MOI UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES Course outline DEPARTMENT: STATISTICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE ACADEMIC YEAR: 2014/2015 COURSE LECTURER: E. MBUTHI KILONZO COURSE CODE: ACS 304 PHONE NUMBER: XXXXXXXXX COURSE TITLE: ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS I Email address: YEAR OF STUDY: III SEMESTER: I SESSION: JANUARY-APRIL 2015 DEGREE PROGRAMME: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE TOTAL NUMBER OF LECTURE HOURS: 42 COURSE PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to provide grounding in Mathematics of graduation and exposed to risk COUSE DESCRIPTION A description of data collection suitable for examining past experience; calculation of exposed to risk and the derivation of crude decrement rates; monitoring actual against expected experience; methods of graduating experience rates; mortality variation; Mortality experience during the 20 th century; heterogeneity within a population; Standard mortality tables. Risk classification, underwriting and allowing extra mortality risk. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student should be able to i. Describe the types of rate bases-Calendar year, and so on ii. Explain utility of each of three graduation Methods-Graphical, Mortality table, Mathematical formulae iii. Calculate exposed to risk and crude decrement rates. iv. Apply Chi-square test to test goodness of fit of an actual set of Mortality experience to a chosen standard v. Describe the shortcomings of the chi-square test in testing hypotheses on Mortality data experiences and some remedies vi. Differentiate between different methods of graduation and their applications in solving problems related to risk. vii. Apply standard and adjusted mortality tables in solving problems dealing with mortality risk and in insurance underwriting. viii. Explain utility of Binomial Model for Modeling Mortality experiences ix. Explain aspect of extra Mortality risk CLASS SCHEDULES WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - 13 TOPICS WITH SUMMARY OF CONTENT Graduation Methods Mathematical Methods-The Chi-square test Limitations of Chi-square test and Solutions to the Shortcomings Types of exposures to risk-Initial and Central exposed to risk Rating criteria/basis-Calendar Year, and so on C.A.T 1 Numerical methods an approximations in computing exposed to risk Utility of Binomial Model for Modeling Mortality experiences Extra Mortality risk CAT 2 END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS EVALUATION CAT I CAT 2 EXAM TOTAL Theory courses 15% 15% 70% 100% REFERENCES a. Scott, W. F. (2000). Mortality Studies. Aberdeen. b. Neil, A. (1999) Life Contingencies, Butterworth-Heinemann: London. LECTURER’S SIGN HOD’S SIGN DATE: 18-12-2014 DATE: 18-12-2014