FEMA FFY 2012 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Program Application Packet Issued March 2, 2012 Greetings: Montana Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) would like to announce the invitation to apply for Federal Fiscal Year 2012 / State Fiscal Year 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) funding. As stated in the FFY 2012 FEMA Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA, previously known as the Grant Guidance), this funding supports Local, Tribal, and State governments in preparing for all hazards. *Note: For federal reporting purposes, all grants will be referred to by the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) and the grant program. Example: FFY2012, EMPG. FUNDING ALLOCATIONS AND REQUIRMENTS Montana’s funding allocation has been set forth by FEMA for FFY2012, the total amount of Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) funding for Montana will be $3,189,995.00. These grant funds are intended to support the development and sustainment of the Core Capabilities and the five Mission Areas as identified in the National Preparedness Goal (NPG). Sub-recipients will use elements of the National Preparedness System (NPS) in support of building, sustaining, and delivering these core capabilities. The NPS is to be an integrated set of guidance, programs, and processes that can be implemented and measured at all levels of government. The FFY2012 EMPG program has set the priority as Advancing “Whole Community” Security and Emergency Management. There are four Objectives for this priority: Approved Emergency Plans consistent with the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 v2 Completion of Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Develop and Maintain Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plans (TEP) Target Training and Verify Capabilities of Personnel FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 1 of 32 MATCH REQUIREMENTS As required by the FFY2012 EMPG program, this is a 50/50 Matching grant. Applicants are required to match fifty percent (50%) of the federal grant funds with local funding. The local match funds may be fifty percent (50%) Hard (cash) match and up to fifty percent (50%) Soft (in-kind) match (see example 1 & 2 below). Refer to the FFY2012 EMPG FOA and the DES Grant Program Policies and Procedures for further match guidance. Federal Award/Match $20,000.00 Local Match $20,000.00 Total Project Budget $40,000.00 Example: 1 Local Match Detail Hard Match Soft Match (up to 50% of soft match) Total Local Match $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 Hard Match Soft Match Total Local Match Example: 2 Local Match Detail (up to 50% of soft match) $20,000.00 $20,000.00 GRANT PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The Performance Period of this grant is a twelve month grant cycle. Projects must have measurable outcomes to be completed within the period of performance. Projects identified in this application may be part of an on-going effort (i.e., updating of EOP, Credentialing, Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities) even after the performance period of the grant. Projects will need to be broken up into achievable activities that will be completed within the period of performance. Clearly identify the individual activities that will be achieved in the Deliverables/Milestones table of the application. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 2 of 32 GRANT CYCLE TIMELINE Grant Writing Workshops March 7 – March 14, 2012 Draft Application Period NLT 5:00pm March 30, 2012 DES & Working Group Reviews, Request for Additional Information and Recommendations April 2 – April 6, 2012 Written Recommendations Sent to Applicants April 9, 2012 Applicants Submit Additional Information April 9 – April 13, 2012 Final Application Submittal NLT 5:00pm April 13, 2012 Final State Federal Application to FEMA May 4, 2012 Grants Management Workshops TBD (tentative, June/July) FEMA Announces State Awards On or Before June 1, 2012 Grant Awards to Sub-recipients (NLT 15 days after official federal award) TBD Grant Award Performance Period (12 month performance period) TBD Quarterly Reports and Reimbursements (report period 04/01/12-06/30/12) First QTR Due July 5, 2012 Sub-recipient Monitoring (annual sub-recipient monitoring will be conducted) TBD Grant Closeout TBD (tentative, on or before June 2013) FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 3 of 32 APPLICATION PROCESS Applicants are encouraged to be familiar with, and refer to the FFY2012 EMPG FOA for federal funding requirements and allowable costs. Additionally, it is encouraged to cross reference the following documents: Federal Financial Management Guidance 2 CFR Part §215, 2 CFR Part §225 44 CFR Part §13 Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) National Preparedness Goal National Preparedness System DES Grant Program Policies & Procedures Applicants for all grant programs are required to submit a “Draft Application” (as attached) to Disaster and Emergency Services Grants Program by close of business on March 30, 2012. Applications may be submitted electronically to desohsg@mt.gov or by U.S. Mail to: Disaster and Emergency Services Grants Program, P.O. Box 4789, Fort Harrison, MT 59636-4789. Applications will be reviewed by DES grant program staff for eligibility and completeness. Additionally, a Subject Matter Expert Grant Review Working Group will review each application to ensure alignment with the overall goals and objectives of the FFY2012 EMPG FOA, the PPD-8, and the National Preparedness Goal. The subject matter experts will forward comments, recommendations and/or a request for additional information to DES grant staff. Written feedback will be provided to each applicant. Applicants shall provide all additional information to DES by April 13, 2012 and any changes shall be incorporated into the Final application. Eligible applicants shall submit a Final Application along with supporting attachments (EHP forms) by close of business on April 13, 2012. Sub-recipient Awards, Monitoring and Reimbursements will be determined based on the final application. Approved applications will be awarded grant funds upon the availability of FEMA Grant Funds and in accordance with the Statewide/Local Risk Assessment. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 4 of 32 GRANT MANAGEMENT The applicant is responsible for complying with all federal and state requirements and regulations. The applicant is bound to the conditions of the award and all special conditions of the award must be met before reimbursements will be paid. Applicants are required to follow all federal guidances and the DES Grant Program Policies and Procedures regardless of the type of project or the length of the grant period of performance. The DES Grant Program Policies and Procedures do not supersede any federal and/or state requirement. Fiscal Management Applicants are responsible for ensuring that grant funds are expended in accordance with federal and state requirements. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to identify a financial manager separate from the program manager, to maintain proper financial controls. Management and Administration (M&A) Each applicant may apply for up to five percent (5%) of the requested amount solely for Management and Administrative purposes. Management and Administrative cost are direct costs that are incurred to administer a particular grant award. M&A costs are specific and identifiable to the particular grant award and are charged based on the activity performed for that particular grant award. M&A costs may include: Salaries of full-time or part-time staff or contractors/consultants to assist with the management of the grant award (financial staff) Travel expenses directly related to the management of the grant award Meeting-related expenses directly related to the management of the grant award Programmatic Management Applicants shall identify a program/project manager to oversee the grant program to ensure that the grant award is executed as outlined in the application and the grant award letter. The program manager will be the main point of contact between the sub-recipient and DES. Environmental and Historical Preservation (EHP) Final applications must include complete Environmental and Historical Preservation (EHP) forms for any applicable projects. Forms and related documents may be found online at http://montanadma.org/grants-program . To determine whether a project requires an EHP review, please contact DES grants program staff. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 5 of 32 Applicants are responsible for the preparation of required EHP documents, as well as the implementation of any treatment of mitigation identified during the EHP review that are necessary to address potential adverse effects. Applicants must comply with all applicable environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) laws, regulations, and Executive Orders in order for expenditures to be allowable. Applicants are encouraged to submit a complete EHP review packet to DES prior to the award date. DES will review all EHPs and submit to FEMA at the time of the grant award to the applicant. Applicants must have written approval by DES prior to the use of any grant funding. FUNDING CATEGORIES Applicants must identify the funding category(s) that a project adheres to. There may be funding limitations to the following funding categories: Management and Administrative Planning Organization Equipment Training Exercises Construction Renovation Maintenance and Sustainment Please refer to Appendix C- Funding Guidelines, of the FFY2012 EMPG FOA (grant guidance) for additional details on restrictions on the use of grant funds. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 6 of 32 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS There is a two-step application process: 1. Draft Application- The draft application is due no later than 5:00pm on March 30, 2012. Late applications will not be accepted. 2. Final Application- The final application is due no later than 5:00pm on April 27, 2013. The final application shall reflect applicable changes made due to the recommendations by the working group. Grant awards will be made based on the final application. *Note: There is only one application form. Applicants will need to make applicable changes to the Draft Application and resubmit it as the Final Application. Please check application for completeness before submission. All questions must be answered with applicable information or N/A for questions that are not applicable Applications may be submitted electronically to desohsg@mt.gov or by U.S. Mail to: Disaster and Emergency Services, P.O. Box 4789, Fort Harrison, MT 59636-4789 Applications must be submitted in the DES application format Do not add or delete any questions or fields in the application document Administrative Information 1. Federal Grant: This is the FFY2012 EMPG program. 2. Applicant Agency: This is the agency that will accept the grant award and will ensure that the grant award is executed as awarded. 3. Applicant Address: Address for the Applicant Agency. 4. Applicant Organization Type: What type of agency is the applicant. 5. Applicant FEIN#: Applications are not complete without your Federal Employer Identification Number. Your FEIN# is a nine-digit number used by your finance department for filing and paying various withholding and social security taxes to the Internal Revenue Service. It is also referred to as a Tax Identification Number (TIN). 6. Applicant DUNS#: Applications are not complete without your Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number. 7. Project Title: Enter a short, but descriptive, title specific to the proposed project. 8. Total Federal Funds Requested: Enter the total amount of funds requesting. Round the requested amount to the nearest dollar. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 7 of 32 9. Authorized Official: The individual who is authorized to enter into a legal contract on behalf of the Applicant Agency (i.e., County Commissioner, Tribal Council Member). The Official Authorized to sign must be an individual other than the program/project manager and the financial officer. 10. Program/Project Manager: The program/project manager is the individual that is responsible for the oversight of the program and/or the project. This person ensures that the program/project is executed within the requirements of the grant award. 11. Financial Manager: The financial manager has oversight of the internal controls and ensures that grant funds are expended within the financial requirements of the grant award. Certifications The Certified Assurances are state government requirements for these funds. By signing the application, the applicant certifies that he/she has read and will abide by the special provisions and certified assurances. Any questions should be directed to the DES grant program staff. Project Information 12. Previous Grant Funded Project Title and Funding Allocation: If the project was included and/or funded in a previous grant, please provide the name of the project, the total amount of federal funding that was dedicated to this project, the name of the federal grant, and any accomplishments that will be completed prior to the award of this application request. 