LT 1-3 Retake Review KEY

LT 1-3 Retake Review
(Ecosystem Services, Land Use Issues, and BMP’s)
LT – 1 I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land uses associated
with them.
_____ Write the number of questions you missed from LT 1.
1. List 3 pollutants associated with each of the following land uses: 1. Residential 2. Urban 3.
Residential – household chemicals, septic tank leaks, pet waste, gas and oil
Urban – stormwater runoff, thermal pollution, wastewater effluent, litter
Agricultural – sediment, pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, animal waste
2. What types of water/pollution issues are associated with impervious surfaces? Identify three.
Thermal pollution, contaminated runoff, flooding
LT – 2 I can identify ecosystem services related to freshwater and can explain why these
services are invaluable to humans.
_____Write the number of questions you missed from LT2
3. Describe three ecosystem services provided by Riparian Forests.
Filters sediment, filters nutrients, transforms nutrients, water purification
4. Describe three ecosystem services provided by wetlands bordering an estuary.
Flood protection, water purification, filters and absorbs sediment, reduces metals
and excess nutrients
5. Describe three ecosystem services provided by estuaries.
Provides recreation, provides nursery grounds for fish and shellfish, provides
habitat for thousands of organisms
LT- 3 I can distinguish between examples of point source and non-point source pollution
and can suggest an appropriate practice (bmp) to improve a specific non-point problem.
____Write the number of questions you missed from LT3
Identify each of the examples below as (P) for Point Source or (N) for Non-Point Source.
P____6. Landfill
__N__7. Stormwater runoff
_N__8. Erosion from agricultural areas
__P__9. Oil spill
_N___10. Acid Rain
_N___11. Litter
__N__13. Nutrient pollution
_P___14. Tanker truck spill
15. A flooding problem occurs during heavy rain events in a parking lot. Describe two different
best management practices that could be used to improve the situation. (Describe the practice
and explain how the practice helps the flooding problem).
Curb Break – a break in a parking lot curb that funnels water into a vegetation
area in order to slow the water down, soak it in, and filter it out.
Landscape Island – areas of vegetation in parking lots that help to slow down and
soak up water.
16. Explain two BMP’s that farmers can use to improve water quality conditions near
agricultural areas. (Make sure to explain how the BMP works).
Contour plowing – farmer plows along with the shape of the hillside so that water
doesn’t run off as easily as in straight rows. Less erosion
Conservation Tillage – After harvest, farmer leaves a portion of the plant in place.
The plant roots hold soil reducing erosion, and as the stalk decays, the nutrients
go back in the soil.
Buffer Strip – An area of vegetation left between the farm and river. The
vegetation filters and slows down farm runoff before it reaches the stream.
17. Compare and contrast conservation tillage and a buffer zone.