Mission: • Stormwater Management Technology • Pilot Projects, Monitoring, Modeling, Manuals, Training, Education The Low Impact Development Center, Inc. Balancing Growth and Environmental Integrity LID Modeling Why are We Modeling? Regulatory Requirements Resource Protection • • • • • Determine Effectiveness Predict/Project (Pre-Post) Calibration “It’s Cheaper than Doing anything” NC State needs more PhD’s Easy Stuff • Peak Flow • Water Quality Hard Stuff • • • • • Energy (Light, Thermal, Stream Power) Habitat Optimization Maintenance Optimization How well do we maintain the ecological integrity (functions) of aquatic systems (small streams)? Scale / Spatial / Temporal / Species Nutrients Temperature D.O. pH Turbidity Organics Toxics Chemical Flow Variables Regime Ecosystem Integrity Biotic Habitat Structure Factors Disease Reproduction Feeding Predation Competition Energy Sources Sunlight Nutrients Seasonal Cycles Organic Matter 1&2 Production Velocity Frequency Runoff Evaporation Ground Water Flow Duration Rain Intensity Canopy Siltation Gradient Substrate Current Instream Cover Sinuosity Width/Depth Channel Morphology Soils Stability Riparian Vegetation Performance Measures • Volume (Seattle Sea Streets) • Prescriptive or Presumptive • Load vs. Percentage • Flow Rate (Discrete or Continuous) Taxonomy and Classification Design Models Calibration Models Coordinating Needs Critical Early Models K n AR 2/3 Simple WQ Stuff L P Pj Rv 12 C A 2.72 L = Load, P=Precipitation Courtesy Geoanalysis Today • Moving towards Tributary Strategies • Loadings and Limits (303d) • Site Design Models don’t link to Watershed Models • Rapid Assessments that may have significant data or science gaps • Costs and Predictability unknown Civil to Environmental Q = CIA C (t )Q(t )dt C Q(t )dt Bioretention (WQv )(d r ) Af (t f ) (k )(h f d f ) HYDROLOGIC CYCLE: P+R+E+T RECHARGE Optimization A bioretention pond costs $2,000 Region to construct for a ½ofsite. So it Feasibility costs $4,000 per acre. Gazillions of Acceptable First, it’s a cell not a pond!! Solutions MC cIJ mIJ Q * 2 RJ Conventional Pipe and Pond Centralized Control “Efficiency” LID Uniform Distribution of Micro Controls Runoff Hydrograph is Sensitive to Bioretention Placement in II only I II III I II III 7 3 McCuen 2002 Hoffman and Crawford, 2000 Existing Problems and Future High Risks Hoffman and Crawford, 2000 Oversize Pipes Remove Large Impervious Areas Comparison of Conventional and LID Strategies An estimate of imperviousness can be derived directly from the satellite image for developed areas. (Water bodies from the USGS topographic maps are overlaid for orientation, and areas identified as undeveloped in the National Land Cover dataset are left white.) Soil moisture maps can be generated using the vegetation and surface temperature data with a surface climate model. The gray-scale image is dark for surfaces with a dried out top layer and bright or white for surfaces that are wet. This information can be used to locate areas with very moist surface layers near identified wetlands that can be easily converted to wetlands themselves. woody wetlands classified by the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) forested, non-tidal wetlands classified by the Army Corps of Engineers Defining LID Technology Major Components 1. 2. 3. 