13. Project Status: Please provide a brief summary of the current status of this project. What planning or needs analysis was done on this project prior to this application? Is this a new or ongoing project, if on-going, what work has already been completed? If this is a new project, what type of needs analysis or assessment was done to determine the need for this project? Has work been started on this project (i.e., planning, EHP assessment, non-grant funded project work)? 14. Description of Project for which Funds are Being Requested: Please describe the project that will be supported with these funds. Provide a complete description of the Project, and its Goals and Objectives. This is the project Scope of Work (SOW). The SOW should clearly state the activities you will perform using your grant funding that will help you accomplish your project goals and objectives. When writing your SOW, identify each activity and the funding source that will support each activity. 15. Disciplines Impacted by the Project: What is the level of collaboration for this project? Does this project serve or include multiple jurisdictions or agencies? If so, please describe how this project will impact multiple jurisdictions. If this project includes other agencies, please list FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 8 of 32 each agency and the POC information for the agency. Are there formal agreements in place related to this project? 16. Core Capabilities: Give a brief narrative of the FFY2012 EMPG FOA priorities and objectives that this projects supports. Refer to the FFY2012 EMPG FOA. 17. Sustainability Plan: Describe the long-term approach to sustaining the capabilities created and/or enhanced by this project. Be specific as to how ongoing costs will be handled (i.e., user fees, personnel costs, equipment maintenance, upgrades, training, equipment insurance, etc.). 18. Deliverables and Milestones: In the Deliverables table, identify four Deliverables which will be achieved within the grant period of performance. Within each Deliverable, list the milestones (i.e., activities) that will be done to achieve the project goals and objectives within each quarter. Provide a description of how each deliverable will be considered complete. *Note: For FFY2012 EMPG there will be four quarters within the grant period of performance. Each quarter is required to have one (1) Deliverable that is directly linked to the project(s) outlined in the application. There may be several milestones (activities) within each deliverable. 19. Project Budget Table: Provide the total estimated cost to implement this project during the 12 month period of performance by completing the table. Round all figures to the nearest dollar. If non-grant funds are being used to support the costs of the project during the grant period of performance, include the dollar amount in the table. 20. Project Budget Detail and Justification: Address each item in the budget. A justification and explanation is required for all project budget items requested. Helpful Information about Budget Detail and Justification: Clearly explain the basis for your calculations (prorating where applicable); i.e., salary $15,000/year x 50% time for this project = $7,500. The Budget Detail and Justification should show the relationship between the amount of grant dollars requested and the proposed goals and objectives; i.e., how they are related to accomplishing the activities of the project. Make sure that the budget figures in this section of the application and those on the Project Budget Table are the same. For each budget category, fully explain the dollar amount requested and justify the need for the requested item. (Example: $20,000 is being requested to purchase X number of VRF5000 kits for A, B, and C law enforcement agencies. The need for these kits was identified during the 2010 X County Collaboration full scale exercise). FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 9 of 32 Project Categories 21. Management and Administration: Management and Administrative costs are direct costs that are incurred to administer a particular award. A maximum of up to five percent (5%) of the sub-recipients grant award may be requested to be used solely for the management and administration purposes associated with the sub-recipients grant award. Indirect Costs- are defined as (Operation Expenses) costs that are incurred for common or joint objectives and therefore cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular award, but contribute to the daily operations of the agency. All Administrative Fees and Indirect Cost Plans (operation expenses) must be negotiated with DES prior to the Final Application. Administrative Fees and Indirect Cost plans from the cognizant agency must be attached as an appendix to the Draft Application. Please contact DES grant staff directly to discuss Administrative Fees and Indirect Cost Plans. 22. Planning: Planning spans across all five NPG mission areas and provides a baseline for determining potential threats and hazards, required capabilities, required resources, and establishes a framework for roles and responsibilities. Planning provides a methodical way to engage the whole community in the development of a strategic, operational, and/or communitybased approach to preparedness. FFY 2012 EMPG Program funds may be used to develop or enhance emergency management planning activities. Appropriate planning activities include, but are not limited to: Assessments of local and regional hazards, capabilities and risk Maintenance of current Emergency Operation Plans (EOPs) that are aligned with the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 v.2 Maintenance of Continuity Plans Whole Community engagement planning Development of Mutual Aid Agreements and Compacts Resource Management planning Evacuation planning Recovery planning Program Evaluation Describe each proposed planning activity and list budgeted costs in detail. Examples of allowable planning activities may be found in Appendix C- Funding Guidelines of the FFY2012 EMPG FOA (grant guidelines). Expenditures for planning activities not included in the Final Application may not be reimbursed. 23. Organization: FFY2012 EMPG grant funds may be used for all-hazards emergency management operations, staffing, and other day-to-day activities in support of emergency management. Proposed staffing activities need to be directly linked to accomplishing the projects and activities outlined in the application. Personnel costs, including salary, overtime, compensatory time off, and associated fringe benefits, are allowable. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 10 of 32 Applicants must justify proposed expenditures of FFY2012 EMPG funds to support organization activities. Applicants are allowed to utilize up to 50 percent (50%) of the grant award for personnel costs to support the project. Applicants that are requesting personnel costs must justify the cost using historical data or other analysis. Refer to the FFY 2012 EMPG FOA and the DES Grant Program Policies and Procedures for funding regulations. 24 & 25. Equipment: The 21 allowable prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery equipment categories and equipment standards for FFY2012 SHSGP funds are listed on the web-based version of the Authorized Equipment List (AEL) on the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB), at https://www.rkb.us. Unless otherwise stated, equipment must meet all mandatory regulatory and/or DHS-adopted standards to be eligible for purchase using these funds. In addition, agencies will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all necessary certification and licenses for the requested equipment. Refer to the federal FOA (grant guidance) for further requirements. *Note: As required by the Department of Homeland Security, all equipment shall be properly marked with a sticker identifying the funding source that purchased the equipment. All equipment is to be mark as “Purchased with Department of Homeland Security Grant Funds”. DES will supply the stickers. 26. Training: Montana Disaster & Emergency Services is committed to facilitating local, state and federal training activities which support the National Preparedness Goal as outlined in Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) and recommendations from the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) Training Plan, September 2011. As identified and prioritized in the State of Montana Multi-Year Training & Exercise Plan, revised August 26, 2011, these trainings should be focused on the following seven target capabilities. Strengthen Information and Intelligence Sharing Interoperable Communications Implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan Implement the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and coordinate planning in Conjunction with the National Response Framework Expand Regional Collaboration Strengthen Medical Surge and Mass Prophylaxis Strengthen CBRNE Decontamination, Detection and Response The State of Montana recommends that tribal, state, and local entities, as well as federal partners, regularly offer the following trainings in support of the seven priority goals. Training offered may include federally-developed curriculums (e.g. FEMA G/L offerings), state-developed courses, and locally-developed and delivered trainings. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 11 of 32 Courses marked with a (*) are targeted for Federal or State of Montana-sponsored delivery in State FY2012. However, travel, lodging, and per diem, unless otherwise noted, will be the responsibility of the student's home jurisdiction, which may apply for EMPG funding to cover attendance costs. In addition, the State of Montana requires completion of National Incident Management System (NIMS) and FEMA Professional Development Series (PDS) from all state or local personnel who receive EMPG funds in support of their position. The core NIMS courses are IS-100, IS200, IS-700, and IS-800. Core PDS courses are IS-120, IS-230, IS-235, IS-240, IS-241, IS-242, and IS-244. These courses may be found at: https://training.fema.gov/IS/crslist.asp Goal: Strengthen Information and Intelligence Sharing (Prevention): *Basic Public Information Officer Course (FEMA G-290, NWCG S-203) *Advanced Public Information Officer (FEMA G-388) *Multi-year Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW) *Agency Representative Training *Event Security Planning Course (TEEX MGT-345) *WebEOC training GIS Training Goal: Interoperable Communications (Common): *USDHS Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) *FEMA All-Hazard Communication Technician *FEMA All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader *Montana Communications Infrastructure Workshop Goal: Implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP): *Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems (TEEX MGT-345) *Rapid Assessment (FEMA G 250.7) *Continuity of Operations Goal: Implement NIMS and Coordinate Planning in Conjunction with the National Response Framework (Respond): *Incident Command System Training (ICS-100, 200, 300, 400) NIMS Training (On-line IS-700, IS-800) *FEMA All-Hazard ICS Position-Specific Training *Montana Type 3 IMT Development Workshop *EOC Operations (FEMA G-775, TEEX MGT-346) *EOC/ICS Interface (FEMA G-191) *Montana EOC Operations for Local Government FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 12 of 32 *Integrated Emergency Management Course (FEMA IEMC) Goal: Expand Regional Collaboration (Respond): Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training *Managing the Spontaneous Volunteer (FEMA G-489) *Planning for Special Needs Populations *Hazardous Weather Workshops *Winter Weather Survival Training *Inland Search and Rescue Planning *Population Protection & Re-entry Planning *Multi-hazard Emergency Planning for Higher Education Institutions (FEMA L363) *Benefits Cost Analysis Training *Orientation to Montana Disaster & Emergency Services *Montana Fundamentals of Emergency Management *Exercise Design & Evaluation *HSEEP Training Goal: Strengthen Medical Surge and Mass Prophylaxis (Respond): Community Mass Care Management (FEMA G-108) Goal: Strengthen CBRNE Detection, Decontamination, Detection, & Response (Respond): HAZMAT Awareness and Operations Training *Oil/Gas Industry Hazard-Specific Response Training 27. Exercise: The Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) provides a roadmap to accomplish the priorities described in the Homeland Security Strategy. Engaging the whole community in training and exercises allows all partners to evaluate and improve upon their level of preparedness. All grantees and sub-recipients are required to develop a Multi-Year TEP that incorporate linkages to the core capabilities and update it annually. The TEP should be sent to the appropriate District Representative, the State Exercise Program Officer, and to hseep@dhs.gov (encrypted email) once updated. FFY2012 EMPG applicants shall develop and maintain a progressive exercise program consistent with