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KS1 Creative Curriculum Overview Autumn 2015
Welcome back! We hope you have had a good rest over the
Summer holidays and are ready to begin a new and exciting
year in KS1. This term we are on a mission to become
Superheroes. We will consider the qualities of a
superhero, both fictional and non-fictional, and complete
secret missions throughout the quest.
Why ‘Superhero or real life hero?’
Our inspiration for this quest was drawn from a quote by
Superman actor Christopher Reeve who said, ‘A hero is an
ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and
We feel that as Key Stage 1 children explore ‘Superhero or
real life hero?’ they will begin to learn about themselves and
the world around them. They will have many experiences
throughout the quest and will be able to be curious and ask
questions to expand their knowledge and understanding of what
a hero is and what they do. This quest will encapsulate a wide
range of curriculum subjects and allow for the development of
crucial key skills all based around the exploration of heroes and
their related concepts. Children will become the experts as
they become a super hero for Stoberry HQ to explore their
given super hero missions through a wide range of experiences.
Throughout all our topics we aim to:
•Create challenging learning opportunities across all areas of the
•Encourage children’s natural curiosity about the world, and show an
interest in geographical communities.
•Provide opportunities for expression and creativity.
•Motivate through unique experiences.
•Embrace ‘learning without limits’ through dedicated child-led learning
and risk-taking.
We hope that this quest will be a journey of personal reflection and
imagination. Your children will be encouraged to ask questions that
encourage a deeper understanding of the learning they do in school, so
our main advice to support learning at home is to ask a wide range of
questions. It is through asking children to explain their thinking or
understanding that children begin to piece together the knowledge
they have taken in. Once children have learnt a concept in school ask
them to share it with you and see if you can do something with this
knowledge. For instance, if children have learnt about landmarks
around the world you could explore landmarks closer to Wells. Or, if
we have looked at superhero costumes spend a day dressing up and
being ‘incredible’.
If you think you might have some suitable materials for a ‘Superhero
HQ’ role play area that you would like to share with us, or if you have
any skills, expertise or knowledge you would like to share please pop in
and see your child’s class teacher. Our homework, as always, will
support learning completed in class and will go home on a Friday ready
to be completed by the following Thursday.
Key Dates and Events
These are provisional dates which may change during the term; we will
let you know of any changes closer to the time. Please do not hesitate
to come and see your child’s teacher with any queries.
Tuesday 1st September = First day of term
Thursday 24th September = CoF AGM @ 8pm in the school hall
Friday 2nd October = School photos
Friday 2nd October = KS1 film night in the school hall, 6pm – 8pm
Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th October = Y2 auditions for the Nativity
Thursday 8th October = Mendip Outdoor Centre trip
Wednesday 21 st October = Last day of term for children & KS1 Superhero day
Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd October = INSET Days
Monday 2nd November = Back to school
Friday 13th November = Wells CLP PE festival @ Wells Blue School 1.15pm – 3.15pm (Rowan)
Monday 7th December =Nativity performance @ 2pm
Tuesday 8th December = Nativity performance @ 5.30pm
Wednesday 9th December = Nativity performance @ 5.30pm
Thursday 10th December = KS1 Christmas inspire afternoon 2pm – 3pm in classes
Friday 11th December = CoF Christmas Fayre in the school hall @ 3.15pm
Monday 14th December = School carol service @ St. Thomas’ Church @ 9.45am
Monday 14th December- KS1 Christmas party all afternoon
Tuesday 15th December = KS1 Maths assembly @ 9.15am
Wednesday 16th December – Singing at Mondyes Court during the morning
Thursday 17 th December – Pantomime trip
Friday 18th December – Last day of Autumn Term
Art and Music
As Artists we will be creating ‘Pop art’ in the
style of Andy Warhol showing us as superheroes
and onomatopoeic words in comic book style. We
will continue our weekly singing sessions with
Kate Lynch exploring music inspired by
In class the songs and music
children will be learning, will again explore
timbre, tempo and dynamics. We will also
consider how music can create and change mood.
In English we will continue to follow the Read
Write Inc. and Talk for Writing programmes and
support children in developing their confidence
with phonics, reading and writing. We will also
use English within our creative curriculum lessons
to ensure that all children are given wider,
extended writing opportunities linked to our
As Scientists we will be exploring forces and
how they affect objects through pushes or pulls.
We will explore the human body and gain an
understanding of how to keep ourselves healthy.
We will also be looking at which material would
make the best superhero cape.
We will be considering the question ‘Why are
some times special?’ Exploring people and places
will help children develop an international
mindset understanding the beliefs of others
whilst developing awareness of their own
nationality and beliefs. We will then move on to
preparing for Christmas and our Key Stage
Nativity play.
Design and Technology and ICT
As Designers we will be focusing
on the designing and making
process that is required to
produce a superhero vehicle. We
mechanisms as part of this
process. We will use Purple Mash
to create animations and comic
strips. We will use websites to
research and will use digital
photography to capture our
moments of discovery.
Our new topic provides an excellent
platform for children to enquire about
and explore the world around them. As
Geographers we will be flying around the
world noting famous landmarks on our
travels. We will learn about the countries
and cultures of the landmarks.
As Historians we will look at famous
superheroes of the past and how they
have impacted our lives today.
Children will develop a range of gross and
small motor skills within PE lessons
through multi-skills, gymnastics and
swimming. Please make sure your child has
a PE kit in school at all times. Also as the
weather will still be chilly please ensure
your child has a warm tracksuit to wear
for outdoor PE.
We will continue to practise
our Olympic Maths, mental
Rockstars times tables once
a week. Please see separate
sheet for details.
We look forward to
sharing our learning with
you each step of the
KS1 Team 
Our new theme will be ‘New Beginnings’. We
will experience different cultural identities
and consider what different people think
about our past and our future prospects.
This theme will encourage our children to
see themselves as valued individuals. In
the second half of term we will be moving
on to thinking about ‘Getting on and Falling
Out’. We will be considering the qualities
we look for and need to develop in order to
have and be a good friend.