly lower and upper triangular, respectively. Let i NZ (row i of L+U) . Then IJA(1) N 2 IJA(i) IJA(i 1) i1, i 2,3, , N 1 IJA( j) column index of jth element in AM AM (i) aii , 1 i N AM ( N 1) is arbitrary AM ( j) aik , IJA(i) j IJA(i 1) and k IJA( j) The modified compressed column storage scheme is defined similarly. 68 Very modified compressed column storage scheme (Bank-Smith format) Assumes that A is either symmetric or nearly symmetric. Assume A = D + L + U, where D is diagonal and L and U are strictly lower and upper triangular, respectively. Let i NZ (column i of U ) that will be stored. Let i1i . N 2 vectors: IJA, AM with both aij and aji stored if either is nonzero. IJA(1) N 2 IJA(i) IJA(i 1) i1, i 2,3, , N 1 IJA( j) row index of jth element in AM AM (i) aii , 1 i N AM ( N 1) is arbitrary AM ( j) aki , IJA(i) j IJA(i 1) and k IJA( j) If A AT , then AM ( j ) aik 69 AM contains first D, an arbitrary element, UT, and then possibly L. Example: A 24 44 a11 0 a13 0 0 a22 0 a a31 0 a33 0 0 a42 0 a Then index IJA AM 1 6 a11 D and column “pointers” 2 3 4 6 6 7 a22 a33 a44 70 UT 5 8 6 1 a13 7 2 a24 Optional L 8 9 a31 a42 Compute Ax or ATx Procedure MULT( N, A, x, y ) do i = 1:N y(i)=A(i)x(i) enddo Lshift=0 if L is not stored and IJA(N+1)-IJA(1) otherwise Ushift=0 if y=Ax or L is not stored and IJA(N+1)-IJA(1) if y=ATx do i = 1:N do k = 1:IJA(i):IJA(i+1)-1 j=IJA(k) y(i)+=A(k+Lshift)x(j) // So-so caching properties y(j)+=A(k+Ushift)x(i) // Cache misses galore enddo enddo end MULT 71 In the double loop, the first y update has so-so cache properties, but the second update is really problematic. It is almost guaranteed to cause at least one cache miss every time through the loop. Storing small blocks of size pq (instead of 11) is frequently helpful. Note that when solving Ax=b by iterative methods like Gauss-Seidel or SOR, independent access to D, L, and U is required. These algorithms can be implemented fairly easily on a single processor core. Sparse Gaussian elimination We want to factor A=LDU. Without loss of generality, we assume that A is already reordered so that this is accomplished without pivoting. The solution is computed using forward, diagonal, and backward substitutions: Lw b Dz w Ux z 72 There are 3 phases: 1. symbolic factorization (determine the nonzero structure of U and possibly L, 2. numeric factorization (compute LDU), and 3. forward/backward substitution (compute x). Let G (V , E) denote the ordered, undirected graph corresponding to the matrix A. V v N i i1 is the virtex set, E eij e ji | aij a ji 0 is the edge set, and virtex adjaceny set is adjG (vi ) k | eik E . Gaussian elimination corresponds to a sequence of elimination graphs Gi, 0i<N. Let G0=G. Define Gi from Gi-1, i>0, by removing vi from Gi-1 and all of its incident edges from Gi-1, and adding new edges as required to pairwise connect all vertices in adjG (vi ) . i1 73 Let F denote the set of edges added during the elimination process. Let G ' V , E F . Gaussian elimination applied to G’ produces no new fillin edges. Symbolic factorization computes E F . Define m(i) = min k i | k adj (v ), 1 i N G' i = min k i | k adj (v ) i G i1 Theorem 3.11: eij E F , i j , if and only if 1. eij E , or 2. sequence k1, k2, , k p such that a. k1=l1, kp=j, el E , j b. i=kq, some 2qp1, and c. kq m(kq1) , 2qp. 74 Computing the fillin The cost in time will be O( N E F ) . We need 3 vectors: M of length N1 LIST of length N JU of length N+1 (not technically necessary for fillin) The fillin procedure has three major sections: initialization, computing row indices of U, and cleanup. Procedure FILLIN( N, IJA, JU, M, LIST ) // Initialization of vectors M(i)=0, 1iN LIST(i)=0, 1iN JU(1)=N+1 75 do i=1:N Length=0 LIST(i)=i // Compute row indices of U do j=IJA(i):IJA(i+1)1 k=IJA(j) while LIST(k)=0 LIST(k)=LIST(i) LIST(i)=k Length++ if M(k)=0, then M(k)=i k=M(k) endwhile enddo // j JU(i+1)=JU(i)+Length 76 // Cleanup loop: we will modify this loop when computing either // Ly=b or Ux=z (computing Dz=y is a separate simple scaling loop) k=i do j=1:Length+1 ksave=k k=LIST(k) LIST(ksave)=0 enddo // j enddo // i end FILLIN Numerical factorization (A=LDU) is derived by embedding matrix operations involving U, L, and D into a FILLIN-like procedure. The solution step replaces the Cleanup loop in FILLIN with k=i Sum=0 77 do j=JU(i):JU(i+1)1 ksave=k k=LIST(k) LIST(ksave)=0 Sum+=U(j)y(k) enddo // j y(i)=b(i)Sum LIST(k)=0 The i loop ends after this substitution. Solving Ux=z follows the same pattern, but columns are processed in the reverse order. Adding Lshift and Ushift parameters allows the same code handle both cases A=AT and AAT equally easily. R.E. Bank and R.K. Smith, General sparse elimination requires no permanent integer storage, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp., 8 (1987), pp. 574-584 and the SMMP and Madpack2 packages in the Free Software section of my home web. 78 4. Solution of Nonlinear Equations Intermediate Value Theorem: A continous function on a closed interval takes on all values between and including its local maximum and mimum. (First) Mean Value Theorem: If f is continuous on [a,b] and is differentiable on (a,b), then there exists at least one (a,b) such that f (b) f (a) f '()(b a) . Taylor’s Theorem: Let f be a function such that f (n1) is continuous on (a,b). If x y(a,b) , then f ( x) f ( y) i n ( x y ) ( i ) f ( y ) R ( y, x) , i1 i! n1 where between x and y such that n1 Rn1( y, x) f (n1) ( ) ( x y) . (n 1)! 79 Given y=f(x), find all s such that f(s)=0. Backtracking Schemes Suppose a b such that f (a) f (b) and f is continuous on [a,b]. Bisection method: Let m a b . Then either 2 1. f (a) f (m) 0 : replace b by m. 2. f (a) f (m) 0 : replace a by m. 3. f (a) f (m) 0 : stop since m is a root. 80 Features include Will always converge (usually quite slowly) to some root if one exists. We can obtain error estimates. 1 function evaluation per step. False position method: Derived from geometry. 81 First we determine the secant line from (a, f (a)) to (b, f (b)) : y f (b) f (a) f (b) . x b a b The secant line crosses the x-axis when x x1, where f (b) f (b) f (a) ( x1 b) 0 or x1 af (b) bf (a) . ba f (b) f (a) Then a root lies in either [a, x1] or [ x1,b] depending on sign of f (a) f ( x1) as before. We replace a or b with x1 depending on which interval the root lies and repeat until we get (close enough) to the root. 82 Features include Usually converges faster than the Bisection method, but is quite slow.. Very old method: first reference is in the Indian mathematics text Vaishali Ganit (circa 3rd century BC). It was known in China by the 2nd century AD and by Fibonacci in 1202. Middle Eastern mathematicians kept the method alive during the European Dark Ages. The method can get stuck, however. In this case, it can be unstuck (and speeded up) by choosing either x1 (a / 2) f (b) bf (a) or x1 af (b) (b / 2) f (a) . f (b)/ 2 f (a) f (b) f (a)/ 2 Modifications like this are called the Illinois method and date to the 1970’s. 83 Fixed point methods: Construct a function g(s) such that g (s) s f (s) 0 . Example: g (s) s f (s) . Constructing a good fixed point method is easy. The motivation is to look at a function y=g(x) and see when g(x) intersects y=x. Let I [a,b] and assume that g is defined on I. Then g has either zero or possibly many fixed points on I. 84 Theorem 4.1: If g (I ) I and g is continuous, then g has at least one fixed point in I. Proof: g (I ) I means that a g (a) b and a g (b) b . If either a g (a) or b g (b) , then we are done. Assume that is not the case: hence, g (a) a 0 and g (b) b 0 . For F ( x) g ( x) x , F is continuous and F (a) 0 and F (b) 0 . Thus, by the initial value theorem, there exists at least one s I such that 0 F (s) g (s) s . QED Why are Theorem 4.1’s requirements reasonable? s I : s cannot equal g(s) if not g (s)I . Continuity: if g is discontinuous, the graph of g may lie partly above and below y=x without an intersection. Theorem 4.2: If g (I ) I and g '( x) L 1, x I , then !s I such that g(s)=s. 85 Proof: Suppose s1 s2 I are both fixed points of g. The mean value theorem with (s1, s2 ) has the property that s2 s1 g (s2 ) g (s1) g '( )( s2 s1 ) L s2 s1 s2 s1 , which is a contradiction. QED Note that the condition on g ' g must be continuous. 86 Algorithm: Let x0 I be arbitrary and set xn1 g ( xn ), n 0,1, Note that after n steps, g ( xn ) xn xm xn, m n . 