Unit 2 Assignment Sheet

Unit 2 Assignments: History & Approaches, 8-10%
TEST DATE: Thursday, August 27
Note that this is a guideline for the assignments in the chapter. It is NOT all inclusive. Read the chapter and take notes for yourself as
you read. Note that this chapter is Modules 4-8. Always be sure to read ahead. Unless otherwise noted, complete the FRQ that does
not have the answer points given. Reading quizzes shall be given randomly. Read the modules and take notes, and then complete
flashcards for that module. Then answer the questions at the end to quiz yourself and answer the FRQ. Use the PsychSims to aid
your understanding.
Due 8/18 Tuesday
 Have Module 4 READ, Complete 4 questions and 1 FRQ (about 7 pages with lots of sidebars)
 Work on flashcards
 Reading & vocab quiz may be given in class
Due 8/19 Wednesday
 Have Module 5 READ, Complete 7 questions and 1 FRQ (about 6 pages with lots of sidebars)
 Watch the Flip it video for this module before coming to class
 Reading & vocab quiz may be given in class (5 quests)
Due 8/20 Thursday
 Have Module 6 READ, Complete 5 questions and 1 FRQ (about 8 pages with lots of sidebars)
 Watch the Flip it videos (2) for this module before coming to class
Due 8/21 Friday
 Have Module 7 READ, Complete 5 questions and 1 FRQ (about 6 pages with lots of sidebars)
 Watch the Flip it video for this module before coming to class
 Flashcards due (50)
Due 8/24 Monday
 Have Module 8 READ, Complete 4 questions and 1 FRQ (about 5 pages with lots of sidebars)
 Watch the Flip it video for this module before coming to class
Due 8/25 Tuesday
 Have Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 on the Myers site POSTED to my “instructor gradebook” on the Myers 2e site. No tech excuses
will be accepted.
Due 8/26 Wednesday
 Complete Unit/Chapter Review, 15 questions and 1 FRQ
Due 8/27 Thursday
 Test: Multiple choice and FRQ
 Begin reading Unit 3
Due 8/28 Friday, Sub in class
 Work day: Bring flashcards with you to class to work on them
 Read Unit 3, take notes
Other items:
NOTE: There are THREE PsychSims for this Unit. Please watch/view each on your own.
Please see the Myers 2e site for flashcards, Flip It videos, and other resources.
Videos that might be helpful:
o Crash Course Psychology #2
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFV71QPvX2I
o Discovering Psychology: Understanding Research, via learner.org
 http://www.learner.org/series/discoveringpsychology/02/e02expand.html