SP_Functionality Overview

Staff Performance- functionality overview
The ‘Personnel
Details’ tab will be
Personnel as it
currently stands
Professional Details has been
given its own tab and will
include a new area for staff to
record development.
The Appraisal Tab will include
the new staff performance
‘Employment Details’ has
been given a separate tab .
This will include everything
that is currently held in the
Employment Details panel of
the P7 record.
Summer 2012 functionality
The following screen shots are work in progress. The final screens
will look different but the functionality will remain the same.
Add CPD activity for Anita Abel
The ‘CPD’ Type can be
customised by the school.
The staff member can define
the result- e.g. very useful,
useful, not useful (school can
customise these)
The opportunity to
upload any evidence to
the CPD - e.g. a certificate
The ability to link any CPD to
a current objective. This will
then appear as evidence in
the objectives screen.
Add an objective for Anita Abel and upload evidence towards that objective
The ‘Success Criteria ‘is what
success will look like to that
individual. This can also include
any CPD they should be
involved in.
Once saved the form becomes
read only to the member of
staff, who can then use this area
to upload any evidence
throughout the appraisal period
toward his/her objective.
During the review the line manager or appraiser can
go through all the evidence and make an informed
decision on the achievement of that objectiveachieved, partially achieved or not achieved.
You can map objectives back
to a ‘School Objective’ and a
‘Professional Standard’
(defined in the setups area).
Any CPD linked to the
objective will appear here
Add an observation for Anita Abel
The ‘Observation
Type’ is a standard
customisable by
the school. This
can be a formal
observation, a
drop in
learning walk etc…
You can assign a grade by
each standard associated to
that individual. Multiple sets
of standards can be created
and associated to a member
of staff- e.g. relevant for those
in dual roles
All data relating to
the lesson
observed and pupil
numbers will be
pulled through
(assuming the
classroom teacher
has competed the
Evidence can be linked to the
observation- whether that is
your paper form, the lesson
plan or pupil work.
Define a status of the form: Draft, Ready for
Review or Publish
Add a review for Anita Abel
All relevant data is
pulled through
from the Personnel
The appraiser can
define a
recommend pay
progression at the
end of the
appraisal period.
This will be a data
entry field.
Evidence can be linked to the
review- whether that is your
paper review form or paper
self evaluation form.
The ‘Review Type’ is a
standard lookup
customisable by the
school. This can be a
formal review, an
interim review etc…
A window into the
current objectives and
observations of that
individual during the
You can summarise
the review and assign
an grade by each
standard associated to
that individual,
including an overall
review grade.
Define a status of the form: Draft, Ready for
Review or Publish
Overview of the Summer 2012 release
A report like this can help
identify those who have
not been observed or
those who require a
follow up observation due
to a poor recent
Permissions and security
These new permission groups will read off
the line management tree so that you only
access records that you are associated to. In
this example: Tom David will have ‘line
manager’ access rights to Anita Abell’s
record, and Adrian Blacker will have appraiser
access rights to Anita Abell’s record.
Schools can customise each of
these permissions and define what
they want each group to view and
edit on the P7 record.
Where the line manager does not conduct
the appraisals, schools can define a
different appraiser OR multiple appraisers
for each individual.
Core benefits
 Increases efficiency by automating the administration of performance
 Offers a range of flexible tools that can be utilised by all schools
 Supports core elements of the appraisal process
 Builds a complete profile of every member of staff within the school
 Ensures school priorities are achieved through the joint effort of all staff
 Drives staff development across the school
 Motivates staff through their active involvement in their own personal
 Provides reports that save time and show evidence in an instant