87 Theorem 4.3: Let g (I ) I and g '( x) L 1, x I . For x0 I , the sequence xn g ( xn1), n 1,2, satisfies converges to the fixed point s and the nth error en xn s n en L x1 x0 . 1 L Note that Theorem 4.3 is a nonlocal convergence theorem because s is fixed, a known interval I is assumed, and convergence is for any x0 I . Proof: (convergence) Recall that s is unique. For any n, n between xn-1 and s such that xn s Ln g (xn1) s g '(n ) xn1 s . Repeating this gives xn s Ln x0 s . n 0 lim x s . L Since 0 L 1, nlim n n 88 Error bound: Note that x0 s x0 x1 x1 s x0 x1 L x0 s (1 L) x0 s x1 x0 n Since xn s Ln x0 s , en xn s L x0 s . 1 L QED Theorem 4.4: Let g '( x) be continuous on some open interval containing s, where g(s)=s. If g '( x) 1, then 0 such that the fixed point iteration is convergent whenever x0 s . Note that Theorem 4.4 is a local convergence theorem since x0 must be sufficiently close to s. 89 Proof: Since g ' is continuous in an open interval containing s and g '(s) 1, then for any constant K satisfying g '(s) K 1, 0 such that if x[s , s ] I , then g '( x) K . By the mean value theorem, given any x I , between x and s such that g ( x) s g '(s) x s K and thus g (I ) I . Using I in Theorem 4.3 completes the proof. QED Notes: There is no hint what is. If g '(s) 1, then I such that g '( x) 1, x I . So if x0 I , x0 s , then g ( x0) g(s) g '()( x0 s) or x1 s g '() x0 s x0 s . Hence, only x0 s implies convergence while all others imply divergence. 90 Error Analysis Let ek xk s , I a closed interval, and g satisfies a local theorem’s requirements on I. The Taylor series of g about x=s is en1 = g ( xn ) g (s) (k ) (s) g ''( s ) g 2 = g '(s)en en enk Ek ,n , 2 k! (k 1) ( ) n ek 1. where Ek,n = g (k 1)! n If x0 s, g '(s) g ''(s) g (k 1) (s) 0 , and 0 g (k ) (I ) , then en1 g (k ) (s) th lim k order convergence. n ek k ! n The important k’s are 1 and 2. 91 If we only have 1st order convergence, we can speed it up using quadratic interpolation: given ( xi , f ( xi ) 3 i1 , fit a 2nd order polynomial p to the data such that p( xi ) f ( xi ), i 1,2,3. Use p to get the next guess. Let xn xn1 xn, 2 xn xn2 2xn1 xn, and xn' xn (x2n ) . xn 2 0 , then for n If n xn xn' satisfies n1 (B n ) n, n 0, B 1, and nlim n xn x 0 , where x* lim x (x* is sufficiently large, xn' is well defined and nlim x x* n n n hopefully s). ' * We can apply the fixed point method to the zeroes of f: Choose g ( x) x ( x) f ( x) , where 0 ( x) . Note that f ( x) and f ( x) ( x) have the 92 same zeroes, which is true also for g (x) x F ( f (x)) , where F ( y) 0 if y0 and F (0) 0 . Chord Method Choose ( x) m , m constant. So, g '( x) 1 mf '( x) . We want g '( x) 1 0 mf '( x) 2 in some x s . Thus, m must have the same sign as f ' . Let xn1 xn mf ( xn ) . Solving for m, m xn xn1 . f ( xn ) Therefore, xn+1 is the x-intercept of the line through ( xn, f ( xn )) with slope 1/m. Properties: 1st order convergence 93 Convergence if xn+1 can be found (always) Can obtain error estimates Newton’s Method Choose ( x) 1 . Let s be such that f (s) 0 . Then f '( x) 2 f ( x) f ''( x) ( f '( x )) g '( x) = 1 ( f '( x))2 f ( x) f ''( x) = ( f '( x))2 If f '' exists in I x s and f '( x) 0 ( xI ) , then g '( x) 0 2nd order convergence. So, xn1 xn f ( xn ) . f '( xn ) 94 What if f '(s) 0 and f '' exists? Then f ( x) ( x s) p h( x) , where h(s) 0, h '' exists. So, p h( x) ( x s ) g ( x) = x ( x s) p h '( x) p( x s) p1h( x) 1 ( x s) p x = ( x s) h '( x) 1 ph( x) (1 1p ) ( x s) 2h '( x) ( x s)2 h2''( x) ph( x) p h( x) g '( x) = 1 ( x s) h '( x) ph( x) 2 Thus, g '(s) 1 1p . Then xn1 xn p f ( x) makes the method 2nd order again. f '( x) 95 Properties: 2nd order convergence Evaluation of both f ( xn ) and f '( xn ) . If f '( xn ) is not known, it can be approximated using f '( xn ) f ( xn ) f ( xn1) xn xn1 . Secant Method x0 is given and x1 is given by false position. Thus, xn xn1 and g ( x) x ( x) f ( x) . ( x) f ( xn ) f ( xn1) 96 Properties: Must only evaluate f ( xn ) First step is identical to the first step of the false position method. After that the two methods differ. Convergence order 1.618 (two steps 2.5) 97 N Equations Let f ( x) f i ( x) N i1 0 . Construct a fixed point function g ( x) gi ( x) f ( x) . Replace g '( x) L 1, x such that x s by gi ( x) L , L 1, all i, j and x s N x j Equivalent: for i 1,2, , N , gi ( x) gi ( y) N gi ( (i) ) ( x y) . j 1 x j Thus, 98 N i1 from gi ( x) gi ( y) N gi ( (i) ) x y j 1 xj x y (i) N gi ( ) j 1 x j L x y j1 N L x y N Thus, g ( x) g ( y) L x y . Newton’s Method f ( x) Define the Jacobian by J ( x) i . If J ( x) 0 for x s , then we define x j 99 xn1 xn J 1(xn ) f (xn ) , or (better) 1. Solve J ( xn )cn f ( xn ) 2. Set xn1 xn cn Quadratic convergence if 1. f ''( x) exists for x s 2. J (s) nonsingular 3. x0 sufficiently close to s 1D Example: f (x) cos x x, x[0,1] . To reduce f ( x) to Bisection: x0 0.5 20 steps False position: x0 0.5 Secant: Newton: x0 0 x0 0 7 steps 6 steps 5 steps 100 0.1106 , Zeroes of Polynomials Let p(x) a0 xn a1xn1 an1x an, a0 0 . Properties: Computing p( x) and p '( x) are easy. Finding zeroes when n4 is by use of formulas, e.g., when n=2, a1 a12 4a0a2 2a0 When n5, there are no formulas. Theorem 4.5 (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra): Given p( x) with n1, there exists at least one r (possibly complex) such that p(r) 0 . 101 We can uniquely factor p using Theorem 4.5: p( x) = ( x r1)q1( x) , q1 is a (n1)st degree polynomial = ( x r1)( x r2 )q2 ( x) , q2 is a (n 2)nd degree polynomial = a0n ( x ri ) i1 We can prove by induction that there exist no more than n roots. Suppose that r a ib such that p(r) 0 . Then p(r ) 0 , where r a ib . Theorem 4.6 (Division Theorem): Let P( x) and Q( x) be polynomials of degree n and m, where 1mn. Then ! S ( x) of degree nm and a unique polynomial R( x) of degree m1 or less such that P( x) Q( x)S ( x) R( x) . 102 Evaluating Polynomials How do we compute p '( ), p ''( ), , p(m) ( ) ? We may need to make a change of variables: t x , which leads to p(x) 0(x )n 1(x )n1 n1(x ) n . Using Taylor’s Theorem we know that (n j ) ( ) p j , 0 j n. (n j)! We use nested multiplication, p( x) x( x( x( x(a0 x a1) a2) an1) an , where there are n1 multiplies by x before the inner a0 x a1 expression. 103 The cost of evaluating p is nested multiplication direct evaluation multiplies adds n n n 2n1 Synthetic Division To evaluate p( ), : b0 a0 b j b j1 a j , 1jn Then bn p( ) for the same cost as nested multiplication. We use this method to evaluate p(m) ( ), 0 m n . Write p( x) ( x )qn1( x) r0 ( x) . 104 Note that qn1( x) has degree n1 since a0 0 in the definition of p( x) . Further, its leading coefficient is also a0 . Also, r0 ( x) p( ) using the previous way of writing p( x) . So, we can show that qn1(x) b0 xn1 b1xn2 bn1. Further, qn1( x) ( x )qn2( x) r1, where r1 qn1( ) . Substituting, p( x) = (x )2 qn2(x) (x )r1 r0 or p '( x) = qn1( ) r1. We can continue this to get p( x) rn ( x )n (m) ( ) p r1( x ) r0 , where rm , 0 m n. m! 105 Deflation Find r1 for p( x) . Then p( x) p1( x)( x r1) . Now find r2 for p1( x) . Then p( x) p2 ( x)( x r1)( x r2) . Continue for all ri . A problem arises on a computer. Whatever method we use to find the roots will not usually find the exact roots, but something close. So we really compute r1. By the Division Algorithm Theorem, p( x) p1( x)( x r1) p1(r1) with p(r1) 0 usually. 106 Now we compute r2 , which is probably wrong, too (and possibly quite wrong). A better r̂2 can be computed using r2 as the initial guess in our zero finding algorithm for p( x) . This correction strategy should be used for all ri , i 2 . Suppose r1 r2 and r1 r1 r2 r2 0 . Then r1 r1 r1 r2 r2 r2 , which implies that we should find the smaller roots first. 107 Descartes Rule of Signs In order, write down the signs of nonzero coefficients of p( x) . Then count the number of sign changes and call it . Examples: p1( x) x3 2x2 4x p2 ( x) x3 2x2 4x 3 , 2 3 , 1 Rule: Let k be the number of positive real roots of p( x) . Then k and k is a nonnegative even integer. Example: For p2 ( x) above, 1, k 0 or k 1, which implies that p2 has one positive real root. 108 Fact: If p(r) 0 , then r is a root of p( x) . Hence, we can obtain information about the number of negative real roots by looking at p( x) . Example: p2(x) x3 2x2 4x 3, 2, k 0 or 2 , which implies that p2 has 0 or 2 negative real roots. Localization of Polynomial Zeroes Once again, let p(x) a0 xn a1xn1 an1x an, a0 0 . Theorem 4.7: Given p( x) , then all of the zeroes of p( x) lie in n C, i1 i where Cn z : z an , C1 z : z a1 1 , and Ck z : z 1 ak , 2 k n . 