Vincent Parrillo Strangers to These Shores

Vincent Parrillo
Strangers to These Shores
Chapter Three
Prejudice and Discrimination
• Prejudgment, … inadequate definition
• Louis Wirth: “ an attitude with an emotional
• Ralph Rosnow: “any unreasonable attitude
usually resistant to rational influence”
– “ My mind is already made up, don’t confuse
me with the facts”
• May be either Positive or Negative
– In minority relations, … usually negative
The Psychology of Prejudice
Prejudice may develop from:
– Imitation or conditioning (Conditioning)
– Perceived similarity-dissimilarity (Cognitive)
– Personality characteristics (Psychoanalytic)
Three Levels of Prejudice (B. Kramer)
1. Cognitive
2. Emotional
3. Action orientation
Cognitive Level of Prejudice
• Encompasses a persons beliefs, … perceptions
of a group,
– threatening or not, … inferior or equal, … seclusive or
intrusive, … in negative or positive characteristics
• Ethnocentrism: … a generalized rejection of all
groups based on an ingroup focus
• Prejudice is a rejection of certain people based
solely on their group membership
– Or the possibility of social interaction
Emotional Level of Prejudice
• Based on the feelings that a minority
group arouses in an individual
• Feelings may be based on stereotypes
• Emotional attitudes may be negative or
• Beliefs or feelings may be triggered by
social interaction
Action-orientation Level
• A predisposition to engage in
discriminatory behavior
– Positive
– Negative
• Denigrating a person or group to justify
maltreatment of them
– We “rationalize” our treatment of others
– Examples: Native Americans, … Slaves, …
Japanese, …
• Some sociologists believe it works the
other way around
– Subjugation occurs first then justification
Authoritarian Personality
• T. W. Adorono’s studies (1950)
• Authoritarian Personality, correlated with
harsh treatment as a child
– F Scale (Potential Fascism)
– Study using a “shock” generator to “teach”
• Frustration, the result of relative
– A lack of resources, or rewards, in one’s
standard of living compared to others in the
Authoritarian Personality Cont.
• Scapegoating
– Blaming others for something that is not their
– Examples? …
Sociology of Prejudice
• Socialization
– The acquisition of values, attitudes, beliefs,
and perceptions of ones culture or subculture
– Includes Material and Nonmaterial cultural
– We “learn” to become prejudice and to
• Jim Crow laws, … for example
Sociology of Prejudice Cont.
• Economic Competition
– We tend to be more hostile towards others
who threaten our security, our livelihood
– Economic competition and conflict breeds
– Negative stereotyping, prejudice, and
discrimination increase when competition for
jobs increases
• Examples: Chinese, … Germans (John Dollard)
• Both studies and historical evidence support this
Sociology of Prejudiced Cont.
• Social Norms
– Sociologists suggest a relationship between
prejudice and a person’s tendency to conform
to societal norms, (expectations)
• Social Norms form the generally shared
rules defining “proper” behavior
– Theorizes a direct relationship between the
degree of conformity and the degree of
• Explains prevailing attitudes but not their
Sociology of Prejudice Cont.
• Stereotyping
– An oversimplified generalization by which we
attribute certain characteristics to a group
without regard to individual differences
– Can be Positive or Negative, … Examples?
• Can become ingrained in our everyday
– Can serve to enhance or denigrate a group
• Once established, hard to eradicate, even
in succeeding generations
• Ethnophaulism:
– A derogatory word or expression used to
describe a racial or ethnic group
– This is the language of prejudice
– See picture on p. 87
Examples of ethnopuhaulisms in text?
Disparaging nicknames, … (. 87)
Explicit group devaluations, …
Irrelevant ethnic group nicknames, …
Sociology of Prejudice Cont.
• Ethnic Humor
– Are ethnic, racial, gender jokes funny?
• One’s view of the group influences their
reaction to the joke, comment
• Derogatory humor (jokes) about one’s
own group
• The key to ethnic humor lies in both the
joker’s and the audience’s attitudes
Sociology of Prejudice Cont.
• Perpetuation of Stereotypes
– Discuss
• Influencing of Attitudes
• Advertising and prejudice
• Can prejudice be reduced?
– Interaction, contact between people of
different racial and ethnic groups
• May worsen, … ?
• May improve, … ?
• Discrimination
– Actual behavior, the practice of differential
and unequal treatment of groups of people
• Racial, … religious, … ethnic, … others, …
• Five levels of Discrimination
• First: Verbal expression, … statement of
dislike, … a derogatory term, …
• Second: Avoidance, … the prejudiced
person takes steps to avoid social
interaction with a group
Levels of Discrimination Cont.
• Third: Exclusion, … exclusion from
certain jobs, … housing, … education, …
– De jure segregation, … segregationist laws
– De facto segregation, … by social custom
• Fourth: Ethnoviolence, all forms of
violence, … because of religion, … race, …
ethnicity, …
• Fifth: Extermination, … massacres, ..
Genocide, … pogroms, …
Prejudice & Discrimination
• Prejudice can lead to discrimination and
discrimination to prejudice
– Not certain one will follow the other
• Robert Merton (1949) Model describing
prejudice and discrimination (Fig 3.1, p. 98)
• Nonprejudiced Nondiscriminator
• Non prejudiced Discriminator
• Prejudiced Nondiscriminator
• Prejudiced Discriminator
Social & Institutional Discrimination
• Social Discrimination:
– Established patterns of social distance
– Social disassociations, exclusionary patterns
• Institutional Discrimination:
– Unequal treatment imbedded in institutional
rules, … and regulations
– Entrenched in customs, … laws, … practices
– Discriminatory patterns can exist in all
business, .. educational, .. religious, .. social, ..
and government institutions
Affirmative Action
• Affirmative Action, origin:
• President Roosevelt, Exec. Order 8802,
July 1941 ( pre WW II)
– Defense contractors, … “not discriminate, …
race, … creed, … color, … national origin, …”
• President Kennedy, Exec. Order 10925,
– Take affirmative action, … treatment without
regard to race, … creed, … color, … national
Affirmative Action Cont.
• Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, Sec. 703
– Seems to address the need for fairness, …
openness, … and color-blind opportunity
– Bans preference by race, … ethnicity, …
gender, … and religion, … in business and
• President Johnson Exec. Order 11246
– Mandated employer affirmative-action to
correct existing deficiencies through specific
goals and deadlines
Affirmative Action Cont.
• Legislation in 1972 amended the 1964 Civil
Rights Act
– Preference programs became the rule, …
through reserved minority quotas
– Seen as reverse discrimination
• The Bakke vs. the U.C. Regents
– U.S. Supreme Court ruled, … “quotas were
not permitted but race could be a factor in
university admission
• Supreme Court in 1995, “race could not
longer be the predominant factor… “
Has Affirmative Action Worked?
• Evidence of success has been mixed
• The Bakke decision has had little impact
on the enrollment of African Americans
and Hispanics in medical and law schools
• A considerable number of minorities and
women have better jobs than they would
have without antidiscrimination laws
Key Terms
Affirmative action
Authoritarian personality
Three Levels of Prejudice
De facto discrimination
De jure Discrimination
Jim Crow laws
Social Discrimination
Social Norms
Socialization process