4. Conservation (Watershed and Site Level ) Minimization (Site Level) Strategic Timing (Watershed and Site Level) Integrated Management Practices (Site Level) Retain / Detain / Filter / Recharge / Use 5. Pollution Prevention Traditional Approaches “Initial” Low-Impact Development Hydrologic Analysis and Design • Based on NRCS technology, can be applied nationally • Analysis components use same methods as NRCS • Designed to meet both storm water quality and quantity requirements Hydrograpgh Pre/ Post Development Developed Condition, Conventional CN (Higher Peak, More Volume, and Earlier Peak Time) Q Existing Condition Losses T Detention Peak Shaving Developed Developed Condition, with Conventional CN and Controls Q Existing Peak Runoff Rate Additional Runoff Volume Existing T Developed- No Controls Reduced Qp Minimize Change in Curve Number Developed Condition, with LID- CN no Controls. Reduced Runoff Volume Q Existing T Maintain Time of Concentration Developed, LID-CN no controls Reduced Qp Developed, LID- CN no controls same Tc as existing condition. Q More Runoff Volume than the existing condition. Existing T Reducing Volume Q Provide Retention storage so that the runoff volume will be the same as Predevelopment A1 A2 A3 T Retention storage needed to reduce the CN to the existing condition = A2 + A3 Detention Storage Provide additional detention storage to reduce peak discharge to be equal to that of the existing condition. Q Predevelopment Peak Discharge Existing T Comparison of Hydrographs Increased Volume w/ Conventional Conventional Controls Q LID Concepts A2 A3 Existing T Hydrograph Summary 4 Q 5 Pre-development Peak Runoff Rate 1 Existing 2 Developed, conventional CN, no control. 3 Developed, conventional CN and control. 4 Developed, LID-CN, no control. 5 Developed, LID-CN, same Tc. 6 Developed, LID-CN, same Tc, same CN with retention. 7 Same as 6 , with additional detention to maintain Q. 2 7 3 6 1 T Disconnecting Impervious Areas to Reduce CN CNc = CNp + (Pimp/100) (98-CNp) (1-0.5 R) Where: CNc = Composite Curve Number CNp = Pervious Curve Number Pimp = Percent Impervious R = Ratio of Disconnected to Total Imperviousness Comparison of Conventional and LID Site Conditions Comparison of Conventional and L I D Curve Numbers (CN) for 1- Acre Residential Lots Conventional CN 20 % Impervious 80 % Grass Low Impact Development CN 15 % Impervious 25 % Woods 60 % Grass Curve Number is reduced by using LID Land Uses. Determining LID BMP Size Basic Idea: If you can maintain Tc, storage capacity can be based on curve number difference only. 8% BMP LID Manual H and H Process Comparison of Conventional and L I D Curve Numbers (CN) for 1- Acre Residential Lots Conventional CN 20 % Impervious 80 % Grass Low Impact Development CN 15 % Impervious 25 % Woods 60 % Grass Curve Number is reduced by using LID Land Uses. Developed- No Controls Reduced Qp Minimize Change in Curve Number Developed Condition, with LID- CN no Controls. Reduced Runoff Volume Q Existing T Vegetated Swale Infiltration Buffer Strip Dry & Wet Detention Pond Gross Pollutant Trap Wetlands Source Node Vegetated Swale BMP Evaluation Computer Module Prince George’s County, Maryland Target Pollutants • Suspended Solids • Nutrients – Nitrogen (nitrate, ammonia, organic nitrogen) – Phosphorus • Metals (copper, lead, zinc) • Oil & Grease BMP Evaluation Method HSPF LAND SIMULATION Existing Flow & Pollutant Loads – Unit-Area Output by Landuse – SITE-LEVEL LAND/BMP ROUTING Simulated Surface Runoff Total Rainfall (in) Modeled Flow 250 0 1 2 Flow (cfs) 3 150 4 5 100 6 Total Rainfall (in) 200 7 50 8 9 0 2/20/99 BMP DESIGN – Site Level Design – 10 6/20/99 10/20/99 2/20/00 6/20/00 10/20/00 Time Simulated Flow/Water Quality Improvement Cost/Benefit Assessment of LID design N.B.: Good design may need to go beyond period of record. 