Directions: Below is a think-tac-toe that will help you to understand six vocabulary words about economics in Southwest Asia.
Using the vocabulary list and other information, if needed, complete THREE squares. The SIX words that must be used in EACH
assignment are traditional economy, command economy, market economy, tariffs, quotas, and embargoes.
Due Friday, Dec. 12th You may only do one activity with a partner. Activities that could be done with a partner are marked as such.
Create an acrostic poem. Write the
word “economy” vertically on a
piece of computer paper. Each
letter is used in the construction of
phrases or sentences to describe the
6 words. Possible Partner
Predict a question you might be asked
for which each of the 6 words would be
the answer. Do not use the words
given to you by the teacher. You will
need to write them in your own words.
You can list these or write them as
flashcards to help you study.
Create a bubble map for each of the Create a simile for each of the six
six words. You should brainstorm at vocabulary words. A simile is a
least four synonyms for each word
comparison of two things or ideas
and put them on the bubble map.
using like or as. It is not enough just to
write the simile, you must explain it
Create a crossword puzzle using the Categorize the six words into two
six words. Make sure that you
groups. Then write a 4-5 sentence
include the clues at the bottom.
paragraph explaining why each word
You cannot use the definition your
fits into the category you put it in.
teacher gave you – you must create
your own clues, in your own words.
Create an analogy to go with each of the
six vocabulary words. Analogies can help
to explain an unfamiliar concept by
making a comparison to something that
we do understand. Possible Partner
Compare how traditional, command, and
market economies answer the economic
questions of (1) what to produce, (2) how
to produce, and (3) for whom to produce.
Don’t forget to include all 6 words in your
Create a riddle for each of the six
vocabulary words. Your riddle should
have a minimum of four lines, should be
written in the first person and the last line
should be “what am I?” Make sure you
have an answer key. Possible Partner