109 Corollary 4.8: Given p( x) and r 1 max ai , then every zero lies in 1in C z : z r . Note that the circles C2, ,Cn have origin 0. One big root makes at least one circle large. A change of variable ( t x ) can help reduce the size of the largest circle. Example: Let p( x) ( x 10)( x 12) x2 22x 120 . Then C2,x z : z 120 . Let x 11 and generate p(m) (11), 1 m 2 . We get p '( x) 2x 22, p '(11) 0, and p ''(11) 2 . So, p( x) ( x 11)2 1 t 2 1 for t x 11. Then C2,t z : z 1 . 110 Theorem 4.9: Given any such that p '( ) 0 , then there exists at least one zero of p( x) in C z : z n p( ) . p '( ) Apply Theorem 4.9 to Newton’s method. We already have p( xm ) and p '( xm ) calculated for xm . If p(x) a0 xn a1xn1 an1x an a0(x r1) (x rn) and a0 0, an 0 , then no ri 0, 1 i n . If p(s) , some , then 1/ n min1 rs a , 1in i n which is an upper bound on the relative error of s with respect to some zero of p( x) . 111 5. Interpolation and Approximation Assume we want to approximate some function f ( x) by a simpler function p( x) . Example: a Taylor expansion. Besides approximating f ( x) , p( x) may be used to approximate f (m) ( x), m1 or f (x)dx . Polynomial interpolation p(x) a0 xn a1xn1 an1x an, a0 0 . Most of the theory relies on Division Algorithm Theorem p has at most n zeroes unless it is identically zero. 112 Lagrange interpolation Given ( xi , f i ) n i1 , find p of degree n1such that p( xi ) f i , i 1, , n . Note that if we can find polynomials i ( x) of degree n1 such that for i 1, , n i ( x j ) 1, i j 0, i j then p( x) j1 f j j ( x) is a polynomial of degree n1 and n p( xi ) j1 f j j ( xi ) f i . n 113 There are many solutions to the Lagrange interpolation problem. The first one is i ( x) x xj n j 1, j i x x i j . i ( x) has n1 factors ( x x j ) , so i ( x) is a polynomial of degree n1. Further, it satisfies the remaining requirements. Examples: x x x x n=2: p( x) f1 x x2 f 2 x x1 1 n=3: p( x) f1 2 2 1 ( x x2 )( x x3) ( x1 x2 )( x1 x3) n3: very painful to convert p( x) into the form 114 ai xi . The second solution is an algorithm: assume that p( x) has the Newton form, p( x) b0 b1( x x1) b2 ( x x1)( x x2 ) bn1( x x1) (x xn1) . Note that f1 p( x1) b0 , f b f 2 p( x2 ) b0 b1( x2 x1) or b1 x2 x0 , 2 bi1 1 f i b0 b1( xi x1) bi2 ( xi x1) ( xi xi2 ) . ( xi x1) ( xi xi1) For all solutions to the Lagrange interpolation problem, we have a theorem that describes the uniqueness, no matter how it is written. 115 Theorem 5.1: For fixed ( xi , f i ) n i1 , there exists a unique Lagrange interpolating polynomial. Proof: Suppose p( x) and q( x) are distinct Lagrange interpolating polynomials. Each has degree n1 and r( x) p( x) q( x) is also a polynomial of degree n1. However, r( xi ) p( xi ) q( xi ) 0 , which implies that r has n zeroes. We know it can have at most n1 zeroes or must be identically zero. Equally spaced xi ’s can be disastrous, e.g., f ( x) 1 , x[1,1] . 1 25x2 It can be shown that lim max f ( x) pn ( x) . n 1 x1 116 QED We can write the Newton form in terms of divided differences. 1st divided difference: f f f [ xi , xi1] xi1 xi i1 i kth divided difference: f [ xi , xi1, , xik ] f [ xi1, , xik ] f [ xi , xi1, , xik 1] xik xi We can prove that the Newton form coefficients are bi f [ x1, , xi1] . 117 We build a divided difference table in which coefficients are found on downward slanting diagonals. x1 f ( x1) b0 f [ x1, x2 ] b1 x2 f [ x1, x2, x3] b2 f ( x2 ) f [ x1, x2, x3, x4 ] b3 f [ x2, x3] f [ x2, x3, x4 ] f [ x1, , xn ] bn1 f [ xn2, xn1] 118 xn1 f ( xn1) f [ xn2, xn1, xn ] f [ xn1, xn ] xn f ( xn ) This table contains a wealth of information about many interpolating polynomials for f ( x) . For example, the quadratic polynomial of f ( x) at x2, x3, x4 is a table lookup starting at f ( x2 ) . Hermite interpolation n i1 This is a generalization of Lagrange interpolation. We assume that xi , f i , f i ' is available, where x1 x2 xn . We seek a p( x) of degree 2n1 such that for i 1, , n two conditions are met: 1. p( xi ) f i 119 2. p '( xi ) f i ' There are two solutions. The first solution is as follows. n n P( x) j1 f j h j ( x) j1 f j ' g j ( x) , , 1 i, j n , satisfies condition 1. where g j ( xi ) 0 and h j ( xi ) 1, i j 0, i j Also, n n P '( x) j1 f j h j '( x) j1 f j ' g j '( x) , , 1 i, j n , satisfies condition 2. where h j '( xi ) 0 and g j '( xi ) 1, i j 0, i j 120 We must find polynomials g j and h j of degree 2n1 satisfying these conditions. Let H ( x) n (x x j ) j 1 and H ( x) 2 i ( x) ( x x )2 . i Note that i ( x) and i '( x) vanish at all of the nodes except xi and that polynomial of degree 2n2. Put hi ( x) i ( x) ai ( x xi ) bi and determine ai and bi so that hi ( xi ) 1 and hi '( xi ) 0 : choose ai i '( x) 1 . and b i ( i ( x))2 i ( xi ) 121 i ( x) is a Similarly, gi ( x) i ( x) ( x x ) . i i ( xi ) 122 The second solution to the Hermite interpolation problem requires us to write P( x) b0 b1( x x1) b2( x x1)2 b3( x x1)2( x x2) n b4( x x1)2( x x2)2 b2n1 i1( x xi )2 ( x xn ). Then f1 p( x1) b0 f1 ' p '( x1) b1 f 2 p(x2) b0 b1(x2 x1) b2(x2 x1)2 or f 2 b0 b1( x2 x1) b2 ( x2 x1)2 and so on… 123 n i1 Theorem 5.2: Given xi , f i , f i ' , the Hermite interpolant is unique. Just as in the Lagrange interpolation case, equally spaced nodes can cause disastrous problems. Hermite cubics n=2, so it is a cubic polynomial. Let h x2 x1 . Then b0 f1, b1 f1 ' , b2 h2 f 2 f1 hf1 ' , and b3 h3 h( f1 ' f 2 ') 2( f1 f 2) . Hermite cubics is by far the most common form of Hermite interpolation that you are likely to see in practice. 124 Piecewise polynomial interpolation x x x x Piecewise linears: P( x) f i x xi1 f i1 x ix , xi x xi1 . i i1 i1 i Piecewise quadratics: Use Lagrange interpolation of degree 2 over [ x1, x2, x3] , [ x3, x4, x5], … This extends to Lagrange interpolation of degree k1 over groups of k nodal points. Piecewise Hermite: Cubics is the best known case. For xi x xi1 , f i1 f i f i '( xi1 xi ) 2 Q( x) f i f i '( x xi ) ( x x ) i ( xi1 xi )2 ( xi1 xi )( f i ' f i1 ') 2( f i f i1) ( x xi )2( x xi1). 3 ( xi1 xi ) Facts: Q( x) and Q '( x) are continuous, but Q ''( x) is not usually continuous. 125 Cubic spline: We want a cubic polynomial such that s, s ', and s '' are continuous. We write si'' s ''( xi ) . Note that s ''( x) must be linear on [ xi , xi1]. So x x s ''( x) si'' x ix (si''1 si'') . i1 i Then x s '( x) = si' xi1 s ''(t)dt i '' s'' s ( x xi )2 i ' '' i 1 = si si ( x xi ) x x 2 i i1 and 126 2 s'' s'' ( x x )3 ( x x ) i i i1 i . s( x) s( xi ) si' ( x xi ) si'' xi1 xi 2 6 We know si f i and si1 f i1, so si' ( xi1 xi ) 1 2 s'' s'' ( x x ) i i '' 2 i 1 i 1 f i1 f i si ( xi1 xi ) . 2 6 At this point, s( x) can be written by knowing xi , f i , si'' . The si'' can be eliminated by using the continuity condition on s ' . Suppose that xi1 xi h, i . Then s '( xi ) si' , but for xi1 x xi , 2 s'' s'' ( x x )3 ( x x ) i1 i i1 i1 s( x) s( xi1) s' ( x xi1) s'' i1 i1 2 6 h and 127 s '( xi ) si'1 h (si'' si''1) . 2 Equating both expressions for s '( xi ) we get si''1 4si'' si''1 62 f i1 2 f i f i1 , i 2, , n 1. h Imposing s'' sn'' 0 gives us n2 equations and n2 unknowns (plus 2 knowns) 1 to make the system have a unique solution. Error Analysis Consider Lagrange interpolation with ( xi , f i ) want to know what 128 n i1 , x1 x2 xn, f i f (xi ) . We p( x) f ( x) 0 if x {x } i ? otherwise We write n f ( x) p( x) ( x)G( x) , where ( x) i1( x xi ) and G is to be determined. (n) ( ) f Theorem 5.3: G( x) , where depends on x. n! Proof: Note that G is continuous at any x{xi}in1 . Using L’Hopital’s Rule, f ( x) p( x) f '( xi ) p '( xi ) . G( xi ) xlim xi ( x) '( xi ) Since '( xi ) 0, G( x) is continuous at any node xi . Let x be fixed and consider 129 H ( z) f ( z) p( z) ( z)G( x) . Note that H ( xi ) 0 since f ( xi ) p( xi ) and (xi ) 0 . By the definition of f ( x) , H ( x) 0 . Now suppose that x{xi}in1 . Then H ( z) vanishes at n+1 distinct points. H '( z) mush vanish at some point strictly between each adjacent pair of these points (by Rolle’s Theorem), so H '( z) vanishes on n distinct points. Similarly, H ''( z) vanishes at n1 distinct points. We continue this until we have 1 point, , depending on x, such that H (n) ( ) 0 . Since p( x) is a polynomial of degree n1, 0 or = H (n) ( ) = f (n) ( ) (n) ( )G( x) = f (n) ( ) n!G( x) f (n) ( ) G( x) = n! . 