Minority Report powerpoint-1

Devised Piece
Danylo Vaskov
Joanna Mcgibbon
Devising Triangle
Minority reported being our main stimulus , we also got
ideas of a hotel room from a song by Kendrick Lamar –
U. In the middle of the record there is a conversation
with a house keeper over a skipping record which we
used as our idea for setting it in a hotel room.
Intention/ Main Idea
Themes being the art of
prediction and the complexities
of psychological instability .
These themes all resonate in
Jackie as he fights insanity which
creates characters of his glorified
self, a part of him that has long
been destroyed through alcohol
Main Idea
an ex-precog, fired of PreCrime for reasons unknown, spends his life killing his
vision of the future with alcohol. Makes money by telling the people ´s future
for profit. A lady comes seeking his services, he notices something ´s wrong
when both of them have the same name ” A weird coincidence” he thinks.
Starts getting paranoid, thinking she is with the police, trying to hunt him
down for inappropriate usage of his skills. In the end, he realizes that the lady
does not exist, she is a figment of his imagination. She is him, she is his mind.
All of this years, his powers have made him unaware of the world around him
and he started to develop characters, imaginary “friends” that only he can see.
Minority Report
Fight Club
Minority Report –
We had to do a 4/5 minute piece adjacent to the movie/book “Minority
Report”. We used this as a stimuli to create an improvised piece where we as
the actors stimulated the feeling or sensation of predicting ones future and
seeing the whole life of the person itself.
We picked up an element of the story, which is a precog. A precog is a future
life source who shares information of the people in society who possibly will
commit future crimes and generate a majority report and send it to the
police enforcers.
We selected this element and put it into a different perspective, a different
era and a different motive.
Video + Different emotions
All clapping
Interjected with “fighting
Possible ending
Dialogues + Video clips
Back to the beginning & introduction
Screen idea
7 deadly Sins (loosely based)
Anger/ crying/ laughing/ envy/ lust
First rough set design
Screen – Showing different reactions of both
Jackie’s throughout the play
Chair with Jackie sitting with a bottle
Smoke to make the mood (incense?)
20’s & 30’s were our main themes
for the devised piece that we
A very stylized and stylish theme
was our main goal for the effect
of the piece.
Transitions from a “light”
atmosphere to a very dark and
almost freaky atmosphere for the
The contrast between a modern
day idea and a completely
different era.
Who are you?
Ex- precog, predicting people´s future for money.
What are you doing?
Drinking myself to death
Watching TV
Listening to the Radio
no meaning for him anymore
Relationship to others?
Deeper than he thinks he is ( the other Jackie )
What do you want the audience to feel?
My character has two sides in terms of what the audience
Before the realisation:
Jackie is a young southern woman, proud, curious. Curious
about her future with her business she has created she seeks
out the help of an exiled Pre-Cog where they both reveal the
truth about their intensions
After the realisation:
She/he becomes predatory. Jackie becomes a character that
has been created by the Pre-Cog. Jackie is sharp, callous and
unequivocally acquit. Being the Pre-Cogs creation he
subliminally created an idyllic self – Everything he wishes he
1) As a team we believed that the person ultimately dying was determined
however some kind of free will can be practiced if you know your future. It
doesn't need to be reliant upon the Minority report.
2) Its seems that free will can only be practiced if you know the future, then you
can choose to go down that path or not
3) I believe they can, or at least just a rough prediction
4) Yes because there are probably thousands of different possibilities, the precogs only see the most likely one of them.
5) The only way to have free will is to defy the predicted future, but that
discussion could be determined as well..
6) Perhaps., I do think there was a strong chance If everything leading up to that
moment was as predicted.
7) Yes
8) They comminted the crime, whether it was determined or not is out of the
9) No, we should be able to protect and save
10) It seems so, if we were able to know of an attack beforehand that would be
effective but privacy is important.
11) As humans we value the sense of free will, without precime is our answer
12) I believe they were moral for the greater good.
13) He was moral because he wanted to avoid taking a life, however things
happen along the way. Immoral actions for a moral cause.
14) I don't think it should have been, once you introduce a world to it you cant
quite take it back.
15) If you're saving lives, why not
16) They should be seen by a shrink and given same jail time
17) Depends on how you look at it, I believe there are some things the pre-cogs
cant see
18) Moral – A message conveyed or lesson learnt from a story
19) Amoral- Neither moral or immoral