100 Phosphorus % Removal 80 60 Phosphorus 40 20 Box S1 Box S2 Greenbelt Landover Box L 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Bioretention Depth (cm) 100 Calibrated BMPs!!! % Removal 80 b. Lead Lead 60 40 20 0 0 Box S1 Box S2 Greenbelt Landover 20 40 Box L 60 80 Bioretention Depth (cm) 100 120 140 HSPF Land Use Representation BMP Physical Processes • Possible storage processes include: – – – – – – – – Evapotranspiration Infiltration Orifice outflow Weir-controlled overflow spillway Underdrain outflow Bottom slope influence Bottom roughness influence General loss or decay of pollutant (Due to settling, plant-uptake, volatilization, etc) – Pollutant filtration through soil medium (Represented with underdrain outflow) • Depending on the design and type of the BMP, any combination of processes may occur during simulation BMP Class A: Storage/Detention Inflow: Evapotranspiration Outflow : Modified Flow & Water Quality From Land Surface Overflow Spillway Storage Bottom Orifice Infiltration Underdrain Outflow BMP Class B: Open Channel Inflow: Outflow: From Land Surface Modified Flow & Water Quality Evapotranspiration Overflow at Max Design Depth Open Channel Flow Modified Flow & Water Quality Underdrain Outflow Infiltration Holtan Infiltration Model f GI A S 1.4 a fc veg. parameter (A) Ds soil porosity soil fc Du void fraction background f c General Water Quality First Order Decay Representation Mass2 = Mass1 x e – k t Pollutant Removal is a function of the detention time Underdrain Water Quality Percent Removal Massout = Massin x (1 - PCTREM) Underdrain percent removal is a function of the soil media Massin = Surface conc * underdrain flow Soil moisture maps can be generated using the vegetation and surface temperature data with a surface climate model. The gray-scale image is dark for surfaces with a dried out top layer and bright or white for surfaces that are wet. This information can be used to locate areas with very moist surface layers near identified wetlands that can be easily converted to wetlands themselves. woody wetlands classified by the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) forested, non-tidal wetlands classified by the Army Corps of Engineers Ground Truthing Image Moving From Calibrated “Sophisticated” Watershed Models to Design Tools Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District (MMSD) LID Model • Ideas from LID awareness conference/seminar • Local Builder liked it and is using it • School programs on planting trees and reducing asphalt • Keeper of the mega model liked idea Model Highlights • Need retrofit technologies for highly impervious areas • Need retrofit approach for build out of conventional and centralized areas • Need simple analysis tools for engineers Highlights of approach • • • • • • • • Volume based to control low peak rate (x cfs/acre) Uses NRCS Methods Outputs to NRCS Methods Includes “Typical LID CNs Limited Input Graphical Output Minimal Training Transparent (No Big Black Box) LID Site Hydrology page 1 of 2 USER INPUT Enter data into the shaded boxes only. PRECIPITATION and DRAINAGE AREA 100 years Return period for this storm event. qTarget 0.50 cfs/acre Peak flow max. See User Manual to select the value. NRCS Type II Rainfall distribution. See RainDistribution sheet to change. P 5.88 inches Total precipitation. A 10.0 acres Drainage area. CN minimum 25 CNs must be greater than this value to generate runoff. NoLID DESIGN CN 83 Area-weighted average for the NoLID site design. Tc 15 minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID DESIGN CN Event and Area Uncontrolled Standard CN Determination 76 Area-weighted average for the LID site. CN’s Optional CN Determination If option not used, enter zeroes in Lines 4b-4d. 74 Composite CNp for pervious areas alone. 