Homework Exploring Functions for Friday

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Assignment for Friday June 26, 2009
LAB WARM-UP: Use the Library of Virtual Manipulatives
(http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html then click the Algebra 6-8 cell and
the manipulative called Balance Scales Negative to solve 10-12 equations.
For a balance beam that is more developmentally appropriate for elementary
students go to
http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/users/pavel/java/balance/index.html#sim (Be
patient for the different beams to load after clicking the links for 2 weights, 3
weights, etc.)
1. Use the Library of Virtual Manipulatives
(http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html Click the Algebra 6-8 cell and
the virtual manipulative Grapher (or a graphing calculator if you do not
have internet at home) to graph a variety of functions.
2. McGlean!
Here are some basic guidelines to get you started, but venture out from these
to enhance your learning.
1. Graph function families such as x+7, 2x+7, 3x+7 … 10x+7
2. Graph several related families such as those generated by x-7
3. Look at families of functions with x2 and x3 (Standard form for
families of quadratic equations is ax2+bx+c) and similarly for cubic
equations ax3+bx2+cx+d; the brave can look at other exponential
When you have finished your exploration. Write a summary of what
you have learned. (If you did not learn anything or if the learning has
no application to your classroom, continue exploring and
investigating!) A format for your writing is given on the following
Dr. Cyndi Osterhus
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Assignment for Friday June 26, 2009
My learning with regard to mathematical content includes the
Classroom implications of my learning for
Dr. Cyndi Osterhus