130 Now suppose that x xi , some i. Then H ( z) only vanishes at n distinct points. But, H '( z) f '( z) p '( z) '( z)G( x) , so H '( xi ) 0 and H '( z) still vanishes at n distinct points. We use the same trick as before. QED Consider Hermite interpolation, with ( xi , f i , f i ') n i1 , x1 x2 f i ' f '( xi ) , and p( x) is the Hermite interpolant. Set 2 q( x) ( x) and f ( x) p(x) q(x)G(x) . Since q '( xi ) 0 and q ''( xi ) 0 , we have G( x) is continuous and 131 xn , f i f ( xi ) , G( xi ) f ''( xi ) p ''( xi ) . q ''( xi ) Define H ( z) f ( z) p( z) q( z)G( x) . In this case, H ' vanishes at 2n distinct points, H '' vanishes at 2n1 distinct points, (2n) ( ) f Hence, G( x) . (2n)! 132 Note that interpolation is a linear process. Let Pf be any interpolating function (e.g., Lagrange, Hermite, or spline) using a fixed set of nodes. Then for any functions f and g, P f g Pf Pg , any , . Examples: Lagrange: P f g j1 f i gi j ( x) Pf Pg . n Hermite: Similar to Lagrange. 133 Splines: Define the Kronecker delta function, ij . Let i ( x) be the 1 i j 0 i j unique spline function satisfying i ( x j ) ij ( x) . If Pf i1 f i i ( x) , then Pf is n the interpolatory spline for f ( x) . Linearity follows as before. Let Pf be any linear interpolatory process that is exact for polynomials of degree m, i.e., if q( x) is a polynomial of degree m, Pq q . For a given function f ( x) , Taylor’s Theorem says that f ( x) f ( x1) f '( x1)( x x1) f m (m) ( x ) ( x x1) x f (m1) (t ) ( x t )m dt . 1 x1 m! m! 134 Define K ( x,t ) ( x t )m , x t x 1 m! 0, x t xn so that f ( x) j x ( x x ) n ( j) ( x ) 1 n K ( x,t ) f (m1) (t )dt F ( x) F ( x) . f 1 j 0 j! x1 Even More Error Analysis Define C k ([a,b]) f :[a,b] such that f (k ) is continuous on [a,b] . 135 Theorem 5.4: If p( x) is a polynomial of degree n1 that interpolates f C k ([a,b]) n i i1 at x [a,b] , then (n) ( ) n f f ( x) p( x) W ( x), where W ( x) i1( x xi ) . n! Tchebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind Define Tk (x) cos(k cos1( x)), k 0,1,2, , x[1,1], where T0 ( x) 1 and T1( x) x . Choose x cos( ) , 0 . Then Tk ( x) Tk (cos( )) cos(k ) and we get a three term recurrence: 136 Tk 1( x) = cos((k 1) ) 2cos( )cos(k ) cos((k 1) ) = 2xTk ( x) Tk 1( x), k 1 Hence, T2 ( x) = 2x2 1 T3( x) = 4x3 3x We can verify inductively that Tk ( x) is a kth degree polynomial. The leading coefficient of Tk ( x) is 2k1 and Tk ( xi ) 0, 0 i k 1, when (2 i 1) . xi cos 2k 137 Finally, for x[1,1] we can show that Tk 1. For yi cos( i ) , k Tk ( yi ) cos(i ) (1)i , so, in fact, Tk 1. From Theorem 5.4, we can prove that W ( x) is minimized when W ( x) 2nTn1( x) . Translating Intervals Suppose the problem on [c, d ] needs to be reformulated on [a,b] . Example: Tchebyshev only works on [a,b] [1,1]. We use a straight line transformation: t [c, d ], x[a,b]. Hence, x mt , where ad bc and m b a . d c d c Example: Tchebyshev with x[a,b], a b arbitrary. Then 138 b a b a 2 b a 2( x a) 1 . x t or t x 2 2 2 b a b a The shifted Tchebyshev polynomials are defined by T k ( x) Tk (t ) T 2( x a) 1 cos k cos ba k 1 2( x a) 1 . ba Since (2 i 1) , 0 i k 1, Tk (ti ) 0 for ti cos 2k then b a t b a , 0 i k 1. xi 2 i 2 139 are zeroes of T k ( x) . Further, T 0 ( x) T 1( x) = 1 xa = 2 b 1 1 T k 1 ( x) = Tk1(x) 2tTk (t) Tk 1(t) 2( x a ) = 2 b a 1T k ( x) T k 1( x), k 1, k 1 We can prove that the leading coefficient of T k 1 ( x) is 2 n Further, we know that W ( x) 2 2 ba n1 140 k 2 , k 1. ba T n1( x) from Theorem 5.4. Tensor Product Interpolation n i i0 Given x and y m j j 0 , interpolate f ( x, y) over ( xi , y j ) , giving us n m p( x, y) i0 j0 aij xi y j . The bi-Lagrangian is defined by ij ( x, y) i ( x) j ( y) , where k is the one dimensional Lagrangian along either the x or y axis ( k 1,2 respectivefully) and aij f ( xi , y j ) . The bi-Hermite and bi-Spline can be defined similarly. 141 Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation We approximate f ( x) on [a,b] given ( xi , f i ) m i0 . Define n p( x)| p a polynomial of degree n . Problem A: Let wi i0 m , wi 0 (weights), m>n. Find p*( x)n which minimizes 2 m * w p ( xi ) f i . i0 i Problem B: Let w( x)C([a,b]) and positive on (a,b) . Find p*( x)n which minimizes b a w(x) p*( x) 2 f ( x) dx . Properties of Both: Unique solutions and are “easy” to solve by a finite number of steps in math formulas (which is not true of solving the more general problem minmax p*( x) f ( x) . x * p 142 Define f , g 1 = f , g 2 b f 2 m w j 0 j f (x j )g(x j ) = a w( x) f ( x) g ( x)dx = f , f (either inner product) Note that f is a real norm for ,1, but is only a semi-norm for ,2 . Theorem 5.5 (Cauchy-Schwarz): Let f , g C([a,b]) . Then f ,g f g . Proof: If g, g 0 , then f , g 0 . If g, g 0 , then 143 0 f g, f g f , f 2 f , g 2 g, g . 2 f , g f , g Use g, g . Then 0 f , f g , g . QED Definitions: p and q are orthogonal if and only if p, q 0 . p and q are orthonormal if and only if p, q 0 and p q 1. Consider S 1, x, x2, , xn , the set of monomials. The elements are not orthogonal to each other under either f , g 1 or f , g 2 . Yet any pn is a linear combination of the elements of S. We can transform S into a different set of orthogonal polynomials using the Gram-Schmidt Algorithm: Given S, let 144 q0 ( x) 1 qk n k k 0 Then q ( x) xk k 1 k, p x j j0 is orthogonal and p Note that for ,2 , 1 b a12 dx n k k 0 p j ( x) p0 ( x) q0 ( x) pk ( x) qk ( x) q0 qk is orthonormal. 1/2 ba . r Let p( x) k 0 ak xk , r n . Then k 1 k 1 xk qk ( x) j0 xk , p j p j ( x) qk pk ( x) j0 xk , p j p j ( x) . 145 Using this expression, we can write p( x) as r p( x) j0 p, p j p j ( x) since pk , p j0 j p j , pk k pk , pk k . n Best Least Squares Approximation Theorem 5.6: Let , be either ,1 or ,2 and f f , f . If f C([a,b]) , then the polynomial p*( x)n that minimizes f p* over n is given by 146 n p*( x) j0 f , p j p j ( x) , n where p j ( x) j 0 is the orthonormal set of polynomials generated by Gram- Schmidt. Proof: Let p*( x)n . Then p( x) j0 j p j ( x) . Further, n 0 f p 2 = f j0 j p j , f j0 j p j n n f , f 2 j0 j f , p j j0 2j n n = n n 2 2 f , f 2 f , f j0 j0 j 2 j f , p j f , p j 2 = = f , f n j 0 f , pj 2 147 n j 0 j 2 f , pj , which is minimized when we choose j f , p j . QED Note: The coefficients j f , p j are called the generalized Fourier coefficients. Facts: f ( x) pn* ( x) n 2 n f j0 f , p j 2 Efficient Computation of pn* ( x) We can show that we have a three term recurrence: qk ( x) ( x ak )qk 1( x) bk qk 2( x), k 2 , 148 where q , xq xq , q ak q k 1, q k 1 and bk qk 1 , q k 2 . k 2 k 2 k 1 k 1 This gives us pn* ( x) = n1 j 0 f , p j p j ( x) f , pn pn ( x) = pn*1(x) f , pn pn(x) So, pn*( x) j0 f , p j p j ( x) n is equivalent and may be less sensitive to roundoff error. 149 Also, pn* ( x) = = = n j 0 f , p j p j ( x) n f ,q j q ( x) j 0 q , q j j j n c q ( x) j 0 j j If we precompute a j ,b j ,c j , then pn ( x) only costs 2n1 multiplies. 150 6. Numerical Integration and Quadrature Rules Assume f ( x) is integrable over [a,b] . Define b I ( f ) f ( x)w( x)dx , where w( x) 0 is a weight function. a Frequently, w( x) 1. An formula that approximates I ( f ) is called numerical integration or a quadrature rule. In practice, if g ( x) approximates f ( x) well enough, then I ( g ) I ( f ) . Interpolatory Quadrature Let pn ( x) be the Lagrangian interpolant of f ( x) at {xi}in0 . i.e., n pn ( x) j0 f ( x j )l j ( x) . 151 Define Qn ( f ) I ( pn ) = = = = b a pn( f )w(x)dx b n f ( x ) l ( x ) a j0 j j w(x)dx b n f ( x ) j a l j ( x)w( x)dx j 0 n A f (x j ) , j 0 j where the Aj are quadrature weights and the x j are the quadrature nodes. Note that if f ( x)n , then f ( x) pn ( x) Qn ( f ) I ( f ) , i.e., the quadrature is exact. If Qn ( f ) is exact for polynomials of degree m , then we say the quadrature rule has precision m. We will develop quadrature rules that have precision n later (e.g., Gaussian quadrature). 