the National Exercise Program base plan. FFY2012 EMPG funded jurisdictions shall conduct one exercise and participate in two exercises of any type within the grant period of performance. FEMA encourages the use of the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP), found online at https://hseep.dhs.gov. An After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) shall be completed for each exercise conducted by the applicant and an Improvement Plan (IP) shall be completed for each exercise that the sub-recipient participated in until the minimum exercise standard has been reached. All AARs and IPs will be submitted to the FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 13 of 32 appropriate District Representative, the State Exercise Program Officer, and to the DHS portal (hseep@dhs.gov in an encrypted email). A summary of all collected corrective action items and a tracking of their implementation shall be reported as part of the Quarterly Performance Progress Report. Refer to the FFY2012 EMPG FOA (grant guidance) for further requirements. 28. Construction and Renovation: FFY2012 EMPG construction and renovation funds may be used to support State, local, or tribal government’s principle EOC. Prior written approval by FEMA and the SAA is required. 29. Maintenance and Sustainment: FFY2012 EMPG grant funds may be used for maintenance contracts, warranties, repair or replacement costs, upgrades, and user fees are allowable under all active and future grant awards, unless otherwise noted. The FFY2012 SHSGP grant funds are intended to support the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) by funding projects that build and sustain the core capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats that pose the grates risk to the security of the Nation. Eligible costs for maintenance and sustainment must be allowable expenditures under applicable grant programs and support on of the core capabilities in the five mission areas contained within the NPG and be deployable through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) membership, where applicable. Refer to the federal FOA (grant guidance) for further requirements. 30 & 31. Accountable Supplies: Accountable supplies are items related to activities that are not considered equipment but help meet the objective of the project (i.e., certified training kits, hand held radios, camera, etc.). List each accountable supply along with the justification. Each accountable supply must be directly related to the project and will hold the same reporting requirements as equipment. For equipment requirements please refer to the DES Grants Program Policies and Procedures. Only accountable supplies identified and approved in the application will be reimbursable. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 14 of 32 STATE OF MONTANA Montana Department of Military Affairs Disaster and Emergency Services Grants Program 1956 Mt. Majo Street P.O. Box 4789 Fort Harrison, MT 59636-4789 406-324-4777 FFY 2012 FEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) PROGRAM APPLICATION 1. Federal Grant: 2. Applicant Agency: FFY2012 EMPG _________________________________ 3. Applicant Address: _________________________________ _________________________________ City State Zip Code 4. Applicant Organization Type: ____State Agency ____Local/County ____Tribal Government 5. Applicant FEIN#: 6. Applicant DUNS#: 7. Project Title: 8. Total Amount of funds requesting: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 15 of 32 The signatures below verify the approval of the named entity’s request for funding. All parties signify that all aspects of this project are allowable, reasonable and justifiable in accordance with published federal grant guidelines, and the Official Authorized to sign is authorized to enter into legal contracts on behalf of the applicant agency. 9. Official Authorized to sign: _________________________ (Please print name) _________________________ Job Title _________________________ Phone Number _________________________ E-mail Address _______________________________ Signature ______________ Date 10. Program/Project Manager: _________________________ (Please print name) _________________________ Job Title _________________________ Phone Number _________________________ E-mail Address ________________________________ Signature 11. Financial Manager: (optional) ______________ Date _________________________ (Please print name) _________________________ Job Title _________________________ Phone Number _________________________ E-mail Address ________________________________ Signature ______________ Date FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 16 of 32 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS APPLICANT’S CERTIFICATION: As the Official Authorized to sign, the Program/Project Manager, and the Financial Manager for the above agency, I certify, by my signing this application, that I have read and am fully cognizant of our duties and responsibilities under this Certification. The applicant hereby assures and certifies compliance with all Federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, including the current edition of the Office of Grant Operations Financial Management Guide, OMB Circulars No. A-21, A-102, A-110, A-122, A-128, A-87; E.O. 12372 and Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements 28 CFR, Part 66, Common rule, that govern the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this federally-assisted project. The applicant must comply with FEMA’s codified regulation 44CFR Part 13, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments and 2CFR Part 225 State and Local Governments. The applicant must comply with the most recent version of the Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit requirements. All awarded funds are conditional to available federal grant funding. Also the applicant assures and certifies that: 1. The applicant possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the recipient's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the recipient to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information may be required. 