YOUR PLACE' Class - Center on Education and Work

for the
January 29, 2008
Rhonda Fannin,
SOCOE Program Director
100 Hobart Drive
Hillsboro, OH 45133
937.393.3431, x2785
Sue Evans,
“Your Place” Director
12681 US Route 62
Sardinia, OH 45171
937.393.3431, x3540
Regional Center to College Access
for the
Adult Learner
The mission of the "Your Place"
Program is to assist disadvantaged,
low-income individuals in transition,
single parents, displaced homemakers,
capturing their vision of the potential
that lies within and to realize they can
reach their goals by empowering them
to overcome obstacles and to start on
the road of self-sufficiency.
for the Adult Learner
Success Stories….
 Dorothy
with granddaughters
I enrolled in “Your Place” at a time when
I was not able to make a living for myself and was
getting assistance. I was greatly encouraged by the
“Your Place” classes and left there feeling like I
could conquer the world. I enrolled in Southern
State Community College ”just to get my feet wet”
by taking one class. I was uncertain as I walked into
class that day but found that I was among the
majority age-wise; I was in my early 50’s at the
time. Later I moved to the Portsmouth, Ohio area
and transferred my credits to Shawnee State
University. It took me about seven years, but I
graduated with Associate Degrees in Office
Administration and Business Management and a
Bachelor Degree in General Business. I now live
and work in Milford, Ohio and make a good living
for myself. Even though I am almost 70 years old, I
love my job and want to continue working as long
as I can.
After my husband died in 1993, I was left with a mortgage,
car payment, funeral expenses, and no job. Since I hadn’t
worked for 26 years outside the home, I began cleaning
houses, taking care of the elderly, sewing, and any odd
jobs I could find to pay my bills and keep up with the
never-ending, daily expenses. I didn’t have the required
certifications to earn a decent living in these vocations, and
these jobs were strenuous with long hours. I decided to look
into continuing my education, but I didn’t have a clue as
to what to do and was sure I was ineligible. I met with the
financial aid advisor at the local community college who told
me about the Your Place Program and encouraged me to
enroll. I was the first in my family to attend college, and
I received my associate’s degree in three years while
continuing to work and raise my last two children.
I am now employed as secretary for the director of the library at a university and working toward
retirement. Furthermore, my accomplishments have been an incentive for my children to
continue their education as well. My daughter enrolled in the same community college, signed
up with the program, became an LPN, and is now completing her RN studies. The program
gives confidence and encouragement not to mention all the assistance it gives with barriers that
come into play while trying to work, raise a family, and attend classes. It is a worthwhile
program, and I pray the funding continues so other displaced persons will benefit from the
program as well.
I was born and raised in the town of Manchester, Ohio. I am the mother of two. I am currently
engaged to a wonderful man with three daughters, and two wonderful grand-daughters.
I do have a wonderful life now, but it wasn’t always this way. I am where I am today because of
a wonderful program that falls under the Southern Ohio Center of Excellence called The “Your
Place” Program. I started in this program in the year 2001, a year after I went through some very
hard trials and realizations in my life. These were probably the events that led me to the program
that I entered at Southern State Community College. I always knew I was college material, but I did
not have the confidence or the self-esteem to go to a place that I had never been. One day, I was
walking in a Bank, and I saw a flyer that said “Displaced Homemaker?” I thought, “Yes I am!” I tore
a tab off the flyer and called the 800 number; talked to a lady named Sue and I haven’t stopped
I mentioned that my life was not always the best life, it was due a lot to my father; he wasn’t the
best father. He abused me and my brother for many years. The way he abused us was so horrific
that it’s too hard to mention; he also abused our mother during all of our abuse. My father was
charged with murder in 1983, when I was in Junior High; he later plea bargained to Involuntary
Manslaughter. I sure found out then what a true friend was, and there were not many. I had gangs
of girls trying to beat me up as I walked to school, because of what my father did, and I had nothing
to do with it. I was abused by him, but they didn’t know this. I had to figure that they were ignorant
to the facts at hand. I visited my dad for just over seven years, while he went through trial, and was
then incarcerated. This was a very hard thing to bear while growing up. My father passed away in
1993, he was 50 years old, and we were all with him.. I forgave my father for all the things he did
before he died, not for him, but for me. A person should never forgive someone for them, but for
you. The person carrying around the hate has to live with it, not the person that is hated.
