Literacy Tasks Week 11

Senior Years Literacy Learning Centre Term 2 Week 11 22/6/15
Reading: Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas.
Writing: We are learning to write an explanation.
Task 1
Guided Reading/
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Learning Intention:
We are learning to understand the different
roles of money, credit cards and eftpos.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to spell words that
have the spelling pattern mis and
Open the Wiki Literacy Page, and
complete the task Unit 9
(Complete the group) page 34
activity in your workbook and write
the spelling
Learning Intention:
We are learning to use adjectives to
describe our physical self and our
academic self.
Grammar through Text Types Year 6
Page 31 and 32. Children will answer the
questions on page 31. Then on page 32
they need to read the example “As I see
myself” and will then write a descriptive
piece about themselves.
Students will complete the questions in
their language book
Learning Intention:
We are learning to review the
features of a job advertisement.
Use a Flyers/ Posters template on
pages to complete a job
advertisement for your future job.
Choose which job you would like
to have as an adult.
Look at the example on the Wiki to
help you plan your job
You must include all the features
listed in your advertisement.
Open the reading on the wiki in week 11
title “Guided Reading” children will read
the role play and then will list advantages
and disadvantages of using the 3 different
ways to purchase items.
Based on information learnt in the reading.
Children need to write a persuasive piece
on which method is the best way to
purchase items.
Success Criteria
I have completed the table of the
advantages and disadvantages for the
payment methods and have started the
Learn the mit and mis spelling
words using Spell City
Children will draw a portrait of themselves
in their book
Success Criteria
I have completed the spelling task
and have started to complete the
spelling words on spell city
Success Criteria
I have completed the questions from page
31. With the description writing
Gr 5 will have ¾ of a page of writing.
Gr 6 will have a full page of writing.
Success Criteria
I have completed my job
advertisement on Pages and I have
included all the required features
with correct spelling and