2. The applicant will comply with all requirements imposed by the Federal and State sponsoring agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. a. All sub-recipients must be working towrd National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant. Future Homeland Security grant funds are contingent on NIMS compliance. b. All sub-recipients are required to modify their existing incident management and emergency operations plans in accordance with the National Response Framework’s coordinating structures, processes, and protocols. c. The applicant agrees that, when practicable, any equipment purchased with grant funding shall be prominently marked as follows: “Purchased with funds provided by the US Department of Homeland Security.” d. The applicant agrees to cooperate with any national or state assessments, evaluation efforts, quality assurance, or information or data collection requests, including, but not limited to, the provisions of any information required for the assessment or evaluation of any activities within this project. e. All sub-recipients are required by FEMA’s National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) to use the Global Justice Data Model specifications and guidelines regarding the use of XML for all homeland security grant awards. f. All sub-recipients must fully engage citizens by expanding plans and committee memberships to address citizen participation; awareness and outreach to inform and engage the public; include citizens in training and exercise; and develop or expand programs that integrate citizen/volunteer support for emergency responder disciplines. g. The applicant agrees that all publications created with funding under this grant shall prominently contain the following statement: “This Document was prepared under a grant from FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD), US Department of Homeland Security. Points of view or opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessary represent the official position or policies of GPD or the US Department of Homeland Security.” FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 17 of 32 h. Travel costs must be consistent with the DES policies and procedures and must be applied uniformly to all activities of the sub-recipient. i. Funds utilized to establish or enhance state and local fusion centers must support the development of a statewide fusion process that corresponds with the Global Justice/Homeland Security Advisory Council Fusion Center Guidelines and achievement of a baseline level of capability as defined by the Fusion Center Planning Tool. 3. The applicant agrees that federal funds under this application will be used to supplement, not to supplant, state or local funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for this program. 4. Any mutually agreed upon changes to the application must be approved, in writing, by DES Grants prior to implementation or obligation and shall be incorporated in written amendments to the grant. This procedure for changes to the approved application is not limited to budgetary changes, but also includes changes of substance in project activities and changes in the project director or key professional personnel identified in the approved application. 5. This grant and funding may be suspended, in whole or in part, and/or terminated where DES Grants finds a substantial failure to comply with the provisions of the legislation governing these funds or regulations promulgated, including those grant conditions or other obligations established by DES Grants, as listed in the award letter. In the event the applicant fails to perform the services described and has previously received financial assistance from DES Grants, the applicant shall reimburse DES Grants the full amount of the payments made. However, if the services described are partially performed, and the applicant has previously received financial assistance, the applicant shall proportionally reimburse DES Grants for payments made. DES Grants may suspend, in whole or in part, and/or terminate funding for or impose another sanction on the applicant for any of the following reasons: a. Failure to comply substantially with the requirements or statutory objectives of the 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act issued or other provisions of Federal Law. b. Failure to adhere to the requirements, standard conditions or special conditions. c. Proposing or implementing substantial program changes to the extent that, if originally submitted, the application would not have been approved for funding. d. Failure to submit reports. e. Filing a false certification in this application or other report or document. f. Other good cause shown. 6. The applicant agrees to comply with the requirements of OMB Circular A-133 and Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, as described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide, Chapter 19. Further, all records, books, papers, or documents with respect to all matters covered by this grant shall be made available for audit and inspection by The State of Montana and/or any of its duly authorized representatives. If required, the audit report must specifically cite that the report was done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. If a compliance audit is not required, a written certification must be provided at the end of each audit period stating that the sub-grantee has not expended the amount of federal funds that would require a compliance audit. 7. Applicants accounting procedures must provide for accurate and timely recording of receipt of funds by source of expenditures made from such funds and unexpended balances. These records must contain information pertaining to grant awards, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, expenditures and program income. Controls must be established which are adequate to ensure that expenditures charged to the sub-grant activities are for allowable purposes. Additionally, effective control and accountability must be maintained for all grant cash, real and personal property and other assets. Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as cancelled checks, warrant or FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 18 of 32 EFT numbers paid bills, payrolls, time and attendance records, contract documents, grant award documents, etc. 8. The financial responsibility of applicant must be such that the applicant can properly discharge the public trust which accompanies the authority to expend public funds. Adequate accounting systems should meet the following criteria with provisions of the regulations governing these funds and management systems that meet the standards as set forth in OMB Circular A-102, or 2 CFR Part 215 and in addition: a. Accounting records should provide information needed to adequately identify the receipt of funds under each grant awarded and the expenditure of funds for each grant; b. Entries in accounting records should refer to subsidiary records and/or documentation which support the entry and which can be readily located; c. The accounting system should provide accurate and current financial reporting information; d. The accounting system should be integrated with an adequate system of internal controls to safeguard the funds and assets covered, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operational efficiency and encourage adherence to prescribed management policies. 