152 Method of Undetermined Coefficients If Qn ( f ) has precision n, then it is exact for the monomials 1, x, x2, , xn . Suppose the nodes are no longer fixed. We start with n+1 equations n I ( xk ) xk w( x)dx Qn ( xk ) j0 A j xkj , 0 k n , for our 2n+1 unknowns Aj and x j . Let k [0,2n 1] so we have 2n+2 (nonlinear) equations and unknowns. If it has a solution, then it has precision 2n+1. This is what Gaussian quadrature is based on (which we will get to later). The Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rules are trivial examples. Trapezoidal Rule Let [a,b] [h, h], h 0, w( x) 1 . This is derived by direct integration rule. Take x0 h and x1 h . Then 153 p1( x) = 1 f (h)(h x) f (h)(h x) 2h Q1( x) = I ( p ) h p ( x)dx 1 1 h h h 1 = 4h f (h)(h x)2 f (h)(h x)2 h h = h f (h) f (h) . Simpson’s Rule This derived using undetermined coefficients. Let [a,b] [h, h], h 0, w( x) 1 , x0 h , x1 0 , and x2 h . We force 2 Q2 ( f ) j0 Aj f ( x j ) h h 154 f ( x)dx for f ( x) 1, x, x2 . Then I (1) I ( x) = = I ( x2 ) = h h1dx h h xdx h h x2dx = 2h = A0 A1 A2 = 0 = A0h A2h 3 2 h = = A0h2 A2h2 3 Solving this 33 system of linear equations gives us A0 A2 h and A1 4h . 3 3 Note that I (x3) 0 Q2(x3) , but I (x4) Q2(x4) so that Simpson’s Rule has precision 3. 155 What Does Increasing n Do for You? n Theorem 6.1: For any n , f C([a,b]) , let Qn ( f ) j0 A(jn) f ( x j ) be an interpolatory quadrature derived by direct integration. Then K , constant, such that n Q ( f ) I ( f ), f C([a,b]) . j0 A(jn) K , n nlim n Justification for Positive Weights We must have b a w(x)dx 0 . Further, b n 0 I (1) w( x)dx Qn (1) j0 A(jn) . a If A(jn) 0, 0 j n , and we can choose a set of x j ’s to get this, then Theorem 6.1 guarantees convergence. All positive weights are good because they reduce 156 roundoff errors since we ought to have as many roundoffs on the high and low sides, thus canceling errors. Finally, we expect roundoff to be minimized when the A(jn) ’s are (nearly) equal. Translating Intervals We will derive a formula on a specific interval, e.g., [1,1], and then apply it to another interval [a,b]. Suppose that n Qn ( f ) j0 Aj g ( x j ) that approximates and we want b a 1 f ( x)dx b a g (t)dt b a , and b a . Then . Set , f ( x ) dx x t a 2 2 f ( t )dt . Let g (t) f ( t ) . Then b 1 Qn ( g ) j0 Aj f ( t j ) approximates I ( g ) . n 157 So, Qn*( f ) = = n * f (x ) A j j 0 j b a n A f (x ) , j j 0 j 2 so xj at ba . = b 2 j 2 Newton-Coates Formulas Assume that the xi ’s are equally spaced in [a,b] and that we define a quadrature rule by Qn ( f ) Aj f ( x j ) 158 a The closed Newton-Cotes formulas Qn ( f ) j0 Aj f ( x j ) assume that h b n n n1 and xi a ih, 0 i n . The open Newton-Cotes formulas Qn ( f ) j1 A*j f ( y j ) assume that h b a and yi a ih, 1 i n 1. n2 Examples: T ( f ) b a f (a) f (b) 2 b a a b S( f ) f (a) 4 f ( ) f (b) 6 2 2 point closed Trapezoidal Rule 2 point closed Simpson Rule 2 1 1 1 f ( x)dx 3 2 f ( 2) f (0) 2 f ( 2) 3 point open 1 1 1 1 f ( x)dx 4 f (1) 3 f ( 3) 3 f (3) f (1) 4 point closed 1 1 159 For n 10 , the weights are always of mixed signs. Higher order formulas are not necessarily convergent. Lower order formulas are extremely useful. Suppose we have p3( x) , the Hermite interpolant of f ( x) . We want I ( p3) , which we can get by observing that I ( p3) = S ( p3) 2 (b a) b a = f (a) f (b) f '(a) f '(b) 2 12 2 ( b a ) T ( f ) = f '(a) f '(b) 12 = CT ( f ) This is known as the Trapezoidal Rule with Endpoint Correction (a real mouthful). It has precision 3. 160 Error Analysis Assuming that f C n1([a,b]) , the error in interpolation is given by (n1) ( ) n f en ( x) f ( x) pn ( x) W ( x), where W ( x) i0( x xi ) . (n 1)! The error in integration is en = b a en (x)w(x)dx f (n1) ( ) bW ( x)w( x)dx = (n 1)! a So, b en f (n1) 1 W ( x) w( x)dx . (n 1)! a 161 We can simplify the last equation by applying the Second Mean Value Theorem (which states that for g, hC((a,b)) such that g does not change signs, then b a b g ( x)h( x)dx h( ) g ( x)dx, (a,b) ) to the formula for en . Hence, a f (2) ( ) b ( x a)( x b)dx f ''( ) (b a)3 = = 2! a 12 eT = I ( f ) T ( f ) eCT f (4) ( ) b ( x a)2( x b)2 dx = = 4! a eS (4) ( ) f = (b a)5 720 = 162 f (4) ( ) 90 ba 2 5 Composite Rules What if we wanted a highly accurate rule on [a,b]? The best approach is to divide [a,b] into subintervals, use a low order quadrature rule on each subinterval, and add them up since high order quadrature rules tend to have problems. Let a0 x0 x1 xn b . Then n1 x j1 xj b I ( f ) f ( x)w( x)dx j0 a f ( x)w( x)dx . Consider w( x) 1, x j1 x j h . Then for the Trapazoidal Rule, n1 Tn ( f ) = h j0 f ( x j1) f ( x j ) 2 n1 h h = j1 f ( x j ) 2 f ( x0 ) f ( xn ) 163 enT 3 n1 h f ''( j ), j ( x j , x j1) = 12 j0 Theorem 6.2: Let g C([a,b]) and a n1 j j 0 be constants of the same sign. If t j [a,b], 0 j n , then for some [a,b] , n1 a g (t j ) g ( ) j0 j n1 a . j0 j Hence, enT f ''( ) n1 h3 j 012 f ''( )nh3 h2(b a) f ''( ) . 12 12 164 Consider Simpson’s Rule: x j1 x j (4) ( ) 5 x x f j j 1 j h f ( x)dx h f ( x j ) 4 f ( ) f ( x j1) , x j j x j1 . 2 6 2 90 So, x j x j1 n1 n1 h Sn ( f ) f ( x0) f ( xn ) 2 j1 f ( x j ) 4 j0 f ( ) 6 2 and enS n1 j 0 5 4 (4) f (4) ( j ) h 2 ( ) n h = b a h f (4) ( ) f 2 90 2 90 180 2 4 h (b a) f (4) ( ) 2880 = . 165 Corrected Trapezoidal Rule 2 CTn ( f ) Tn ( f ) h f '(a) f '(b) and 12 enCT 4 (b a) (4) h f ( ) 720 166 The number of function evaluations and order of error over n points is Method Tn ( f ) Sn ( f ) CTn ( f ) Evaluations Function Derivative N 2N+1 N 2 Order O(h2 ) O(h4 ) O(h4 ) We can show that lim T ( f ) nlim S ( f ) nlim cT ( f ) I ( f ) . n n n n If the function evaluation cost is quite high, CTn ( f ) becomes quite attractive computationally, particularly if the endpoint derivatives are known or quite easy to compute. While CTn ( f ) and Sn ( f ) are both O(h4 ) , there is a noticeable difference in the constants, which needs to be considered in choosing n. 167 Adaptive Quadrature Suppose we want I ( f ) to within an error tolerance of 0 and an automatic procedure to accomplish this feat. Consider Sn ( f ) . Motivation: Suppose f ( x) is badly behaved only over [ , ] [a,b], where [ , ] is a small part of [a,b] . Then Sn ( f ) over [a, ] and [ ,b] will be accurate for small n’s, but Sn ( f ) over [a,b] may be a very poor approximation to I ( f ) . Doubling n will not necessarily increase accuracy over [a, ] and [ ,b] , where it was already acceptable, and we still not get an acceptable approximation over [ , ]. Instead, we want to subdivide [ , ] and work hard just there while doing minimal work in [a, ] and [ ,b] … and we do not want to know where [ , ] is in advance! 168 Adaptive quadrature packages accept [a,b] , f, and and return EST, which supposedly satisfies b a f (x)dx EST . An error sensing mechanism is used on intermediate steps to control the overall quadrature error. For instance, if [c, d ] [a,b] and H d c , then b a 5 (4) ( ) f H and f ( x)dx S ( f ) 90 2 b a 4 (4) ( ) f f ( x)dx S2 ( f ) 2 H , 90 2 where , [c, d ] . The critical (and sometimes erroneous) assumption is that f (4) ( x) K , K constant over [c, d ] . This is true when [c, d ] is small in comparison to how rapidly f (4) ( x) varies in [c, d ] . 169 Set d Icd ( f ) f ( x)dx . c Then Icd ( f ) S2 ( f ) 1 Icd ( f ) S ( f ) , 16 which mean that S2 ( f ) is 16 times more accurate than S ( f ) when f (4) ( x) is well behaved on [c, d ] . So, 16 Icd S2 Icd S or 15 Icd S2 S2 S . 170 We know to compute both S ( f ) and S2 ( f ) over [c, d ] . Many applications require that EST be very accurate, rather than inexpensive to compute. Hence, we can use a conservative error estimator of the form, Icd ( f ) S2 ( f ) 1 S2 ( f ) S ( f ) . 2 Algorithm apparent: Compute S ( f ) and S2 ( f ) over [c, d ] . 1. If the error is acceptable, then add the estimate of Icd ( f ) into EST. 2. Otherwise, divide [c, d ] into two equal sized intervals and try again in both intervals. The expected error on both intervals is reduced by a factor of 32. The real estimator must depend on the size of [c, d ] , however. A good choice is 1 S ( f ) S ( f ) d c . b a 2 2 171 Theorem 6.3: This estimator will eventually produce a interval [c,e] that is acceptable. Proof: Every time we half the interval [c, d ] , the quadrature error decreases by a factor of 32. Set d err(c, d ) f ( x)dx EST (c, d ) . c If then err(a, z) z a and err( z,t) t z , ba ba err(a,t) err(a, z) err( z,t ) z a t z t a . ba ba ba Taking t b err(a,b) . QED Theorem 6.4: The cost is only two extra function evaluations at each step. 172 Folk Theorem 6.5: Given any adaptive quadrature algorithm, there exists an infinite number of f ( x) ’s that will fool the Algorithm Apparent into failing. (Better algorithms work for the usual f ( x) ’s.) Proof: Let a r1 s1 t1 u1 v1 b be 5 equally spaced points used in computing S ( f ) and S2 ( f ) . Test S2( f ) S ( f ) 2 v1 r1 . ba If true, then use S2 ( f ) as an estimate to Ir ,v ( f ) . 