Metadata for Web-based Information Management through Ontology Dickson K. W. CHIU Senior Member, IEEE & ACM Dickson Computer Systems Hong Kong, Poon, Joe Kit Man Lam, Wai Chun Tse, Chi Yung Sui, William Hi Tai Poon, Wing Sze Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong Towards a Semantic Web WWW is an impressive success: The current Web represents information using amount of available information (> 1 Giga-page) number of human users (> 200 Mega-user) natural language (English, Hungarian, Chinese,…) graphics, multimedia, page layout Humans can process this easily Ontology can deduce facts from partial information can create mental associations are used to various sensory information (well, sort of… people with disabilities may have serious problems on the Web with rich media!) Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 2 Where are we now? Web 1.0: info-centric Web 2.0: user-centric Web 3.0: semantic-centric … Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 3 Need for understanding Web info Tasks often require to combine data on the Web: hotel and travel infos may come from different sites searches in different digital libraries Especially too much user provided content on Web 2.0 etc. Again, humans combine these information easily even if different terminologies are used! Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 4 What is the Problem? Consider a typical web page: Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Markup comprise rendering information (e.g., font size and colour) Hyper-links to related content Semantic content is accessible to humans but not (easily) to computers… Metadata - 5 What information can we see… WWW2002 The eleventh international world wide web conference Sheraton waikiki hotel Honolulu, hawaii, USA 7-11 may 2002 1 location 5 days learn interact Registered participants coming from australia, canada, chile denmark, france, germany, ghana, hong kong, india, ireland, italy, japan, malta, new zealand, the netherlands, norway, singapore, switzerland, the united kingdom, the united states, vietnam, zaire Register now On the 7th May Honolulu will provide the backdrop of the eleventh international world wide web conference. This prestigious event … Speakers confirmed Tim berners-lee Tim is the well known inventor of the Web, … Ian Foster Ian is the pioneer of the Grid, the next generation internet … Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 6 Information a machine may see… WWW2002 The eleveth iteratioal world wide web coferece Sherato waikiki hotel Hoolulu, hawaii, USA 7-11 may 2002 1 locatio 5 days lear iteract Registered participats comig from australia, caada, chile demark, frace, germay, ghaa, hog kog, idia, irelad, italy, japa, malta, ew zealad, the etherlads, orway, sigapore, switzerlad, the uited kigdom, the uited states, vietam, zaire Register ow O the 7th May Hoolulu will provide the backdrop of the eleveth iteratioal world wide web coferece. This prestigious evet Speakers cofirmed Tim berers-lee Tim is the well kow ivetor of the Web, Ia Foster Ia is the pioeer of the Grid, the ext geeratio iteret Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 7 Solution: XML markup with “meaningful” tags? <name>WWW2002 The eleveth iteratioal world wide webco </name> <location>Sherato waikiki hotel Hoolulu, hawaii, USA</location>… How about… <conf>WWW2002 The eleveth iteratioal world wide webco</conf> <place>Sherato waikiki hotel Hoolulu, hawaii, USA</place> Then how about… <会议>WWW2002 The 会议> eleveth iteratioal world wide webco</ <地点>Sherato waikiki hotel 地点> Hoolulu, hawaii, USA</ Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 8 What Is Needed? A resource should provide information about itself Ontology also called “metadata” (data about data) Metadata capture part of the meaning of data metadata should be in a machine processable format agents should be able to “reason” about (meta)data metadata vocabularies should be defined Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 9 What Is Needed (Technically)? To make metadata machine processable, we need: unambiguous names for resources (URIs) a common data model for expressing metadata (RDF) and ways to access the metadata on the Web common vocabularies (Ontologies) The “Semantic Web” is a metadata based infrastructure for reasoning on the Web It extends the current Web (and does not replace it) Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 10 Ontology: Origins and History Ontology in Philosophy - a philosophical discipline—a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and the organization of reality Science of Being (Aristotle, Metaphysics, IV, 1) Ontology studies being or existence as well as the basic categories thereof trying to find out what entities and what types of entities exist has strong implications for the conceptions of reality. Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 11 Ontology in Computer Science An ontology is an engineering artifact [Neches91]: defines basic terms and relations comprising the vocabulary of a topic area the rules for combining terms and relations to define extensions to the vocabulary “An explicit specification of a conceptualization” [Gruber93] Formal specification of a shared conceptualization (of a certain domain) [Borst 97]: Shared understanding of a domain of interest Formal and machine manipulable model of a domain of interest Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 12 History of the Semantic Web Web was “invented” by Tim Berners-Lee (amongst others), a physicist working at CERN TBL’s original vision of the Web was much more ambitious than the reality of the existing (syntactic) Web: “... a goal of the Web was that, if the interaction between person and hypertext could be so intuitive that the machine-readable information space gave an accurate representation of the state of people's thoughts, interactions, and work patterns, then machine analysis could become a very powerful management tool, seeing patterns in our work and facilitating our working together through the typical problems which beset the management of large organizations.” TBL (and others) have since been working towards realising this vision, which has become known as the Semantic Web E.g., article in May 2001 issue of Scientific American… Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 13 Adding “Semantics” External agreement on meaning of annotations E.g., Dublin Core ( Problems with this approach Agree on the meaning of a set of annotation tags Inflexible Limited number of things can be expressed Use Ontologies to specify meaning of annotations Ontologies provide a vocabulary of terms New terms can be formed by combining existing ones Meaning (semantics) of such terms is formally specified Can also specify relationships between terms in multiple ontologies Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 14 Some Technologies of Semantic Web RDF XML URI SPARQL XDI XRI SWRL XFN OWL API OAUTH … Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-15 Stamp Example – Google Search Now, suppose I Google for all red stamps Not very intelligent… Red stamps Stamps from Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) Stamps from the Red Sea Stamps from the 140th anniversary of the Red Cross Stamps with red dragons Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-16 Stamp Example – Structural Meaning Not very intelligent, but how can a computer know what I mean? When we structurally describe that a stamp is a stamp and red is a color. Describing data in a structured way can best be done in a database. Different databases can be connected. Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-17 Stamp Example – All about a Stamp In 1980 you could buy this stamp for 1 cent This is a stamp Now it’s worth 3 euros This stamp is from the United Kingdom This stamp is used between 1978 - 1981 The picture on the stamp is a PO Box This stamp is designed by John Bryan Dunmore Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-18 XML Meaning is about understanding. To understand we need a language. A language starts with words. Things mean something in words. Online, we describe things with XML. Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-19 XML - Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <collection name=”My stamp collection"> <stamp> <title>Red dragon</title> <country>China</country> <year>1984</year> </stamp> <stamp> <title>PO Box</title> <country>England</country> <year>1992</year> </stamp> </collection> Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-20 RDF and RDF Schema Resource Description Framework (RDF) RDF Schema is a vocabulary description language We can’t understand words alone RDF is a data model for objects and relations between them In addition, online grammar is required Describes classes and properties of RDF resources Provides semantics for generalization hierarchies of properties and classes With RDF Schema we can define concepts and make simple relations between them. Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-21 RDF Example This stamp is from England Predicate object subject hence from Europe. Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-22 RDF Schema Example Stamp Country from in Continent Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-23 OWL But, RDF schema is limited. A language needs more expression and logic to make good reasoning possible. relations between classes cardinality e.g., disjointness e.g. “exactly one” richer typing of properties That’s why OWL (The Web Ontology Language) was invented. characteristics of properties (e.g., symmetry) BOTH OWL and RDF are standards of Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 24 SWRL Finally, to reason, you need rules. Rules are formulated in SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-25 SWRL Example I got this stamp from my uncle. The rule for calling someone my uncle is that one of my parents has a brother. <ruleml:imp> <ruleml:_rlab ruleml:href="#example1"/> <ruleml:_body> <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasParent"> <ruleml:var>x1</ruleml:var> <ruleml:var>x2</ruleml:var> </swrlx:individualPropertyAtom> <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasBrother"> <ruleml:var>x2</ruleml:var> <ruleml:var>x3</ruleml:var> </swrlx:individualPropertyAtom> </ruleml:_body> <ruleml:_head> <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasUncle"> <ruleml:var>x1</ruleml:var> <ruleml:var>x3</ruleml:var> </swrlx:individualPropertyAtom> </ruleml:_head> </ruleml:imp> brother son of I mother or father Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-26 SPARQL Suppose, I want to search for a specific stamp. “I want all the red stamps, designed in Europe, but used in the U.S.A., between 1980 and 1990” We can use SPARQL (Protocol and RDF Query Language). Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-27 URI Because the web is decentralized and data is in many places, not only language is important. Exchange of data between different machines is key. To make a connection a machine needs a source. For this, we use resource identifiers. Best known resource identifier is the URI which consists of a name (urn) and a location (url) URI URN Red PO Box URL Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-28 XRI & XDI URIs have international limitations and the need for data-exchange between machines is rapidly growing. There is a successor: XRI (Extensible Resource Identifier) There is a standard for sharing, linking and synchronizing data. This standard is called XDI (XRI Data Interchange). Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-29 OAuth API However, data is often protected. We need consent and a key to gain access. The key to certain data is described in an API (an application programming interface). An open standard for accessing (authentication) the API is OAuth. Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-30 Berner-Lee’s Architecture ??? ??? SWRL ??? Semantics+reasoning Relational Data Data Exchange ? OWL ? • Relationship between layers is not clear • OWL extends of RDF / schema Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 31 Ontology Elements Concepts (classes) + their hierarchy Concept properties (slots / attributes) Property restrictions (type, cardinality, domain, etc.) Relations between concepts (disjoint, equality, etc.) Instances E-R diagram / UML diagram ??? Note: “Property” “Slot” “Relation” “Relationtype” “Attribute” Semantic link type” Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 32 The Role of Ontologies on the Web Ontologies provide a shared understanding of a domain: semantic interoperability Ontologies are useful for the organization and navigation of Web sites Ontologies are useful for improving the accuracy of Web searches search engines can look for pages that refer to a precise concept in an ontology Web searches can exploit generalization/ specialization information overcome differences in terminology mappings between ontologies If a query fails to find any relevant documents, the search engine may suggest to the user a more general query. If too many answers are retrieved, the search engine may suggest to the user some specializations. General e-business automation based on understanding web resource in order to facilitate intelligent (software agent) processing Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 33 Case study: Use of Ontology in an e-Marketplace D.K.W. Chiu, J.K.M. Poon, W.C. Lam, C.Y. Tse, W.H.T. Siu, W.S. Poon. How Ontologies Can Help in an Emarketplace, European Conference on Information Systems 2005 (ECIS 2005), May 2005 Semantic Web vision is probably too ambitious A more realistic current application that has a potential to become a killer application Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 34 Motivation Compare some general-purposed e-Marketplaces (auction based) e-Bay (HK): Yahoo Auction (HK): Taobao owned by (See also Compare special-purposed e-Marketplaces Airtickets: Finding friends (!): Which one is better? Why? Key issue => capturing and applying domain knowledge Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 35 What is an e-Marketplace? Suppliers offers bids offers Buyers Ontology e-Marketplace Aggregate requests from Buyers, contact potential Suppliers, match Suppliers and Buyers, exchange bids and offers, generate e-Contract Repository Ontologies and Concepts e-Negotiation data Agreements … bids Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 36 Problem Statements Are there currently significant practical use of the Ontology from Semantic Web? Match-making and beyond Software requirement engineering / negotiation Model and solve practical problems with CS & ICT Cross-over multi-disciplinary research IJSSOE: Dickson Chiu, Editor-in-chief Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 37 Example Ontology Clothing and Sales Negotiation {unordered} attributes: deposit, installment, pay-upon-delivery, ... Payment Terms Refunding Policy Discount Delivery Total Amount Sale Order Clothing * {ordered} attributes: small, medium, large, extra-large Appearance Size {unordered} attributes: brick red, crimson, ... Ontology Shipping Cost Quantity Unit Cost Delivery Date Insured Amount Color Red Payee Purple Insurer Insurance Premium {unordered} attributes: light purple, magenta, ... Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 38 Objective and Solution Approach How to elicit negotiation requirements? Semantic Web => Ontologies => help negotiators’ mutual understanding of issues, alternatives, and tradeoffs Address semantic requirements of negotiation Reduce cost and improve effectiveness of negotiation (avoid combinatorial explosion of issues) Development of an effective and efficient negotiation plan Applications: e-Marketplace, Web-service negotiation, agent negotiation, requirement negotiation… Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 39 Semantic based e-Marketplace Conceptual Model 2..n Negotiation Trader Ontology n Matchmaking Auxiliary Concept Base Concept Recommendation 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n Task 1 1 1 evaluates 1..n Offer Accepted Offer Ontology n resolves drives 1..n Issue 1 maps to formulates 1 Decision Plan 1 precedes Concept