9. Retention of Records - In accordance with the requirements set forth in 28 CFR Parts 66 and 70, all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to award shall be retained by each organization for AT LEAST THREE YEARS following the closure of their most recent audit report. Retention is required for purposes of Federal examination and audit. Records may be retained in an automated format. a. Coverage - the retention requirement extends to books or original entry, source documents supporting accounting transactions, the general ledger, subsidiary ledgers, personnel and payroll records, cancelled checks, and related documents and records. Source documents include copies of all awards, applications, and required recipient financial and narrative reports. Personnel and payroll records shall include the time and attendance reports for all individuals reimbursed under the award, whether they are employed full-time or part-time. Time and effort reports are also required for consultants. b. Retention Period - the three-year retention period starts from the date of the submission of the closure of the single audit report, which covers the grant period. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular three-year period, whichever is later. 10. Maintenance of Records - Recipients of funds are expected to see that records of different Federal fiscal periods are separately identified and maintained so that information desired may be readily located. Recipients are also obligated to protect records adequately against fire or other damage. When records are stored away from the recipient’s principal office, a written index of the location of records stored should be on hand and ready access should be assured. 11. Access to Records - The awarding agency includes the funding agency, the Federal agency, the DOJ and DHS Office of the Inspector General, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, who shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers, or other records of recipients which are pertinent to the award, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. The right of access must not be limited to the required retention period but shall last as long as the records are retained. 12. Equipment acquired under an award shall be managed to ensure that the equipment is used under the specific purposes of the grant. a. Title to equipment acquired under an award or sub-award will vest upon acquisition in the recipient or sub-recipient subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in 28 CFR Part 66. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 19 of 32 b. A State shall use equipment acquired under an award by the State in accordance with State laws and procedures. The awarding agency encourages the States to follow the procedures set forth in this document as referenced above. Other government recipients and sub-recipients shall use equipment in accordance with the following requirements: 1) As authorized for purchase from the current Approved Equipment List (AEL). 2) Equipment must be used by the recipient or sub-recipient in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed, whether or not the project or program continues to be supported by Federal funds. When no longer needed for the original program or project, the equipment may be used in other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal agency. 3) The recipient or sub-recipient shall also make equipment available for use on other projects or programs currently or previously supported by the Federal government, providing such use does not interfere with the work on the projects or programs for which it was originally acquired. First preference for other use shall be given to other programs or projects supported by the awarding agency. User fees shall be considered and treated as program income to the project, if appropriate. 4) Notwithstanding program income, the recipient or sub-recipient shall not use equipment acquired with funds to provide services for a fee to compete unfairly with private companies that provide equivalent services, unless specifically permitted or contemplated by Federal statute. 5) When acquiring replacement equipment, recipients or sub-recipients may use the equipment to be replaced as a trade-in or sell the equipment and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement equipment, subject to the written approval of the awarding agency. c. A State shall manage equipment acquired under an award to the State in accordance with State laws and procedures. Other government recipient and sub-recipient procedures for managing equipment (including replacement), whether acquired in whole or in part with project funds, will, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: 1) Property records must be maintained which include: description of the property; serial number or other identification number; source of the property; identification of title holder; acquisition date; cost of the property; percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the property; location of the property; use and condition of the property; and disposition date, including the date of disposal and sale price. 2) A physical inventory of the property must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years. 3) A control system must exist to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent: loss; damage; or theft of the property. The recipient and sub-recipient, as appropriate, shall investigate any loss, damage, or theft. 4) Adequate maintenance procedures must exist to keep the property in good condition. 5) If the recipient or sub-recipient is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return. d. A State recipient shall dispose of its equipment acquired under an award to the State in accordance with State laws and procedures. Other government recipients and sub-recipients shall dispose of the equipment when original or replacement equipment acquired under the award or sub-award is no longer needed for the original project or program, or for other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal agency. Disposition of the equipment will be made as follows: 1) Items with a current per unit fair market value of less than $5,000 may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to the awarding agency. 