1 1 If false, then retreat to [r2.v2 ], where r1 r2 s2 t2 u2 v2 t1 , equally spaced. Now only evaluations at s2 and u2 are necessary if we saved our v r previous function evaluations. We test S2( f ) S ( f ) 2 2 2 . If the test ba succeeds, then we pass on to interval [t2.v2] , otherwise we work on a new level 3. This process is not guaranteed to succeed. Hence, we need to add an 173 extra condition that vi ri HMIN always. If this fails, then we cannot produce EST. QED Richardson Extrapolation This method combines two or more estimates of something to get a better estimate. Suppose a0 is estimated by A(h) , where A(h) is computable for any h 0 . Further, we assume that lim A(h) a0 . h0 174 Finally, we assume that m a0 A(h) ik aihi Cm (h)hm1 , where the ai ’s are independent of h and ak 0 . Take h1 h, h2 rh1, and 0 r 1 with r 1 the most common value. We want to eliminate the hk term using a 2 combination of A(h) and A(rh) by noting that m a0 A(rh) ik ai (rh)i Cm (rh)(rh)m1. We have two definitions of a0 , so we can equate them to compute r k first + second definitions, or a0 r k a0 A(rh) r k A(h) ik ai (r i r k )hi Cm (rh)r m1 Cm (h)r k hm1 . m 175 Set = ai r rk 1 r m1 k Cm(h) = Cm (rh)r k Cm (h)r 1 r k B(h) = A(rh) rk A(h) 1 r i bi k Then m a0 B(h) ik 1bihi C m (h)hm1 . If bk 1 0 , then we can repeat this process to eliminate the hk 1 term. Define A0,m A(r mh ), m 0,1,2, 176 Then A0,m1 r k A0,m Ai,m1 r k i Ai,m and Ai1,m A1,m , m 0,1, 1 r k 1 r k i Applications of Richardson Extrapolation Differentiation is a primary application. Assume that f '( ) lim f ( h) f ( ) . h0 h First, try for small h, A(h) f ( h) f ( ) . The Taylor expansion about x h gives us a0 A(h) f (m2) (h ) m1 i 2, h A ( h ) a h C ( h ) h h m 1 (i 1)! (m 2)! f (i1) ( ) m i1 177 where the ai ’s are independent of h and probably unknown. Second, try A(h) f ( h) f ( h) . We can prove that 2h (3) ( ) (5) ( ) f f 2 A(h) f '( ) h h4 3! 5! We can modify the definition of Ai1,m to use r 2, r 4, r 6, Then 2 A(h) A ( rh ) r B(h) f '( ) b4h4 2 1 r 4 B(h) B ( rh ) r Next extrapolatation must be of the form . So, 1 r 4 k 2 Ai1,m Ai,m1 rk 2i Ai,m . 1 r Use this formula whenever 178 a0 A(h) ak hk ak 2hk 2 ak 4hk 4 Romberg Integration b On TN ( g ), h b a, r= 1 , approximate I ( g ) g ( x)dx . Define a 2 b a T0,m m 1 g0 g1 2 2 1 gs1 gs , 2 where gi g ( xi ), xi a i b ma , s 2m . This choice of T0,m eliminates half of the 2 g ( x) function evaluations when computing T0,m1. The error only contains even powers of h. Hence, 179 i 1 T T 1 3(T0,m1 T0,m ) i1,m1 4 i1,m Ti1,m1 Ti1,m 4 T1,m or Ti,m . Ti1,m1 i i 1 4 4 1 1 4 Continue extrapolation as long as Ti,m Ti,m1 i1 Ri,m 4 . Ti,m1 Ti,m Roundoff error is the typical culprit for stopping Richardson extrapolation. 180 7. Automatic Differentiation (AD) This is a technique to numerically evaluate the derivative of a function using a computer program. There have been two standard techniques in the past: Symbolic differentiation Numerical differentiation Symbolic differentiation is slow, frequently produces many pages of expressions instead of a compact one, and has great difficulty converting a computer program. Numerical differentiation involves finite differences, which are subject to roundoff errors in the discretization and cancellation effects. Higher order derivatives exasperate the difficulties of both techniques. “Automatic differentiation solves all of the mentioned problems.” Wikipedia Throughout this section, we follow Wikipedia’s AD description and use its figures. The most comprehensive AD book is Griewank’s SIAM 300 pager. 181 The primary tool of AD is the chain rule, df dg dh for a function f ( x) g (h( x)) . dx dh dx There are two ways to traverse the chain rule: Right to left, known as forward accumulation. Left to right, known as backward accumulation. 182 Assume that any computer program that evaluates a function y F ( x) can be decomposed into a sequence of simpler, or elementary partial differivatives, each of which is differentiated using a trivial table lookup procedure. Each elementary partial derivative is evaluated for a particular argument using the chain rule to provide derivative information about F (e.g., gradients, tangents, Jacobian matrix, etc.) that is exact numerically to some level of accuracy. Problems with symbolic mathematics are avoided by only using it for a set of very basic expressions, not complex ones. 183 Forward accumulation First compute dg then dh in dg (h( x)) dg dh . dx dh dx dh dx Example: Find the derivative of f ( x1, x2 ) x1x2 sin( x1) . We have to seed the expression to distinguish between the derivative for x1 and x2 . Original code statements w1 x1 w2 x2 w3 w1w2 w4 sin(w1) w5 w3 w4 Added AD statements w1' 1 (seed) w2' 0 (seed) w3' w1' w2 w2' w1 1x2 x10 x2 w4' cos(w1)w1' cos( x1)1 w5' w3' w4' x2 cos( x1) 184 Forward accumulation traverses the figure from bottom to top to accumulate the result. 185 In order to compute the gradient of f, we have to evaluate both f and f , x1 x2 which corresponds to using seeds x1 1, x2 0 and x1 0, x2 1, respectively. The computational complexity of forward accumulation is proportional to the complexity of the original code. Reverse accumulation First compute dh then dg in dg (h( x)) dg dh . dx dh dx dh dx Example: As before. We can produce a graph of the steps needed. Unlike, forward accumulation, we only need one seed to walk through the graph (from top to bottom this time) to calculate the gradient in half the work of forward accumulation. 186 Superiority condition of forward versus reverse accumulation Forward accumulation is superior to reverse accumulation for functions f : m, m 1. Reverse accumulation is superior to forward accumulation for functions f : n , n 1. 187 Jacobean computation The Jacobean J of f : using either n m is a mn matrix. We can compute the Jacobian n sweeps of forward accumulation, where each sweep produces a column of J. m sweeps of backward accumulation, where each sweep produces a row of J. Computing the Jacobian with a minimum number of arithmetic operations is known as optimal Jacobian accumulation and has been proven to be a NPcomplete hard problem. 188 Dual numbers We define a new arithmetic in which every x is replaced by x x ' , where x ' and is nothing but a symbol such that 2 0 . For regular arithmetic, we can show that ( x x ' ) ( y y ' ) x y ( x ' y ') , ( x x ' )( y y ' ) xy xy ' yx ' x ' y ' xy (x ' y ') , and similarly for subtractraction and division. Polynomials can be calculated using dual numbers: P( x x ' ) = p0 p1( x x ' ) pn ( x x ' )n = p0 p1x pn xn p1x ' 2 p2 xx ' = P( x) P(1) ( x) x ' , 189 npn xn1x ' where P(1) ( x) represents the derivative of P with respect to its first argument and x ' is an arbitrarily chosen seed. The dual number based arithmetic we use consists of ordered pairs x, x ' with ordinary arithmetic on the first element and first order differential arithmetic on the second element. In general for a function f, we have f ( u,u ' , v,v ' ) f (u,v), f (1)(u,v)u ' f (2)(u, v)v ' , where f (1) and f (2) represent the derivative of f with respect to the first and second arguments, respectively. Some common expressions are the following: u,u ' v, v ' u v,u ' v ' and u,u ' v, v ' u v,u ' v ' u,u ' * v,v ' uv,u 'v uv ' and u,u ' uv , u 'v 2uv ' , v 0 v, v ' v 190 sin u,u ' sin(u),u 'cos(u) and cos u,u ' cos(u), u 'sin(u) eu,u ' eu ,u 'eu and log u,u ' log(u), uu' u,u ' k uk , kuk 1u ' and u,u ' u ,u ' sign(u) c c,0 The derivative of f : given by at some point x in some direction x ' is y1, y1 ' , , ym, ym ' f x1, x1 ' , , xm, xm ' using the just defined arithmetic. We can generalize this method to higher order derivatives, but the rules become quite complicated. Truncated Taylor series 191 arithmetic is typically used instead since the Taylor summands in a series are known coefficients and derivatives of the function in question. Implementations Google “automatic differentiation” and just search through the interesting sites. Oldies, but goodies: ADIFOR (Fortran 77) ADIC (C, C++) OpenAD (Fortran 77/95, C, C++) MAD (Matlab) – not recommended! Typically, the transformation process is similar to the following: 192 8. Numerical Differential (Finite Differences) Assume uC1([a,b]) . Then u '(x) lim u(x h) u(x) lim u(x) u(x h) h0 h0 h h for all x(a,b) . This suggests a finite difference approach to estimating u '( x) . Let a x1 x2 xN xN 1 b . For simplicity assume that 193 xi a ih, h b a , and i 0,1, , N 1, N 1 which is known as a uniform mesh. We will use Taylor expansions about one of more points liberally, e.g., 2 ui1 u(xi h) u(xi ) hu '(xi ) h u ''(xi ) 2 There are 3 common first differences of note: Forward ui' ui1 ui h '' ui 2 h O(h) Backward ui' ui ui1 h '' ui 2 h O(h) Central ui1 ui1 h2 ''' ' ui ui 6 2h O(h2) 194 While the forward and backward differences are 1st order with mesh spacing h, they are second order for mesh spacing h/2 for midpoints xi1/2 ! To get an approximation to the 2nd derivative, we add two Taylor expansions about the points xi1 to get u 2ui ui1 h2 (4) 2) . O ( h u , which is 12 i h2 ui'' i1 These formulae are frequently reduced to stencils involving only 2-3 adjacent points in the mesh: ui'' h2[1,2,1] ui' h1[0,1,1], h1[1,1,0], or (2h)1[1,0,1]. 