I became pregnant at the age of 16, and this was also during my father’s incarceration. This
would be very hard for anyone to endure being so young. I knew I would never abort my baby,
because I don’t believe in aborting a baby no matter what the hardships. I decided to finish High
School with the help of wonderful teachers, to whom I still attribute some of my successes today.
I then met and married an abusive alcoholic.
This was something I said I would never do,
someone a lot like my father’. Don’t get me
wrong, this man was a great provider, but
when he drank, he was also a ‘great
abuser’. I had a wonderful daughter during
our years of marriage and he was a
wonderful father, when he wasn’t drinking. I
divorced him, six years later, and then
married a Vietnam Veteran who was on
drugs, and so I got into drugs with him. I
divorced him and a year later, both of my exhusbands passed away. The first one had a
motorcycle wreck and he was drinking. The
second husband died of complications due
to drug use and he asked me to stay with
him until he died. I did stay with him, and I’m
glad I did. I haven’t regretted that for a
I was born and grew up in Washington Court
House, Ohio. I was a normal kid until about the age of
twelve, my parents got divorced and that became my
downward spiral, I started getting into a lot of trouble. I
was the typical trouble maker, drinking and partying way
too much for anyone let alone a kid. Once I got to about
fifteen is when I got into real trouble. I hurt someone very
bad, she could have died from my stupidity, I could have
possibly went to prison for a long time at the age of
fifteen, instead I went to a mental hospital for a while to
learn how to work things out, and then to juvenile
detention it should have helped but didn’t. I didn’t learn my
lesson yet.
I went on doing things I shouldn’t have been
doing, a lot of drinking and even more drugs, my life was
going nowhere fast, and spending a lot more time in
juvenile detention. I was thrown out of school my senior
year, but I didn’t care, there was no way I could graduate anyway, when I was thrown out of school
I think I only had six credits. I thought this was going to be the life for me.
At the age of seventeen I became pregnant, I miscarried the baby only after a few
months. Later in that year I became pregnant again and had my beautiful daughter Kelsea when I
was eighteen. I kept up my bad behavior even more so because I didn’t have the self esteem to do
better. By the time I was twenty one I had another wonderful daughter Britni.
I lost Britni soon after she was born; I was suffering with post-partum depression, so
Britni stayed with some very dear friends of mine and later went into foster care for a while. I got
her back after about three months, and she has been with me every since. I also lost Kelsea to my
mother for almost seven years. I didn’t feel I was worthy of being a parent to such wonderful kids,
so I let my mom talk me into giving Kelsea up. I felt I had no self worth.
I found myself through the Your Place Program I found the strength to fight for almost
two years to finally get Kelsea back. Now both my children are with their mommy and loving it. My
oldest daughter Kelsea is in 9th grade and is an honor student getting ready to start post-secondary
at SSCC in the fall, and my youngest daughter is in 5th grade and a green belt in Karate, and they
both are doing fine with me. All this would not have been possible without the Your Place Program
and the wonderful people there. I also found a wonderful man that is very supportive of whatever I
do, and is some of my inspiration to succeed and be a better person for me and my family.
I graduated the Your Place Program in March of 2003. Afterwards I went straight to
college at SSCC and graduated with my associate degree in Human and Social Services in 2006. I
have worked with this program since 2003 first as work-study, then as my practicum and now
getting ready to start my second year as an AmeriCorps VISTA working on a new program called
Cristina’s Career Closet, for “YP” Adult Learner, a program that will offer nice clothing for adults in
our programs for job and college interviews. I am now working on my bachelor’s degree at
Wilberforce University for Health and Human Service Administration, and will graduate in
November of 2007. I have decided not to stop until I’m Dr. Cristina Mess.