2) Items with a current per unit fair market value in excess of $5,000 may be retained or sold, and the awarding agency shall have a right to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from sale by the awarding agency’s share of the equipment. Seller is also eligible for sale costs. 3) In cases where a recipient or sub-recipient fails to take appropriate disposition actions, the awarding agency may direct the recipient or sub-recipient to take other disposition actions. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 20 of 32 13. The applicant shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local environmental and historic preservation (EHP) requirements and shall provide any information requested by FEMA to ensure compliance with applicable laws including: National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Executive Orders on Floodplains (11988), Wetlands (11990) and Environmental Justice (12898). Failure of the recipient to meet Federal, State, and local EHP requirements and obtain applicable permits may jeopardize Federal funding. Recipient shall not undertake any project have the potential to impact EHP resources without the prior approval of FEMA, including but not limited to communications towers, physical security enhancement, new construction, and modifications to buildings that are 50 years old or greater. Recipient must comply with all conditions placed on the project as the result of the EHP review. Any change to the approved project scope of work will require re-evaluation for compliance with these EHP requirements. If ground disturbance activities occur during project implementation, the recipient must ensure monitoring of ground disturbance and if any potential archeological resources are discovered, the recipient will immediately cease construction in that area and notify OHSG and FEMA and the appropriate State Historic Preservation Office. FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 21 of 32 Please answer each question with N/A if question is not applicable to your project. Please be as detailed as possible and be sure to review for completeness before submittal. You may add supplemental attachments as appendices. Appendices do not replace the required information requested in the application. Applications will not be accepted if the information is not entered in the application format. PROJECT INFORMATION 12. Previous Grant Funded Project Title and Funding Allocation: 13. Project Status: 14. Description of Project(s) for which Funds are Being Requested: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 22 of 32 15. Disciplines Impacted by the Project 16. Core Capabilities: 17. Sustainability Plan: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 23 of 32 PROJECT MILESTONES 18. Deliverables identify each quarter’s measurable activities. List the Deliverable for each quarter and the specific achievable milestones (activities) that will be accomplished within each quarter during the grant period of performance. If another funding source will be supporting a portion of the milestones, please identify the funding source that will support each activity. Deliverable 1:Input deliverable here Activities Start Date End Date Milestone 1: Budget Amount $ Total Deliverable Budget $ Start Date Budget Amount $ Deliverable 2:Input deliverable here Activities End Date Milestone 1: Total Deliverable Budget $ FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 24 of 32 Deliverable 3:Input deliverable here Activities Start Date End Date Milestone 1: Budget Amount $ Total Deliverable Budget $ Start Date Budget Amount $ Deliverable 4:Input deliverable here Activities End Date Milestone 1: Total Deliverable Budget $ FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 25 of 32 19. Project Budget Table: EMPG FUNDING REQUEST M&A PLANNING ORGANIZATIONAL EQUIPMENT TRAINING EXERCISE MAINTENANCE AND SUSTAINMENT CRITICAL EMERGENCY SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION TOTAL GRANT REQUEST: OTHER CONTRIBUTION (OPTIONAL) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PROJECT TOTAL $ 20. Project Budget Detail and Justification: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 26 of 32 PROJECT CATEGORY JUSTIFICATION 21. Management and Administration: 22. Planning: 23. Organization: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 27 of 32 24 Equipment List: AEL# Item Description Quantity Cost Total Cost Total $ 25. Equipment Justification: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 28 of 32 26. Training: 27. Exercises: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 29 of 32 28. Construction and Renovation: 29. Maintenance and Sustainment: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 30 of 32 30. Accountable Supply List: Item Description Quantity Cost Total Cost Total $ 31. Accountable Supply Justification: FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 31 of 32 Reference Information Disaster and Emergency Services - http://montanadma.org/disaster-and-emergencyservices Department of Homeland Security - http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/hsgp/ Authorized Equipment List/Responder Knowledge Base - https://www.rkb.us/ Code of Federal Regulation - http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/ Acronyms: AAR – After Action Report AEL – Authorized Equipment List CPG – Comprehensive Preparedness Guide DES – Disaster and Emergency Services DHS – Department of Homeland Security DUNS – Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System EHP – Environmental and Historical Preservation EMAC – Emergency Management Assistance Compact EOC – Emergency Operation Center EOP – Emergency Operations Plan FEIN – Federal Employer Identification Number FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency FOA – Funding Opportunity Announcement (previously Grant Guidance) HSEEP- Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Plan HSGP – Homeland Security Grant Program IP – Improvement Plan LETPA – Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities M&A – Management and Administration NLT – Not Later Than NPG – National Preparedness Goals NPS – National Preparedness System POC – Point of Contact RKB – Responder Knowledge Base SAA – State Administrative Agency SAC – Senior Advisory Committee SHSP – State Homeland Security Program SOW – Statement of Work TBD – To Be Determined TEP – Training and Exercise Plans THIRA – Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment TIN – Tax Identification Number FFY2012 EMPG, DES Application Package Page 32 of 32