195 There are many more formulae with specific properties that can be derived by matching terms in specific Taylor expansions. Example (upwind difference): Find a one sided, 2nd order finite difference for u '( x) , i.e., ui' aui bui1 cui2 O(h2) . h Expand about the points of interest to see that c: ui2 = u 2hu' (2h)2 u'' (2h)3 u''' i i 2 i 6 i b: ui1 = u hu' h2 u'' h3 u''' i i 2 i 6 i a: ui = ui 196 So, hui = aui bui1 cui2 O(h3) 2 = (a b c)ui h(2b c)ui' h (4c b)ui'' O(h3) 2 We are left solving or a 3, b 2, and c 1 . 2 2 a b c 0 2b c 1 b 4c 0 Hence, ui' 3ui 4ui1 ui2 O(h2) 2h 197 The stencil is ui' (2h)1[1,4,3,0,0] . Note that the trailing 0’s are sometimes left off if the meaning is completely clear. In practice, with a stencil based code, the 0’s usually are left off since the ith location in the stencil has to be specified. We can apply finite differences to an elliptic differential equation with boundary values, which is also known as an elliptic boundary-value problem (BVP). This one is also known as Laplace’s equation in one dimension (1D): uxx g ( x) in (0,1) u(0) u(1) 0 On a uniform mesh we get the (N 2)(N 2) following system of linear equations: 198 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 N N 1 u u u 1 2 1 u 1 2 1 u 1 1 2 N 0 g g g 0 h2 , which is nonsymmetric. We can eliminate the first and last rows and columns (since we know the boundary values of u) to get an N N symmetric, positive definite system of linear equations instead. Any of the methods we used earlier for solving systems of linear equations (direct or iterative) work well to solve this problem. 199 Variable coefficients can be handled by taking the correct Taylor expansions and combining them. Consider the differential equation (a(x)ux)x s(x)u g(x), a(x) a0 0 and s(x) 0 . Suitable Taylor expansions lead to a finite difference scheme of ai1/2ui1 (ai1/2 ai1/2)ui ai1/2ui1 siui gi , h2 which is O(h2) . Question: What happens when a( x) is unavailable to evaluate? Then ai1/2 has to be interpolated to O(h2) or better. This leads to another error term. 200 Error analysis of finite difference schemes leads to considering what is known as the Lax equivalence theorem, which can be summarized by Consistency + Stability = Convergence. Consistency determines the order of accuracy of a difference scheme plus the truncation error. Stability determines the frequency distribution of the error (usually by investigating eigenvalue type analysis). n un . We want Absoulte stability is based on considering n uexact n1 n and prefer that n1 n . Conditional stability is simlar, but there is at least one condition to guarantee stability. 201 Time and Space finite differences Consider an initial value problem (IVP) dU F (t,U ) with U (t 0) U . 0 dt If F (t,U ) F (U ) , then there are very efficient special methods, which are in the textbook, but not here. Consider some typical explicit cases: Forward Euler U n1 U n F (t,U n) t Leapfrog U n1 U n1 F (t,U n ) 2t Multistep U n1 U nk F (t,U n1,U n,U n1, ) (k 1)t or U n1 U n tF (t,U n ) 202 The general formula for a k-step scheme is k k j 0 j 0 jU n1 j t j F n1 j with 0 1 (normalization) and either 0 0 (explicit) or 0 0 (implicit). Example: Adams-Bashford family 1st order Forward Euler 2nd order U n1 U n 3 F n 1 F n1 t 2 2 rd 3 order U n1 U n 23 F n 16 F n1 5 F n2 t 12 12 12 203 The first few steps use lower order methods, which can cause problems and spurious errors in later time steps. Multi-stage methods use a weighted sum of corrections U k within one time step. So, U n1 U n C1U1 C2U 2 C3U 3 The Ck are determined by matching terms in a Taylor expansion. Typically, U1 tF (t n,U n ) (Forward Euler) U 2 tF (t n t,U n U 1) 204 Runge-Kutta methods are popular and usually either Total Variation Diminshing (TVD) or … Bounded (TVB), which do not allow any spurious oscillations to appear in the numerical solution and ruin all further calculations. RK2 / 2 level storage scheme: Set X U n, Y F (t n, X ) . Compute X X tY , Y aY F (t n t, X ), a 1 2 2 Update U n1 X t Y 2 Note that 1/2 is the modified Euler method and 1 is Heun’s method. 205 Classic RK4 / 4 levels of storage: Compute X1 F (t n,U n ), X 2 F (t n t ,U n tX1), X 3 F (t n t ,U n tX 2), 2 2 and X 4 F (t n t,U n tX3) Update U n1 U n t X1 2 X 2 X 3 X 4 6 Note that there is a trick that reduces this scheme to only 3 levels of storage. 206 Implicit Time Stepping: Consider the IVP dU F (t,U ), U (t 0) U0 . The family of methods is defined dt by U n1 U n F (t n1,U n1) (1 )F (t n,U n) . t Note that =0 is Forward Euler (explicit), =1 is Backward Euler (implicit), and =1/2 is Crank-Nicolson (implicit). For implicit methods, some sort of direct solver is implied (or an iterative methods approximation). n n 2 n 2 n 3 n Consistency: dU F n t dF 1 d U2 (t)2 d F2 1 d U3 t 6 dt dt 2 dt 2 dt As t 0 , the right hand side goes to zero, so we recover the IVP. 207 n1 n Stability: We study dU U , Re() 0. So, U U U n1 (1 )U n . t dt Looking at the error at the nth step and doing some algebraic manipulations, we get n1 n1 (1 )t . 1t We have absolute stability if (1 2 )t 2 . Conditional stability 0 1 and requires that t 2 . (1 2 ) 2 Unconditional stability whenever 1 . 2 For Forward Euler, we must have h 1 , which is a very serious constraint as (t)2 2 t 0 . Implicit methods are more expensive per step, but can use much, much bigger time steps. 208 9. Monte Carlo Methods Monte Carlo (MC) methods use repeated random sampling to solve computational problems when there is no affordable deterministic algorithm. Most often used in Physics Chemistry Finance and risk analysis Engineering MC is typically used in high dimensional problems where a lower dimensional approximation is inaccurate. Example: n year mortgages paid once a month. The risk analysis is in 12n dimensions. For a 30 year mortgage we have a 360 dimensional problem. Integration (quadrature rules) above 8 dimensions is impractical. 209 Main drawback is the addition of statistical errors to the systematic errors. A balance between the two error types has to be made intelligently, which is not always easy nor obvious. Short history: MC methods have been used since 1777 when the Compte de Buffon and Laplace each solved problems. In the 1930’s Enrico Fermi used MC to estimate what lab experiments would show for neutron transport in fissile materials. Metropolis and Ulam first called the method MC in the 1940’s. In 1950’s MC was expanded to use an probability distribution, not just Gaussian. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, quantum MC and variational MC methods were developed. MC Simulations: The problem being solved is stochastic and the MC method mimics the stochastic properties well. Example: neutron transport an decay in a nuclear reactor. MC Calculations: The problem is not stochastic, but is solved using a stochastic MC method. Example: high dimension integration. 