Lesson Title: Atoms by Numbers Practice Objectives: Use technology to give practice with the periodic table, patterns of organization, and these components of an element: atomic number, atomic mass, electron number, proton number, neutron number Materials: -computer lab (access to phet) -periodic table Teacher Notes and Overview: Detailed Daily Plan: Warm-up: Post model Carbon atom, ask student to find how many electrons, protons and neutrons in the atom? What is the atomic number, what is the atomic mass of the atom? What is this Atom Describe the difference between atomic mass calculated through the number of neutrons + protons and the avg atomic mass calculated through the isotopes Procedure: 1. In class have periodic tables out and do Atoms by number worksheet. (or alternatively, can assign as homework to practice their skills) 2. If possible, model the first 2 elements on the data table for students to trouble shoot how to open the link on phet and how to navigate the program. 3. Go to computer room and have student to complete data table. Exit Slip: N/A Student Worksheets/Signs: Copy Atoms by Number worksheet for each student Copy Atomic Structure Worksheet below for each student Atom by number Worksheet Name____________Period________ 1. Look at the model of the atom and fill in the table Electron # Proton (dark)# Neutron # Atomic number Atomic mass Atom name Atom symbol 2. Use periodic table to fill in the table Atomic Structure Worksheet Name__________________________Period _____ 1. 2. 3. 4. Log on to your computer, go to website http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/build-an-atom. Click on “Run Now!” Click on the green “+” signs on the right side of the screen to see helpful windows. Use the program to help you fill in the chart below. a. Start by adding protons to your atom until you get to the correct element name. b. Then, add neutrons and electrons until your atom is both “stable” and “neutral”. Element Element Atomic Atomic Number Number Number of Draw a model Symbol Name Number Mass of of electrons (p+ = protons, protons neutrons n=neutrons, e- = electrons) O Helium 7 Na Cl If you finish early, play the game to review! (Click on the “Game” tab at the top of the page.)