30% Actual percent impervious. 0 Ratio of unconnected impervious area to total impervious area. (Enter "0" as the ratio if total impervious area is greater than 30% of site.) CN result: 81 (The "CNc" in TR-55 Appendix F) CNp Pimp Selected CN Tc 81 Enter the value from Line 4a or Line 4e. 30 minutes Cannot be less than 5 minutes. LID Retention Features Rain Garden Capacity 6.0 inches 30.0 inches 0.1 (unitless) Result: 9.0 Rain Garden Coverage 55.0 gallons 400 Green Roofs 3.0 inches 0.50 100000 sq.ft. Permeable Pavement Other Design Volume acregallons feet (thousand) 0.15 49 2.0% of drainage area used for rain gardens. (average of top and bottom areas) Rain Barrels Cisterns Average ponding depth. Average soil mix depth. Average fillable porosity. inches Capacity per unit area. Capacity of each rain barrel. Number of rain barrels. 0.07 22 Maximum Water Capacity (MWC). Multiplier between 0.33 and 0.67. Area. 0.29 94 0.23 75 Storage depth, or capacity per unit area. Area. 0.19 62 Additional storage not listed above. 0.02 7 0.95 309 10000 cu.ft. 5.0 inches 20000 sq.ft. 1000 cu.ft. Total IMP’s Target NoLID LID Detention 6 5 q (cfs/acre) 4 3 2 1 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t (hours) Instant Graphing of Results (including detention/retention) Multi-column hydrograph for 1 0.0 14.4 10.0 4.8 3.1 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.100 timestep 2 3 0.3 2.0 16.3 16.0 8.4 7.2 4.3 3.9 2.9 2.7 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 4 5.6 14.3 6.2 3.6 2.6 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 Readhyd Card for TR-20 5 10.4 12.0 5.4 3.3 2.4 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 Limitations • • • • • • Accounting on a watershed scale Link to WQ model and WQ calcs ROUTING!!! No groundwater recharge End of pipe answer Size (15 meg) no emailing here Who else is doing this type of Modeling Stuff • New Jersey (includes groundwater recharge component, YEAH!!!) • North Carolina • Delaware (DURMM) • Virginia COE (Checklist) • Puget Sound (HSPF) • WinSlamm • Proprietary Engineering • Vendors (PCSWMM for Pavers Unilock™) SIMPLIFIED DURMM BMP DESIGN PROJECT: HUNDRED: SUBAREA: BMP: NEW PROJECT PENCADER COUNTY: NEW CASTLE BYPASS SUBAREA HYDROGRAPH STANDARD FILTER STRIPS, BIOFILTRATION, BIOSWALE POSTDEVELOPMENT LOAD DATA PARAMETER TSS PP SP ON INPUT CONCENTRATION PREPARED BY INTEGRATED LAND MANAGEMENT, INC. DATE: August 10, 2001 NH3 NO3 Cu Zn 175.8 0.83 0.56 1.98 0.23 0.49 0.013 0.242 88 INPUT MASS LOADS (g) 63,698 300 202 719 85 178 5 INCREASE IN SUBAREA LOAD (112,065) 202 179 538 60 149 4 79 % PREDEVELOPMENT LOAD -64% 205% 788% 299% 244% 502% 1128% 922% BMP DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE % IMPER. Q 25% INPUT LOAD FILTER STRIPS OUTPUT CONC . OUTPUT LOAD PERCENT REMOVAL LINEAR LOAD (cu.ft./ft.) % IMPER. Q 25% INPUT LOAD OUTPUT CONC . BIORETENTION OUTPUT LOAD PERCENT REMOVAL HYDRAULIC LOAD (ft.) BIOSWALE QUALITY 800 75 WIDTH 51 15 180 SLOPE 21 1% 45 SUM OK? 1.17 OK 21.97 32.7 2,081 0.53 33.5 0.47 29.8 0.83 52.8 0.25 15.9 0.49 31.0 0.006 0.38 0.037 2.33 87% 3.22 55% TO BMP 41% 3207 71% FROM BMP 26% 2244 LENGTH 100 NET WIDTH 50 BIO WIDTH 20 LOAD OK? 14,130 67 45 159 19 40 1.04 19.45 5.3 327 0.04 2.6 0.23 14.5 0.90 56.0 0.23 14.2 0.47 29.0 0.003 0.21 0.002 0.15 98% 1.29 96% TO BMP 68% 2838 65% FROM BMP 25% 2187 SIDES:1 4 BOTTOM % IMPER. Q 25% LENGTH 300 SLOPE 2% COVER 4 VELOCITY 67 45 159 19 14.02 890 94% 17.95 