210 Quick review of probability Event B is a set of possible outcomes that has probability Pr(B) . The set of all events is denoted by and particular outcomes are . Hence, B . Suppose B,C . Then B C represents events in both B and C. Similarly, B C represents events that are in B or C. Some axioms of probability are 1. Pr(B)[0,1] 2. Pr( A B) Pr( A) Pr(B) if A B 3. B C Pr(B) Pr(C) 4. Pr() 1 The conditional probability that a C outcome is also a B outcome is given by Bayes formula, Pr(B | C) Pr(B C) . Pr(C) 211 Frequently, we already know both Pr(B | C) and Pr(C) and use Bayes formula to calculate Pr(B C) . Events B and C are independent if Pr(B C) Pr(B)Pr(C) Pr(B) Pr(B | C) . If is either finite or countable, we call discrete. In this case we can specify all probabilities of possible outcomes as f k Pr( k ) and an event B has probability Pr(B) kB Pr(k ) 212 kB fk . A discrete random variable is a number X () that depends on the random outcome . As an example, in coin tossing, X () could represent how many heads or tails came up. For xk X (k ) , define the expected value by E[ X ] X ()Pr() xk f k . The probability distribution of a continuous random variable is described using a probability density function (PDF) f ( x) . If X n and B n , then Pr(B) f ( x)dx and E[ X ] xB n xf (x)dx . The variance in 1D is given by 2 var( X ) E[( X E[ X ])2] ( x E[x])2 f (x)dx . 213 The notation is identical for discrete and continuous random variables. For 2 or higher dimensions, there is a symmetric n n variance/covariance matrix given by C E[( X E[ X ])( X E[ X ])T ] , where the matrix elements C jk are given by C jk E[( X j E[ X j ])( X k E[ X k ])] cov[ X j , X k ] . The covariance matrix is positive semidefinite. 214 Common random variables The standard uniform random variable U has a probability density of f (u) 1 if 0 u 1 0 otherwise. We can create a random variable in [a,b] by Y (b a)U a . The PDF for Y is 1 a y b g ( y) b a 0 otherwise. The exponential random variable T with rate constant 0 has a PDF t if 0 t f (t ) e 0 otherwise. 215 The standard normal is denoted by Z and has a PDF f ( z) 1 e z2 /2 . 2 The general normal with mean and variance 2 is given by X Z and has PDF f ( x) 1 2 2 e( x )2 /2 2 . We write X ~ N (, 2) in this case. A standard distribution has X ~ N (0,1) . If an n component random variable X is a multivariate normal with mean and covariance C, then it has a probability density 216 n ( x )T C1 x /2 1 f ( x) e , where Z 2 det(C) . Z Multivariate normal possess a linear transformation property: suppose L is an mn matrix with rank m, so L : n m and onto. If X n and Y m are multivariate normal, then the covariance matrix for Y is CY LCX LT assuming that 0 . Finally, there are two probability laws/theorems that are crucial to believing that MC is relevant to any problem: 1. Law of large numbers 2. Central limit theorem Law of large numbers: Suppose A E[ X ] and X k | k 1,2, approximation of A is 217 X . The n 1 ˆ An n X k A as n . k 1 All estimators satisfying the law of large numbers are denoted consistent. Central limit theorem: If 2 var[ X ], then Rn Aˆn A N (0, 2 / n) . Hence, recalling that A is not random, that Var(Rn ) Var( Aˆn ) 1nVar( X ) . The law of large numbers makes the estimator unbiased. The central limit theorem follows from the independence of the X k . When n is large enough, Rn is approximately normal, independent of the distribution of X as long as E[ X ] . 218 Random number generators Beware simple random number generators. For example, never, ever use the UNIX/Linux function rand. It repeats much too quickly. The function random repeats less frequently, but is not useful for parallel computing. Matlab has a very good random number generator that is operating system independent. Look for digital based codes developed 20 years ago by Michael Mascagni for good parallel random number generators. These are the state of the art even today. However, the best ones are analog: they measure the deviations in the electrical line over time and normalize them to the interval [0,1] . Some CPUs do this as a hardware instruction for sampling the deviation. These are the only true random number generators available on computers. The Itanium2 CPU line has this built in. Some other chips have this, too, but finding operating systems that will sample this instruction is hard to find. 219 Sampling A simple sampler produces and independent sample of X each time it is called. The simple sampler turns standard uniforms into samples of some other random variable. MC codes spend almost all of their time in the sampler. Optimizing the sampler code to reduce its execution time can have a profound effect on the overall run time of the MC computation. In the discussion below rng() is a good random number generator. 220 Bernoulli coin tossing A Bernoulli random variable with parameter p is a random variable X with Pr( X 1) p and Pr( X 0) 1 p . If U is a standard uniform, then p Pr(U p) . So we can sample X using the code fragment if ( rng() <= p ) X = 1; else X = 0; For a random variable with a finite number of values Pr( X xk ) pk with pk 1, we sample it using the unit interval and dividing it into subintervals of length pk. This works well with Markov chains. 221 Exponential If U is a standard uniform, then T 1 ln(U ) is an exponential with rate parameter with units 1/Time. Since 0<U<1, ln(U ) 0 and T>0. We can sample T with the code fragment T = -(1/lambda)*log(rng()); The PDF of the random variable T is given by f (t ) et for some t>0. 222 Cumulative density function (CDF) Suppose X is a one component random variable with PDF f ( x) . Then the CDF F ( x) Pr( X x) f ( x ')dx ' . We know that 0 F ( x) 1, x and any u[0,1] x' x there is an x such that F ( x) u . The simple sampler can be coded with 1. Choose U = rng() 2. Find X such that F ( X ) U Note that step 2 can be quite difficult and time consuming. Good programming reduces the time. There is no elementary formula for the cumulative normal N ( z) . However there is software available to compute it to approximately double precision. The inverse cumulative normal z N 1(u) can also be approximated. 223 The Box Muller method We can generate two independent standard normal from two independent standard uniforms using the formulas R Z1 Z2 2ln(U1) 2U 2 R cos() R sin() We can make N independent standard normal by making N standard uniforms and then using them in pairs to make N/2 pairs of independent standard normal. 224 Multivariate normals Let X n be a multivariate normal random variable with mean 0 and covariance matrix C. We sample X using the Cholesky factorization of C LT L , where L is lower triangular. Let Z n be a vector of n independent standard normal generated by the Box Muller method (or similarly). Then cov[Z ] I . If X LZ , then X is multivariate normal and has cov[ X ] LILT C . There are many more methods that can be studied, e.g., Rejection. Testing samplers All scientific software should be presumed wrong until demonstrated to be correct. Simple 1D samplers are testing using tables and histograms. 225 Errors Estimating the error in a MC calculation is straightforward. Normally a result with an error estimate is given when using a MC method. n Suppose X is a scalar random variable. Approximate A E[ X ] by Aˆn 1n k 1 X k . The central limit theorem states that Rn Aˆn A nZ , where n is the standard deviation of Aˆn and Z ~ N (0,1) . It can be shown that n 1 , where 2 var[ X ] E[( X A)2] , 2 which we estimate using n n ˆn )2 then take ˆ 1 ˆn2 . ( X A n k n n ˆ 2 1 k 1 226 Since Z is of order 1, Rn is of order ˆ n . We typically report the MC data as A Aˆn ˆn . We can plot circles with a line for the diameter called the (standard deviation) error bar. We can think of k standard deviation error bars Aˆn kˆn , Aˆn kˆn , which are confidence levels. The central limit theorem can be used to show that Pr Aˆn ˆn, Aˆn ˆn 66% and Pr Aˆn 2ˆn, Aˆn 2ˆn 95% . It is common in MC to report one standard deviation error bar. To interpret the data correctly, knowledge that the real data is outside of the circle one-third of the time has to be understood. 227 Integration (quadrature) We want to approximate a d dimensional integral to an accuracy of 0 . Assume we can do this using N quadrature points. Consider Simpson’s rule. For a function f ( x): n , N d /4 . MC integration can be done so that N 1/2 independent of d as long as the variance of the integrand is finite. MC integration Let V be the domain of integration. Define I ( f ) f ( x)dx and for uniform V xi V let N N f 1 i1 f ( xi ) and f 2 1 i1 f 2 ( xi ) . N N Then 2 f 2 f I ( f ) f . N 1 228