Chelsie Netzer Animal Classification Discover Life o This websites includes classification of animals including all vertebrates. It has a picture database with over 5,000 animal pictures, and information about the main classification of animals, and a detailed list of many phylogenic trees. This site also has nature guides which allow students to identify organisms while exploring outside and provides link to other useful sites, like the Smithsonian Institute. Teacher’s Domain o This media site has many useful clips about Evolution. There are also lesson plans for every subject presented. It was easy to access, and the videos were very high quality. I really liked that for most media clips there was an outline of the clip along with a discussion questions, and the standards that the media covers. There also had a PBS search for movies that pertained to the subject you were inquiring about. You do have to sign up to use this website, but it is free. UCMP Exhibit Halls Evolutionary Wing o This website covers many aspects of evolution. It has pages about organism classification, history of the theory of evolution, history of evolutionary thought, and time periods. You can search for different topics, and there are good illustrations. I liked the history of evolutionary thought. It was a great source of information, which was very detailed and easily understandable. There was also a glossary page which would be very useful for lesson plans. Classification Of Living Things o This website was very informative about the different types of classification, and the history of classification, but what I really like about this site is that it includes humans in the classification, and that it was very user friendly. There was even a page for disabled users. There was also flashcards, crosswords, links to webquests found on this website Tree of Life Web Project o This website classifies organisms, gives a description of the organism, and shows their place on the phylogenic tree. It is updated with new information frequently, and has many good references. The site allows students to look at specific organisms and see how there are characterized into different phyla. There is also a page on this site called the tree house, which is geared specifically to students, and teachers. It has activities for students but also investigations for teachers to use in the classroom. Phylogeography Webquest o This webquest, which could be modified for any age level, lets students investigate how different species got where they are, and how time, and space created variations among organisms that were once the same. It is a very descriptive, informational, and well put together webquest. It also has background information, pictures, and new articles that would help students through the webquest. There is a pages for teachers too, that explains, learning objectives, goals, preparation, and background knowledge for the webquest Kid Port Reference Library: The Animal Kingdom o This site has brief descriptions of invertebrate and vertebrate groups along with pictures. The site is kid friendly, and easy to understand. What I like best about this site is that for every page, there are links with more descriptions. So if I wanted to go into more detail about a particular group, I would be able to access many informative resources at on site. National Geographic Kids o I really liked this website, because of its media capabilities. There were many high quality pictures, clips, and videos to view about many different topics. The activities were geared towards younger children, but can easily be modified for older students, and there were many media resources I found useful for my particular topic, about classification Evolution Webquest o This was another interesting webquest I found that was about evolution. It not only dealt with students learn about the theory of evolution, but also had students asking themselves what they know and what to know, and creating a website about their finding on evolution. Understanding Evolution o This thorough website gives very good, very detailed information about evolution. Including the history of, evidence for, and main ideas of evolution. I also liked the stories it had about evolutionary discoveries happening now, and the highlights page about scientists. There was also a very good page about understanding evolutionary trees, which I would definitely use for my unit. The Taxon Lift o This website is set up as a hierarchy. You start with the big picture, and as you explore the site you get more and more detailed information about particular taxa you are exploring. I like the site because it is simple and right to the point, but also is very factual, and has good illustrations of different taxa.