0.07 4.2 94% TO BMP 0.39 24.9 44% 2765 0.68 43.2 73% FROM BMP 0.25 15.9 16% 2243 EVENT PRECIP. PREDEV RUNOFF QUALITY BANKFULL CONVEYANCE FLOODING 2.0 2,831 11,916 9,085 3.3 10,100 25,596 15,496 5.2 28,054 50,334 22,280 7.3 54,400 81,291 26,891 RESIDENCE TIME (min.) POSTDEV INCREASE RUNOFF 31% 68% RUNOFF REDUCTION 27% 80% RUNOFF REDUCTION 89% 30% OK 99% 23% SWALE OK? 8 DEPTH 0.28 14,130 INPUT LOAD OUTPUT CONC . OUTPUT LOAD PERCENT REMOVAL BIOSWALE VOLUME LENGTH 15,965 40 1.04 0.31 0.005 19.9 0.32 50% 69% RUNOFF REDUCTION REQUIRED VOLUME CU.FT. PERCENT 5053 56% 8285 53% 12847 58% 17765 66% 0.16 19.45 0.043 2.71 86% 19% SWALE DEPTH AVERAGE PEAK 0.35 0.58 0.89 1.23 0.70 1.15 1.78 2.47 0.90 81% 5.20 94% SUMMARY OF SURFACE FILTERING PERFORMANCE OUTPUT MASS LOADS (g) 3,298 95% PERCENT REMOVAL INFILTRATION TRENCH RATE 40.3 87% 69.2 66% 151.9 79% 45.9 46% 79.8 55% 3.5 % BMP RUNOFF 50% WIDTH: 2.0 LENGTH: 300 DEPTH: POROSITY 38% % CLAY 16% % SAND 35% TO SHWT 2,198 26.8 TO BMP 46.1 3337 101.3 FROM BMP 30.6 2224 OUTPUT LOAD RESIDENCE TIME (hr.) 24 RATE OK? INFIL. RATE 53.2 0.60 RUNOFF REDUCTION 5 0.27 3.46 33% SUMMARY OF TOTAL BMP PERFORMANCE OUTPUT MASS LOADS (g) 1,100 13.4 23.1 50.7 15.3 26.6 0.30 1.73 PERCENT REMOVAL 98% 1% 96% 14% 89% 102% 93% 28% 82% 62% 85% 90% 94% 79% 98% 20% % OVER PREDEVELOPMENT Annual Groundwater Recharge Analysis (based on GSR-32) Select Township ↓ Average Annual P (in) Climatic Factor MIDDLESEX CO., PERTH AMBOY CITY 47.8 1.53 Existing Conditions Proposed Conditions Area (acres) LULC Soil Annual Recharge (in) Annual Recharge (cu.ft) Land Segment 1 1.4 landscape open space Woodstown 2 0.3 unvegetated Woodstown 12.9 65,498 6.9 7,536 3 3.5 wooded - general 4 1.4 landscape open space Woodstown 13.5 Keyport 13.4 5 0.5 unvegetated Keyport 6 3.3 wooded - general 7 0 8 Land Segment Soil Annual Recharge (in) unlandscaped developed Keyport 0.0 - unvegetated Woodstown 6.9 40,191 landscape open space Keyport 13.4 177,667 landscape open space Woodstown 12.9 170,762 0 brush Adelphia - - 6 0 landscape open space Adelphia - - - 7 0 landscape open space Adelphia - - - - 8 0 landscape open space Adelphia Variant - - Adelphia - - 9 0 landscape open space Adelphia - - Adelphia Total Annual Recharge (in) Total Annual Recharge (cu-ft) 10 0 landscape open space Abbottstown Total Annual Recharge (in) Total Annual Recharge (cu.ft) Area (acres) LULC 1 1.5 2 1.6 171,255 3 3.65 68,146 4 3.65 7.5 13,657 5 Keyport 13.9 165,963 brush Adelphia - 0 brush Adelphia 9 0 brush 10 0 brush Total = 10.4 13.0 Total = 10.4 Annual Recharge Requirements Calculation 492,054 Procedure to fill the Existing Conditions and Proposed Conditions Tables % of Existing Annual Recharge to Preserve = For each land segment, first enter the area, then select LULC, then select Soil. Start from the top of table The Required Annual Recharge Volume (cu.ft) = and proceed downward. Don't leave blank rows (with A=0) in between your segment entries. Rows with A=0 will not be displayed or used in calculations. For impervious areas outside of standard lots select "unlandscaped developed" as the LULC. Soil type for impervious areas are only required if an infiltration facility will be built within these areas. 10.3 100% 103,435 Recharge Efficiency parameters Calculations (area averages) 3.94 (in) DRWC= 3.94 (in) ERWC = 0.93 (in) EDRWC= 0.93 (in) RWC= Annual Recharge (cu.ft) 388,620 Where to go from here? • Multimedia and calibrated models • Clearinghouses and Databases on effectiveness (ASCE) • More rigorous calibrated models • Optimization!!! • Better Costing WWW.LID-Stormwater.net/Clearinghouse