UPDATE: Cristina is currently working for a Community Action Program in Emergency Assistance.
for the Adult Learner
Focus Points
Your Place Brochure & History
Broken Wings Fly, a compilation of writings
By Widows, Single Parents and
Displaced Homemakers
Your Place for the Adult Learner Workbook
And Facilitator’s Manual
Notes on Myself, Pre and Post-test
Individual Career Plan
Supplemental Materials
Approximate time frame for implementation
With or without the credit hours
for the Adult Learner
Focus Points
Your Place Brochure & History
Broken Wings Fly, a compilation of writings
By Widows, Single Parents and
Displaced Homemakers
Your Place for the Adult Learner Workbook
And Facilitator’s Manual
Notes on Myself, Pre and Post-test
Individual Career Plan
Supplemental Materials
Approximate time frame for implementation
With or without the credit hours
Broken Wings Fly
2, $500 scholarships given annually to qualified
Applicant to be used Autumn Quarter at Southern
State Community College.
for the Adult Learner
Focus Points
Your Place Brochure & History
Broken Wings Fly, a compilation of writings
By Widows, Single Parents and
Displaced Homemakers
Your Place for the Adult Learner Workbook
And Facilitator’s Manual
Notes on Myself, Pre and Post-test
Individual Career Plan
Supplemental Materials
Approximate time frame for implementation
With or without the credit hours
for the Adult Learner
Focus Points
Your Place Brochure & History
Broken Wings Fly, a compilation of writings
By Widows, Single Parents and
Displaced Homemakers
Your Place for the Adult Learner Workbook
And Facilitator’s Manual
Notes on Myself, Pre and Post-test
Individual Career Plan
Supplemental Materials
Approximate time frame for implementation
With or without the credit hours
This “Notes on Myself” Pre-test is a way to measure whether or not a student has gained
necessary information and skills through taking the “Your Place” class. This Pre-Test gives a
beginning measurement for how the student perceives their current life situation. The same
“Notes on Myself” will be given again upon completion of the class. Scores will be tracked on the
Individual Career Plan, which follows, and a decrease in score from the Pre-Test to Post-Test is
the desired outcome. This decrease in score demonstrates that a student feels that they have
gained enough information through taking this course that they now have more self confidence
with being able to handle the various life situations in which they may find themselves. Please
note: Scores may stay the same or even increase if the student is currently in a rough situation.
In this case, effects from participating in this class may not be as noticeable until a future time.
(Original “Your Place” Program shows 95% or better overall improvement rate.)
for the Adult Learner
Focus Points
Your Place Brochure & History
Broken Wings Fly, a compilation of writings
By Widows, Single Parents and
Displaced Homemakers
Your Place for the Adult Learner Workbook
And Facilitator’s Manual
Notes on Myself, Pre and Post-test
Individual Career Plan
Supplemental Materials
Approximate time frame for implementation
With or without the credit hours
PRE-TEST: ____ POST-TEST: ____
Ex. Factory, Retail, Restaurant, Labor, Child Care, Etc.
Include HS Diploma/GED and other Certifications
Include Community Service Programs such as PTO, 4-H,
Boy/Girl Scouts
Ex. Music, Art, Sign/Other Languages, Computer Skills
YOUR GOALS:________________
Ex. Lack of Education
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
Ex. Take GED Classes & Pass Test
Include both short/long-term goals. List action steps and expected date of
GOAL TO REACH:________
Ex. Obtain GED
Ex. 6 months from today (List actual date)
Goal #1:_________________________
Action Steps: List the steps that are necessary to reach this goal.
1. ______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. _______________________________
Goal #2:_________________________
Action Steps: List the steps that are necessary to reach this goal.
1. ______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. _______________________________
Goal #3:_________________________
Action Steps: List the steps that are necessary to reach this goal.
