PipeProbe: Mapping Spatial Layout of Indoor Water Pipelines Yu-Chen Chang1, Tsung-Te Lai1, Hao-Hua Chu1, Polly Huang2 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering1 Department of Electrical Engineering2 National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan {r96147, r96152, hchu}@csie.ntu.edu.tw, phuang@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw Abstract—We propose PipeProbe, a mobile sensor system for mapping water pipelines hidden inside cement walls or under floor coverings. PipeProbe works by dropping a tiny sensor capsule into the source of the water pipelines. As the PipeProbe capsule traverses the pipelines, it gathers accelerometer and waterpressure readings. Through a novel estimation method based on Bernoulli’s principle, we reconstruct the 3D spatial layout of the water pipelines. The PipeProbe system is non-intrusive and requires no alteration to the water pipeline infrastructure. I. INTRODUCTION When indoor water pipes are hidden inside cement walls or under floor coverings, diagnosing them without direct inspection is difficult. Especially, when the original diagram of the pipeline layout is also missing, searching for the pipeline locations becomes guesswork and often requires brute-force methods such as knocking down cement walls or ripping up floor coverings. This creates an opportunity for the development of a mobile sensing probe, called PipeProbe, which can be dropped into the source of a water pipeline. During its traversal of the pipeline, the PipeProbe collects the sensor readings necessary for the reconstruction of the 3D spatial layout of the traversed water pipelines. In comparison to the traditional brute-force approach, the PipeProbe system is a non-intrusive method of mapping and locating indoor water pipelines that requires no alteration to the water pipeline infrastructure. Two recent projects that apply wireless sensor network technologies for monitoring water pipes include the NAWMS project [1] and the PIPENET project [2]. The NAWMS project detects and locates pipe leaks by attaching vibration sensors to the pipe surface. Similarly, the PIPENET project monitors water flow and detects leaks by attaching acoustic and vibration sensors to large bulk-water pipelines and pressure sensors to normal pipelines. In contrast to these projects, the PipeProbe system does not assume that water pipe surfaces are exposed and accessible for sensor module attachment. In the general domain of environmental sensing, both wireless and wired sensor network technologies [3] have been used extensively, and a wide variety of inexpensive sensor nodes have been created with different sizes, sensor combinations, computational power, battery power, and radios. Our work focuses on a novel mobile sensor system for mapping indoor water pipelines. II. mal-sized (>2 inch) indoor water pipelines. EcoMote comes with a built-in 3-axial accelerometer. Additionally, the tiny pressure sensor module MS5541C from Intersema [5] (6.2x6.4mm, shown in Fig. 1(b)) has been added to the EcoMote. When submerged in water, the pressure sensor measures water pressure ranging from 0 to 14 bars at a resolution of 1.2 mbar. The whole package is fit into a teardrop shape and sealed waterproof with glue and acrylic. THE PIPEPROBE SYSTEM The PipeProbe capsule is built from the tiny EcoMote board [4] (shown in the Fig. 1(a)). EcoMote’s physical size is 13x11x7mm, which is small enough to be dropped into nor- Figure 1. (a) wireless sensor platform ECO (b) MS5541C pressure sensor module Figure 2 shows how the PipeProbe capsule is used for the mapping (i.e., for the reconstruction of the 3D spatial layout) of indoor water pipelines. We assume a common home scenario where a single water input source (e.g., a water tank) is connected to several water output faucets through a network of water pipelines with multiple forks. The PipeProbe system works as follows. (1) A PipeProbe capsule is dropped into the water input source. When a water faucet is opened, the force of the resulting water flow pushes the capsule through the different forks and sections of the water pipelines. When the capsule flows out of the open water faucet, one mapping trip is complete. The capsule is then retrieved for reuse in subsequent mapping trips. (2) While the capsule is flowing inside a water pipe, it gathers pressure and accelerometer readings along its path of traversal. These sensor readings are saved in its flash memory. After the capsule leaves the water faucet, its sensor readings are transferred from its flash memory to a PC for postprocessing. (3) By alternating among different open water faucets and repeatedly re-inserting the PipeProbe capsule into the water input source for multiple mapping trips, the capsule gathers multiple sensor readings spanning the entire pipeline network. All of the sensor readings are aggregated on a PC for post-processing. During post-processing, a pipeline mapping algorithm analyzes the sensor readings and computes the 3D coordinates of the PipeProbe capsule as it moves inside the pipeline network. The capsule’s 3D movement coordinates also mark the 3D path of the pipeline network. Interpolating the discrete location samples of the PipeProbe capsule over time yields the spatial layout of the water pipelines. The pipeline mapping algorithm is described in Section III. The algorithm can be described using the following steps. Step (1) estimates the flow velocity inside the pipe from the water pressure. To accurately measure the flow velocity, the PipeProbe capsule must be fit into a specific tear-drop shape such that the water flow velocity approximates the capsule flow velocity. According to fluid dynamics, equation (2) can be used to estimate the flow velocity (v) from the water pressure (𝑝ℎℎℎ ) inside the pipe. This equation states that the pressure difference between the head (𝑝ℎℎℎ𝐻 ) and the tail (𝑝𝑇ℎℎℎ ) of the capsule is square-root proportional to the flow velocity: 𝑣 = √2(𝑝ℎℎℎ𝐻 − 𝑝𝑇ℎℎℎ ℎℎℎℎℎℎℎℎℎ ). (2) Step (2) traces the 3D coordinates (x, y, h1) of the capsule. To estimate the z-axis position h1, equation (3) is derived from equation (1) by substituting 𝑣0 =0 (corresponding to the sensor being dropped in) and 𝜌=1 (water density). ℎ0 is the height of the input water source, 𝑝1 / 𝑝0 are the detected pressures at the tail of the capsule and at the input water source, v is the flow velocity from equation (2), and g is the gravity: ℎ1 = ℎ0 + Figure 2. Sensor moving throught the pipeline To prevent large positional error accumulation, several wireless beacons are placed at strategic wall/floor locations where water pipelines are likely to pass nearby. These wireless beacons periodically broadcast their positions to any nearby PipeProbe capsules. The PipeProbe capsule records all received beacons, and during post-processing, the received positions are used to correct the accumulated positional error. III. THE PIPELINE MAPPING ALGORITHM Our pipeline mapping algorithm uses the water pressure and 3D accelerometer readings obtained from multiple mapping trips of the PipeProbe capsule(s) to map the spatial 3D paths of the water pipelines. The algorithm is based on Bernoulli’s principle [6], which states that for an ideal flow with no viscosity, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. Bernoulli’s equation is shown below: 1 1 2 2 𝑝0 + 𝜌𝑣02 + 𝜌𝑔ℎ0 = 𝑝1 + 𝜌𝑣12 + 𝜌𝑔ℎ1 . (1) This equation is applicable to any two positions in the same connected pipeline network: 𝑝0 / 𝑝1 are the pressures at the two different positions, 𝜌 is the density of the water, v0 / v1 are the flow velocities at the two different positions, g is the local acceleration due to gravity, and h0 / h1 are the heights of the two different positions. By setting the first position to the water input source (𝑝0 , v0, and h0 can be measured at the water input source) and assigning the second position to the moving position of the capsule (𝑝1 is sensed from the capsule), v1 and h1 can be derived by extending equation (1). Given the 3D accelerometer readings, the pipeline mapping algorithm computes the 3D movement coordinates of the capsule. (𝑝1 −𝑝0) 𝑔 − 𝑣2 2𝑔 . (3) To determine the (x, y) coordinates of the capsule, the 3axis accelerometer reading from the capsule is first analyzed to determine its movement direction θ over the x-y plane. Integrating velocity v from step (1) over time yields the relative displacement d. Vector calculus over the displacement d and the movement direction θ produces the relative (x, y) coordinate movement. In step (3), for each mapping trip, a 3D water pipeline path is drawn beginning from the position of the water input source toward the position of the water output faucet where the PipeProbe capsule was retrieved. IV. FUTURE WORK We are currently implementing the PipeProbe system and look forward to evaluating its positioning accuracy. REFERENCES [1] Y. Kim, T. Schmid, Z. M.Charbiwala, J. Friedman,and M. B. Srivastava “NAWMS: Nonintrusive Autonomous Water Monitoring System,” in Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems, 2008, pp. 309–322. [2] I. Stoianov, L. Nachman, S. Madden, T. Tokmouline,and M. Csail, "PIPENET: A Wireless Sensor Network for Pipeline Monitoring," in Proceedings of the 6th IPSN, 2007, pp. 264–273. [3] D. Culler, D. Estrin, M. 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