
Effective Business Communication: Module 1
The Process of Communication
Facilitator’s Guide
The Process of Communication
TOTAL TIME: 2 hours and 30 min
AUDIENCE: 18_20 staff and program participants
OVERVIEW & PURPOSE OF TRAINING: This training will give participants the opportunity to explore key
elements of communication, communication process and effective writing, speaking and presentation
1. Objective 1: Participants can describe the key communication elements and principles.
2. Objective 2: Participants explain the process of communication in order to exchange
message effectively.
3. Objective 3: Participants explore the source, encoder, channel, decoder and receiver in
order to get message thoroughly.
1. Flip Charts
2. Markers
3. Tape
4. Bag of candy
Participant Workbook: One Per Each Participant
Trainer Materials: Facilitator’s Guide
INVITE participants one week before training
REVIEW and PRACTICE the facilitator guide
MAKE copies of participant workbook for learners
PREPARE flipcharts and other materials
ARRANGE the room and ORGANIZE table and chairs into a U shape
25 min
25 min
10 min WELCOME participants to the training.
PRESENT yourself and your role at Organization.
INVITE participants to present themselves.
In this training, you will master effective communication skills in the business
environment so that you can gain the power to get things done. This first course in
Effective Business Communication focuses on developing effective writing, speaking
and presentation skills. This will be examined and practiced especially in memoranda,
letters, reports, in class presentations etc.; and, an opportunity will be provided for
you to address your current style of communication and understand the level of
effectiveness you are currently using. This series will include pre and post work and
will take two 6 days – 3 hours per each day.
In today’s session, you will explore and practice the elements and principles of
communication and will examine the process of communication.
You will have many opportunities during the workshop through group work, roles
plays and simulations to practice and get feedback on the techniques and skills you
will learn. This hands-on practice will enable you to grow more and more into the kind
of businessman you wish to become.
SAY SOMETHING LIKE…We will start the day with your reflection on your experiences
as a businessman – what you find most rewarding and most challenging in business
[Materials: participant workbook, PowerPoint slides]
SHOW the symbol cards on PowerPoint, Slide (X)or ASK participants to turn to page (X)
in their workbook.
ASK participants to think about their existing experiences in business meetings and
presentation and to choose two symbol cards that represent:
1. Something exciting related to training facilitation
2. Something you find challenging related to training facilitation
INVITE participants to share their cards with a neighbor.
ALLOW pairs 3 minutes to explain why they chose each of the symbols and what it
represents to them.
INVITE 2-3 volunteers to share their symbols with the group.
5 min SHOW mind map on Effective Business Communication Skills PowerPoint, slide ………
and EXPLAIN today’s agenda:
The Process of Communication - An Introduction
The nature and function of communication
Methods of communication and communication skills
The communication cycle and barriers
SAY SOMETHING LIKE: To start the day, you will review and explore in more detail the
process of communication skills and how to use them in your business settings. You
will demonstrate the key principles of communication and will explain the
communication cycle and barriers. Lastly, you will put in practice all the skills that you
adopt them during the session.
ASK: What are your questions or comments about our time together?
SAY: In order for us to accomplish our goals for the training, it is important to create
an environment where we can all learn and share with one another. What can we do
to create a positive learning environment?
SHOW PowerPoint Slide (……………): “Inclusive Learning Environment or ground rules”
and add participant ideas for an inclusive environment (i.e. respect others, be on time,
be open, actively participate)
25 min
OBJETIVE 1: Identify the key elements and principles of communication.
5 min SAY SOMETHING LIKE… SAY…to start the lesson, please go the page (…….) and read
from page (x) up to (z). To do this, for 6 groups (Apricot, Mango, Orange, grapes,
Lemon, and Apple) and each group will have 3 members. In each home group should
find their topic group and start reading then he/she has to come and share with home
group what they have just read. This activity is called Jigsaw.
[Materials: Participants workbook, Sticky Notes , candy]
DIVIDE into groups of 6 people.
ASK participants to read the page which they are assigned for.
EXPLAIN that there are 3 key elements of communication to home group.
INVITE each group to write what they just read on sticky notes and post them on the
flipchart and hung the flipchart on the wall.
COUNT the final points for each team, ANNOUNCE the winning team, and GIVE them
5 min
1. How did you find this activity and what one thing did you learn new about the
principles of communication?
5 min:
1. Trainer demonstartes the elements and principles of communication and use
power ponit slides.
2. The participants will answer the questions which are hunged on the wall in
around the class.
45 min
Demonstrate an understanding of the communication process.
5 min INTRODUCE: effective communication for company and individual success is really
important. Communication forms a part of your self-concept, and it helps you
understand yourself and others, solve problems and learn new things, and build your
career. Here we will discuss the process of effective communication.
ASK participants to spend 3 minutes with a neighbor to discuss:
 What is the process of communication?
 How they communicate: what they use, and how they send and receive the
INVITE a few volunteers to share their responses
EXPLAIN: Now you will have the chance to work in groups. Form five groups; each
group should have five members. Here the group will be able to describe the process
of communication through an activity which is called personification.
15 min ACTIVITY: Exploring communication process, personification.
[Materials: Five PPT cards]
SAY SOMETHING LIKE…now move to your group and identify the communication
process one by one.
DIVIDE participants in groups of 5 persons.
EXPLAIN each member of your group should be one “communication process”. On one
side on the card, there is name of “process”. On the other side there is definition. First
you should ask your partner to explain it to you; if he left anything you can use the
other side of the card and add further information. (personifying)
SHOW an example.
GIVE 10 minutes for the activity.
WALK AROUND the room and answer any questions as necessary.
GIVE 5 minutes for the sharing and feedback.
5 min DEBRIEF:
1. What are the communication process?
2. What is decoder in communication process?
20 min ACTIVITY: identify communication process.
[Materials: Case Study in Participant Workbook]
SAY SOMETHING LIKE…You will now have the opportunity to think through a case
study and determine what communication process is.
DIVIDE participants in groups of 3-4 persons.
EXPLAIN each group will read the scenario, discuss the questions on pages (X) in
participant workbook, and then decide what communication process is.
GIVE 15 minutes for the activity.
WALK AROUND the room and answer any questions as necessary.
ASK each group to share a scenario and recommendations to another group.
GIVE 5 minutes for the sharing and feedback.
5 min DEBRIEF:
1. How did find this activity?
2. What is communication in Scenario A, and B?
SAY SOMETHING LIKE…Now, take a few minutes to think about your own way of
exachaning infromation. How do you send and recive messages?
INSTRUCT participants to turn to page (X) in their workbook and fill out the questions.
GIVE 5 minutes for the exercise.
15 min
During today’s session, you explored and practiced key element and principles of
communication and the process of communication: source, encoding, channel,
decoding, receiving. Now, you will have the chance to reflect on your key takeaways
and what you will put into practice.
[Materials: Paper Ball]
INVITE participants to stand in a circle and ASK each person to say in less than 10
seconds one new thing that can surly help in their communication.
TOSS the ball to each participant to share their learning until everyone has shared.
5 min GIVE details of next training:
Date and Time
Preparation needed before training
THANK learners for their participation.