n n 1..n n 1..n n indivisibly relates to 1..n 1..n Alternative Value Accepted Alternative Value Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 40 Overall e-Negotiation Process Design Methodology Requirements elicitation phase Trader select agreed relevant ontologies for each collection of co-related issue System maps issues into ontology concepts [not consistent] [consistent] System derive concept relations System check consistency of issues & concepts Trader identify issues System identifies alternatives Requirements elicitation phase System formulate decision plan [need to identify new issues] [need to revise tradeoff model] [need to identify new issues] System creation of agreement [all issues are resolved] System supported trader negotiation [negotiation target chosen] [quit negotiation] [accept offer] Trader post (revised) Trader product preferences as offer selection [reject all matches/ recommendations] Ontology System performs recommendation [match not found] System performs matchmaking Trader specifies alternative values of issues Decision phase [match found] [trader change requirements] Decision phase Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 41 Requirement Elicitation Methodology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Traders select agreed ontology. Traders relate requirements to concepts in the selected ontology. System checks dependencies of concepts that constitute all the requirements from the (refined) ontology map. Mutually dependent clusters of concepts determine the indivisible groups of requirements that have to be considered together so that effective tradeoff can be evaluated. The system checks the consistency of all the concepts, issues, and their dependencies (Cheung et al. 2002). For a consistent plan, the system can proceed to elicit the possible alternatives; otherwise we have to re-iterate from step 3. According to the dependencies, the system can formulate a precedence graph of the requirements and requirements groups. Based on the precedence graph, an efficient decision plan can be determined. Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 42 Decision Phase Methodology The system Trader may accept any matched offers or change his reservation price and attempt a negotiation with those offers in order to seek for a more favorable one. If no matching offers are found, the system identifies near misses and also attempts to rank them for the trader to choose. Trader change his mind to accept a near miss searches for the matching offers based on the trader’s preference attempt to rank them for the trader to choose or choose a near miss for negotiation. During negotiation, the system supports the user to make and evaluate offers / counter-offers based on the decision plan (from previous slide) in a negotiation session as follows (Chiu et al. 2005). Should new requirement issues arise in the decision phase (say, due to incomplete specification), the trader can we can go back to analyze the new issue and its relationships to the existing ones. In real-life, the formulation of a decision plan may involve several iterations. This reflects the traders may not be able to understand all the inter-relationships among the issues in one shot. Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 43 Understanding Requirements from Ontologies Perform graph search algorithm on the semantic map Key requirements are preliminary identified in the first round (e.g., unit price, quantity) For each identified requirement issue, check if an issue can be mapped directly to a concept. If not, see if an issue can be refined into a set of more specific concepts a cost is refined into constituent costs that sum up to it. Incomplete Ontologies Ontology Introduce new concepts into the ontology map Relate it with to existing ones Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 44 Understanding Requirements from Ontology (Cont) Perform graph search algorithm on the semantic map For each identified concept c, Examine every un-visited node n adjacent to c in the ontology map. For each such node n, see if the new concept is relevant to the negotiation problem. Repeat until no more related new concepts can be identified. Only after successful deal do we need to consider combining newly identified working concepts back to more concise real-life objects in specifying a agreement Ontology E.g., component costs need not shown to business partner Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 45 Understanding Dependencies of Requirements from Ontologies Functional dependency borrowed from fundamental relational database concepts motivate this research The alternative for an issue is determined by the alternatives(s) of other issue(s). E.g., delivery date and quantity -> cost of production Computational dependency Ontology more obvious type of functional dependency hardwired computational formula E.g., insurance amount = percentage * cost of goods. Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 46 Understanding Dependencies of Requirement from Ontology Requirement dependency (constraint satisfaction) Only after the determinant value is known can viable alternatives be determined. E.g., whether a customer may pay by credit card, bank draft, or remittance is evaluated according to the total amount. Classification dependency Ontology A special type of requirement dependency in which the classification of another issue is dependent on the outcome of an agreed issue. E.g., customer tiering Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 47 Indivisible Requirement Components for Tradeoff Evaluation Indivisible Components of Issues Cyclic dependencies among the concepts Tradeoff Evaluation Topological sort of semantic graph gives negotiation plan Determine Payment Terms Determine Size Determine Shipping Cost and Payee Determine Unit Cost, Quantity & Delivery Date Determine Insurance Premium, Insured Amount & Insurer Determine Color Determine Refund Policy Compute Total Amount Ontology Determine Discount Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 48 Understanding Possible Requirement Alternatives from Ontology Alternative for requirements are often in discrete values cannot be expressed in numerical values not quantized in normal practices because of difficulties in recognizing them, e.g., color for simplicity and convenience (size => S, M, L, XL) The elicitation of options is streamlined when a complicated issue is decomposed into concepts (appearance => size + color + shapes) Ontology provide explicit ordering of them (size => S < M < L < XL) implicit ordering Ontology inheritance (“is-a”) hierarchies composition hierarchies Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 49 Exploring more trading opportunities from Ontology Improve the accessibility of automated agents to match functional specification Intelligent software agents could represent buyers or sellers e-marketplace acts as “broker” Consider shared ontology attributes and constraints Map for cross-sale Group buyers or sellers together for higher market efficiencies Better hints for data mining Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 50 System Implementation Architecture Multiplatform Support Subsystem WAP Gateway Multiplatform Devices Internet Messenger SMS Gateway e-Negotiating Matching Subsystem Web Server e-Negotiation Process Generator task dependency Task Organizer e-Negotiation process bids & offers e-Negotiation Executing Subsystem issue dependency ontology Issue Ontology Maintenance Subsystem e-Negotiation Session Manager Ontology Generator ontology ontology e-Negotiation process Ontology Issue Dependency Editor revised ontology, issues e-Negotiation Data & Repository Search Engine Ontology Editor Criteria Issue Criteria & Issues Editor existing ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 51 OWL Listing <rdf:rest rdf:resource=""/> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="#Clothing"> <rdf:first <rdfs:comment>Sample Clothing rdf:datatype="">Small Ontology</rdfs:comment> </rdf:first></rdf:List></rdf:rest> <owl:Class rdf:ID="Clothing" /> <rdf:first <owl:Class rdf:ID="Appearance" /> rdf:datatype="">Medi <owl:Class rdf:ID="Color"> um</rdf:first></rdf:List></rdf:rest> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Appearance" /> <rdf:first rdf:datatype="">Large ... </rdf:first></rdf:List></rdf:rest> </owl:Class> <rdf:first <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasAppearance"> rdf:datatype="">Extra <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Clothing" /> Large</rdf:first></rdf:List> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Appearance" /> </owl:oneOf></owl:DataRange></rdfs:range> </owl:ObjectProperty> </owl:DatatypeProperty> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasColor"> <owl:Class rdf:ID=" UnitCost"> … <rdfs:subPropertyOf <owl:equivalentClass> <!-- unit cost depends on appearance --> rdf:resource="hasClothAppearance" /> <owl:Restriction> <owl:someValuesFrom <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Color” /> rdf:resource="#Appearance" /> </owl:Restriction> ... </owl:equivalentClass> </owl:ObjectProperty> </owl:Class>… <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="size"> <!-- Enumeration </owl:Ontology> --!> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Appearance"/> <rdfs:range> <owl:DataRange> <owl:oneOf> <rdf:List> <rdf:rest> <rdf:List> <rdf:rest><rdf:List> <rdf:rest><rdf:List> Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 52 Summary Function Traditional e-marketplace problem Contributions of Ontology Matchmaking Match-making is often ineffective because of the rigid definition of products of limited attributes. Shared and agreed ontology provides common, flexible, and extensible definitions of products and requirements for matchmaking and subsequent business processes It is difficult to specify complex product requirements because the relationships among attributes and values are ignored. Complicated requirements can be decomposed into simple concepts for streamlining the elicitation of options User interactions are limited to mainly manually, which is time consuming. Accessible by automated agents through Semantic Web specifications for more business opportunities Recommendations are often only possible within the same category. Ontology helps elicit alternatives for recommendation. Pre-set formulae for every type of product are needed for evaluation. Ontology help recommendation by evaluating offers in terms of flexible overall scaling Cross-sale and grouping of buyers and sellers with similar requests are difficult. Matching grouping of buyers and sellers as well as cross-sale possible by inference with the ontology. No implicit ordering of alternatives. Implicit ordering of alternatives is elicited via inheritance. Manual negotiation or inadequate negotiation support cause inefficient process and ineffective recognition. Machine understandable semantics facilitate negotiation and automatic configuration of products and services as specified. Recommendation Negotiation Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 53 Conclusions Formulation of negotiation plan with maturing of Semantic Web technologies Elicitation of negotiation issues, issue dependencies, tradeoff, and alternatives Control the openness of issues Our algorithm verifies the completeness of elicited negotiation requirements Negotiation processes are properly guided, recorded, and managed For e-commerce activities are usually more structural and repeatable (as opposed to political negotiations) Ontologies and plans are therefore reusable Negotiation automation with agents / integration with EIS Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 54 Future Work Formal models Elicitation of semantic distances enhancement of ontology-based matchmaking and recommendation algorithms ontology-based cross-sale and up-sale grouping of buyers and sellers for combined quantity deals mobile clients and constraint-based requirement specification Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 55 Summary Dickson Chiu 2011 Limitations of Current IM Technologies Searching information Extracting information human involvement necessary for browsing, retrieving, interpreting, combining Maintaining information Keyword-based search engines inconsistencies in terminology, outdated information. Viewing information Impossible to define views on Web knowledge Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-57 Ontology based IM Information / knowledge will be organized in conceptual spaces according to its meaning. Automated tools for information maintenance and knowledge discovery Semantic query answering Query answering over many documents Defining who may view certain parts of information (even parts of documents) will be possible. Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-58 Agent-base IM An agent is a computer system that is capable of flexible, autonomous action on behalf of its user or owner in order to meet its design objectives in a designated environment. Many other definitions … Your own personal (digital) automatic assistant knows about your preferences builds up knowledge base using your past can combine the local knowledge with remote services: hotel reservations, airline preferences dietary requirements medical conditions calendaring etc It communicates with remote information (i.e., on the Web!) All the above can be facilitated with ontology Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-59 Intelligent Agents & Ontology Metadata Identify and extract information from Web sources Ontologies Web searches, interpret retrieved information Communicate with other agents Logic Process retrieved information, draw conclusions Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-60 Agent: B2C Electronic Commmerce A typical scenario: user visits one or several online shops, browses their offers, selects and orders products. Ideally humans would visit all, or all major online stores; but too time consuming Current shopbots required too much programming Software agents that can interpret the product information and the terms of service. Pricing and product information, delivery and privacy policies will be interpreted and compared to the user requirements. Information about the reputation of shops Sophisticated shopping agents will be able to conduct automated negotiations Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-61 Example: Database Integration Databases are very different in structure, in content Lots of applications require managing several databases after company mergers combination of administrative data for e-Government biochemical, genetic, pharmaceutical research etc. Most of these data are now on the Web The semantics of the data(bases) should be known how this semantics is mapped on internal structures is immaterial Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-62 Example: Digital Libraries It is a bit like the search example It means catalogs on the Web librarians have known how to do that for centuries goal is to have this on the Web, World-wide extend it to multimedia data, too Ontology encodes metadata But it is more: software agents should also be librarians! help you in finding the right publications Dickson Chiu 2011 Semantic Web-63 Content Management via Metadata album pages artist bios album reviews How to build an inventory for collection and search of content objects? How to deal with multiple content object types? What contextual navigation should exist between these content objects? How can we use metadata technique as the solution? 64 Example Album Ontology concert calendar album pages artist bios TV listings album reviews Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 65 Video Content Ontology Example Subscription history User Profile Discount Market offer Subscription Year Content Cast Genre {ordered} attributes: I, IIA, IIB, III Class Category {unordered} attributes: Fun, Documentary, Drama, … BSIM0012 Director Language {unordered} attributes: Chin, Eng, France, German, … 66 {unordered} attributes: Andy Lau, Faye Wong, … {unordered} attributes: Ang Lee, Dante Lam, Andy Fickman,… Question and Answer Thank you! Email: Ontology Dickson Chiu - update 2011 Metadata - 67