2. Somatoform Disorder

Abnormal Psychology
Mental Disorder:
*Significant impairment in psychological functioning
*Lose the ability to adequately control thoughts, behaviors, or
feelings interrupts daily functioning
DSM-IV – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
*A medical book and model used to classify of psychological disorder
*A guidebook for mental health professionals
*Contains roughly 400 disorders
*This year is a transition year in the world of Psych= The new,
updated DSM-V is currently being adopted by medical
*Axis I (Clinical Syndromes) - contains all the major disorders
including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse,
and organic mental disorders
*Axis II (Pxy disorders, Developmental Problems & Mental
Retardation) Narcissistic Pxy and ADHD are examples
*Insurance providers requires medical professionals to
classify, diagnose and code a patients mental illness before
payments made
Let’s take a look at the classifications and codes!
DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
1. Anxiety Disorders (Axis I)
a. Anxiety - Impending feeling of doom or disaster
characterized by mood symptoms: tension agitation and
apprehension/bodily symptoms: sweating, muscle
tension, increased heart rate & blood pressure/
cognitive symptoms: worry, distractibility
1) Panic Disorder – attacks of intense anxiety, chest pains,
tightness muscles, choking, sweating / sometimes have
no apparent trigger (intense symptoms, short duration)
2) Generalized Anxiety Disorder – chronic anxiety not
associated with any specific situation or object,
hypervigilant, tense, irritable, difficulty focusing &
trouble sleeping (symptoms must occur for at least 6
3) Phobias – intense irrational fear to a stimuli, disrupting
the person’s daily life
a. Agoraphobia – fear of being out in public places
b. Acrophobia – fear of heights
c. Claustrophobia – fear of enclosed spaces
d. Zoophobia – fear of animals (snakes, dogs, cats,
4) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – thoughts and
BX = compound disorder (obsession + compulsions)
Persistent, intrusive, unwanted thoughts that an
individual can NOT ignore (obsessions)
Irrational behavior (compulsions) performed
repeatedly to “counter” the obsessions
5) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – results from
trauma, consists of nightmares, flashbacks where
individual relives the traumatic experiences
Today’s Goal = Complete Gr. Org!
2. Somatoform Disorders (Axis I)
characterized by physical symptoms such as pain, paralysis,
blindness, or deafness without any physical cause
1. Somatization disorder2. Conversion disorder3. Hypochondriasis3. Dissociative Disorders (Axis I)
sudden loss of memory or change in identity
1. Dissociative Amnesia 2. Dissociative Fugue 3. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) –
4. Mood Disorders (Axis I)
Unipolar = depression only
Bipolar = mania and depression
Disrupts a person’s normal function in daily life
Mania Symptoms:
Excessive happiness, hopefulness, and excitement
Restlessness, increased energy, and less need for sleep
Rapid talk, talkativeness
Racing thoughts
High sex drive
Tendency to make grand and unattainable plans
Tendency to show poor judgment, such as impulsively
deciding to quit a job
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity -- unrealistic beliefs in one's
ability, intelligence, and powers; may be delusional
Increased reckless behaviors (such as lavish spending sprees,
impulsive sexual indiscretions, abuse of alcohol or drugs, or illadvised business decisions)
1. Major Depressive Disorder 2. Seasonal Affective Disorder –
3. Bipolar Disorder 5. Psychotic Disorders (Schizophrenia) (Axis 1)
Psychosis- characterized by lack of touch with reality
Show signs of abnormal thinking, emotion, movement,
socialization and perception
Positive symptoms (not good but additions):
Delusions – erroneous beliefs that are maintained even when
compelling evidence to the contrary is presented
Hallucinations – are false sensory perceptions (seeing, hearing
things that aren’t present)
Negative Symptoms (taking away):
Flat effect - Lack of emotion
Social withdrawal, apathy, inattention, lack of communication
Disorganized Schizophrenia –
Paranoid Schizophrenia –
Catatonic Schizophrenia –
Undifferentiated (simple) Schizophrenia –
6. Personality Disorders (Axis II):
Longstanding, maladaptive thought patterns and behavior
that is troublesome to others( can be harmful or illegal)
Impaired social functioning
1. Paranoid –
2. Schizoid3. Schizotypal 4. Histrionic –
5. Narcissistic –
6. Borderline –
7. Antisocial – (PC term for sociopath or psychopath)
8. Avoidant –
9. Dependent –
10. Obsessive-Compulsive PXY Disorder –
7. Developmental Disorders –
Related to infancy, childhood, adolescence
1. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2. Autism –
3. Anorexia Nervosa –
4. Bulimia Nervosa Common Explanation for Disorders:
1. Anxiety Disorder:
Biological Explanation for Anxiety Disorders –
Too little of a neurotransmitter (GABA or serotonin) most
commonly believed explanation =
Xanax, Valium minimize generalized anxiety disorders
OCD and Panic disorder are treated with antidepressants
(Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft)
Behavior Explanation for Anxiety Disorders – anxiety
responses are acquired through classical conditioning and
maintained through operant conditioning
2. Somatoform Disorder:
3. Dissociative Disorder:
4. Mood Disorder:
5. Psychotic Disorder:
6. Personality Disorder:
7. Developmental Disorder:
Somatoform Disorders:
Dissociative Disorders:
Mood Disorders:
Psychotic Disorders:
Personality Disorders:
Developmental Disorders: