TEAL tutes - learninglanguageswaikato


20 Feb TEAL 720/245

TC3.34, 3.30 – 5.00


Intro – model whakawhanaungātanga –

( relationship building) i.e. where we are from, who we are, what is important to us.

Ascertain prior learning –(KNL) what do you know

– SCK and PCK - what do you need to know?

Course outline – expectations and questions and answers.

Handouts – NZC LL wall chart and NCEA matrix

Read NZC, p16, 17, 24, 25, 44

24 Feb - Friday’s session

(Nicola at 9.00) 10.00 – 12.00



Starting on the big picture

 lesson planning – compare and contrast using UbD http://xnet.rrc.mb.ca/glenh/understandin g_by_design.htm

 http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispac


See references in Outline


Investigate the UbD template

Together create a check list of what should be in a unit plan

Compare and contrast the various plans – use your check list and decide what resonates with you and why

Monday Feb 27


Complete first look at planning:

NZC template: http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispaces.com/


Lesson plan template:

Break – what is extranormal? http://elanguageexemplars.wikispaces.com/Xtranormal


Monday Feb 27 cont

What is SLA? Making a beginning…

Brainstorming prior knowledge

Ellis: see handout and resource for P1

Interculturality – quick intro: http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispace


Unpacking Reading – begin to make links

First thoughts about TAI assignment

 http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispace


Tasks between Feb 27 and

March 5

Reread Brown (2007) and make links with

Ellis and Newton and Yates

Begin reflections on personal SLA theories

– you will start to record these in your teaching as inquiry project from next week

Look at TAI template to prepare for March 5: http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispaces.


March 5

What is a teaching resource?

What is the purpose of a learning activity cover sheet?

Using the curriculum collation docs

Break activity – Sing and Learn Spanish

What is teaching as Inquiry? (TAI)

Setting up semi structured interview for TAI

Cohen et al 2002 p 275, 278,


NZC (2007) p 34-36

 http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispaces.

com/ELL+Reporting+2010 http://learninglanguageswaikato.wikispaces.


Between March 5 and 12

Practise ‘acting out’ the phrases and responses in the yr 11 learning activity:

Noticias y respuestas

Read the interview reading taking special note of semi structured interviews and analysing data.

Start to refine your questions for sharing on

March 12

March 12

‘Acting out’ the resource

Setting up semi structured interview for TAI

Understanding the NCEA matrix – go to: http://www.tki.org.nz/e/community/ncea


Practicum Task: Design and critique a resource.

Why have you designed it this way?

What do you hope to achieve?

How does the design relate to SLA theories, especially principles of effective instructed language acquisition?

Use the cover sheet to answer these questions.

Assignment One:

Using teaching as inquiry to formulate and reflect on theories concerning language acquisition, language learning and teaching in a senior secondary context - part one (group contribution 5%; personal report 15%).

Due Date: Monday 2 April 2012, 4pm for presentation and e-copy

Outcomes 1- 4

Time frame: Weeks 8-14

The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin formulating a personal theory of second language acquisition using a teaching as

inquiry and eLearning framework. Over the course of the year you will provide examples of your experiences as you broker theory into practice. You will track shifts and reflect on these changes. A template will be provided as a starting point for a report using a powerpoint or other ICT tool to be negotiated. You will revisit your findings after your third practicum and present a final report as assessment 4.

In teaching sessions 5 & 12 March, you will work as a group to generate questions for a semi structured

interview to be carried out during your first practicum where you will ask teachers about their vision for Learning Languages, their theories concerning second language acquisition and their recent and current approaches, strategies and methods for language learning and teaching in a

senior secondary context. The interview will be conducted using an ICT tool. You will be asked to reflect on the use and effectiveness of the interview recording tool as well as the powerpoint as the

medium for the presentation of the report, in terms of relevance to classroom practice.

Assessment Criteria for Assignment One


As a group present a clear analysis of the teacher interview responses in a table and include a thoughtful reflection on the

 data. (5%)

As an individual present part 1 of the Teaching as Inquiry (TAI) report establishing and reflecting on your second language acquisition theories, providing examples, making clear references, and recording the shifts you have experienced to date.

Describe and evaluate the use of the ICT tools used i.e. a recording tool and a presentation medium, in terms of this teaching as inquiry assessment and possible classroom use. (15%)

Academic Skills – the notes pages of the powerpoint to incorporate the following:

An ability to express ideas clearly and in an appropriate academic manner

The use of appropriate spelling and sentence and paragraph structure

The quality of your in-text referencing

The accuracy and consistency of your references list in APA style.
