IT update

Information Report
Report by the Finance Director
There is currently a high level of activity on IT developments, particularly for mobile
devices and web related applications. This report provides an update across the
various projects. The strategy for IT is governed through the IT Board which
comprises representation from across the Trust.
On Line Boat Licensing and SAP/thankQ Integration
The project has two main objectives, to deliver a simple web based customer portal
which will increased boat licence functionality and to integrate customer records in
SAP and web based thankQ system to provide a single joined up view of customer
records. The benefits of this are to provide increased customer satisfaction,
reduction in postal costs, reduction in staffing costs for Boat Licensing. Integrating
customer records in SAP and thankQ will reduce the risk of duplication and error in
customer communications. Estimated completion date Jan 2014.
thankQ donations enhancement
The project objective is to enhance the thankQ system to enable online donations
and pledges to be seamlessly processed into the supporter database and reflected
on the Trust’s website. The benefits will be to replace the time-consuming manual
processes in the Supporter Care team, reduce manual administration tasks in the
Finance team, and display updated appeal totals on the web pages. In addition, this
project will remove the requirement for multiple logins to the site, removing the
duplication between My Trust sign ups and other site interactions.
delivery date April 2014.
Work Order Scheduling
The primary objective of implementing the Prometheus Graphical Work Order
Scheduler (GWOS) is to achieve a step-change improvement in work planning within
Operations. The programme is now installed and training and commissioning is in
progress such that it should go live in March 2014. The main functionality in the first
phase is:
flexible graphical representation of workload orders and scheduling providing
visualisation of the overall works programme.
graphical view of corresponding resource requirements and capacity utilisation
i.e. required vs available capacity.
drag and drop update of all of the above with real time re-calculation,
ability to cope with Annualised Hours concepts of variable work patterns,
creation of work specific task lists, which will allow better performance
combine with Vehicle Tracker information will lead to more efficient resource
deployment for arising works,
improved understanding of the effectiveness of attendance patterns,
more proactive planning of works and reduce lost time on “reacting.”
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Length and Principal Asset Inspection Mobile App
To replace the existing obsolete Samsung Q1 handsets and software with Apple
iPAD’s and bespoke app developed to deliver this complex inspection workflow. This
application is essential to the inspection process and the safety of the waterways.
Estimated completion March 2014.
Fire Risk Assessment project
This app enables the completion of statutory fire risk assessments and other building
inspections in a timelier and more effective manner. It utilises Apple iPads and has
halved the time taken to complete each fire risk assessment.
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Various apps for mobile devices have been developed for public and internal use.
This has been co-ordinated through the Mobile Applications Group comprising
representation from managers across the Trust’s operations
Places to Visit app (aka Hidden Gems) - This App to show people waterway
destinations that are near to their location and why they are worth a visit.
Mobile Boat Information System (MoBIS) - In house developed web application to
enable third party volunteers to check boat licences using their own devices or those
supplied by the Trust. In testing phase for go live in Feb 2014.
Hedgerow data collection - Uses volunteers and environment team to capture the
location, type and environmental opportunities of all hedgerows on the network.
Funded by Peoples Postcode Lottery.
Boater’s navigation app - essentially a sat nav for boaters available on smart phones
that enables route planning, provision of contextual information, e.g. facilities,
stoppages, moorings, as well as information on the concept of 'place' as part of the
guidance for continuous cruising. At ideas stage.
Some noteworthy developments have been achieved in the main business systems.
Following the strategic decision to remain the contract for the outsourced hosting,
support and maintenance managed service was tender. A number of suppliers tender
and the incumbent CGI Logica was reappointed after a full and thorough evaluation
process. The new service includes improved disaster recovery and backup and
weekend support cover Commercially confidential material removed than the
previous contract.
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Desktop and Server
The contract with Specialist Computer Centres (SCC) has been extended by four
years to April 2018. It includes full hosting, support and maintenance managed
service for all PC related systems, email, non-SAP business applications, network
security and help desk. The new extended contract includes the additional benefits
an upgrade of Microsoft applications and databases to latest versions including
Office and SharePoint, storage increased to 32TB (from 18TB) rising by 2 TB per
year to 40TB, a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solution, upgrade of the Windows 7
Operating System to the latest version plus managing the roll out of new PC/laptop
estate to all users (the hardware owned and purchased by the Trust). The extended
and enhanced contract cost around £60k pa less than the previous contract.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Demand for access to geospatial data, analysis and mapping is increasing through
new users, new ideas, and existing users exploiting it more. Such applications
include planning applications, towpath assessments, biological recording and
potential canal breaches. External requirements are being driven by waterway
partnerships, advisory groups and national contractors on smartphones and tablets.
The Google Trekker is a backpack enabling street view images to be taken at along
the waterways. An initial 4 to 6 week loan of the Trekker saw over 50 key sites
captured. The feedback from Google has been excellent and they regard CRT as an
exemplary partner to work with. The outcome is that Google has agreed to extend
this to an indefinite loan period which will allow more locations to be captured. The
Gift in Kind contribution for the initial loan period has been calculated as being worth
£Commercially confidential material removed
P Ridal
March 16