1. ______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. _______________________________
for the Adult Learner
Focus Points
Your Place Brochure & History
Broken Wings Fly, a compilation of writings
By Widows, Single Parents and
Displaced Homemakers
Your Place for the Adult Learner Workbook
And Facilitator’s Manual
Notes on Myself, Pre and Post-test
Individual Career Plan
Supplemental Materials
Approximate time frame for implementation
With or without the credit hours
“Your Place” Curriculum
Career Development & Employability (Psychology 115). This
course examines the participants’ skills, interests, work needs,
career options and planning strategies, knowledge of nontraditional fields and sexual harassment laws, job search
preparation, and techniques in obtaining employment, and
employer expectations. Training on Microsoft office and laptops is
included. Two (2) credits.
Personal Development (Sociology 210). This course will examine
the area of Sociology in relation to family lifestyles and human
relationships. Two (2) credits.
Educational & Resource Management (Psychology 098). This
practical and effective course examines the basic aspects of
resource management and educational success as they apply to the
individual; and his/her world of work, home, and family. The
participant will learn the personal value of academic advising,
effective study skills, and how to use library resources. Each
participant will develop an Individual Career Plan (ICP), improve
basic skills and complete applications for scholarships, state and
federal financial aid. It moves from identifying specific concerns
and problems to exploring methods of solving problems through
the use of practical reasoning. Two (2) credits.
“Your Place” Resource Lab activities. Participants in the displaced
homemaker program and students who are disadvantaged or
handicapped and who are enrolled or have completed a vocational
program are eligible to participate in the Resource Lab activities.
The Lab provides students with equipment and resources useful in
conducting a job or training search. Newspapers, career interest
inventories, computers, tutoring and career software, as well as
employment opportunities and telephone equipment are available
in the Lab. A Career Development Instructor is available to provide
individualized instruction and assistance with the writing of
resumes, completing employment applications, college entrance
forms and linkages for community services. The Resource Lab is
located at the South Campus.
The “Your Place” Program provides a 10 week course; upon completion,
students receive 6 credit hours.
Chapter 1: Change & Transition
•Student Awareness Checklist
•Stages of Adjustment to Loss
•Stages of Adjustment to Loss Chart
•Transitioning Techniques
•Letting Go
•Coping with Change & Transition
•Risking Change
•Fear of Losing Control
This is
This is how I
things to be:
Chapter 2: Self-Esteem
•My Strengths
•My Lifeline
•Circles of Influence
•Reaffirming What You Know
•My Personal Successes
Circles of Influences
DIRECTIONS: Put your name in the center circle. List a name in each circle of everyone that you
would talk to in a given week. More instructions to follow.
Your Name
Chapter 3: Positive Attitudes
• Attitude Survey
• Attitude Survey Results
• Attitudes
• Attitudes for Success
• E+R=O
• Ability, Motivation & Attitude
• You Can Make Your Own Luck
• When One Door Closes
Chapter 4: Goal Setting
• What Do I Value
• Living My Values
• Spirituality
• Writing Your Mission Statement
• Example of Mission Statement
• My Personal Mission Statement
• 10 Stars to Success
• Setting SMART Goals
• Think Big
• Goal Setting Practice Sheet
• My Short Term Goals
• My Long Term Goals
• Taking One Step At A Time
Chapter 5: Decision Making
• I’d Rather . . . . . . .
• Brainstorming
• 5 Steps for Making Good Decisions
• Practicing the 5 Step Process
• Decision Making
• Desert Island Decision
• Circles of Influence on Decision
Chapter 6: Time Management
• What If
• Time Wasters
• Time Savers
• Where Does The Time Go
• Who Does What
• “To Do” List
This is a round tuit.
Guard it with your life. Tuits
are hard to come by, especially
the round ones. It will help you to
become a much more efficient
worker. For years, you’ve heard
people say, “I’ll do it when I get a
round tuit”. Well, now that you have
one, you can accomplish all those
things you put aside until
you got your own
“round tuit”.
Personally speaking……
Best Practice Ideas:
Input from another classmate:
Chapter 7: Communication Skills
& Teamwork
• Communication Activities
• Communication Skills
• Fabulous First
• 9 Words to Never Use …
• Barriers to Effective Communication
Chapter 8: Assertiveness
& Conflict Resolution
•Assessing Your Behavior
•Evaluating the Assessment
•Body Language
•Tips for Assertive Communications
•Personal Assertive Statement
•Assertive Techniques
•List 3 items that you need to incorporate assertiveness techniques
with in order to improve your current situation.
•Tell how each item of concern makes you feel.
•State the desired outcome.
Combine each part to make an assertive statement.
Employment Ex. I feel frustrated when you criticize my job performance. I’d appreciate
suggestions for improvement.
Personal Ex. I feel angry when you criticize my ability to properly care for our children. I
feel we should work as a team for our children to be successful and happy.
Chapter 9: Healthy Relationships
•How Well Do You Like Yourself
•Themes from a Marriage
•Fair Fighting
•Golden Rules for Happy Living
•Basic Human Relationships
•Professional Etiquette
•Helpful Hints For Parents
•100 Ways to Praise A Child
•How Healthy Is My Relationship
•Words To Live By
Chapter 10:
Stress Management
• Body Stress Awareness
• What Does Your Body Stress
Awareness Mean
• Stress Reducers
• 10 Self-Talks for Stress
• 10 Things I Like To Do
• Getting A Handle on Stress
Chapter 11: Diversity Training
•What Do You See
•Dealing With Differences
•Beyond Diversity
•9 Dot Challenge
Chapter 12: Budgeting
• Know Your Financial Values
• $aving $marts
• Monthly Spending Guidelines
• Spending Plan Worksheet
• Expense Sheet
Chapter 13: Financial Aid
•Financial Aid Terms
•Financial Aid Documents Needed
•Scholarship, Grant, and Loan
Chapter 14: New Student
•Checklist for New Students
•College Search Websites
•Tutoring & Testing Websites
Chapter 15: College Awareness
•College Lingo
•Non-Traditional Jobs for Women
•Non-Traditional Jobs for Men
•Study & Test Taking Tips
•Study Skills
•Test Taking Skills
Chapter 16: Evaluating
Work Habits
•Evaluating Job Habits
•Good or Bad Work Habits
•Personal Strengths
Chapter 17: Getting A Job
• The Supportive Elements of a Resume
• Sample Cover Letter
• Tips for Resume Writing
• Action Words for a Captivating Resume
• Sample Resume
• Sample References
• Thank You Letter
• Resume Submission Follow-Up
• Tips for Completing Applications
• Application & Resume Worksheet
• Dressing for the Job
• Possible Interview Questions
• Possible Questions for the Interviewer
• Interview Evaluation
• Flexibility
• Helpful Web Sites
Chapter 18: Advancement, Employer
Expectations & Keeping
That Job
•Get To Know Your Coworkers
•Earning Respect with Coworkers
•Principles of Positive Coworker
•What Does My Employer Want Anyway
•Pointers for Job Retention
Thank you for sharing your most
valuable asset…..your time.
for the Adult Learner
Regional Center to College Access
“Your Place” Program
12681 U.S. Route 62
Sardinia, OH 45171
Phone: 937.695.0307, x3540
Fax: 937.695.0414
or 937.695.8093
Regional Center to College Access
Unit Price
YP Student
“YOUR PLACE” for the Adult Learner Workbook
$ 50
YP Facilitator’s
“YOUR PLACE” for the Adult Learner Facilitator’s
$ 50
Broken Wings Fly
Broken Wings Fly – A Compilation of Writings from
Displaced Homemakers
$ 15
Broken Wings Fly
Broken Wings Fly Again – A 2nd Compilation of
Writings from Displaced Homemakers (Available
$ 20
Order Total
1-4 Books - $5 per book or 8% of total.
Please include Tax Exempt Number!
Total Due
State tax or
NAME: _____________________________
EMAIL: _____________________________
ORGANIZATION: _____________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: _____________________
TELEPHONE: _______________________
FAX: _______________________________
PO#: _______________________________
Please fax copy of the PO with this
order form.
Please remit Purchase Order or Check to
the “Your Place” Program, SSCC at the
address listed above.
All proceeds go to the “Your Place” Broken
Wings Fly Scholarship and/or
Sustainability Fund.
Thank you for your order!